Will riots occur if Donald Trump becomes US President?

Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people
My crazy as a shithouse rat brother has been talking for months about how all the "patriots" are going to rise up if Clinton wins. He isn't the only one I have heard this from.
He tell you what they're going to rise up against? It's hard to envision, although we've got lots of them up here, living in the woods and hoarding their weapons.
My brother lives in the woods on a mountain. :D

To be frank with you, I was completely caught off guard with how far off the deep end he had gone since I had last talked to him. He's always been a little off, but this was a whole new level of batshit crazy.

I have a cousin who is also way out there. The last time I saw him, I was shocked how hard and angry his face looked. He isn't quite as batshit as my brother, but he's got a real hardon about Muslims.

Because my brother was so worked up, I was somewhat recalcitrant to probe much. I didn't want to hear it.

But the impression I got was a full on war against blacks, homosexuals, immigrants, and the government. Racial holy war.

The weird thing is my brother is a welfare case. He prides himself on not working, and he loves living off the state. He fails to see he is the very picture of the lazy leech which the Right imagines everyone on welfare to be.

And he is a huge Trump supporter.

Like I've said before. Some of these pseudocons are positively schizophrenic.
If he loses, there will be violence.

What he has done is validate hate, anger, and bigotry on a mass scale. Mix that with record purchases of weaponry and testosterone…

How it manifests itself is anyone’s guess.
To make it worse, Trump has indicated that he won't accept the result if he loses.

When did he say that?
Trump's 'rigged election' rhetoric could inspire voter intimidation, say experts
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people
My crazy as a shithouse rat brother has been talking for months about how all the "patriots" are going to rise up if Clinton wins. He isn't the only one I have heard this from.
He tell you what they're going to rise up against? It's hard to envision, although we've got lots of them up here, living in the woods and hoarding their weapons.
My brother lives in the woods on a mountain. :D

To be frank with you, I was completely caught off guard with how far off the deep end he had gone since I had last talked to him. He's always been a little off, but this was a whole new level of batshit crazy.

I have a cousin who is also way out there. The last time I saw him, I was shocked how hard and angry his face looked. He isn't quite as batshit as my brother, but he's got a real hardon about Muslims.

Because my brother was so worked up, I was somewhat recalcitrant to probe much. I didn't want to hear it.

But the impression I got was a full on war against blacks, homosexuals, immigrants, and the government. Racial holy war.

The weird thing is my brother is a welfare case. He prides himself on not working, and he loves living off the state. He fails to see he is the very picture of the lazy leech which the Right imagines everyone on welfare to be.

And he is a huge Trump supporter.

Like I've said before. Some of these pseudocons are positively schizophrenic.
real talk
Why would the willies riot when Trump is going to get them JOBS? And understand this....we've about had it with these animals taking over the streets....Whites in the suburbs are armed to the teeth and can rain holy HELL on the ghetto any day, all day.

They would riot because the liberal leaders are telling them they should be angry. And, apparently, not enough are believing the left so they are in the habit of hiring rioters and sending them across the country. Soros will be writing a lot more checks if Trump wins because he'll need more hired thugs.

They aren't listening to Trump, they are listening to the left's skewed interpretation of Trump's comments and that is what makes them angry.

It's Hillary and her ilk that are out there claiming Trump is racist for wanting secure borders and a better vetting process before allowing people from hostile countries. The left says that is hate speech. You'd think open borders to allow anyone in and a defenseless population is their idea of tolerance.

The left's rhetoric is what will drive more violence. They are outright lying about many things and they are the dangerous ones.
real talk
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people
My crazy as a shithouse rat brother has been talking for months about how all the "patriots" are going to rise up if Clinton wins. He isn't the only one I have heard this from.
He tell you what they're going to rise up against? It's hard to envision, although we've got lots of them up here, living in the woods and hoarding their weapons.
My brother lives in the woods on a mountain. :D

To be frank with you, I was completely caught off guard with how far off the deep end he had gone since I had last talked to him. He's always been a little off, but this was a whole new level of batshit crazy.

I have a cousin who is also way out there. The last time I saw him, I was shocked how hard and angry his face looked. He isn't quite as batshit as my brother, but he's got a real hardon about Muslims.

Because my brother was so worked up, I was somewhat recalcitrant to probe much. I didn't want to hear it.

But the impression I got was a full on war against blacks, homosexuals, immigrants, and the government. Racial holy war.

The weird thing is my brother is a welfare case. He prides himself on not working, and he loves living off the state. He fails to see he is the very picture of the lazy leech which the Right imagines everyone on welfare to be.

And he is a huge Trump supporter.

Like I've said before. Some of these pseudocons are positively schizophrenic.
But their hearts are in the right place.
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people
My crazy as a shithouse rat brother has been talking for months about how all the "patriots" are going to rise up if Clinton wins. He isn't the only one I have heard this from.
He tell you what they're going to rise up against? It's hard to envision, although we've got lots of them up here, living in the woods and hoarding their weapons.
My brother lives in the woods on a mountain. :D

To be frank with you, I was completely caught off guard with how far off the deep end he had gone since I had last talked to him. He's always been a little off, but this was a whole new level of batshit crazy.

I have a cousin who is also way out there. The last time I saw him, I was shocked how hard and angry his face looked. He isn't quite as batshit as my brother, but he's got a real hardon about Muslims.

Because my brother was so worked up, I was somewhat recalcitrant to probe much. I didn't want to hear it.

But the impression I got was a full on war against blacks, homosexuals, immigrants, and the government. Racial holy war.

The weird thing is my brother is a welfare case. He prides himself on not working, and he loves living off the state. He fails to see he is the very picture of the lazy leech which the Right imagines everyone on welfare to be.

And he is a huge Trump supporter.

Like I've said before. Some of these pseudocons are positively schizophrenic.
But their hearts are in the right place.
agreed, hearts in right place indeed
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people

Not only is he hated, but his rhetoric is violent and engenders violence. For example, he has promoted violence at his rallies, and when it happens, has he ever asked people to back off/down and not be violent? Has he ever stated in clear and non-controvertible language that he doesn't want to see the violence? No, he just blames it on the left.

Seems to me that many support him. So that would mean he is not hated by many.......you maybe, but not by many. Heck I don't even hate Hillary, and I am 1000000000000% against her. Hate is a strong word.
He is in fact hated by many and he is not likely to become president, so the reality is that this point is moot. But, hypothetically, if he were elected, there would be violence because he encourages it.

Who will win the presidency? Who would win the presidency today?

Chance of winning:

Hillary Clinton 76.2%

Donald Trump 23.8%

And yet, the majority of the violence is seen against Trump supporters and not from them.

The left is projecting here.
Rather than worry about riots in American streets, better be concerned at the early retirements of military commanders who would not like having to obey someone as daft as Donald Trump.

Any person who joins the service both officers and enlisted swear an oath on the Bible to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and that's it. POTUS is not in the oath.


I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
Beat me to the punch.

He apparently does not know what he is talking about. I don't know about the standard over 15 years ago but the bible is not a part of the oath either.
I don't think there will be riots if Trump wins, but we can be sure as shit there will be when Clinton wins. These fucking crazed rightist nutjobs will be out in the streets with their guns trying to pretend they're being attacked by some totalitarian regime.
Based on the fact that you fear them for no reason? Based on the fact that there is more violence against those 'crazed' supporters than is coming from them?

You are simply projecting.
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people

They will if the Democrats start paying the protestors again.

Isn't it interesting how the protests at Trump rallies stopped once the DNC emails were released and it was discovered that they were paying protestors?
If he loses, there will be violence.

What he has done is validate hate, anger, and bigotry on a mass scale. Mix that with record purchases of weaponry and testosterone…

How it manifests itself is anyone’s guess.
More projection. Why am I not surprised.
Rather than worry about riots in American streets, better be concerned at the early retirements of military commanders who would not like having to obey someone as daft as Donald Trump.

Any person who joins the service both officers and enlisted swear an oath on the Bible to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and that's it. POTUS is not in the oath.
Imagine a Commander in Chief who is off his rocker. What a nightmare.
Clearly not. President Obama entered office after one of America's worst commanders-in-chief who sent young Americans to their deaths for no good reason. Obama was determined not to use the military except in the defense of the United States and he has succeeded in this.
Wow. Were you able to type that with a straight face?

Obama's largest failures come from his abysmal foreign policy. He has been a disaster in FP.
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people
My crazy as a shithouse rat brother has been talking for months about how all the "patriots" are going to rise up if Clinton wins. He isn't the only one I have heard this from.
And we see this type or rhetoric every election. Not really a big surprise. There are going to be crazy and reclusive people no matter who is in office and no matter what year it is.

That, fortunately, does not translate into widespread violence.
If he loses, there will be violence.

What he has done is validate hate, anger, and bigotry on a mass scale. Mix that with record purchases of weaponry and testosterone…

How it manifests itself is anyone’s guess.
More projection. Why am I not surprised.

I'm surprised you cannot tell a projection from a prediction. Not really surprised. You're pretty dumb
Donald Trump supporters and Anti-Trump protesters clash, more than 35 arrested - Full story
Earlier this year
"San Diego (CNN)Police clad in riot gear and wielding batons began dispersing a crowd of Donald Trump supporters and protesters here Friday night after the presumptive GOP nominee held a rally."
If Trump becomes President, do you think riots will occur 100%? Which states will have the biggest riots and how will this impact the nation?

I know Donald Trump is one of the most hated men in America so there will be angry, upset and violent people


Just like all those that claimed that they will leave the country if Trump gets elected.

They are the same people that claimed they would leave if GWB was elected..

We are still waiting for them to leave!

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