Will president Trump's jackbooted thugs go door to door searching for illegals?

Abortions are legal. Do you approve of them?

No. After those body part videos, sick twisted White hags sipping white wine talking murder and scrap the parts. Too much for me.

Oh, you mean those "doctored" videos that have been proven to be "fake"...? You still believe that shit?

Personally I think they should put up a 24 hour Quicky Abortion Mart on every exit road from the RES.
25-40 thousand going to an Event disrupted by 1000 leftitst loons. Some waited 5 hours in line to be sent packing. Nothing billy club to knee cap can't fix. Don't let them disrupt civil society. Get 40' shipping trailers and stuff them in there by the hundreds till problem out of way. Few nuts cannot take over cities, it can grow to huge mob, riot, war.
Oh, you mean those "doctored" videos that have been proven to be "fake"...? You still believe that shit?

leftist talking points never stop. had huge post written, dumped it. Go back and drink your Fire Water.
You get rid of one troll and another takes its place. now you have lakhota hitting everyone's post with smile faces. I'd like to shut that feature off. if anyone know how to do it, please let me know. they have ruined this board now it's just another leftist romper room filled with hateful people
Adolf Trump is whining his ass off. I've been listening to him whine on CNN and MSNBC about the Chicago event. Trump instigates this shit - and then plays the VICTIM. Sadly funny...
Adolf Trump is whining his ass off. I've been listening to him whine on CNN and MSNBC about the Chicago event. Trump instigates this shit - and then plays the VICTIM. Sadly funny...
Wha?? whose events have trumps supporters disrupted? loretta lynch is a nazi.

Adolf Trump and his thugs are dangerous to America and the world.
Would be nice if we actuallt tried enforcing the law for once.

What "constitutional" laws are not being enforced?
Immigration law. If you could quit defending your nazi admin for a sec, lets just try enforcing existing law.

How are "immigration laws" not being enforced?
employers arent being fined for hiring illegals and we arent securing the border. loreeta lynch is a jackboot, i know you agree with me

You forgot issuing work permits to people not legally eligible for them.
I have always said, start with the ones in Jail, probation or await trial. You got prints and pics, ID. When you find them, off they go to jail "down there". If "down there" lets them out, they won't get back in over wall. That takes care of probably millions of them. Then you see who else you can round up.

Then go after Visa overstays..........pretty soon you may have some good ones left? case by case?
When will Adoph lynchs nazis go door to door to murder those who think their climate change crap is a hoax?
How are "immigration laws" not being enforced?

He pulled the border patrol off Federal lands, wide open spots in Texas. He put them running daycare for the 50K per month coming by train. Mothers raped and pushed over border with kids. Mexico knows nothing. Catch and release (court date two years out) like fishing for bass. You must come legally or get deported. Commie playbook, overwhelm the system.

No that's Clive and Piven.
Too bad both of your sides are absurd. You people are so caught up in party politics that you can't see past your own noses. How sad.
No one missed it when lakhota wasn't around and dang it's back with their normal spewing
I don't see both sides? I missed the whole thing. I heard some news, Trump talking. Sounds like some loons forced way into event and started up some crap? heard big group outside of event taunting citizens going to a planned event?

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