Will Russians Kill Americans in Ukraine?

And Daniel Ellsberg? He was trained at, and well shit, that is straight out of the RAND corp. which is part of the military industrial complex.

The whole reason he was authorized to tell the truth about the Pentagon Papers is because the truth about the Gemstone files, "supposedly," was starting to snowball, and the nation needed A BIG distraction. . . that and Watergate did that trick, or so the rumor goes. Ellesberg is probably just a private spook for hire. Sorta like Snowden.

Don't trust that guy.
He should support a third party. We all know the two crime families are worthless. His support of Ds is ludicrous. He knows the Ds suck.

I’ve lost all respect for him.
It isn't ludicrous if you worked at a University and your retirement package is based on the prosperity of your University.

The D's are the benefactors of most Universities.

It is all about interest groups.

Chomsky knows which party will serve his interests.
It isn't ludicrous if you worked at a University and your retirement package is based on the prosperity of your University.

The D's are the benefactors of most Universities.

It is all about interest groups.

Chomsky knows which party will serve his interests.
He also knows that the new BS GOP is totally full of it and is anti American and anti democracy at this point. It always sucks always a giveaway to the rich and the screw job for everyone else with send in the 82nd airborne type foreign policy with a lot of covert garbage....

That is what the video is arguing.

We stopped once Biden was elected.

Big oil is a disgrace that is making record profits while screwing the country and the Democrats of course. And the real problem is refining because big oil gives their profits to their stockholders and refuses to build a refinery the last 40 years. What a bunch of crap America is now. Thanks GOP
Putin. And Putin. You're an idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot. Putin started this ridiculously horrible war in Ukraine and has interfered in American elections as well as European elections and God knows what period he is a total catastrophe and evil disgrace. Try democracy, stupid.
The US started fighting for regime change in Moscow to the last drop of Ukrainian blood in 1949 with Operation Red Sox. The latest US intervention took place in 2014 when neo-Nazis overthrew a duly elected president, instigating a civil war that shows no sign of ending.

Can you spot the "good guy"?
The US started fighting for regime change in Moscow to the last drop of Ukrainian blood in 1949 with Operation Red Sox. The latest US intervention took place in 2014 when neo-Nazis overthrew a duly elected president, instigating a civil war that shows no sign of ending.

Can you spot the "good guy"?
Fuque Putin, fuckue dictators, fuque invaders and fuque your BS....
Big oil is a disgrace that is making record profits while screwing the country and the Democrats of course. And the real problem is refining because big oil gives their profits to their stockholders and refuses to build a refinery the last 40 years. What a bunch of crap America is now. Thanks GOP
The biggest problem with big oil making such huge profits was the tax loopholes and large percentage of the profits going to the very very wealthy.

I've always said that we should have partially nationalized our resources......the way Alaska does (on a smaller scale obviously) or even some corporations like big pharma and Microsoft. Lol ....military industry.... why should Lockheed and Northrop Grumman make all the money when we bomb people??

Don't think Warren Buffett would have been happy with only $50 billion...?
The biggest problem with big oil making such huge profits was the tax loopholes and large percentage of the profits going to the very very wealthy.

I've always said that we should have partially nationalized our resources......the way Alaska does (on a smaller scale obviously) or even some corporations like big pharma and Microsoft. Lol ....military industry.... why should Lockheed and Northrop Grumman make all the money when we bomb people??

Don't think Warren Buffett would have been happy with only $50 billion...?
Or you could vote for Democrats who have been trying to do something about all this crap for years instead of voting against pedophiles and other garbage...
In 2008 for the last time. Along with a lot of other suckers I was tricked into voting for Barack Hussein Obama.
The Democrats are always trying to do something about it but they have to have some power to do it and mancin from West Virginia ain't going for it. Too bad the GOP and the worst voters in the modern world keep screwing it up.
The biggest problem with big oil making such huge profits was the tax loopholes and large percentage of the profits going to the very very wealthy.

I've always said that we should have partially nationalized our resources......the way Alaska does (on a smaller scale obviously) or even some corporations like big pharma and Microsoft. Lol ....military industry.... why should Lockheed and Northrop Grumman make all the money when we bomb people??

Don't think Warren Buffett would have been happy with only $50 billion...?
It just needs some fair regulation and fair taxation, which you will never get from the giveaway to the rich garbage propaganda GOP.
The whole reason he was authorized to tell the truth about the Pentagon Papers is because the truth about the Gemstone files, "supposedly," was starting to snowball, and the nation needed A BIG distraction. . . that and Watergate did that trick, or so the rumor goes. Ellesberg is probably just a private spook for hire. Sorta like Snowden.

Don't trust that guy.
Just someone with a conscience
It isn't ludicrous if you worked at a University and your retirement package is based on the prosperity of your University.

The D's are the benefactors of most Universities.

It is all about interest groups.

Chomsky knows which party will serve his interests.
Actually it is usually a private pension plan that is not connected with the university's prosperity...

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