Will riots occur if Donald Trump becomes US President?

I'm not really sure how intimidating they are, but their representatives are allies of Putin in the Duma.
Will riots occur if Donald Trump becomes US President?

Their boy is leaving on January 20, 2017.

And, if Attila the Hun wins, Obumble's polar opposite will be sworn in.

The Darkies will be hopping mad.

The National Guard will deal with that.
If he loses, there will be violence.

What he has done is validate hate, anger, and bigotry on a mass scale. Mix that with record purchases of weaponry and testosterone…

How it manifests itself is anyone’s guess.
To make it worse, Trump has indicated that he won't accept the result if he loses.

When did he say that?

He said that the only way he could lose Pennsylvania is if the elections were rigged. That isn’t accepting voter decisions; that is introducing something for which there is no evidence.

When did he say he "won't accept" it?

It’s pretty much implied but you’d have to have the ability to reason to understand that.
Trump wins. No violence.
Hillary wins….yeah, you will have violence from the frustrated right wing.
Trump wins. No violence.
Hillary wins….yeah, you will have violence from the frustrated right wing.
Well, if Trump wins, there won't be violence. At first.

There will be mass demonstrations. The National Guard will open fire on demonstrators with live ammunition, under orders.

Also check out Trump's comments on the Tiananmen Square Massacre:

‘The Chinese Government Almost Blew It’
how is opening fire on demonstrators "no violence"? sounds pretty violent to me
Because they probably won't shoot on the very first demonstration.
No this country is smarter than to elect a man with NO honor, NO respect, NO dignity and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone was to himself and Russia. The most incompetent, unqualified, DANGEROUS candidate in this nations history,
That would be BH Obama, the leftist tin horn dictator. Really leaned on Iran didn't he? Made a political move and got out of Iraq helping ISIS and now the whole world has to pay the price. He's a piece of shit and Hillary is no better and has already proven how dangerous she is.

To answer the OP, I hope so, I miss the foaming libtards marching in the streets getting face planted onto the asphalt and arrested. The childish effigies and posters, it's pure comedy gold. Free of charge!
No this country is smarter than to elect a man with NO honor, NO respect, NO dignity and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone was to himself and Russia. The most incompetent, unqualified, DANGEROUS candidate in this nations history,
That would be BH Obama, the leftist tin horn dictator. Really leaned on Iran didn't he? Made a political move and got out of Iraq helping ISIS and now the whole world has to pay the price. He's a piece of shit and Hillary is no better and has already proven how dangerous she is.

To answer the OP, I hope so, I miss the foaming libtards marching in the streets getting face planted onto the asphalt and arrested. The childish effigies and posters, it's pure comedy gold. Free of charge!
yeah that would be hilarious to watch haha
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people

I don't know what the reaction will be among the American people, but I'm certain the first response from Western Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand will be riotous laughter at the stupidity of the American voter, followed by, "holy shit, what will that fool do?".

The rest of the world from Asia to Africa will become fearful, followed by an immediate build up of arms knowing that fascism has come to America and a lunatic has access to the football.
Rather than worry about riots in American streets, better be concerned at the early retirements of military commanders who would not like having to obey someone as daft as Donald Trump.

Any person who joins the service both officers and enlisted swear an oath on the Bible to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and that's it. POTUS is not in the oath.
Imagine a Commander in Chief who is off his rocker. What a nightmare.
Clearly not. President Obama entered office after one of America's worst commanders-in-chief who sent young Americans to their deaths for no good reason. Obama was determined not to use the military except in the defense of the United States and he has succeeded in this.
Wow. Were you able to type that with a straight face?

Obama's largest failures come from his abysmal foreign policy. He has been a disaster in FP.
George W Bush attempted to push his weight around the Middle East by sending young Americans to war resulting in many deaths and disabilities for life. President Obama did nothing like that. I call that successfully refusing to buckle under to gung-ho armchair patriots.
I hope riots will not occur if Trump becomes the next US President and I am pretty sure nothing bad is gonna happen in USA :)
I don't know what the reaction will be among the American people, but I'm certain the first response from Western Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand will be riotous laughter at the stupidity of the American voter, followed by, "holy shit, what will that fool do?".

The rest of the world from Asia to Africa will become fearful, followed by an immediate build up of arms knowing that fascism has come to America and a lunatic has access to the football.
Lots of Europeans like Donald. Many had your arrogance and condescension and got surprised by Brexit. Reality isn't what you want it to be.

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