Will Real Men Vote for Kamala Harris? Polls Paint Bleak Picture for Democrats


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
The metrosexual 'men' will be out shopping for draperies, enjoying their vegan brownies with a latte, wondering if their skinny jeans make their butts look too big. While they're out and about, they'll stop at their precinct, slip into a voting booth, and punch the ballot for Kimulla. They'll leave with a hurt expression on their faces, discovering the lever broke a nail.
If they're lucky, they won't be late for that casual lunch with David and Andrew.

Vice President Kamala Harris is struggling to garner support among male voters, according to polling data.

A new poll, conducted by the Economist and YouGov between July 21 and 23, showed that only 39 percent of men said they would vote for Harris, while 47 percent said they would vote for former President Donald Trump. The poll surveyed 1,435 registered voters and had a margin of error of 3.1 percent.

These three "men" (meaning all three have a penis) will....


Obama’s Coup Sidelined Biden,25th In Play,Trump Prepared,They Fell ...

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It does not matter, they merely erect a stage of plausibility around her, she allowed in at the minimum, 20,000,000 illegal aliens since 2020, the minimum mind you, and they are already registering them to vote, which is what they did with Biden, who most likely received no more than 40-50,000,000 lawful votes in 2020, and another 30-41,000,000 illegal votes, all via drop boxes and mail it in ballot schemes!

All they do, and we can watch them do so in real time, is erect their stage of plausibility around her, then flood the system with the fraud in November, and they are going to do exactly that, then act violent and Satanic at the very notion she is not lawful!

Trump/Vance are not going to be elected, or rather the outcome is already calculated, this ends in war and the total eradication of the fascist democrat machine and its base of support, every one of whom considers cheating to be a righteous path to victory, this ends in war! :wink:
The metrosexual 'men' will be out shopping for draperies, enjoying their vegan brownies with a latte, wondering if their skinny jeans make their butts look too big. While they're out and about, they'll stop at their precinct, slip into a voting booth, and punch the ballot for Kimulla. They'll leave with a hurt expression on their faces, discovering the lever broke a nail.
If they're lucky, they won't be late for that casual lunch with David and Andrew.

Still having issues in the dating department, eh?

That's ok. You may want to go the route of your orange loser. If he could get a mail-order bride, so can you. All the best. Please keep us informed of your progress. :itsok:
The metrosexual 'men' will be out shopping for draperies, enjoying their vegan brownies with a latte, wondering if their skinny jeans make their butts look too big. While they're out and about, they'll stop at their precinct, slip into a voting booth, and punch the ballot for Kimulla. They'll leave with a hurt expression on their faces, discovering the lever broke a nail.
If they're lucky, they won't be late for that casual lunch with David and Andrew.

I can't lie. When I see the state of young "men" today, it is vastly different from anything in the past. I've seen and heard interviews and I worry about what would happen if they have to step up to the plate and defend their nation.

A guy doesn't have to be macho or some manufactured, pre-defined alpha male, but, the drop off from the strong willed generation of say, the 1940s to today is steep as hell.

Part of this is the engineering and even the dangers in society. Give a woman a compliment you will be viewed as a sexist pig. Take a stance on a position that isn't feminine and you are viewed as a chauvanist looking to reinforce the matriarch of white men.

We are turning what should be men into boys. When it requires the stepping up of Good Men, we will be in a real short supply. The entire gender war seems real and without question our enemies love it. They know that the fewer men of strong character, mental fortitude and uncompromising commitment, the easier it is for them to win.
The metrosexual 'men' will be out shopping for draperies, enjoying their vegan brownies with a latte, wondering if their skinny jeans make their butts look too big. While they're out and about, they'll stop at their precinct, slip into a voting booth, and punch the ballot for Kimulla. They'll leave with a hurt expression on their faces, discovering the lever broke a nail.
If they're lucky, they won't be late for that casual lunch with David and Andrew.

What, in your opinion, is a "real" man?
I can't lie. When I see the state of young "men" today, it is vastly different from anything in the past. I've seen and heard interviews and I worry about what would happen if they have to step up to the plate and defend their nation.

A guy doesn't have to be macho or some manufactured, pre-defined alpha male, but, the drop off from the strong willed generation of say, the 1940s to today is steep as hell.

Part of this is the engineering and even the dangers in society. Give a woman a compliment you will be viewed as a sexist pig. Take a stance on a position that isn't feminine and you are viewed as a chauvanist looking to reinforce the matriarch of white men.

We are turning what should be men into boys. When it requires the stepping up of Good Men, we will be in a real short supply. The entire gender war seems real and without question our enemies love it. They know that the fewer men of strong character, mental fortitude and uncompromising commitment, the easier it is for them to win.

The WWII generation of men are rolling over in their graves.
What, in your opinion, is a "real" man?

It's not you:

A grating sound, produced by friction, or fractured part of brain. Not of man.
To enjoy the fruition of interior designing. Unruggedness, desiring two baths each day. Endless searches, for best hair salon.
'The crepitus man, wears pink panties from Victor's Confidential'
It's not you:

A grating sound, produced by friction, or fractured part of brain. Not of man.
To enjoy the fruition of interior designing. Unruggedness, desiring two baths each day. Endless searches, for best hair salon.
'The crepitus man, wears pink panties from Victor's Confidential'
That's nice, kiddo.

Wanna answer the question now?

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