Will Obama's poll bounce last?

It is a cold hard fact that 911 happened when we had republicans in charge of our entire government.

Entire government? Last time I checked Democrats controlled the Senate at the time. And the Senate is part of our government unless something has changed when I was busy elsewhere. So clearly it's not a cold hard fact that 911 happened when we had Republicans in charge of our entire government. In fact, it's a complete lie.

Now, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you said this out of complete ignorance rather than a malicious intention to lie. But that doesn't say much for your credibility or any other argument you make.

TM, contrary to what you might think and what others might feel, I have no ill will toward you. Quite the contrary, I want you to clean up your language and start being more thoughtful in your dialogue and with your facts so we can have real discussion. I want you to actually love the truth. No matter whether it goes along with your idealogy or not. Because until you do, you will never grow. Please, stop being so careless with facts. Seek out the truth. Read and try to understand what your opponents are actually thinking rather than just assigning them the worst possible motives and dismissing them without taking any thought to their point of view. When you actually seek to understand your opponents, then you will learn alot of truth you are currently keeping yourself from.
Why do you think a fact is something that should not be mentioned?

TM, you Trolling robot from the island of unwanted misfit toys... It's not that the "fact" is wrong it's what you imply with your facts.

Actually, as i just point out, her "fact" is wrong. Democrats controlled the Senate so the Entire government was not controlled by Republicans.
Actually, Bush went as low as 25%.

Polls can affect president's hold on party - USATODAY.com

Click comparison.

If he only bounced 11 points, that is actually pretty dismal.

What does an 11 pt. bounce say to you?

It says to me that people that disapprove of Obama are surprisingly (to me) steadfast in that disapproval.

I would've expected a bounce much greater.

I expected it as well. After 911 though, the country came together. Today we are so divided that if Obama had gone out there and pulled the trigger himself, some would still refuse to give him credit or accolades.

Meh, it gives Obama the impetus to win big in 2012.
The right was all over this claiming it was all his fault.

And yet, I get the feeling that you don't believe this is true.

I don't remember the right blaming Clinton for the bombings. Maybe some did. I wasnt paying attention back then. But let's say they did. If they were blaming Clinton, were they correct to? Or are they being partisan and denying the truth?

If they blamed Clinton, and it's a lie, how would you blaming Republicans be more honest?
It says that on very rare occasions government doesn't fuck up, and everyone is astonished enought to give credit to even the least worthy among its membership:

Obama discredited the CIA almost immediately after entering office.

Now they've served up OBL to him, and he's supposed to get "Extra Credit":eusa_hand:

Sorry if you are this naive.

Your ignorance is staggering..

Fact: Obama discredited CIA tactics
Fact: CIA tactics found OBL
Fact: Obama used CIA Tactics to order OBL killed

If you cannot connect these three dots, I'm not surprised, Obamot.

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Is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so...
Your ignorance is staggering..

Fact: Obama discredited CIA tactics
Fact: CIA tactics found OBL
Fact: Obama used CIA Tactics to order OBL killed

If you cannot connect these three dots, I'm not surprised, Obamot.

Is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so
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Is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so
Is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so...

^^So Sarah acts like a 'BOT' :lol:
Polls wont change the facts the OBL is dead and it happened under Obama and that on 9/11/2001 we had an entirely republican government.

Repeating it over and over doesn't change the fact that that Democrats had control of the Senate on 9/11. You can pretend otherwise as much as you'd like, but it doesn't make it true TM.

And what the heck do you mean polls don't matter? You are the one trumpeting the poll! You want us to marvel that Obama is up 11 points but it really doesn't matter?

Of course the polls don't matter now. Because what's important now is not indictative of what will be important in a year and a half. Those will likely be the economic issues unless something major has changed by then.

OBL won't even be an issue in the 2012 election which hasn't even really started.
it's not an inconvenient truth. we know who the president was and I'm not fond of that president. but this is turd splatters being a partisan hack piece of shit waste of oxygen. she should have to choose between jumping to her death and suffocating.

so many of you seem to have real hatred towards truthmatters, so much hatred, in fact, that it does not matter what she posts.

if she wouln't make commments like that, she wouldn't be hated. I was trying to help her out but she's too fucking stupid and full of bile to notice. Fuck her. May she die a slow death and be eaten by rats.

Maybe if was treated like a basic human being consistantly for a period of time she might soften her heart and listen to what others have to say. I've found that having love for others is more productive than hate, if not for their sake, at least for our own.
Fact: Obama discredited CIA tactics
Fact: CIA tactics found OBL
Fact: Obama used CIA Tactics to order OBL killed

If you cannot connect these three dots, I'm not surprised, Obamot.

Is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so
Is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so
Is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so
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Is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so
Is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so
Is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so, is that so...

^^So Sarah acts like a 'BOT' :lol:

Yeah, it's all some of you wingnuts understand..
I expected it as well. After 911 though, the country came together. Today we are so divided that if Obama had gone out there and pulled the trigger himself, some would still refuse to give him credit or accolades.

Meh, it gives Obama the impetus to win big in 2012.

I get the feeling that you and your friends are going to be extreme surprised in November 2012.

The difference between this and 9/11 is that President Bush wasnt going around trying to give himself accolades, nor were his supporters doing that. No one was concerned with polls or making sure Bush got credit.

It seems that Obama and his supporters are trying to make this all about him. And it's not. It's about Americans.

The people have given Obama all the credit he deserves. He made the call. He gets the credit. That doesn't mean no one ever thinks anything he does in office is bad. It doesn't make up for the past two years of garbage. Nor will it save him in an election when the people are concerned about the issues.

Obama might pull off a victory in 2012. He might not. Either way, OBL wont be a factor in it.

It might also have helped Bush that he was still at the beginning of his term. People weren't really impressed but they still had open minds. Obama is two years in. He has a record. There is a difference there too.
I expected it as well. After 911 though, the country came together. Today we are so divided that if Obama had gone out there and pulled the trigger himself, some would still refuse to give him credit or accolades.

Meh, it gives Obama the impetus to win big in 2012.

I get the feeling that you and your friends are going to be extreme surprised in November 2012.

The difference between this and 9/11 is that President Bush wasnt going around trying to give himself accolades, nor were his supporters doing that. No one was concerned with polls or making sure Bush got credit.

It seems that Obama and his supporters are trying to make this all about him. And it's not. It's about Americans.

The people have given Obama all the credit he deserves. He made the call. He gets the credit. That doesn't mean no one ever thinks anything he does in office is bad. It doesn't make up for the past two years of garbage. Nor will it save him in an election when the people are concerned about the issues.

Obama might pull off a victory in 2012. He might not. Either way, OBL wont be a factor in it.

It might also have helped Bush that he was still at the beginning of his term. People weren't really impressed but they still had open minds. Obama is two years in. He has a record. There is a difference there too.

The difference between this and 9/11 is that President Bush wasnt going around trying to give himself accolades, nor were his supporters doing that. No one was concerned with polls or making sure Bush got credit.

I recall a certian video released shorty after 9/11 it was bush sitting reading to a group of children and the left complained that he sat there for 10 mins with the children. It was played over and over and over.
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They are allowed to mention 911 all they want yet lose their minds when a clear cut set of facts are laid on the table.

ON 9/11/2001 the entire American government was run by the republican party.

Then they said for years they kept us safe.

that statement is incorrect, slice it anyway you like and I have spelled out why. Someone defended agreed and defended- http://www.usmessageboard.com/3605750-post229.html,
what can I say? Thats on them.

the 107th congress switched up in june of 01, Daschle became the majority senate leader as they had a 1 seat advantage, that is a fact, it is what it is.

I never made a case that it would matter or not who controlled it, the plan had been in motion for a very long time, it was just the usual hyper partisan stab at relevancy that TM likes to take,and it ended in the usual fashion.
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^^So Sarah acts like a 'BOT' :lol:

Yeah, it's all some of you wingnuts understand..

Some of us understood it in the first utterence. Par for the course for you however.
After 9/11, President Bush bounced to an overall approval rating of 90%. Then the democrats went to work on him. How long did that approval rating last. Obama is toast. :up:

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