Will Rioters Hand the Election to Trump?

Yeah, run with that, "bub."

View attachment 73492

Gallup says his negative rating is 60%. Hillary's is 55%, so that doesn't appear to be much of a handicap for Trump.

Trump's Negative Image

People view Hillary more favorable than Trump.

Trump's current net favorable/unfavorable rating is -37%.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable

Hillary's current net favorable/unfavorable is rating -17%.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Clinton: Favorable/Unfavorable

That's a big gap.

And Trump's negatives are the highest in polling history.

Never has a candidate been attacked as viciously as Trump. Despite all the millions in negative advertising directed at him, he still managed to vanquish all his primary opponents. It's no surprise that this campaign against him has had an effect on his favorability ratings. However, it has the Hillary campaign quacking in their boots. The general campaign is going to be one-on-one. Hillary won't be able to gang up on Trump as 17 Republican candidates did.
Never has a candidate been attacked as viciously as Trump.

Another Bold Assertion, Bri?

Appears from the EVIDENCE that Trump has enjoyed a fairly consistent level of "unfavorability".....

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable

The establishment weasels and leftwing douche bags have been attacking him since the day he announced his candidacy, and for the same reason: He made illegal immigration an issue.

The Donald has a long and distinguished career as a braying asshole.....what's not to unfavor?
Do you consider yourself smarter than Bripat?

You ARE jealous aren't you?

Is that a "yes"?

What the fuck does the name say? Can you read?
Do you have a point besides the empty one between your ears?

Bripat, who also cast two unapologetic votes for Scrub, doesn't struggle with....uh......"Scrub"........you, on the other hand.......which leads me to ask if you think, in spite of the abundant evidence to the contrary, that you you are smarter than Bri....

I mean, I'm setting the bar pretty low here......I could have put you up against Stephanie right off the bat....

Someone who thinks Algore and Lurch would have been better choices than Bush has no right to denigrate the intelligence of any other forum member.


I have evidence on my side......all you have is speculation.....
Would anyone present who did NOT cast two votes for Scrub please raise their hands?

Thought so......

Given the alternatives of Algor and Lurch, Bush was the only choice.

Speaking of Lurch what a lying asshole. He just lectured the world on climate change and fossil fuels...while his own fortune is invested in over 100 fossil fuel corporations vs 4 alternative energy companies.
GWB the only choice ?? America voted against him in the general vote and 1000's of our soldiers would be walking NOT buried if the ah lost instead of being selected Thanks to repub party

The idea that Algore would have kept America safe doesn't pass the laugh test.

We know you thought otherwise of Commander Bunnypants......and look...


To think that he had only just begun....
Apparently you believe you have made a point of some kind.
Given the alternatives of Algor and Lurch, Bush was the only choice.

Speaking of Lurch what a lying asshole. He just lectured the world on climate change and fossil fuels...while his own fortune is invested in over 100 fossil fuel corporations vs 4 alternative energy companies.
GWB the only choice ?? America voted against him in the general vote and 1000's of our soldiers would be walking NOT buried if the ah lost instead of being selected Thanks to repub party

The idea that Algore would have kept America safe doesn't pass the laugh test.
Well Bri he might not have BUT GOING BACK IN TIME he sure would have a better chance of doing so than the war moron gwb How much on even a bad day could gore do worse than gwb?

There is absolutely no chance of that. Algore is a moron.
And the guy who started a bullshit war gave taxcuts to our most wealthy was brilliant by you I'd much rather have the unknown than the known the pub moron bush gave us
Gallup says his negative rating is 60%. Hillary's is 55%, so that doesn't appear to be much of a handicap for Trump.

Trump's Negative Image

People view Hillary more favorable than Trump.

Trump's current net favorable/unfavorable rating is -37%.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable

Hillary's current net favorable/unfavorable is rating -17%.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Clinton: Favorable/Unfavorable

That's a big gap.

And Trump's negatives are the highest in polling history.

Never has a candidate been attacked as viciously as Trump. Despite all the millions in negative advertising directed at him, he still managed to vanquish all his primary opponents. It's no surprise that this campaign against him has had an effect on his favorability ratings. However, it has the Hillary campaign quacking in their boots. The general campaign is going to be one-on-one. Hillary won't be able to gang up on Trump as 17 Republican candidates did.
Never has a candidate been attacked as viciously as Trump.

Another Bold Assertion, Bri?

Appears from the EVIDENCE that Trump has enjoyed a fairly consistent level of "unfavorability".....

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable

The establishment weasels and leftwing douche bags have been attacking him since the day he announced his candidacy, and for the same reason: He made illegal immigration an issue.

The Donald has a long and distinguished career as a braying asshole.....what's not to unfavor?

Are you sure you aren't referring to Hillary?
Given the alternatives of Algor and Lurch, Bush was the only choice.

Speaking of Lurch what a lying asshole. He just lectured the world on climate change and fossil fuels...while his own fortune is invested in over 100 fossil fuel corporations vs 4 alternative energy companies.
GWB the only choice ?? America voted against him in the general vote and 1000's of our soldiers would be walking NOT buried if the ah lost instead of being selected Thanks to repub party

The idea that Algore would have kept America safe doesn't pass the laugh test.

We know you thought otherwise of Commander Bunnypants......and look...


To think that he had only just begun....
Apparently you believe you have made a point of some kind.

I would say that it demonstrates, unambiguously, that "keeping America safe" wasn't exactly Scrub's strong suit....Boldly Asserting otherwise might satisfy the clinical definition of Insanity....
People view Hillary more favorable than Trump.

Trump's current net favorable/unfavorable rating is -37%.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable

Hillary's current net favorable/unfavorable is rating -17%.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Clinton: Favorable/Unfavorable

That's a big gap.

And Trump's negatives are the highest in polling history.

Never has a candidate been attacked as viciously as Trump. Despite all the millions in negative advertising directed at him, he still managed to vanquish all his primary opponents. It's no surprise that this campaign against him has had an effect on his favorability ratings. However, it has the Hillary campaign quacking in their boots. The general campaign is going to be one-on-one. Hillary won't be able to gang up on Trump as 17 Republican candidates did.
Never has a candidate been attacked as viciously as Trump.

Another Bold Assertion, Bri?

Appears from the EVIDENCE that Trump has enjoyed a fairly consistent level of "unfavorability".....

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable

The establishment weasels and leftwing douche bags have been attacking him since the day he announced his candidacy, and for the same reason: He made illegal immigration an issue.

The Donald has a long and distinguished career as a braying asshole.....what's not to unfavor?

Are you sure you aren't referring to Hillary?

You ARE jealous aren't you?

Is that a "yes"?

What the fuck does the name say? Can you read?
Do you have a point besides the empty one between your ears?

Bripat, who also cast two unapologetic votes for Scrub, doesn't struggle with....uh......"Scrub"........you, on the other hand.......which leads me to ask if you think, in spite of the abundant evidence to the contrary, that you you are smarter than Bri....

I mean, I'm setting the bar pretty low here......I could have put you up against Stephanie right off the bat....

Someone who thinks Algore and Lurch would have been better choices than Bush has no right to denigrate the intelligence of any other forum member.


I have evidence on my side......all you have is speculation.....

The evidence the Algore and Lurch are morons is irrefutable. That pathetic Iranian agreement is proof in the case of the later.
I don't know what these rioters (so-called "protesters") think they are doing, but defeating Trump isn't one of them. Stuff like you see below doesn't convince normal legal Americans to feel sympathetic to their cause.

Will Rioters Hand the Election to Trump?


I think Donald Trump likely will defeat Hillary Clinton, simply because she is such a terrible candidate. But if the current trend toward anti-Trump riots and violence continues, Trump could win going away.

Last night in Orange County, Trump addressed a crowd of thousands. Anti-Trump demonstrators, some waving Mexican flags, attacked policemen and bystanders. The liberalLos Angeles Times reports:

Hundreds of demonstrators filled the street outside the Orange County amphitheater where Donald Trump held a rally Thursday night, stomping on cars, hurling rocks at motorists and forcefully [!] declaring their opposition to the Republican presidential candidate.

Traffic came to a halt as a boisterous crowd walked in the roadway, some waving American and Mexican flags. Protesters smashed a window on at least one police cruiser, punctured the tires of a police sport utility vehicle, and at one point tried to flip a police car.

One Costa Mesa police officer was struck in the head by a rock thrown by a protestor, authorities said.

The rioters “appeared to be mostly Latinos in their late teens and 20s.” Seventeen were arrested.

Is this similar to the gay movement trying to advance their cause by acting inappropriate? Becoming violent, or otherwise toxic rarely helps to advance a cause.......some posters might think about that the next time they start hurling insults to other posters on this forum.
Speaking of Lurch what a lying asshole. He just lectured the world on climate change and fossil fuels...while his own fortune is invested in over 100 fossil fuel corporations vs 4 alternative energy companies.
GWB the only choice ?? America voted against him in the general vote and 1000's of our soldiers would be walking NOT buried if the ah lost instead of being selected Thanks to repub party

The idea that Algore would have kept America safe doesn't pass the laugh test.

We know you thought otherwise of Commander Bunnypants......and look...


To think that he had only just begun....
Apparently you believe you have made a point of some kind.

I would say that it demonstrates, unambiguously, that "keeping America safe" wasn't exactly Scrub's strong suit....Boldly Asserting otherwise might satisfy the clinical definition of Insanity....

Blaming Bush for 9/11 is the sure sign of a leftwing douche bag. Americans weren't willing at the time to tolerate the kind of security measures that would have prevented it. If anyone is to blame, it's Clinton who had several opportunities to apprehend bin Laden, and he declined them all.
Never has a candidate been attacked as viciously as Trump. Despite all the millions in negative advertising directed at him, he still managed to vanquish all his primary opponents. It's no surprise that this campaign against him has had an effect on his favorability ratings. However, it has the Hillary campaign quacking in their boots. The general campaign is going to be one-on-one. Hillary won't be able to gang up on Trump as 17 Republican candidates did.
Never has a candidate been attacked as viciously as Trump.

Another Bold Assertion, Bri?

Appears from the EVIDENCE that Trump has enjoyed a fairly consistent level of "unfavorability".....

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable

The establishment weasels and leftwing douche bags have been attacking him since the day he announced his candidacy, and for the same reason: He made illegal immigration an issue.

The Donald has a long and distinguished career as a braying asshole.....what's not to unfavor?

Are you sure you aren't referring to Hillary?


Yes, reality. Hillary is more offensive to productive Americans then Trump is to any of your favored parasite groups.
I got news for you, bub, all men have said similar things at one time or another, and most of those comments were directed at particular women who made similar comments about him.

Yeah, run with that, "bub."

View attachment 73492

Gallup says his negative rating is 60%. Hillary's is 55%, so that doesn't appear to be much of a handicap for Trump.

Trump's Negative Image

People view Hillary more favorable than Trump.

Trump's current net favorable/unfavorable rating is -37%.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable

Hillary's current net favorable/unfavorable is rating -17%.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Clinton: Favorable/Unfavorable

That's a big gap.

And Trump's negatives are the highest in polling history.

Never has a candidate been attacked as viciously as Trump. Despite all the millions in negative advertising directed at him, he still managed to vanquish all his primary opponents. It's no surprise that this campaign against him has had an effect on his favorability ratings. However, it has the Hillary campaign quacking in their boots. The general campaign is going to be one-on-one. Hillary won't be able to gang up on Trump as 17 Republican candidates did.

First of all, it's utter nonsense that no one has been attacked as viciously as Trump. That's laughable, given that hardly any money was used on him in attack ads until deep into the campaign. But it's a nice narrative his supporters like to believe to reinforce a siege mentality.

Also, no candidate has ever received as much free publicity as Donald Trump. By some estimates, he has received over a billion dollars in free publicity. By that metric, you wonder how anyone could only receive 40% of the vote.

But even if what you say is true, it doesn't matter. The Democrats are going to fire up the negative ads like you've never seen before. And all they'll do is play what Trump has said himself on a continuous loop.

What a beatdown it's going to be. Trump is Hillary's dream opponent.
That's what the name says. Jealous?

Do you consider yourself smarter than Bripat?

You ARE jealous aren't you?

Is that a "yes"?

What the fuck does the name say? Can you read?
Do you have a point besides the empty one between your ears?

Bripat, who also cast two unapologetic votes for Scrub, doesn't struggle with....uh......"Scrub"........you, on the other hand.......which leads me to ask if you think, in spite of the abundant evidence to the contrary, that you you are smarter than Bri....

I mean, I'm setting the bar pretty low here......I could have put you up against Stephanie right off the bat....

When you get somewhere near a coherent point, make it moron. Otherwise go babble elsewhere.
GWB the only choice ?? America voted against him in the general vote and 1000's of our soldiers would be walking NOT buried if the ah lost instead of being selected Thanks to repub party

The idea that Algore would have kept America safe doesn't pass the laugh test.

We know you thought otherwise of Commander Bunnypants......and look...


To think that he had only just begun....
Apparently you believe you have made a point of some kind.

I would say that it demonstrates, unambiguously, that "keeping America safe" wasn't exactly Scrub's strong suit....Boldly Asserting otherwise might satisfy the clinical definition of Insanity....

Blaming Bush for 9/11 is the sure sign of a leftwing douche bag. Americans weren't willing at the time to tolerate the kind of security measures that would have prevented it. If anyone is to blame, it's Clinton who had several opportunities to apprehend bin Laden, and he declined them all.
How come it wasn't the prior presidents fault for all the bs obama has to go thru?? How come prior president only works when prior is a Dem??
Is that a "yes"?

What the fuck does the name say? Can you read?
Do you have a point besides the empty one between your ears?

Bripat, who also cast two unapologetic votes for Scrub, doesn't struggle with....uh......"Scrub"........you, on the other hand.......which leads me to ask if you think, in spite of the abundant evidence to the contrary, that you you are smarter than Bri....

I mean, I'm setting the bar pretty low here......I could have put you up against Stephanie right off the bat....

Someone who thinks Algore and Lurch would have been better choices than Bush has no right to denigrate the intelligence of any other forum member.


I have evidence on my side......all you have is speculation.....

The evidence the Algore and Lurch are morons is irrefutable. That pathetic Iranian agreement is proof in the case of the later.

What can you actually DEMONSTRATE, Bri?
Do you consider yourself smarter than Bripat?

You ARE jealous aren't you?

Is that a "yes"?

What the fuck does the name say? Can you read?
Do you have a point besides the empty one between your ears?

Bripat, who also cast two unapologetic votes for Scrub, doesn't struggle with....uh......"Scrub"........you, on the other hand.......which leads me to ask if you think, in spite of the abundant evidence to the contrary, that you you are smarter than Bri....

I mean, I'm setting the bar pretty low here......I could have put you up against Stephanie right off the bat....

Someone who thinks Algore and Lurch would have been better choices than Bush has no right to denigrate the intelligence of any other forum member.

That moron doesn't think. Period.
You ARE jealous aren't you?

Is that a "yes"?

What the fuck does the name say? Can you read?
Do you have a point besides the empty one between your ears?

Bripat, who also cast two unapologetic votes for Scrub, doesn't struggle with....uh......"Scrub"........you, on the other hand.......which leads me to ask if you think, in spite of the abundant evidence to the contrary, that you you are smarter than Bri....

I mean, I'm setting the bar pretty low here......I could have put you up against Stephanie right off the bat....

Someone who thinks Algore and Lurch would have been better choices than Bush has no right to denigrate the intelligence of any other forum member.


I have evidence on my side......all you have is speculation.....

You don't even know what you are saying, dumbass.
I got news for you, bub, all men have said similar things at one time or another, and most of those comments were directed at particular women who made similar comments about him.

Yeah, run with that, "bub."

View attachment 73492

Gallup says his negative rating is 60%. Hillary's is 55%, so that doesn't appear to be much of a handicap for Trump.

Trump's Negative Image

People view Hillary more favorable than Trump.

Trump's current net favorable/unfavorable rating is -37%.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable

Hillary's current net favorable/unfavorable is rating -17%.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Clinton: Favorable/Unfavorable

That's a big gap.

And Trump's negatives are the highest in polling history.

Never has a candidate been attacked as viciously as Trump. Despite all the millions in negative advertising directed at him, he still managed to vanquish all his primary opponents. It's no surprise that this campaign against him has had an effect on his favorability ratings. However, it has the Hillary campaign quacking in their boots. The general campaign is going to be one-on-one. Hillary won't be able to gang up on Trump as 17 Republican candidates did.

First of all, it's utter nonsense that no one has been attacked as viciously as Trump. That's laughable, given that hardly any money was used on him in attack ads until deep into the campaign. But it's a nice narrative his supporters like to believe to reinforce a siege mentality.

Also, no candidate has ever received as much free publicity as Donald Trump. By some estimates, he has received over a billion dollars in free publicity. By that metric, you wonder how anyone could only receive 40% of the vote.

But even if what you say is true, it doesn't matter. The Democrats are going to fire up the negative ads like you've never seen before. And all they'll do is play what Trump has said himself on a continuous loop.

What a beatdown it's going to be. Trump is Hillary's dream opponent.
He'll soon feel the shock and awe of his lifelong bs he's spread far and wide
Do you consider yourself smarter than Bripat?

You ARE jealous aren't you?

Is that a "yes"?

What the fuck does the name say? Can you read?
Do you have a point besides the empty one between your ears?

Bripat, who also cast two unapologetic votes for Scrub, doesn't struggle with....uh......"Scrub"........you, on the other hand.......which leads me to ask if you think, in spite of the abundant evidence to the contrary, that you you are smarter than Bri....

I mean, I'm setting the bar pretty low here......I could have put you up against Stephanie right off the bat....

When you get somewhere near a coherent point, make it moron. Otherwise go babble elsewhere.

You should go find a footstool and try to touch the bar.....work your way past Bripat and Stephanie, and perhaps you can challenge GassyIrishLass, or Vagilante...
Would anyone present who did NOT cast two votes for Scrub please raise their hands?

Thought so......

Given the alternatives of Algor and Lurch, Bush was the only choice.

Sure, Bri.......and the proof is in the pudding, right?

The proof is the record of these two incompetent douche bags. Lurch is a laughingstock as Secretary of State, and Gore has humiliated himself with all his lies and distortion about Climate Change.

How about Scrub's record?

238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

Presidential scholars...er...don't you mean people living in acadamia and never dealing with the real world.

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