Will Russians Kill Americans in Ukraine?

if the regime is beneficial to the United States, then there is democracy there.
If it is not profitable, there is totalitarianism.
If there is a choice in the elections among Hitler, Goebbels and Goering, this is real democracy, and those who do not think so are totalitarian totalitarists!.
Fascist Latvia, where russians who were born and lived there all their lives are not citizens under fascist law, is a democracy. Because it is beneficial to the USA.
Nazi Ukraine, where any opposition has been destroyed and the destruction is often physical death, is also a true democracy, beneficial to the United States, or rather to the financial capital of the United States and the military-industrial complex serving it.
But compared to all of the above, the soft liberal Putin is a bloody dictator, yeah.

P.S. And yes, it would be better for humanity if the USSR had won the Cold War. At least the threat of a nuclear holocaust and the destruction of the civilization of mankind would be destroyed, because it is unprofitable and unnecessary for socialists to produce weapons of mass destruction. Their goal is not profit at any cost, but the well-being of all mankind.

Guess what you are in an incredible minority and Putin is a bloody dictator now. Someone's gonna assassinate him and then you can stop with this garbage propaganda you dumb shit period you think you're smarter than everybody but you are a god damn fool Are you American or what lol you're not gonna change anybody's mind on here . What a fool....
America has been an oligarchy since the time of Ol' Hickory:

Investment theory of party competition - Wikipedia.
It has never been a worse oligarchy than it is today with 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich taxes and horrible propaganda... poor America.
if the regime is beneficial to the United States, then there is democracy there.
If it is not profitable, there is totalitarianism.
If there is a choice in the elections among Hitler, Goebbels and Goering, this is real democracy, and those who do not think so are totalitarian totalitarists!.
Fascist Latvia, where russians who were born and lived there all their lives are not citizens under fascist law, is a democracy. Because it is beneficial to the USA.
Nazi Ukraine, where any opposition has been destroyed and the destruction is often physical death, is also a true democracy, beneficial to the United States, or rather to the financial capital of the United States and the military-industrial complex serving it.
But compared to all of the above, the soft liberal Putin is a bloody dictator, yeah.

P.S. And yes, it would be better for humanity if the USSR had won the Cold War. At least the threat of a nuclear holocaust and the destruction of the civilization of mankind would be destroyed, because it is unprofitable and unnecessary for socialists to produce weapons of mass destruction. Their goal is not profit at any cost, but the well-being of all mankind.
I am sorry about Latvia but it is a democracy and you lose. It's not incredible that they have some bad feelings about the Russians lol. It certainly is not throwing them into concentration camps or sending them to Siberia is it, brainwashed functional moron?
your love and admiration for big oil which is gouging the hell out of us is admirable I'm sure, dupe..
I just gave you some empirical facts and evidence, that this is, largely hyperbole. It is not based on factual economic evidence.

Most of the problem lay at the feet of the global technocrats, the world bank, the federal reserve, the WEF and folks like that, not the seven sisters. I am about done with you, like most folks have observed, you only project arguments from emotional TEE VEE propaganda, not actual reality based politics or economics.

There are far worse offenders that really are "gouging the hell," out of consumers, like BIG TECH, BIG PHARMA, and the Education sectors of society. Hell, BIG PHARMA had, for the past two years, even maneuvered a plan, to require folks to take their fraudulent, untested, poisons, all paid for by the tax payers. Talk about, "gouging." :rolleyes:

If you have an apple product, or a smart phone, they are a far bigger offenders. If you enrolled in classes at a university, had to buy books, they are a far worse offender. If you rely on health care products, they are far worse. All of these are clients of the government, with high paid lobbyists plying both parties.

Energy is the life blood of the economy silly. Without proper investment into it, the whole thing collapses.

You are beyond hope to reach, clearly.
I also found it hard to believe...

"Ralph Nader offers urgent appeal after years of opposition: Vote for Democrats​

"For decades an independent and third-party candidate, Ralph Nader sends a message: This year is different."​

Ralph Nader issues urgent appeal: This time, vote for Democrats
Most of these issues, regardless of how either party stands on them, are either decided in the courts, or controlled by the FED, they have nothing to do with what the political parties do.

"Your choice in 2022, compare the Democrats and GOP, and the GOP is against every one of these, whether it's minimum wage, strengthening gun safety laws, taxing the wealthiest firms and the super-rich, guaranteeing freedom and equality for women, ending the dark money in campaigns, providing Medicare for all, raising frozen Social Security benefits, restoring voter rights, funding child care and sick leave, fighting climate violence with renewable energy, reducing skyrocketing drug prices and increasing funding to prosecute corporate crooks. All of those are opposed by the GOP."

*whether it's minimum wage

Minimum wage would not need to be continually increased, if the FED and congress, did not continually destroy the purchasing power of the dollar, this an indirect tax on the poor and middle classes.


*strengthening gun safety laws

We have a mental health problem and a criminal problem, not a gun problem. The bill of rights guarantees every citizen the right to bear arms. If the people of this nation do not agree with this? Then Bloomberg and the left need to start a movement to repeal it. We have hundreds of laws already on the books. They need to be enforced, we don't need new laws, we need to enforce the ones we have.

* taxing the wealthiest firms and the super-rich

You can refer to the comments from Warren Buffet on this one. The tax code is byzantine. There will forever be exception and exemptions for the ultra-wealth and corporations who can afford lawyers, so they can avoid taxes, they will just offshore their wealth. If you study economics, you will understand, they have the means, and the motivation, to move their wealth, to those jurisdictions with the lowest tax rates. This is how capital works. The poor and middle class can't afford the lawyers, nor do they have the mobility to do this. Anyone that has taken the economics classes understands this. There is a sweet-spot in taxation, which attracts investment, and produces maximum revenue for the STATE. Too high, billionaire and corporations flee to other jurisdictions, and use shelter and shell companies, too low, you lose out on valuable revenue.

*guaranteeing freedom and equality for women

This is just progressive election eve rhetoric. We already have this enshrined in many laws.

*ending the dark money in campaigns

While I agree with this, and this is NOT a partisan issue, many libertarians and Freedom Caucus type folks agree with this as well, the Citizens Decision, which was brought against the huge campaign chest of the Hillary Clinton campaign? It will require an Amendment to the Constitution to deal with. It is NOT the GOP that is against this, it is ALL establishment politicians that are against this. This is something, like I said, both Ron Paul and Nadar had a beef with. The DNC is just as guilty as the GOP in standing against this reform. It won't be solved w/o an Amendment, and BOTH establishment parties are standing in the way, AND NADAR KNOWS THIS.

*providing Medicare for all

I'm not going to get into this one. We have an entire sub-forum for it. I don't think the DNC is in support of this. They are clients of the insurance industry & Big Pharma, and have no desire to do this. This is B.S. They won't ever do this.

But, with that aside, if you follow the garbage out of the WEF & the WHO, and watch all the other nations that forbid folks to have control of their own health, this should give you pause, IMO.

*raising frozen Social Security benefits

I agree, no matter what the solution, this issue has been neglected, a solution needs to be found.

*restoring voter rights

The ruling elites, both on the left, and the right, have been playing on this issue for a reason, IMO? A very nefarious one. I don't know what it is. Folks on the left believe that the issues of voter shenanigans that affect them are real, cross check, voter suppression, etc. Folks on the right believe the issue that affect them are real, ballot harvesting, electronic shenanigans, etc. They all believe redistricting, i.e. gerrymandering are used to manipulate the process. IMO? There is probably truth to it all. Folks only want to believe that which supports their side though.

*funding child care and sick leave

This is a matter of vision. Where once in America, we felt that this was the responsibility of your employer, now some folks believe it is the job of the federal state. It is a legitimate argument. Do you want to live in a socialized nanny state, who has the power and responsibility to give and take away your rights, or do you believe you were born with them, and they are inalienable?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

What ever the case, this is probably more the responsibility of the state you live in, if your community wants government to do this, not the mandate of the federal government.

*fighting climate violence with renewable energy

Climate violence? Did he say this, or are these the words of Salon? WTF is, "climate violence?" Anyone that has gone to YouTube and watched Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans would realize, this is loaded and hyperbolic language, divorced from facts and reality.

*reducing skyrocketing drug prices and increasing funding to prosecute corporate crooks.

Price controls? He really needs to go back to school and take an econ class as bad as Bernie, is this where we are going now?

WTH ever happened to the Sherman anti-trust Act? :dunno: Or we could just amend intellectual property laws, vis-à-vis certain classes of drugs, or what the government is willing to pay for toward drug research etc. There is a lot of things the government could do besides price controls. . .

There is A LOT of corruption going on. . . And to believe that the DNC is not in on it? Pure naivete'

He has either sold out, or has got dementia himself.

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How did governmental support for students denied equal opportunities for generations contribute to the rising cost of college?

How Government Broke The Market

"In the early 1900s, most professions did not require a college degree.

But in 1944, Congress passed the G.I. Bill, extending tuition and living assistance to veterans. This action exploded enrollment with over 8 million veterans signing up. The sudden boom led to states expanding college services with resources they had in a booming post-war economy.

Next came the National Defense Student Loan program, which did for civilians what the G.I. Bill did for veterans. The Higher Education Act of 1965 then set-up federal scholarships and low-interest loans for students. Finally, in 1978 Congress passed the Middle Income Student Assistance Act, which made all undergraduates eligible for subsidized loans.

A former education secretary warned that government aid for students would lead directly to an increase in college costs (known as the Bennett hypothesis) and his predictions came true. The Federal Reserve found that for every dollar in student aid, tuition increases 65 cents.

Ultimately, costs at public universities rose 213 percent between 1980 and 2018.

All evidence points to government-subsidization as the real culprit behind rising tuition costs.

Progressives often try to blame these tuition increases on state budgetary cuts, claiming schools have had to raise their rates in response. But the claim doesn’t wash.

In fact, nine states have increased their per-student funding in the past 10 years and across all of them, tuition still increased. Furthermore, a Harvard study comparing higher education programs that accept federal aid to those that do not found that tuition at aid-accepting programs grew much faster.

All evidence points to government-subsidization as the real culprit behind rising tuition costs. And this is exactly what basic economics teaches us to expect."

The Basic Economics

"The law of demand says that at higher prices, buyers will demand less of a product. And the law of supply says that at higher prices, sellers will supply more of a product. These two laws interact to determine the actual price of goods in a free market.. . . "


How Government Broke The Market

"In the early 1900s, most professions did not require a college degree.

But in 1944, Congress passed the G.I. Bill, extending tuition and living assistance to veterans. This action exploded enrollment with over 8 million veterans signing up. The sudden boom led to states expanding college services with resources they had in a booming post-war economy.

Next came the National Defense Student Loan program, which did for civilians what the G.I. Bill did for veterans. The Higher Education Act of 1965 then set-up federal scholarships and low-interest loans for students. Finally, in 1978 Congress passed the Middle Income Student Assistance Act, which made all undergraduates eligible for subsidized loans.

A former education secretary warned that government aid for students would lead directly to an increase in college costs (known as the Bennett hypothesis) and his predictions came true. The Federal Reserve found that for every dollar in student aid, tuition increases 65 cents.

Ultimately, costs at public universities rose 213 percent between 1980 and 2018.

All evidence points to government-subsidization as the real culprit behind rising tuition costs.

Progressives often try to blame these tuition increases on state budgetary cuts, claiming schools have had to raise their rates in response. But the claim doesn’t wash.

In fact, nine states have increased their per-student funding in the past 10 years and across all of them, tuition still increased. Furthermore, a Harvard study comparing higher education programs that accept federal aid to those that do not found that tuition at aid-accepting programs grew much faster.

All evidence points to government-subsidization as the real culprit behind rising tuition costs. And this is exactly what basic economics teaches us to expect."

The Basic Economics

"The law of demand says that at higher prices, buyers will demand less of a product. And the law of supply says that at higher prices, sellers will supply more of a product. These two laws interact to determine the actual price of goods in a free market.. . . "

"Ultimately, costs at public universities rose 213 percent between 1980 and 2018."

Value of $1 from 1980 to 2022​

$1 in 1980 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $3.60 today, an increase of $2.60 over 42 years. The dollar had an average inflation rate of 3.10% per year between 1980 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 260.20%.

This means that today's prices are 3.60 times higher than average prices since 1980, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index. A dollar today only buys 27.778% of what it could buy back then.

The inflation rate in 1980 was 13.50%. The current inflation rate compared to last year is now 8.20%. If this number holds, $1 today will be equivalent in buying power to $1.08 next year. The current inflation rate page gives more detail on the latest inflation rates.

So the increase in college costs from 1980 to 2018 is less than the rate of inflation.
Gemstone broke in 1975 four years after the Pentagon Papers.
If you can't trust Ellsberg and Snowden, you can't trust anyone.

Gemstone File - Wikipedia
It was swirling around, much much earlier than that. This wiki is edited by the Deep State and many spooks.

It BROKE in 1975. Do you honestly think Larry Flynt's Hustler was really taken to the Supreme court just over, "pornography," when there were many others doing the same type of thing?

If you can't trust Ellsberg and Snowden, you can't trust anyone.

That is the whole point of a limited hangout.



Nobody's perfect.
Chomsky's been the most important public intellectual in the last hundred years.
When he says Republicans pose a threat to US Democracy unlike any other we've ever seen, we should consider the likelihood he's correct (again.)
I wrote what I wrote.

I agree with you, what he has written and lectured about in the past, was great, but that is the past. What he has said now? Is the present. His time is done. He is now irrelevant.

Nope, he has lost his damn mind.

Chomsky? Is now the reactionary, and the very thing he has made his whole life about fighting. He no longer has any resemblance to a, "libertarian socialist," he is full on STATIST boot-licker.

All you need to do is watch the interview, and read the comments, any intelligent person knows, he is either a bought man, or living in fear with no integrity.

"Mr. Goebbels , tell us how you really feel about Jewish people?"
"The same way Chomsky feels about the unvaccinated."

10:12 they're pulling out because it's "impossible to survive"...? why are so many seeking legal action against certain "new" requirements then?

13:37 opposing a government requiring medical interventions with effects that are irreversible and unknown past the 10 month mark, is the same as seeing traffic laws as overreach. people refusing to comply must be removed from society, but they must feed themselves. incredible.
I just gave you some empirical facts and evidence, that this is, largely hyperbole. It is not based on factual economic evidence.

Most of the problem lay at the feet of the global technocrats, the world bank, the federal reserve, the WEF and folks like that, not the seven sisters. I am about done with you, like most folks have observed, you only project arguments from emotional TEE VEE propaganda, not actual reality based politics or economics.

There are far worse offenders that really are "gouging the hell," out of consumers, like BIG TECH, BIG PHARMA, and the Education sectors of society. Hell, BIG PHARMA had, for the past two years, even maneuvered a plan, to require folks to take their fraudulent, untested, poisons, all paid for by the tax payers. Talk about, "gouging." :rolleyes:

If you have an apple product, or a smart phone, they are a far bigger offenders. If you enrolled in classes at a university, had to buy books, they are a far worse offender. If you rely on health care products, they are far worse. All of these are clients of the government, with high paid lobbyists plying both parties.

Energy is the life blood of the economy silly. Without proper investment into it, the whole thing collapses.

You are beyond hope to reach, clearly.
50% of inflation is price gouging. And there is no election fraud or vaccine fraud, great job keeping the pandemic strong and ongoing dumb ass dupe.... And by the way only Democrats are trying to do anything about your complaints so you are a total idiot because you don't live in reality. You live in GOP propaganda world.
Like I said, as the first black president he didn't want to be uppity or pushy. At any rate it was better at the time to move forward, but I agree with you that our oligarchy should be cleaned up and guess what it is the Democrats who will do it if they ever get power with regulation and better oversight. Anybody who votes for Republicans is out of their minds
You're conflating a historic president with a "somewhat less than historic presidency." Obama promised hope and change while accepting $103 million from Goldman Sachs in 2008. (Maybe that's why he didn't end Payday Loans like he promised?) Democrat lost more than1000 seats in state legislatures, governors' mansions, and congress during his time in office. He was never uppity or pushy; he was bought and payed for just like every other POTUS in recent history.

The fragile legacy of Barack Obama
You're conflating a historic president with a "somewhat less than historic presidency." Obama promised hope and change while accepting $103 million from Goldman Sachs in 2008. (Maybe that's why he didn't end Payday Loans like he promised?) Democrat lost more than1000 seats in state legislatures, governors' mansions, and congress during his time in office. He was never uppity or pushy; he was bought and payed for just like every other POTUS in recent history.

The fragile legacy of Barack Obama
well of course he was obstructed by the GOP all the way through. He was lucky to get like 33 days in session with 60 votes in the Senate and was able to pass the Senate version of Obamacare. Besides that I don't think he passed anything lol. Is that his fault? Nope it's the GOP and the worst voters in the modern world. By far. So did you say you don't vote for either major party?
50% of inflation is price gouging. And there is no election fraud or vaccine fraud, great job keeping the pandemic strong and ongoing dumb ass dupe.... And by the way only Democrats are trying to do anything about your complaints so you are a total idiot because you don't live in reality. You live in GOP propaganda world.
"Ultimately, costs at public universities rose 213 percent between 1980 and 2018."

Value of $1 from 1980 to 2022​

$1 in 1980 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $3.60 today, an increase of $2.60 over 42 years. The dollar had an average inflation rate of 3.10% per year between 1980 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 260.20%.

This means that today's prices are 3.60 times higher than average prices since 1980, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index. A dollar today only buys 27.778% of what it could buy back then.

The inflation rate in 1980 was 13.50%. The current inflation rate compared to last year is now 8.20%. If this number holds, $1 today will be equivalent in buying power to $1.08 next year. The current inflation rate page gives more detail on the latest inflation rates.

So the increase in college costs from 1980 to 2018 is less than the rate of inflation.
About the only thing that has gone up higher in cost than college tuition these last 40 years, is healthcare cost.
You're conflating a historic president with a "somewhat less than historic presidency." Obama promised hope and change while accepting $103 million from Goldman Sachs in 2008. (Maybe that's why he didn't end Payday Loans like he promised?) Democrat lost more than1000 seats in state legislatures, governors' mansions, and congress during his time in office. He was never uppity or pushy; he was bought and payed for just like every other POTUS in recent history.

The fragile legacy of Barack Obama
what is this $103 million BS? Whatever the whole thing is a conspiracy without evidence as usual
BS. Brainwashed functional moron.
About the only thing that has gone up higher in cost than college tuition these last 40 years, is healthcare cost.
That is all about Ronald Reagan going after free tuition like he did starting in California in 1964 for God's sake. We have had GOP national tax rates since 1982 when Reagan cut the top rate from 70 to 50 and had success. But when he went out the door and cut it to 28% we have not had enough money to invest in Americans, and the rich have become ridiculously rich. Thanks GOP and dupes like you. You're welcomel for Obamacare. Everything you know is wrong...
About the only thing that has gone up higher in cost than college tuition these last 40 years, is healthcare cost.
Nonsense, college costs have increased less than the cost of living and healthcare costs have increased because there are so many more treatments now than there were then. We are living longer but those extra years are very expensive.
I wrote what I wrote.

I agree with you, what he has written and lectured about in the past, was great, but that is the past. What he has said now? Is the present. His time is done. He is now irrelevant.

Nope, he has lost his damn mind.

Chomsky? Is now the reactionary, and the very thing he has made his whole life about fighting. He no longer has any resemblance to a, "libertarian socialist," he is full on STATIST boot-licker.

All you need to do is watch the interview, and read the comments, any intelligent person knows, he is either a bought man, or living in fear with no integrity.

"Mr. Goebbels , tell us how you really feel about Jewish people?"
"The same way Chomsky feels about the unvaccinated."

10:12 they're pulling out because it's "impossible to survive"...? why are so many seeking legal action against certain "new" requirements then?

13:37 opposing a government requiring medical interventions with effects that are irreversible and unknown past the 10 month mark, is the same as seeing traffic laws as overreach. people refusing to comply must be removed from society, but they must feed themselves. incredible.

Well when was that recorded, makes a big difference... sounds fine to me sounds like a Democrat if you think that's crazy that's the reflection on your brainwashing. It's too bad everyone didn't get vaccinated we could have ended this at the beginning of the vaccinations. But you people failed. Your propaganda brought up every irrelevant problem with the vaccines the pain in the arms and God knows what heart attacks, it was all baloney
Nonsense, college costs have increased less than the cost of living and healthcare costs have increased because there are so many more treatments now than there were then. We are living longer but those extra years are very expensive.
Wrong. Life expectancy has been falling in the US for the past few years.

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