Will riots occur if Donald Trump becomes US President?

But he's not that popular in China because he said he wants a trade war (high taxes on imports) with China and kind of sees Chinese as inferior.
I hope riots will not occur if Trump becomes the next US President and I am pretty sure nothing bad is gonna happen in USA :)

The Deep State has chosen Hillary. In all likelihood, Hillary will win the election no matter what the vote totals are.

The key is convincing Americans that the amount voted really does equal a victory for Hillary.

The only way Trump could win, is if an overwhelming majority of Americans voted for him. As it stands, that won't happen. The mainstream media (the MSM) is controlled by elites on both the left and the right, they all meet with establishment politicians at a place called the Pratt House in NY. . . It's called the Council on Foreign Relations. There, all the corporate media decide how every American will think about both Hillary and Trump. Debate moderators decide on questions for the debates, the media decides which stories they will cover, and how they will spin issues. THEY decide how the population will think about the nation and the election.

All significant media meets there, and with all the prominent political establishment.
Elites Push Government-funded "Public" Media
So, the election will be close enough so that by closing down polling stations in areas and at times when voters for Trump would be able to vote, or by losing absentee ballots or electronically flipping ballots, the game can be manipulated. The establishment has well over two decades of experience doing this. It's been done it in at least three presidential elections now. Not always for one party or the other.

The CFR doesn't play favorites. Sometimes the democrats have the candidate they want to accomplish their objectives, sometimes the republicans do. It just depends on who has the better globalist running. If the Republicans had nominated Cruz, I'm pretty sure the media would have been a little more non-partisan. There are some pretty ambitious war plans that the CFR had wanted to accomplish with the republicans in this election cycle. The progressives tend to be a bit too anti-war. That is why Soros has been so intent on keeping them distracted with BLM and all this SJW crap. However, Hillary will do. I heard a pretty scary private speech she made a few weeks ago about how she intends to pivot and turn on all those Sanders dupes. It was terrible.

The only way riots might, and I say might break out, are if independent exit polls proved that Trump garnered significantly more votes, but the individual sec. of states in the individual states either refused to certify the results, or the electoral college refused to carry out the will of the people. That might cause some folks to be a bit angry. But if the elites didn't do the will of the people, and they were still in control of the Deep State and the military, what are they going to do? Protest in their free speech zones and safe spaces? :badgrin:
I heard about CFR, the Trilateral Commission and all those international organizations.
What I have understood is that they're some kind of "world government" in the negative meaning of these words :)
I don't know what the reaction will be among the American people, but I'm certain the first response from Western Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand will be riotous laughter at the stupidity of the American voter, followed by, "holy shit, what will that fool do?".

The rest of the world from Asia to Africa will become fearful, followed by an immediate build up of arms knowing that fascism has come to America and a lunatic has access to the football.

Lots of Europeans like Donald. Many had your arrogance and condescension and got surprised by Brexit. Reality isn't what you want it to be.

"Lots of Europeans like Donald"? Lots? Well lots of American's like Donald too. Demagogues - a special set within the meaning of those afflicted with a Personality Disorder - are likable too, that is until one discovers their wallet and laptop missing.

Emotion, not reason, is what motivates people to support Trump. His behavior is erratic, his stump speech is classic hate and fear, and the plans he hopes to implement must be funded by The Congress, currently lead by establishment Republicans, McConnell and Ryan.

Remember when GWB claimed to be a "uniter"? The Donald could never make that claim, in fact he is a divider.

In fact even the social conservatives seems to be questioning their support for the Republican Party, given how they have been patronized by the Donald, and many of them have come to see the result in the bible (Mark 3.25), to wit: If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
Lots of Asians like Donald Trump too :)
I talked with some of my friends from Vietnam, Japan or China and some of them say they like Trump because he's more reasonable and rational than Hillary Clinton and he doesn't want a war against China or Russia.
A friend of mine from Saint Petersburg told me he wish Trump was a Russian so he could vote for him haha :D
yeah some of my asian friends also prefer Trump over Hillary
I don't know what the reaction will be among the American people, but I'm certain the first response from Western Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand will be riotous laughter at the stupidity of the American voter, followed by, "holy shit, what will that fool do?".

The rest of the world from Asia to Africa will become fearful, followed by an immediate build up of arms knowing that fascism has come to America and a lunatic has access to the football.

Lots of Europeans like Donald. Many had your arrogance and condescension and got surprised by Brexit. Reality isn't what you want it to be.

"Lots of Europeans like Donald"? Lots? Well lots of American's like Donald too. Demagogues - a special set within the meaning of those afflicted with a Personality Disorder - are likable too, that is until one discovers their wallet and laptop missing.

Emotion, not reason, is what motivates people to support Trump. His behavior is erratic, his stump speech is classic hate and fear, and the plans he hopes to implement must be funded by The Congress, currently lead by establishment Republicans, McConnell and Ryan.

Remember when GWB claimed to be a "uniter"? The Donald could never make that claim, in fact he is a divider.

In fact even the social conservatives seems to be questioning their support for the Republican Party, given how they have been patronized by the Donald, and many of them have come to see the result in the bible (Mark 3.25), to wit: If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
Lots of Asians like Donald Trump too :)
I talked with some of my friends from Vietnam, Japan or China and some of them say they like Trump because he's more reasonable and rational than Hillary Clinton and he doesn't want a war against China or Russia.
A friend of mine from Saint Petersburg told me he wish Trump was a Russian so he could vote for him haha :D

Anyone who has listened to Trump and considers him to be reasonable and even rational is (be nice, Wry) ... um mistaken.
I don't know what the reaction will be among the American people, but I'm certain the first response from Western Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand will be riotous laughter at the stupidity of the American voter, followed by, "holy shit, what will that fool do?".

The rest of the world from Asia to Africa will become fearful, followed by an immediate build up of arms knowing that fascism has come to America and a lunatic has access to the football.

Lots of Europeans like Donald. Many had your arrogance and condescension and got surprised by Brexit. Reality isn't what you want it to be.

"Lots of Europeans like Donald"? Lots? Well lots of American's like Donald too. Demagogues - a special set within the meaning of those afflicted with a Personality Disorder - are likable too, that is until one discovers their wallet and laptop missing.

Emotion, not reason, is what motivates people to support Trump. His behavior is erratic, his stump speech is classic hate and fear, and the plans he hopes to implement must be funded by The Congress, currently lead by establishment Republicans, McConnell and Ryan.

Remember when GWB claimed to be a "uniter"? The Donald could never make that claim, in fact he is a divider.

In fact even the social conservatives seems to be questioning their support for the Republican Party, given how they have been patronized by the Donald, and many of them have come to see the result in the bible (Mark 3.25), to wit: If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
Thanks for the huge popcorn fart. You said nothing with a bunch of words. Republicans don't divide, they are not leftists so the left pretends the right is divisive. They are totalitarians and only complete obeisance will do.

Hillary is not a uniter for the exact same reason. Like obama she would try to ram every leftist pipe dream she can down our throats and demonize any opposition.

The bible? Seriously?

What's a popcorn fart?

Lincoln used the meaning of Mark in his speech in 1858 on slavery. Of course the party of Lincoln, the Republican Party has transformed into the Republikan Party, from a progressive party to a fascist party.

The fact is (reality to which you are challenged by) is that many Republican stalwarts consider Trump a pharisee and have tossed their support to HRC. Why, because they know if it looks like a fascist, walks like a fascist and talks like a fascist it's probably a fascist.
You are all kinds of fucked up. The KKK were Democrats. There was no left goes right, right goes left switcheroo. That's only possible in the deranged mind of the post modern leftist. Go ahead and support your assertion if you can.

The leftists are the totalitarians, you lie every time you type. Lie lie lie, all day long, everyday.
I don't know what the reaction will be among the American people, but I'm certain the first response from Western Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand will be riotous laughter at the stupidity of the American voter, followed by, "holy shit, what will that fool do?".

The rest of the world from Asia to Africa will become fearful, followed by an immediate build up of arms knowing that fascism has come to America and a lunatic has access to the football.

Lots of Europeans like Donald. Many had your arrogance and condescension and got surprised by Brexit. Reality isn't what you want it to be.

"Lots of Europeans like Donald"? Lots? Well lots of American's like Donald too. Demagogues - a special set within the meaning of those afflicted with a Personality Disorder - are likable too, that is until one discovers their wallet and laptop missing.

Emotion, not reason, is what motivates people to support Trump. His behavior is erratic, his stump speech is classic hate and fear, and the plans he hopes to implement must be funded by The Congress, currently lead by establishment Republicans, McConnell and Ryan.

Remember when GWB claimed to be a "uniter"? The Donald could never make that claim, in fact he is a divider.

In fact even the social conservatives seems to be questioning their support for the Republican Party, given how they have been patronized by the Donald, and many of them have come to see the result in the bible (Mark 3.25), to wit: If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
First and foremost, the Donald's rise is directly linked to the absolute corruption of the establishment GOP(you know old koots and hags that have been there forever) The rotten practice of earmarks and backroom "deals" is absolutely what made the establishment GOP intolerable to a real conservative along with unlimited terms... they are reaping what they sow. Lol

Secondly - Barrys "hope and change" was and is a myth, it really is a load of shit that set back civility at least 50 years and has brought out the worst of people on all sides. People should not be so gullible that A career politician/puppet controlled by puppet masters that happens to be half black would make anything better... lol

Thirdly - hildabeast a colostomy bag and a pant suit, is so distrusted and hated on all sides it is a clown show. A normal every day Democrat should be running away with this 80 to 20 but the wretched thing that is the hildabeast has made parity out of the situation. And the baggage of the colostomy bag in a pant suit would fill up a double Dekker bus at least… Careful what you wish for. LOL
I don't know what the reaction will be among the American people, but I'm certain the first response from Western Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand will be riotous laughter at the stupidity of the American voter, followed by, "holy shit, what will that fool do?".

The rest of the world from Asia to Africa will become fearful, followed by an immediate build up of arms knowing that fascism has come to America and a lunatic has access to the football.

Lots of Europeans like Donald. Many had your arrogance and condescension and got surprised by Brexit. Reality isn't what you want it to be.

"Lots of Europeans like Donald"? Lots? Well lots of American's like Donald too. Demagogues - a special set within the meaning of those afflicted with a Personality Disorder - are likable too, that is until one discovers their wallet and laptop missing.

Emotion, not reason, is what motivates people to support Trump. His behavior is erratic, his stump speech is classic hate and fear, and the plans he hopes to implement must be funded by The Congress, currently lead by establishment Republicans, McConnell and Ryan.

Remember when GWB claimed to be a "uniter"? The Donald could never make that claim, in fact he is a divider.

In fact even the social conservatives seems to be questioning their support for the Republican Party, given how they have been patronized by the Donald, and many of them have come to see the result in the bible (Mark 3.25), to wit: If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
Lots of Asians like Donald Trump too :)
I talked with some of my friends from Vietnam, Japan or China and some of them say they like Trump because he's more reasonable and rational than Hillary Clinton and he doesn't want a war against China or Russia.
A friend of mine from Saint Petersburg told me he wish Trump was a Russian so he could vote for him haha :D

Anyone who has listened to Trump and considers him to be reasonable and even rational is (be nice, Wry) ... um mistaken.

Not really educated about what Hillary's pivot to Asia really means, huh?
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people
Probably. Throughout all of human history there have been riots when a leader and their government go after minority groups in their nation.

Well, Trump is your candidate, isn't he? Why do you hate minorities then?
I hope riots will not occur if Trump becomes the next US President and I am pretty sure nothing bad is gonna happen in USA :)

The Deep State has chosen Hillary. In all likelihood, Hillary will win the election no matter what the vote totals are.

The key is convincing Americans that the amount voted really does equal a victory for Hillary.

The only way Trump could win, is if an overwhelming majority of Americans voted for him. As it stands, that won't happen. The mainstream media (the MSM) is controlled by elites on both the left and the right, they all meet with establishment politicians at a place called the Pratt House in NY. . . It's called the Council on Foreign Relations. There, all the corporate media decide how every American will think about both Hillary and Trump. Debate moderators decide on questions for the debates, the media decides which stories they will cover, and how they will spin issues. THEY decide how the population will think about the nation and the election.

All significant media meets there, and with all the prominent political establishment.
Elites Push Government-funded "Public" Media
So, the election will be close enough so that by closing down polling stations in areas and at times when voters for Trump would be able to vote, or by losing absentee ballots or electronically flipping ballots, the game can be manipulated. The establishment has well over two decades of experience doing this. It's been done it in at least three presidential elections now. Not always for one party or the other.

The CFR doesn't play favorites. Sometimes the democrats have the candidate they want to accomplish their objectives, sometimes the republicans do. It just depends on who has the better globalist running. If the Republicans had nominated Cruz, I'm pretty sure the media would have been a little more non-partisan. There are some pretty ambitious war plans that the CFR had wanted to accomplish with the republicans in this election cycle. The progressives tend to be a bit too anti-war. That is why Soros has been so intent on keeping them distracted with BLM and all this SJW crap. However, Hillary will do. I heard a pretty scary private speech she made a few weeks ago about how she intends to pivot and turn on all those Sanders dupes. It was terrible.

The only way riots might, and I say might break out, are if independent exit polls proved that Trump garnered significantly more votes, but the individual sec. of states in the individual states either refused to certify the results, or the electoral college refused to carry out the will of the people. That might cause some folks to be a bit angry. But if the elites didn't do the will of the people, and they were still in control of the Deep State and the military, what are they going to do? Protest in their free speech zones and safe spaces? :badgrin:
I heard about CFR, the Trilateral Commission and all those international organizations.
What I have understood is that they're some kind of "world government" in the negative meaning of these words :)

This is the original organization, the source of it all.

It all comes out of London. They helped the Rockefellers get the CFR off the ground.

Clearly not. President Obama entered office after one of America's worst commanders-in-chief who sent young Americans to their deaths for no good reason. Obama was determined not to use the military except in the defense of the United States and he has succeeded in this.
Wow. Were you able to type that with a straight face?

Obama's largest failures come from his abysmal foreign policy. He has been a disaster in FP.
George W Bush attempted to push his weight around the Middle East by sending young Americans to war resulting in many deaths and disabilities for life. President Obama did nothing like that. I call that successfully refusing to buckle under to gung-ho armchair patriots.
Iraq had settled down and was well on the way to becoming a contributing democracy in the world. A big factor given the history of the middle east. It was done to secure the safety of the US given what happened on 9/11. You might consider that pushing weight around but that makes you foolish.

obama is a hero? He vacated Iraq prematurely and now ISIS is a cancer infecting the whole world. I don't call that success.
i dont think obama s intentions were bad, just made bad mistakes
Clearly not. President Obama entered office after one of America's worst commanders-in-chief who sent young Americans to their deaths for no good reason. Obama was determined not to use the military except in the defense of the United States and he has succeeded in this.
Wow. Were you able to type that with a straight face?

Obama's largest failures come from his abysmal foreign policy. He has been a disaster in FP.
George W Bush attempted to push his weight around the Middle East by sending young Americans to war resulting in many deaths and disabilities for life. President Obama did nothing like that. I call that successfully refusing to buckle under to gung-ho armchair patriots.
Iraq had settled down and was well on the way to becoming a contributing democracy in the world. A big factor given the history of the middle east. It was done to secure the safety of the US given what happened on 9/11. You might consider that pushing weight around but that makes you foolish.

obama is a hero? He vacated Iraq prematurely and now ISIS is a cancer infecting the whole world. I don't call that success.
i dont think obama s intentions were bad, just made bad mistakes

A former carter aid... hard to fuck things up worse than that. Carter = The Daffy Duck of presidents
Wow. Were you able to type that with a straight face?

Obama's largest failures come from his abysmal foreign policy. He has been a disaster in FP.
George W Bush attempted to push his weight around the Middle East by sending young Americans to war resulting in many deaths and disabilities for life. President Obama did nothing like that. I call that successfully refusing to buckle under to gung-ho armchair patriots.
Iraq had settled down and was well on the way to becoming a contributing democracy in the world. A big factor given the history of the middle east. It was done to secure the safety of the US given what happened on 9/11. You might consider that pushing weight around but that makes you foolish.

obama is a hero? He vacated Iraq prematurely and now ISIS is a cancer infecting the whole world. I don't call that success.
i dont think obama s intentions were bad, just made bad mistakes

A former carter aid... hard to fuck things up worse than that. Carter = The Daffy Duck of presidents

real talk
A former carter aid... hard to fuck things up worse than that. Carter = The Daffy Duck of presidents
Then Daffy Duck brokered the most impressive and enduring peace deals in human history.

Way to go, Daffy!
If riots were to break out under a Trump presidency, they would be quickly put down. Trump will no longer allow BLM and other thugs to run amuck and destroy property and disrupt normal activities. This nation will once again see an era of law and order.
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people

That's a bridge that will never have to be crossed.

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