Will Russians Kill Americans in Ukraine?

The period we were talking about was 1980 to 2018.
Get informed.
As if that means ANYTHING. Life expectancy has been falling for years in the nation with by far the most costly HC system. A system that completely failed Americans in the pandemic causing Americans to suffer more than any other nation.
Well when was that recorded, makes a big difference... sounds fine to me sounds like a Democrat if you think that's crazy that's the reflection on your brainwashing. It's too bad everyone didn't get vaccinated we could have ended this at the beginning of the vaccinations. But you people failed. Your propaganda brought up every irrelevant problem with the vaccines the pain in the arms and God knows what heart attacks, it was all baloney
"It's too bad everyone didn't get vaccinated we could have ended this at the beginning of the vaccinations."


You are so utterly stoopid and brainwashed. It was all a lie. Everyone lied to you, and you still bleev it all, to this day!


Pfizer admits it did not know its Covid vaccine prevented transmission of virus when rollout began​


Pfizer Janine Small admits that Pfizer did not test the vaccine for preventing transmission of Covid​

Reagan kicked it off, but Democrats did nothing to reverse the trend:

Opinion | A Personal Apology to Young Americans for Failing to Stop Ronald Reagan

"Boomers in their 30s owned 21.3 of the nation's wealth; Millennials in their 30s today own 4.6% of the nation's wealth.

"What happened? In a word, Republicans"
It has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats, it has to do with the international banking cartel, and the financialization of everything.

Both parties are paid off, we have a system where the ruling oligarchs own the system, regardless of the party.

If you really believe, that there is a choice, beyond arguing over petty little social issues, which the ruling oligarchs, don't give a damn about? You are being led astray.

Do you know what a "cabal," is?


The major parties have rigged the system since they kicked the League of Women Voters out of hosting the televised debates. It is a fraud and a farce.

League of Women Voters “Refuses to Help Perpetrate a Fraud”​




Back in 2008, Ron Paul, pointed out, something VERY important.

It really doesn't matter WHAT your personal politics are. He is friends with far lefties, and constitutional libertarians. What he is most concerned with, is bringing back power to the people, and returning the rule, back to the states, and the original vision of the Constitution.

The oligarchs and corporate powers that run the Uni-party cabal, which own both major parties, which lie to us daily, don't give a shit about any of the people.

It does not matter if you are a Green, a Libertarian, a grass roots, Progressive Independent, a Constitutionalism, etc. So, in 2008, after he experience the corruption of the corporate GOP, he organized a third party coalition. It was at that time, with the behavior of the third party candidate Bob Barr that had originally agreed to be there, but then pulled out at the last minute, folks have begun to realize, the GOP often infiltrates the Libertarian party, and the DNC often spoils the Greens. Both parties, often times, are not legit.

These four issues, most Americans care deeply about, but the two corporate parties WILL NOT, ever do anything about, because they are opposed to the vast majority of Americans.

  • Ending the Iraq war as quickly as possible. (IOW, creating peace around the world and ending all unnecessary war.)
  • Strengthening privacy and civil liberties. (We are continually in "national emergencies where the STATE makes excuses to violate them.)
  • Reducing the national debt. (As if either major party cares about this.) This is the source of the destruction of American purchasing power and where poverty originates.
  • Auditing the Federal Reserve. (The Fed is the one that really runs the nation. The Constitution gives the power to coin money and control the value, to the government, NOT a private banking cartel.)


". . . Instead, Paul offered a general endorsement of outside candidates. Three such candidates joined him at the Press Club. All of them signed onto a platform that included the following principles:
  • Ending the Iraq war as quickly as possible.
  • Strengthening privacy and civil liberties.
  • Reducing the national debt.
  • Auditing the Federal Reserve.
The candidates endorsing these positions come from widely divergent backgrounds: Green Party candidate Cynthia McKinney is a former Democratic congresswoman from Georgia; Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin used to be a leader in Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority; Ralph Nader is a consumer advocate and frequent presidential candidate who is running as an independent.. . . "

As if that means ANYTHING. Life expectancy has been falling for years in the nation with by far the most costly HC system. A system that completely failed Americans in the pandemic causing Americans to suffer more than any other nation.
In Russia life expectancy has been falling for years but not in the US.

With rare exceptions, life expectancy has been on the rise in the US: it was 47 years in 1900, 68 years in 1950, and by 2019 it had risen to nearly 79 years. But it fell to 77 in 2020 and dropped further, to just over 76, in 2021.

And what happened in 2020 to explain the sudden drop in life expectancy? The Covid pandemic.

"COVID-19 and drug overdoses are the biggest contributors."
In Russia life expectancy has been falling for years but not in the US.

With rare exceptions, life expectancy has been on the rise in the US: it was 47 years in 1900, 68 years in 1950, and by 2019 it had risen to nearly 79 years. But it fell to 77 in 2020 and dropped further, to just over 76, in 2021.

And what happened in 2020 to explain the sudden drop in life expectancy? The Covid pandemic.

"COVID-19 and drug overdoses are the biggest contributors."
Wrong. Life expectancy in the US has been falling every year since at least 2015.
A Shocking Decline in American Life Expectancy
that's right, Republicans. Democrats went along with the 60 votes in the Senate needed until Biden has finally decided it's time to do away with that BS and use reconciliation like the GOP does to cut taxes on the rich. And screwing everyone else. Democrats are very civilized, too bad. But the real problem is garbage propaganda and the new BS GOP
Biden's been part of every bad decision DCs made since 1972.
He serves the richest ten percent of Democrats the same way Republicans serve their donor base.
You should poll the people of Yugoslavia, Syria, Libya, and Ukraine to find out how civilized Democrats have been over the past thirty years.
Wrong. Life expectancy in the US has been falling every year since at least 2015.
A Shocking Decline in American Life Expectancy
What is wrong with you that you post such nonsense all the time? According to your article life expectancy in 2015 was 76.1 years and according to Harvard it was 79 years by 2019 and this, you contend, shows life expectancy in the US has been dropping for 15 years.
Biden's been part of every bad decision DCs made since 1972.
He serves the richest ten percent of Democrats the same way Republicans serve their donor base.
You should poll the people of Yugoslavia, Syria, Libya, and Ukraine to find out how civilized Democrats have been over the past thirty years.
,o1 a-2.jpg
And the D Party assisted them and still does.
By 1992 Republicans had controlled the White House for 12 years and pretty much destroyed US labor unions and union support for Democrat Party candidates.

New Democrats like Clinton and Gore decided to focus on business elites instead of voters.

With the advantage of hindsight it's easy to see how the Internet could have solved Democratic fundraising challenges, but business elites are not about to turn lose of either one of their cash cows.

Investment theory of party competition - Wikipedia

"Contrary to the median voter theorem where political parties have traditionally been seen as vote maximizers who will seek out the position of the 'median voter' on any particular issue, the Investment Theory holds the real area of competition for political parties is major investors who have an interest in investing to control the state.[7"
What is wrong with you that you post such nonsense all the time? According to your article life expectancy in 2015 was 76.1 years and according to Harvard it was 79 years by 2019 and this, you contend, shows life expectancy in the US has been dropping for 15 years.
What? According to the CDC, if they can be believed, it has fallen every year since 2014 in which the data is available.

Each year the Centers for Disease Control release a massive health report that includes the country’s most recent data on mortality and life expectancy. The most recent report’s data from 2017 shows that the trend from the past few years is continuing—life expectancy has gone down. We hit our peak in 2014 at 78.9 years, but since then we’ve dropped down to 78.6. That might not seem like a lot, but the trend has experts on notice.
The CDC knows why U.S. life expectancy keeps dropping—but no one knows how to stop it
What? According to the CDC, if they can be believed, it has fallen every year since 2014 in which the data is available.

Each year the Centers for Disease Control release a massive health report that includes the country’s most recent data on mortality and life expectancy. The most recent report’s data from 2017 shows that the trend from the past few years is continuing—life expectancy has gone down. We hit our peak in 2014 at 78.9 years, but since then we’ve dropped down to 78.6. That might not seem like a lot, but the trend has experts on notice.
The CDC knows why U.S. life expectancy keeps dropping—but no one knows how to stop it
You are stupid and ignorant but very annoying.
Back in 2008, Ron Paul, pointed out, something VERY important.

It really doesn't matter WHAT your personal politics are. He is friends with far lefties, and constitutional libertarians. What he is most concerned with, is bringing back power to the people, and returning the rule, back to the states, and the original vision of the Constitution.

The oligarchs and corporate powers that run the Uni-party cabal, which own both major parties, which lie to us daily, don't give a shit about any of the people.

It does not matter if you are a Green, a Libertarian, a grass roots, Progressive Independent, a Constitutionalism, etc. So, in 2008, after he experience the corruption of the corporate GOP, he organized a third party coalition. It was at that time, with the behavior of the third party candidate Bob Barr that had originally agreed to be there, but then pulled out at the last minute, folks have begun to realize, the GOP often infiltrates the Libertarian party, and the DNC often spoils the Greens. Both parties, often times, are not legit.

These four issues, most Americans care deeply about, but the two corporate parties WILL NOT, ever do anything about, because they are opposed to the vast majority of Americans.

  • Ending the Iraq war as quickly as possible. (IOW, creating peace around the world and ending all unnecessary war.)
  • Strengthening privacy and civil liberties. (We are continually in "national emergencies where the STATE makes excuses to violate them.)
  • Reducing the national debt. (As if either major party cares about this.) This is the source of the destruction of American purchasing power and where poverty originates.
  • Auditing the Federal Reserve. (The Fed is the one that really runs the nation. The Constitution gives the power to coin money and control the value, to the government, NOT a private banking cartel.)

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". . . Instead, Paul offered a general endorsement of outside candidates. Three such candidates joined him at the Press Club. All of them signed onto a platform that included the following principles:
  • Ending the Iraq war as quickly as possible.
  • Strengthening privacy and civil liberties.
  • Reducing the national debt.
  • Auditing the Federal Reserve.
The candidates endorsing these positions come from widely divergent backgrounds: Green Party candidate Cynthia McKinney is a former Democratic congresswoman from Georgia; Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin used to be a leader in Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority; Ralph Nader is a consumer advocate and frequent presidential candidate who is running as an independent.. . . "

It has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats, it has to do with the international banking cartel, and the financialization of everything.

Both parties are paid off, we have a system where the ruling oligarchs own the system, regardless of the party.

If you really believe, that there is a choice, beyond arguing over petty little social issues, which the ruling oligarchs, don't give a damn about? You are being led astray.

Do you know what a "cabal," is?


The major parties have rigged the system since they kicked the League of Women Voters out of hosting the televised debates. It is a fraud and a farce.

League of Women Voters “Refuses to Help Perpetrate a Fraud”​




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Elected Republicans AND Democrats are the political instruments which enact financialization. Until the arrival of Trump it was possible to argue as you do. Since Trump it is not since MAGA Republicans have little intention of abiding by democratic norms. They intend to rule regardless of the will of the majority.

"Former Vice President Joe Biden told a room of affluent New York donors on Tuesday night that he doesn’t think it’s appropriate to 'demonize' the rich.

"'You know, what I’ve found is rich people are just as patriotic as poor people. Not a joke. I mean, we may not want to demonize anybody who has made money,' Biden told about 100 donors at the Carlyle Hotel on the Upper East Side, multiple media outlets reported.

"We can disagree in the margins, but the truth of the matter is it’s all within our wheelhouse and nobody has to be punished. No one’s standard of living will change,' he continued, addressing a well-heeled group, including former Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, former Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Altman, and Goldman Sachs Chief Financial Officer Stephen Scherr, according to reports."

Biden promises wealthy donors he would not 'demonize' the rich
Until the arrival of Trump it was possible to argue as you do. Since Trump it is not since MAGA Republicans have little intention of abiding by democratic norms.



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