Will Republicans draft Paul Ryan to run for President? We can only hope.



Armey: Draft Paul Ryan for President

“We have about two million activists across the country and, frankly, we are disappointed,” he said. “Now, obviously, we have to start looking, and I was just saying this morning, maybe it’s time to start drafting Paul Ryan.”

Power Line - Paul Ryan for President

All of this raises the important question: Should Ryan run for President? Right now everyone is saying the Republican field is "lackluster" or boring. I don't happen to agree. I'm a fan of both Pawlenty and Daniels. (I've seen Pawlenty in person lately and thought he was quite good, and getting better by the day.) But to the extent there is any truth to this, Ryan looks like the one person who could electrify the Republican electorate, appeal to independent voters, and sustain an argument against Obama that would make for a decisive election.


I hope he runs. I really do. He's just the candidate Republicans need.
He'll cut taxes for the wealthy and cut entitlements. Entitlements need fixing, but I'm not sure Ryan's plan is the best option. I prefer higher taxes on the wealthy and no freebies. Buy health insurance or fucking die.
The grisly stats are:
50% of the medical system is used on 5% of the chronically/seriously ill
25% is used on the dying
25% is used on the rest of us.

I prefer rationing to Ryan's plan. You get as much as you pay for, after that its hospice time.
The reality is it doesn't really matter who gets the Republican nomination.

The election is going to be a referendum on Obama and his policies which are driving this country into the ground. 9% unemployment, record foreclosures, and the largest deficit ever made by a President and his dem Congress.

At this point Dems need a frontrunner Republican more than Republicans do so they can start their personal attacks. God knows they can't win on Obama's record.
The reality is it doesn't really matter who gets the Republican nomination.

The election is going to be a referendum on Obama and his policies which are driving this country into the ground. 9% unemployment, record foreclosures, and the largest deficit ever made by a President and his dem Congress.

At this point Dems need a frontrunner Republican more than Republicans do so they can start their personal attacks. God knows they can't win on Obama's record.

Doesn't matter who the republican frontrunner is, they will lose to Obama.
The reality is it doesn't really matter who gets the Republican nomination.

The election is going to be a referendum on Obama and his policies which are driving this country into the ground. 9% unemployment, record foreclosures, and the largest deficit ever made by a President and his dem Congress.

At this point Dems need a frontrunner Republican more than Republicans do so they can start their personal attacks. God knows they can't win on Obama's record.

Doesn't matter who the republican frontrunner is, they will lose to Obama.

Just like the Dems kept their control of Congress in 2010 eh?
The reality is it doesn't really matter who gets the Republican nomination.

The election is going to be a referendum on Obama and his policies which are driving this country into the ground. 9% unemployment, record foreclosures, and the largest deficit ever made by a President and his dem Congress.

At this point Dems need a frontrunner Republican more than Republicans do so they can start their personal attacks. God knows they can't win on Obama's record.

Obama doesn't get the blame for unemployment and unemployment was around 11% during Reagan's third year in office.
Just like the Dems kept their control of Congress in 2010 eh?

Republicans ran in 2010 as defenders of Medicare. Worked well for them.

In the 2006 midterm election, seniors split their vote evenly between House Democrats and Republicans. This time [2010], they went for Republicans by a twenty-one-point margin. The impact of that swing was magnified by the fact that seniors, always pretty reliable midterm voters, were particularly fired up: nearly a quarter of the votes cast were from people over sixty-five. The election has been termed the “revolt of the middle class.” But it might more accurately be called the revolt of the retired.

Making dismantling Medicare the centerpiece of the GOP's domestic agenda and forcing everyone in the House to go on record with a vote on dismantling Medicare shortly after the election? Likely a very serious tactical misstep.

Ryan for President!
Didn't McConnell (R) just finish throwing him (his plan) under the bus in the Senate?
Just like the Dems kept their control of Congress in 2010 eh?

Republicans ran in 2010 as defenders of Medicare. Worked well for them.

In the 2006 midterm election, seniors split their vote evenly between House Democrats and Republicans. This time [2010], they went for Republicans by a twenty-one-point margin. The impact of that swing was magnified by the fact that seniors, always pretty reliable midterm voters, were particularly fired up: nearly a quarter of the votes cast were from people over sixty-five. The election has been termed the “revolt of the middle class.” But it might more accurately be called the revolt of the retired.

Making dismantling Medicare the centerpiece of the GOP's domestic agenda and forcing everyone in the House to go on record with a vote on dismantling Medicare shortly after the election? Likely a very serious tactical misstep.

Ryan for President!

'Dismantling of Medicare'? Medicare is going to dismantle itself if it isn't reformed one way or another. I have yet to hear of any Dem solution, they would rather just let it implode and when Repubs try to fix it, immediately use scare tactics to gain more senior votes.
Just like the Dems kept their control of Congress in 2010 eh?

Republicans ran in 2010 as defenders of Medicare. Worked well for them.

In the 2006 midterm election, seniors split their vote evenly between House Democrats and Republicans. This time [2010], they went for Republicans by a twenty-one-point margin. The impact of that swing was magnified by the fact that seniors, always pretty reliable midterm voters, were particularly fired up: nearly a quarter of the votes cast were from people over sixty-five. The election has been termed the “revolt of the middle class.” But it might more accurately be called the revolt of the retired.

Making dismantling Medicare the centerpiece of the GOP's domestic agenda and forcing everyone in the House to go on record with a vote on dismantling Medicare shortly after the election? Likely a very serious tactical misstep. Ryan for President!

Wrong. The 2010 mid-terms were about the Tea Party and stopping the dems' runaway spending. It was about the Budget and wasteful spending more than anything. I also seem to remember BO letting the Bush tax cuts get extended, why was that??
If they’re going to ‘draft’ anyone it should be Huntsman or Christie – Ryan is poison.

Relax, no one is going to beat Romney except maybe Obama, if the economy revs up.

Why would Ryan or Christie run in 2012 when they could run in 2016?
The reality is it doesn't really matter who gets the Republican nomination.

The election is going to be a referendum on Obama and his policies which are driving this country into the ground. 9% unemployment, record foreclosures, and the largest deficit ever made by a President and his dem Congress.

At this point Dems need a frontrunner Republican more than Republicans do so they can start their personal attacks. God knows they can't win on Obama's record.

Obama doesn't get the blame for unemployment and unemployment was around 11% during Reagan's third year in office.

After having high unemployment for so long and not being able to fix it, the President will get the blame for it. Its just the way its always been. Personally I don't believe the President is soley responsible for the economy, that is much more on Congress. But his Party was in control since 2007 and he was a part of that Congress so he and his party get full credit for it.
The reality is it doesn't really matter who gets the Republican nomination.

The election is going to be a referendum on Obama and his policies which are driving this country into the ground. 9% unemployment, record foreclosures, and the largest deficit ever made by a President and his dem Congress.

At this point Dems need a frontrunner Republican more than Republicans do so they can start their personal attacks. God knows they can't win on Obama's record.

Obama doesn't get the blame for unemployment and unemployment was around 11% during Reagan's third year in office.

Reagan ain't president now, Obama is. He'll get the blame. And that's a shit load of votes he can count on loosing.
If they’re going to ‘draft’ anyone it should be Huntsman or Christie – Ryan is poison.
Huntsman a Mormon and Christie's fat. America is, what America is.

I forgot about that. Yeah. He'll split Romney's vote. Not looking to good for them at the moment :( And yes, for some reason, Presidents are expected to look reasonably fit now 'a days. I could care less how someone looks as long as they do the right thing.
Armey: Draft Paul Ryan for President

“We have about two million activists across the country and, frankly, we are disappointed,” he said. “Now, obviously, we have to start looking, and I was just saying this morning, maybe it’s time to start drafting Paul Ryan.”

Power Line - Paul Ryan for President

All of this raises the important question: Should Ryan run for President? Right now everyone is saying the Republican field is "lackluster" or boring. I don't happen to agree. I'm a fan of both Pawlenty and Daniels. (I've seen Pawlenty in person lately and thought he was quite good, and getting better by the day.) But to the extent there is any truth to this, Ryan looks like the one person who could electrify the Republican electorate, appeal to independent voters, and sustain an argument against Obama that would make for a decisive election.


I hope he runs. I really do. He's just the candidate Republicans need.

Any person who runs on the Republican side are already gonna hafta answer questions in regard to Ryan's medicare killing plan.. But if Ryan himself ran.. Now that.. would be a big gift with a bow on the top to the Democrats.

I honestly don't think he will, though.

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