Will Roy Moore be Elected?

Will Roy Moore be elected?

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Moore is running in Alabama. He is a folk hero for being a pedophile.

When was he charged as being a pedophile? Want to back that up?
i didnt say he was charged as a pedo. I said he was celebrated as one in the state of Alabama.

That's fucking sick that you could be that much of a bigot. Wait. You're a Democrat. It's in your DNA to be a fucking bigot.
No. I am not a democrat. I am a independent Youre just upset that you are proving you support child molesters.

He's not charged with child molesting. It is an accusation by a non credible bitch. Call me anything you want.
I didnt say he was charged with child molesting. I said you and the other trash in Alabama see him as a folk hero for molesting teenagers.
What's worse....electing a mentally disturbed chick with a dick or someone ACCUSED of sexual misconduct?

I'm wondering what the people on this board think about the upcoming election. I believe the people on this board have a better sense of what is going on (than most folks) - due to the many hours you spend each week in reviewing and discussing the latest news stories. I've been out of the political news scene for awhile so I'm going to ask you guys: Do you believe that Roy Moore will be elected? Yes or no? If yes, what is your belief based upon and if no, tell me why you don't think he would / should be elected. Thank you for your participation.
Diddling kids is very common in Alabama. Moore has a lock on the Child Molester voting bloc. That's millions and millions of votes in his pocket right there.

So, yeah. There is a very good chance he'll pull it off.

I mean, the rednecks are deciding whether to vote for a pedophile with an R after his name, or a Democrat. I think we all know what the mouth breathers will do.

I'm wondering what the people on this board think about the upcoming election. I believe the people on this board have a better sense of what is going on (than most folks) - due to the many hours you spend each week in reviewing and discussing the latest news stories. I've been out of the political news scene for awhile so I'm going to ask you guys: Do you believe that Roy Moore will be elected? Yes or no? If yes, what is your belief based upon and if no, tell me why you don't think he would / should be elected. Thank you for your participation.

He is the republican nominee in Alabama. He will be elected. Sad

These sluts were coached by Satan to be wise beyond their years, and they tempted the Judge unfairly. He's a godly man.


The man who hit on 14 year-old teenage high school girls will win in Alabama.

Because it's Alabama.

Yes he will. Because Alabama is filled with right wing, fake Christian , fake morals , scum.

Without a doubt in my mind, the folks in Alabama do not think that a 30 something hitting on 14 -16 year olds is a bad thing, some see it as following the biblical example

Moore is running in Alabama. He is a folk hero for being a pedophile.

Considering Alabamians have been defending Roy Moore by saying the bible condones child rape, yes I think he will win.

I don't think most people in Alabama think what Roy Moore is accused of is a good thing. I think most of them are using #fakenews as a scapegoat so they can convince themselves there isn't a problem.

Just look at the post above.

His election will depend on the opfor run out next week.

If nothing, then he wins by 4%.
The face of the new GOP.....Child Molesters, Christian Sharia supporters, and Fascists.

Christian Sharia? You just showed profound ignorance Bod.
What's worse....electing a mentally disturbed chick with a dick or someone ACCUSED of sexual misconduct?

I'm wondering what the people on this board think about the upcoming election. I believe the people on this board have a better sense of what is going on (than most folks) - due to the many hours you spend each week in reviewing and discussing the latest news stories. I've been out of the political news scene for awhile so I'm going to ask you guys: Do you believe that Roy Moore will be elected? Yes or no? If yes, what is your belief based upon and if no, tell me why you don't think he would / should be elected. Thank you for your participation.
Diddling kids is very common in Alabama. Moore has a lock on the Child Molester voting bloc. That's millions and millions of votes in his pocket right there.

So, yeah. There is a very good chance he'll pull it off.

I mean, the rednecks are deciding whether to vote for a pedophile with an R after his name, or a Democrat. I think we all know what the mouth breathers will do.

I'm wondering what the people on this board think about the upcoming election. I believe the people on this board have a better sense of what is going on (than most folks) - due to the many hours you spend each week in reviewing and discussing the latest news stories. I've been out of the political news scene for awhile so I'm going to ask you guys: Do you believe that Roy Moore will be elected? Yes or no? If yes, what is your belief based upon and if no, tell me why you don't think he would / should be elected. Thank you for your participation.

He is the republican nominee in Alabama. He will be elected. Sad

These sluts were coached by Satan to be wise beyond their years, and they tempted the Judge unfairly. He's a godly man.


The man who hit on 14 year-old teenage high school girls will win in Alabama.

Because it's Alabama.

Yes he will. Because Alabama is filled with right wing, fake Christian , fake morals , scum.

Without a doubt in my mind, the folks in Alabama do not think that a 30 something hitting on 14 -16 year olds is a bad thing, some see it as following the biblical example

Moore is running in Alabama. He is a folk hero for being a pedophile.

Considering Alabamians have been defending Roy Moore by saying the bible condones child rape, yes I think he will win.

I don't think most people in Alabama think what Roy Moore is accused of is a good thing. I think most of them are using #fakenews as a scapegoat so they can convince themselves there isn't a problem.

Just look at the post above.

His election will depend on the opfor run out next week.

If nothing, then he wins by 4%.

The one who attacks 14 year olds, duh.
Not to the GOP in Alabama anymore.
Look you fucking fool....the point shot right over your ignorant head.
Presumption of innocence, a fundamental right within our judicial system applies in both cases although you fucking wack-jobs won't allow it to.
Get the point now you fucking dumbass?

Holy shit you people are confusing....so a couple people said it happened....so as far as you're concerned IT HAPPENED.
A couple people have said Trump had nothing to do with Russian meddling so surely the same logic would apply...no?

Oh shit!
Sorry guys....I must be missing some information. So Moore was arrested? Surely, if you KNOW he committed such a heinous crime the local authorities must be privy to the same information...right?
When was his trial?
Damn, shit has happened fast!

What's worse....electing a mentally disturbed chick with a dick or someone ACCUSED of sexual misconduct?

The one who attacks 14 year olds, duh.

Who is claiming Roy Moore was convicted? We all know this happened when these women were in their teens back in the 70s.

Anyway, kind of ironic how you say stupid shit like this but still insist Clinton is guilty of some sort of crime.

So, a few people said Trump didn't collude with Russia and you believe it? OK, then a few people said Roy Moore is a pervert. See how that works? Maybe try actually having a point rather than playing silly games.
Look you fucking fool....the point shot right over your ignorant head.
Presumption of innocence, a fundamental right within our judicial system applies in both cases although you fucking wack-jobs won't allow it to.
Get the point now you fucking dumbass?

Holy shit you people are confusing....so a couple people said it happened....so as far as you're concerned IT HAPPENED.
A couple people have said Trump had nothing to do with Russian meddling so surely the same logic would apply...no?

Oh shit!
Sorry guys....I must be missing some information. So Moore was arrested? Surely, if you KNOW he committed such a heinous crime the local authorities must be privy to the same information...right?
When was his trial?
Damn, shit has happened fast!

The one who attacks 14 year olds, duh.

Who is claiming Roy Moore was convicted? We all know this happened when these women were in their teens back in the 70s.

Anyway, kind of ironic how you say stupid shit like this but still insist Clinton is guilty of some sort of crime.

So, a few people said Trump didn't collude with Russia and you believe it? OK, then a few people said Roy Moore is a pervert. See how that works? Maybe try actually having a point rather than playing silly games.

I wish you guys actually understood what 'presumption of innocence' actually means. I haven't heard anyone say Moore should go to prison without a trial, have you?

But I bet you were chanting 'Lock her up!' until your voice cracked.
Look you fucking fool....the point shot right over your ignorant head.
Presumption of innocence, a fundamental right within our judicial system applies in both cases although you fucking wack-jobs won't allow it to.
Get the point now you fucking dumbass?

Holy shit you people are confusing....so a couple people said it happened....so as far as you're concerned IT HAPPENED.
A couple people have said Trump had nothing to do with Russian meddling so surely the same logic would apply...no?

Oh shit!
Sorry guys....I must be missing some information. So Moore was arrested? Surely, if you KNOW he committed such a heinous crime the local authorities must be privy to the same information...right?
When was his trial?
Damn, shit has happened fast!

The one who attacks 14 year olds, duh.

Who is claiming Roy Moore was convicted? We all know this happened when these women were in their teens back in the 70s.

Anyway, kind of ironic how you say stupid shit like this but still insist Clinton is guilty of some sort of crime.

So, a few people said Trump didn't collude with Russia and you believe it? OK, then a few people said Roy Moore is a pervert. See how that works? Maybe try actually having a point rather than playing silly games.

Except if you're Hillary Clinton.

Lying hypocrite RWNJs.
Definition of a bigot:
bigots (plural noun)
  1. a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions:
    "don't let a few small-minded bigots destroy the good image of the city" ·
There are people here who cannot tolerate anyone who holds a different opinion from them. Example: Judge Roy Moore is a Christian man running for office and 'bigots' who cannot tolerate the idea that he might win join forces with those who are willing to falsely accuse him of the most heinous crimes in order to destroy his reputation - therein making sure he won't win. There should be a stronger word for bigot to describe what is happening to Roy Moore. I just do not know what that word would be.

It is disturbing that with the information offered by some people on this thread, and other available information already known - that some of you are acting as if Roy Moore was found guilty already, convicted of a crime against a child and a jury had already passed sentence. A great deal of presumption going on here guys.
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Look you fucking fool....the point shot right over your ignorant head.
Presumption of innocence, a fundamental right within our judicial system applies in both cases although you fucking wack-jobs won't allow it to.
Get the point now you fucking dumbass?

Holy shit you people are confusing....so a couple people said it happened....so as far as you're concerned IT HAPPENED.
A couple people have said Trump had nothing to do with Russian meddling so surely the same logic would apply...no?

Oh shit!
Sorry guys....I must be missing some information. So Moore was arrested? Surely, if you KNOW he committed such a heinous crime the local authorities must be privy to the same information...right?
When was his trial?
Damn, shit has happened fast!

Who is claiming Roy Moore was convicted? We all know this happened when these women were in their teens back in the 70s.

Anyway, kind of ironic how you say stupid shit like this but still insist Clinton is guilty of some sort of crime.

So, a few people said Trump didn't collude with Russia and you believe it? OK, then a few people said Roy Moore is a pervert. See how that works? Maybe try actually having a point rather than playing silly games.

I wish you guys actually understood what 'presumption of innocence' actually means. I haven't heard anyone say Moore should go to prison without a trial, have you?

But I bet you were chanting 'Lock her up!' until your voice cracked.

Lot of bigots in this thread showing how absolutely despicable they can be about the south.

Lots of RWNJ pedo-apologists here who apparently believe that pedos come only from the south.

The funniest thing about all this is you act as if you filthy "progressives" won't deem incest and pedophilia as an act of "progression" here real soon. You and I both know you'll be advocating to add that "p" & "i" to your disgusting acronym any day now. Bank on it!
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Considering Alabamians have been defending Roy Moore by saying the bible condones child rape, yes I think he will win.

No one in Alabama is saying the bible condones child rape. What the people of Alabama are saying is that they flat don't believe the women who certainly appear to be heavily coached.
Look you fucking fool....the point shot right over your ignorant head.
Presumption of innocence, a fundamental right within our judicial system applies in both cases although you fucking wack-jobs won't allow it to.
Get the point now you fucking dumbass?

Holy shit you people are confusing....so a couple people said it happened....so as far as you're concerned IT HAPPENED.
A couple people have said Trump had nothing to do with Russian meddling so surely the same logic would apply...no?

Who is claiming Roy Moore was convicted? We all know this happened when these women were in their teens back in the 70s.

Anyway, kind of ironic how you say stupid shit like this but still insist Clinton is guilty of some sort of crime.

So, a few people said Trump didn't collude with Russia and you believe it? OK, then a few people said Roy Moore is a pervert. See how that works? Maybe try actually having a point rather than playing silly games.

I wish you guys actually understood what 'presumption of innocence' actually means. I haven't heard anyone say Moore should go to prison without a trial, have you?

But I bet you were chanting 'Lock her up!' until your voice cracked.

Lot of bigots in this thread showing how absolutely despicable they can be about the south.

Lots of RWNJ pedo-apologists here who apparently believe that pedos come only from the south.

The funniest thing about all this is you act as if you filthy "progressives" won't deem incest and pedophilia as an act of "progression" here real soon. You and I both know you'll be advocating to add that "p" & "i" to your disgusting acronym any day now.

Apparently you guys have already started advocating for pedophilia. So, clean up your own backyard before accusing me of anything, asshole.
Oh yeah! he will! :banana: :2up:

The Judge is an innocent man. Alabama knows that!:thup:
Moore will win and here's why:
  • Moore is a strong supporter of Trump who beat Hillary 2 to 1 in the election.
  • This is a special election and White voters who Trump carried by a landslide will be the vast majority of voters.
  • The fact that he diddled with teenagers years ago is a non-issue for most of Moore supporters.
  • Lastly, Alabama voters are not going to be a part of giving control of the Senate to Democrats.
Oh yeah! he will! :banana: :2up:

The Judge is an innocent man. Alabama knows that!:thup:
Moore will win and here's why:
  • Moore is a strong supporter of Trump who beat Hillary 2 to 1 in the election.
  • This is a special election and White voters who Trump carried by a landslide will be the vast majority of voters.
  • The fact that he diddled with teenagers years ago is a non-issue for most of Moore supporters.
  • Lastly, Alabama voters are not going to be a part of giving control of the Senate to Democrats.
There is no "FACT" that he diddled anyone. There is a single allegation from a woman with a history of making false statements.
Considering Alabamians have been defending Roy Moore by saying the bible condones child rape, yes I think he will win.

No one in Alabama is saying the bible condones child rape. What the people of Alabama are saying is that they flat don't believe the women who certainly appear to be heavily coached.
I've been reading your posts and also Tinydancer's about this story. You have both made excellent points and make a lot of sense.
Oh yeah! he will! :banana: :2up:

The Judge is an innocent man. Alabama knows that!:thup:
Moore will win and here's why:
  • Moore is a strong supporter of Trump who beat Hillary 2 to 1 in the election.
  • This is a special election and White voters who Trump carried by a landslide will be the vast majority of voters.
  • The fact that he diddled with teenagers years ago is a non-issue for most of Moore supporters.
  • Lastly, Alabama voters are not going to be a part of giving control of the Senate to Democrats.
Considering Alabamians have been defending Roy Moore by saying the bible condones child rape, yes I think he will win.

No one in Alabama is saying the bible condones child rape. What the people of Alabama are saying is that they flat don't believe the women who certainly appear to be heavily coached.

Sure, you keep believing that.

Alabama state official defends Roy Moore, citing Joseph and Mary: ‘They became parents of Jesus’

“Take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus,” Alabama State Auditor Jim Zeigler told The Washington Examiner. “There’s just nothing immoral or illegal here. Maybe just a little bit unusual.”
Oh yeah! he will! :banana: :2up:

The Judge is an innocent man. Alabama knows that!:thup:
Moore will win and here's why:
  • Moore is a strong supporter of Trump who beat Hillary 2 to 1 in the election.
  • This is a special election and White voters who Trump carried by a landslide will be the vast majority of voters.
  • The fact that he diddled with teenagers years ago is a non-issue for most of Moore supporters.
  • Lastly, Alabama voters are not going to be a part of giving control of the Senate to Democrats.
I missed 'the fact', Flopper. I do not see that anything has yet been established as 'fact' that would suggest that Moore has done something against the law. If you know something the rest of us don't, let's have it. Otherwise, 'the fact' you claim is not a 'fact' but rather an assumption on your part.

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