Will Russians Kill Americans in Ukraine?

Who's the biggest threat to world peace, Putin or Biden? Here's a clue...which one is meddling in the internal politics of foreign states on the opposite side of the planet from his homeland?
Putin. And Putin. You're an idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot. Putin started this ridiculously horrible war in Ukraine and has interfered in American elections as well as European elections and God knows what period he is a total catastrophe and evil disgrace. Try democracy, stupid.
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Let's face it, the people who really Revere Reagan are Republicans. The greedy and the brainwashed...
And Democrats are generous and free-thinking..Yeah.
The Democrats are the other hand of Capital, controlling politics through puppets. The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats are more disgusting and perverted.
When Capital needs to come to fascism (and now Capital needs fascism), it needs to drive the population crazy and propaganda of perversion helps this. Then degenerate clowns, that is, Democrats, enter the arena of the political circus and they turn into evil clowns.. Evil degenerate clowns.
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I just have this thing about facts and journalism and reality lol. Still waiting for a single fact from you instead of just your BS....So many ridiculous conspiracies lol...
Oh bull shit. You are a radical D Party activist spewing propaganda on this board every fucking day. No one here believes the partisan dumb shit you write.
And Democrats are generous and free-thinking..Yeah.
The Democrats are the other hand of Capital, controlling politics through puppets. The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats are more disgusting and perverted.
When Capital needs to come to fascism (and now Capital needs fascism), it needs to drive the population crazy and propaganda of perversion helps this. Then degenerate clowns, that is, Democrats, enter the arena of the political circus and they turn into evil clowns.. Evil degenerate clowns.
So you believe even the most gottstein hateful garbage propaganda that has been disproven and totally discredited and for which there is no actual evidence? You are a hater dupe.
Oh bull shit. You are a radical D Party activist spewing propaganda on this board every fucking day. No one here believes the partisan dumb shit you write.
Not you brainwashed idiots on the right. That's about 30% of the country and about 5% of the world- the conspiracy nuts. The rest agree with me and understand the difference between journalism and propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. I am a happily retired businessman and teacher and have a masters in history and I actually turned one of you fools, the only one I've seen in 15 years on these message boards. Sorry none of your conspiracies are anywhere near true and pedophilia once you get there, you know you are absolutely out of your mind and technically insane you are so brainwashed and baffled by BS.
And Democrats are generous and free-thinking..Yeah.
The Democrats are the other hand of Capital, controlling politics through puppets. The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats are more disgusting and perverted.
When Capital needs to come to fascism (and now Capital needs fascism), it needs to drive the population crazy and propaganda of perversion helps this. Then degenerate clowns, that is, Democrats, enter the arena of the political circus and they turn into evil clowns.. Evil degenerate clowns.

Well they have to play by GOP rules like reconciliation and their filibuster and campaign financing etc etc SC OMG, and what we need now is to change the upper tax rates after 30 years of giveaway to the rich by the GOP so we can pay for some of the stuff we should have period and just pass them because they don't cost anything. And it's the same old socialist democratic stuff. Living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and taxing the rich like every other modern country. Wake up and smell the coffee change the *** **** channel ... Go Bills!
. And it's the same old socialist democratic stuff. Living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and taxing the rich like every other modern country. Wake up and smell the coffee change the *** **** channel ... Go Bills!
This has been tried many times and sometimes with success, and the greater the success, the faster was the reckoning on the part of Capital - an armed coup, political assassinations (Salvator Allende in Chile, Tom Sankara in Burkina Fasso, etc.) and the like.
Capital will never voluntarily give up its power and the money it brings. The abolition of private ownership of the means of production and the dictatorship of the proletariat, so that all progressive transformations would not be ruined by the bourgeoisie, that's the way, like it or not.
Absolutely, they are called the GOP base and they can only listen to Fox News and Internet conspiracy nuts. The whole world is horrified by you idiots who believe in election fraud vaccine hoax the rich pay too much in taxes garbage propaganda.... but election fraud is the real kicker. That is fascist Nazi garbage. And fascists and Nazis are right wing authoritarians, idiots.
MSM , CIA, & FBI have been exclusively in cahoots with the Democrats for at least the past 10 years
Who's the biggest threat to world peace, Putin or Biden? Here's a clue...which one is meddling in the internal politics of foreign states on the opposite side of the planet from his homeland?
The troll from Langley as always gets his ass handed to him on a platter.lol
I don’t doubt he’s right about the R Party. Problem he has is his vocal support of the D Party is ridiculous. The Ds are no different and very likely slightly worse, particularly on war. Chomsky supported dumb Joe, a well known warmonger with a long history of corruption and racism.
Chomsky is controlled opposition,he still tries to tell us the Warren commission was spot on correct and the 9/11 commission as well,proof how demonic he is.
MSM , CIA, & FBI have been exclusively in cahoots with the Democrats for at least the past 10 years
they all live in the real world and are not a bunch of brainwashed idiots like you period end of story. No election fraud no vax fraud no pedophilia the rich don't pay enough thanks to you in taxes so we cannot invest in America like other modern countries.
All lost to history as Americans know almost nothing about the multiple harms caused by non-stop war.

Most Americans know nothing about this fundamental truth from our Founders: Constant war abroad leads to tyranny at home.

FDR lied repeatedly in the 1940 election, telling voters your boys won’t be fighting in another war…all the while deceptively working with Brits and provoking both Japan and Germany.

Nearly every potus since has lied us into war after war without consequence, and many Americans continue to support this murderous lunacy.
Since the end of WWII there's been an economic aspect of US imperialism that most Americans would find difficult to accept; when the US went off the gold standard in 1971 much of the world thought that would be the end of US military adventurism.

It wasn't:

The Hard Fist of American Imperialism | Michael Hudson

"The Treasury bonds standard of international finance has enabled the United States to obtain the largest free lunch ever achieved in history.

"America has turned the international financial system upside down, whereas formerly it rested on gold, central bank reserves are now held in the form of US government IOUs, that can be run up without limit.

"'In effect America has been buying up Europe, Asia, and other regions with paper credit, US Treasury IOUs that it has informed the world it has little intention of ever paying off.'

"'And there is little Europe or Asia can do about it except to abandon the dollar and create their own financial system.'"
they all live in the real world and are not a bunch of brainwashed idiots like you period end of story. No election fraud no vax fraud no pedophilia the rich don't pay enough thanks to you in taxes so we cannot invest in America like other modern countries.
United States has the most nuclear power plants in the world and we have a zero uranium production operation going on.

Guess who does, foreign policy genius ?

Ironically the same country that could start a nuclear war with us
There's a lot of gray area that never is mentioned, but generally speaking, Carter wasn't as bad as he's remembered being but on the other hand Reagan was nowhere near being as great as they say either.

Reagan's corporate and financial deregulation was great for investors .......not so much all the rest of us.
These stupid fucks who say Reagan was so great,sadly some are even trump supporters,they get angry when I posts facts about him they can’t refute,instead of trying to refute them,they just give me a thumbs down and run off.how they cannot be aware of the October surprise or the Iran contra affair,or his kissing the ass of the CIA is fucking beyond me,the truth hurts huh?. :cuckoo:

They also are clueless to the fact that while they are against vaccines,they don’t even know thst zReagan was the president thst appointed fauchi to the White House and they claim this asswipe was against big government and fir the people.:cuckoo: Beam me up scottty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.

I can forgive them fir being clues thst Reagan appointed fauchi,I did not know that myself till recently,what I can’t forgive is thier cowardly behavior to own up to it thst they have been proven wrong about him shooting the messenger cause the truth hurts.
Since the end of WWII there's been an economic aspect of US imperialism that most Americans would find difficult to accept; when the US went off the gold standard in 1971 much of the world thought that would be the end of US military adventurism.

It wasn't:

The Hard Fist of American Imperialism | Michael Hudson

"The Treasury bonds standard of international finance has enabled the United States to obtain the largest free lunch ever achieved in history.

"America has turned the international financial system upside down, whereas formerly it rested on gold, central bank reserves are now held in the form of US government IOUs, that can be run up without limit.

"'In effect America has been buying up Europe, Asia, and other regions with paper credit, US Treasury IOUs that it has informed the world it has little intention of ever paying off.'

"'And there is little Europe or Asia can do about it except to abandon the dollar and create their own financial system.'"
So true, but most Americans have no understanding of this.

This dumb war just might put an end to the dollar and US imperialism, if it doesn’t get all of us killed first.
United States has the most nuclear power plants in the world and we have a zero uranium production operation going on.

Guess who does, foreign policy genius ?

Ironically the same country that could start a nuclear war with us
if I understand your babbling correctly, you are wrong as always... Anyway we have plenty of uranium and heavy metals for that matter and I'm all for getting them out of the ground

Uranium mining in the United States

Uranium mining in the United States produced 173,875 pounds (78.9 tonnes) of U3O8 in 2019, 88% lower than the 2018 production of 1,447,945 pounds (656.8 tonnes) of U3O8 and the lowest US annual production since 1948. The 2019 production represents 0.3% of the anticipated uranium fuel … See more
These stupid fucks who say Reagan was so great,sadly some are even trump supporters,they get angry when I posts facts about him they can’t refute,instead of trying to refute them,they just give me a thumbs down and run off.how they cannot be aware of the October surprise or the Iran contra affair,or his kissing the ass of the CIA is fucking beyond me,the truth hurts huh?. :cuckoo:

They also are clueless to the fact that while they are against vaccines,they don’t even know thst zReagan was the president thst appointed fauchi to the White House and they claim this asswipe was against big government and fir the people.:cuckoo: Beam me up scottty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.

I can forgive them fir being clues thst Reagan appointed fauchi,I did not know that myself till recently,what I can’t forgive is thier cowardly behavior to own up to it thst they have been proven wrong about him shooting the messenger cause the truth hurts.
Reagan was a catastrophe from the beginning when he was screwing with tuitions at the University of California and then corporate speakership forever et cetera etcetera period he gave us a huge giveaway to the rich and corporations, covert actions in other countries that were really horrible, and did away with the fairness convention that gave us all this horrible partisan bickering and GOP garbage propaganda that is really obsessive. I remember when people didn't choose their friends according to politics et cetera et cetera.

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