Will Russians Kill Americans in Ukraine?

According to some leftists, by 1992 Republicans had occupied the White House for 12 years, destroying the unions that had supported Democrats. New Dems like Clinton and Gore decided to begin accepting corporate contributions from "clean" sources like Big Tech and the FIRE sector (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate)

Imho, both major parties are now fully committed in serving the interests of the US investor class at the expense of the vast majority of Americans.

Clinton basically gave away the store to the Republicans who were in charge of the Congress until 98, then see how much better things got lol. Ohwellthatwas.com no doubt...
Very true and similar here as we thanks to Regan and Thatcher's relationship were going through the same thing. Thatcher was followed by Blair simply because he was seen as similar to her. He had taken over from John Smith who had died but who was working on trying to get the British Parliament truly Democratic with the necessaries to keep it so. Blair did only minor things. Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly and some vague ability to get freedom of information but mainly he knowingly and willingly sold our Democracy to Corporate Capitalism. He got in twice and then the other Tories got in again. Eventually and it was totally by accident a left wing Labourite was recommended for Leader. He was supposed to be just an extra name who would not get votes but he most certainly did and so we got a genuine left Leader in the UK, Jeremy Corbyn. The Labour right through a hissy fit. Even worse he wanted rights for the Palestinians. Your President promised he would not become PM if the British were stupid enough to vote for him and on and on and so he did not become PM and a lot of people were harmed or lost their jobs due to the dreadful unlawful going ons of the Labour Party. Now we have Keir Starmer, ex Public Prosecutor and the ideal man to rid the UK of all signs of social democracy but will he be able. Thankfully Unions are making a bit of a come back here. Hoping that continues and people start to learn that they can make change again.
Where the hell do you get your news?
We have republican rules for everything nowadays like reconciliation and filibuster and campaign financing so that's the way it goes pal and if you can't tell the difference between the two parties you should really do some more research. This has been republican driven including national tax rates giveaway to the rich for 35 years, greed is good, and the worst propaganda machine in our history not to mention the orange clown syndrome... Thank goodness people are for democracy in the end OMG
I agree with George and as I said it is the same in the UK. Your so called left and ours are not left any more. You even support war with no dissenting voices. Unbelievable.

The world is moving towards fascism and Corporate Capitalism goes side by side with fascism. People are saying that you can even have fascism and 'Democracy' nowadays want to know why? Because we now have Plutocracies which calls itself Democracy. You get a vote every four or five years and that is the beginning and end of your democratic right. This form of democracy which is not really democracy but is what we have now works well with fascism and that is what you and the UK are moving into now.
Clinton basically gave away the store to the Republicans who were in charge of the Congress until 98, then see how much better things got lol. Ohwellthatwas.com no doubt...

Where the hell do you get your news?
Are you talking to me? On this a) doing a degree at the time and b) study. Where do you get yours?
I agree with George and as I said it is the same in the UK. Your so called left and ours are not left any more. You even support war with no dissenting voices. Unbelievable.

The world is moving towards fascism and Corporate Capitalism goes side by side with fascism. People are saying that you can even have fascism and 'Democracy' nowadays want to know why? Because we now have Plutocracies which calls itself Democracy. You get a vote every four or five years and that is the beginning and end of your democratic right. This form of democracy which is not really democracy but is what we have now works well with fascism and that is what you and the UK are moving into now.
Conservatives in England and the United states seem to love plutocracies and oligarchs and crappy propaganda news. Brexit was stupid. Britain had it made, could always trade with America as much as they want. It seems like the less Britons knew foreigners the more they hated them...
Are you talking to me? On this a) doing a degree at the time and b) study. Where do you get yours?
Pretty much everywhere. I am a happily retired. My mother was English and we used to come over for a month or two every other year to the grandfathers farm in Essex on the Queen Mary three times Queen Elizabeth three times Ivernia saxonia and Sylvania and once when the Queen Mary went on strike we went on the Columbia which was built in 1913 same place as Titanic lol.... when I became old enough that I hated the pubs closing at 10:30 so I went to learn French and then Spanish at the Casa Blanca bar in fuengirola... I love Manchester guardian, my father used to get it in the 50s like wax paper very thin. Perfect for toilet paper really lol. BBC France 24
I agree with George and as I said it is the same in the UK. Your so called left and ours are not left any more. You even support war with no dissenting voices. Unbelievable.

The world is moving towards fascism and Corporate Capitalism goes side by side with fascism. People are saying that you can even have fascism and 'Democracy' nowadays want to know why? Because we now have Plutocracies which calls itself Democracy. You get a vote every four or five years and that is the beginning and end of your democratic right. This form of democracy which is not really democracy but is what we have now works well with fascism and that is what you and the UK are moving into now.
I believe UK conservatives are beginning to rival United States conservatives for being misinformed... I don't know where they get to hear the UK conservative propaganda that led to Brexit. What's his name there.... he was a real con man I think, he wasn't a politician alright wasn't elected what was that guy's name?

The left isn't very left at all and everything will be alright if we can get through this damn Putin pandemic
I agree with George and as I said it is the same in the UK. Your so called left and ours are not left any more. You even support war with no dissenting voices. Unbelievable.

The world is moving towards fascism and Corporate Capitalism goes side by side with fascism. People are saying that you can even have fascism and 'Democracy' nowadays want to know why? Because we now have Plutocracies which calls itself Democracy. You get a vote every four or five years and that is the beginning and end of your democratic right. This form of democracy which is not really democracy but is what we have now works well with fascism and that is what you and the UK are moving into now.
Well actually our left is still pretty left relatively to the rest of this crap in America. We are the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare help cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. But of course with the Tories the UK is pretty crappy there too. Cheapest health care anywhere but still better than here..... Only because the Republicans are such swine they don't allow Medicaid in their states just out of spite lol. Unbelievable. And people vote for them, absolute catastrophes in foreign policy also.

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