Will Russians Kill Americans in Ukraine?

In 2008 for the last time. Along with a lot of other suckers I was tricked into voting for Barack Hussein Obama.
That's the republican MO. They get elected with all kinds of promises then they deregulate some financial operations make a lot of money out of it and then start a bust. They have a bubble and bust every time they get eight years like 19291989 2008. Why anybody thinks Republicans are good at the economy is beyond me. They keep wrecking the world economy and starting big depressions, see also the worst pandemic reaction anywhere in 2020. And then those depressions, there is chaos and refugees and more right wing fascism. The GOP sucks and it always will, it's a lying pieces of crap and the dupes. Lol I hate being so right....

The problem with Obama was he was the first black president and he didn't want to appear pushy or uppity. Also he only had about 30 days with 60 votes in session. The republican propaganda says he had two yearsbama.

That's the republican MO. They get elected with all kinds of promises then they deregulate some financial operations make a lot of money out of it and then start a bust. They have a bubble and bust every time they get eight years like 19291989 2008. Why anybody thinks Republicans are good at the economy is beyond me. They keep wrecking the world economy and starting big depressions, see also the worst pandemic reaction anywhere in 2020. And then those depressions, there is chaos and refugees and more right wing fascism. The GOP sucks and it always will, it's a lying pieces of crap and the dupes. Lol I hate being so right..

The problem with Obama was he was the first black president and he didn't want to appear pushy or uppity. Also he only had about 30 days with 60 votes in session. The republican propaganda says he had two years my **** ... But he did get a basic Obamacare passed and thank God. And senator McCain RIP
If Americans are killed in this stupid war that doesn't affect the USA ..... the only culprits will be the Idiot in Chief Joe Biden along with all of his criminal handlers.
So true, but most Americans have no understanding of this.

This dumb war just might put an end to the dollar and US imperialism, if it doesn’t get all of us killed first.
Since the end of WWII, the US has built a global empire of repressive military power in service to private capital that has taken the lives of millions in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other places. When the dollar loses its status as the principal global reserve, currency, the tyranny we've inflicted upon others may come home to roost.
Democracy is always better than dictatorship, journalism is always better than propaganda,
Democrats and Republicans are the parties of Capital, which he changes, depending on the situation.
Do you know why I prefer Republicans over Democrats? There is an opponent, a clear enemy. With such an enemy, war and even an alliance are possible, as between the USSR and the USA during the Second World War. And there is a Traitor. An alliance with a traitor is impossible.
Democrats present themselves as defenders of the interests of workers. This is a vile lie. All they do is distract the working people from the class struggle with the capitalists. They prioritize the struggle for the rights of perverts and all sorts of minorities in order to split up the workers' movement. And they do all this for a lot of money from the capitalists.
The enemy can be captured and used to advantage after the victory. So in the USSR, many former exploiters worked and benefited the country. One of the former ministers of the bourgeois provisional government also became a minister in the USSR, or for example, generals of the Tsarist army held general positions in the Red Army.
The traitors worthy of one fate - destruction, no agreements are possible with traitors. So if I vote, I vote for the Republicans.
Since the end of WWII, the US has built a global empire of repressive military power in service to private capital that has taken the lives of millions in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other places. When the dollar loses its status as the principal global reserve, currency, the tyranny we've inflicted upon others may come home to roost.
The world would certainly be justified in taking vengeance against us.

Imagine how the typical dumb American would respond to that vengeance. They’d likely think oh they hate us for our wonderful democracy. Lol.
Big oil is a disgrace that is making record profits while screwing the country and the Democrats of course. And the real problem is refining because big oil gives their profits to their stockholders and refuses to build a refinery the last 40 years. What a bunch of crap America is now. Thanks GOP


your love and admiration for big oil which is gouging the hell out of us is admirable I'm sure, dupe..
The world would certainly be justified in taking vengeance against us.

Imagine how the typical dumb American would respond to that vengeance. They’d likely think oh they hate us for our wonderful democracy. Lol.
America's commitment to democracy and capitalism has not been a great success, we should stay out of other people's business, like for instance Venezuela and Latin America. What a disgrace. The Cold War is over, and Russia is little threat and China scares people in the end. I suppose you wanted Russia to win the Cold War lol, I don't know where you people are coming from now. You made sense until all this trumpism and garbage propaganda hit.... The election steal is the worst garbage ever believed by Americans in our history and a catastrophe
Democrats and Republicans are the parties of Capital, which he changes, depending on the situation.
Do you know why I prefer Republicans over Democrats? There is an opponent, a clear enemy. With such an enemy, war and even an alliance are possible, as between the USSR and the USA during the Second World War. And there is a Traitor. An alliance with a traitor is impossible.
Democrats present themselves as defenders of the interests of workers. This is a vile lie. All they do is distract the working people from the class struggle with the capitalists. They prioritize the struggle for the rights of perverts and all sorts of minorities in order to split up the workers' movement. And they do all this for a lot of money from the capitalists.
The enemy can be captured and used to advantage after the victory. So in the USSR, many former exploiters worked and benefited the country. One of the former ministers of the bourgeois provisional government also became a minister in the USSR, or for example, generals of the Tsarist army held general positions in the Red Army.
The traitors worthy of one fate - destruction, no agreements are possible with traitors. So if I vote, I vote for the Republicans.
What a load of hateful garbage propaganda. Democrats just want the country to be more like Australia and Canada and New Zealand, with health care for all a living wage great infrastructure and vacations cheap college and training and mainly taxing the rich their fair share for crying out loud. Like every other modern country. English speaking countries have the worst capitalist propaganda so they can't even discuss what socialism is. In France Italy Germany etcetera etcetera they know socialism is simply always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Not all the crap Republicans believe, not what the Nazis or communists said it was for God's sake. Republicans Nazis and communists are the worst liars in history. Republicans the last 30 years and now we're absolutely terminal with garbage like election steal vaccine and GW hoaxes. The rest of the world is horrified by your BS.
Democrats and Republicans are the parties of Capital, which he changes, depending on the situation.
Do you know why I prefer Republicans over Democrats? There is an opponent, a clear enemy. With such an enemy, war and even an alliance are possible, as between the USSR and the USA during the Second World War. And there is a Traitor. An alliance with a traitor is impossible.
Democrats present themselves as defenders of the interests of workers. This is a vile lie. All they do is distract the working people from the class struggle with the capitalists. They prioritize the struggle for the rights of perverts and all sorts of minorities in order to split up the workers' movement. And they do all this for a lot of money from the capitalists.
The enemy can be captured and used to advantage after the victory. So in the USSR, many former exploiters worked and benefited the country. One of the former ministers of the bourgeois provisional government also became a minister in the USSR, or for example, generals of the Tsarist army held general positions in the Red Army.
The traitors worthy of one fate - destruction, no agreements are possible with traitors. So if I vote, I vote for the Republicans.
So you are still running the Cold War lol? For crying out loud what the **** are you talking about? Democrats can't get the power and are obstructed by the GOP from giving us a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations big oil et cetera their fair share. Get out of the way stupid.
Since the end of WWII, the US has built a global empire of repressive military power in service to private capital that has taken the lives of millions in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other places. When the dollar loses its status as the principal global reserve, currency, the tyranny we've inflicted upon others may come home to roost.
So keep voting for Republicans and keep that kind of crap militarist covert action garbage going...
If Americans are killed in this stupid war that doesn't affect the USA ..... the only culprits will be the Idiot in Chief Joe Biden along with all of his criminal handlers.
Sorry we are kind of against invading other countries lol especially authoritarians attacking democracies
America's commitment to democracy and capitalism has not been a great success, we should stay out of other people's business, like for instance Venezuela and Latin America. What a disgrace. The Cold War is over, and Russia is little threat and China scares people in the end. I suppose you wanted Russia to win the Cold War lol, I don't know where you people are coming from now. You made sense until all this trumpism and garbage propaganda hit.... The election steal is the worst garbage ever believed by Americans in our history and a catastrophe
Dumb as usual.

Please refrain from addressing me.
I would believe that of Chomsky and Ellsberg, as they are both part of the Deep State. They are both lefty gatekeepers, and disinformation cut-outs. But Nader?

Nah, without a source, I won't believe it. Sorry pal. Nader even once stood shoulder to shoulder with Ron Paul.
I also found it hard to believe...

"Ralph Nader offers urgent appeal after years of opposition: Vote for Democrats​

"For decades an independent and third-party candidate, Ralph Nader sends a message: This year is different."​

Ralph Nader issues urgent appeal: This time, vote for Democrats
Anything can happen, including a fascist coup. Europe is quite ready for fascism.
That's a worst case scenario, imho.
I was thinking more about current administrations in France and Germany (as two examples) being replaced and going Green?

Infographic: Ukraine Crisis Expected to Speed Up Shift to Renewables

"by Katharina Buchholz,
Nov 3, 2022

"According to the International Energy Agency, the war in Ukraine will be a factor in a quicker transition to renewable energy.

"In an October 27 release, the organization projected demand for fossil fuels falling or plateauing going forward in all scenarios it calculated, while it expects the adoption of renewable energy sources to speed up.

"One year ago, the agency had predicted that renewable energy (excluding traditional biogas and nuclear) would contribute 193 exajoules (26 percent) to world energy supply under the stated policies scenario by 2050. This year, it upped this prediction to 215 exajoules (29 percent of global energy production).

"The Russian invasion of Ukraine is also expected to become a major turning point in the use of the most contested commodities in the current crisis - natural gas.

"Last year, the IEA had assumed use of the resource would grown beyond 2050.

"Now, it expects natural gas burning to plateau over the next decades, remaining at a level of around 20 percent of global energy supply."
He should support a third party. We all know the two crime families are worthless. His support of Ds is ludicrous. He knows the Ds suck.

I’ve lost all respect for him.
He's seldom wrong.
Republicans are indicating they will not accept the outcomes of any future elections they don't win.

These Republicans Have a Plan: Rig Things So They “Never Lose Another Election”

"Take Tim Michels, the party’s nominee for governor of Wisconsin..."

"Michels is running a wildly dishonest campaign that has earned 'pants-on-fire' ratings from fact-checkers.

"But it looks like he’s decided to tell the truth about his intent to end nonpartisan election oversight in the state.

"During a campaign stop in Jefferson County, a swing region between Madison and Milwaukee, Michels declared, 'Republicans will never lose another election in Wisconsin after I’m elected governor.'"
just more of the GOP giveaway to the rich of the last 35 years... That you probably voted for, super duper.
I've been voting since 1968, and i can't remember ever voting for a Republican.
I was sufficiently gullible to vote Democrat until Clinton passed NAFTA.
It's hard for me to believe you are any kind of socialist if you honestly believe Democrats are the "Good Guys."
I've been voting since 1968, and i can't remember ever voting for a Republican.
I was sufficiently gullible to vote Democrat until Clinton passed NAFTA.
It's hard for me to believe you are any kind of socialist if you honestly believe Democrats are the "Good Guys."
yes Clinton signed NAFTA, a republican law period from George Bush. He was, Clinton that is, way too easy going along with Republicans and hoping they would go along with some of his stuff, which they never did. Glass seagull (sic)was also a republican bill he signed. So now of course the dupes believe they were his idea in the first place- wrong....

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