Will Russians Kill Americans in Ukraine?

You have to be a paid D poster, because no one can be this partisan on their own.

Joe told the 82nd they’d be fighting Russians, you silly goof.
The GOP is always a catastrophe. Reagan gave us incredible inequality terrible upward mobility and the worst propaganda and politics obsession ever in our history by far. A disgrace and catastrophe. Since teddy Roosevelt. They gave us the Great Depression isolationism the Great Recession the worst pandemic reaction anywhere and led a lot of the free world with their vax BS. Eisenhower was their only good president and he was an independent really. The right wing insanity going on around the world is what happens when they give us another corrupt bubble and bust economic calamity....just like the 30's... The only reason anyone would vote for that new BS GOP at this point is pure greed or the brainwashh.
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I was surprised that Nader said this. The other two not so much. Chomsky who is often right about things, is really off his rocker in support of the Ds.

There is no doubt Trump is screwy, but thinking the Ds and dumb Joe are better is foolish. They should be advocating for a third party.
No surprise that Chomsky supports the Dems,remember he is controlled opposition the fact that he endorces the Warren commission and 9/11 commission reports.
You have to be a paid D poster, because no one can be this partisan on their own.

Joe told the 82nd they’d be fighting Russians, you silly goof.
It’s so obvious he is a paid shill for the Demonrats.so true on FDR,half the brainwashed sheep in America worship thst murderous traiter same as The other murderous traiter they worship Reagan,the millions of sheep in America have been taken in by the narrative of Hollywood and the msm media how great he was and the fairy tale thst he was a president for the people.America was so far much better off with carter than they ever were with Reagan,I wouldn’t call Carter a president for the people either as jfk and Calvin coolidge were,remember how the 20 ‘s were always referred to as the roaring 20’s? Calvin coolidge looked out fir the people, America prospered very much under his direction hense why it’s called the roaring 20’s.

Back to carter,while carter wasn’t so great either the debt was not anywhere close to whst it was under Reagan whom Americans ignore created the worst debt ever worse than all previous presidents combined.carter as well cleaned up the evil cia firing the evil George bush and replacing him with stansfield Turner whom fired all cia covert operators.there were no wars under carter. Had carter remained president all these decades our government would be 100 times far less corrupt these last decades than it is now and no wars started by the United States,he was the last president who Represented the democrats well.back then the democrat party did not deserve the title Demonrats as they do now.

All these fucking morons who call carter the worst president ever always run off with their tail between their legs when I ask them did Carter start World War One and two or the Korean War or the Vietnam war and invade Afghanistan and Iraq,places we had no business being in? It’s the corporate controlled media that have demonized him as the worst president ever because of his actions to try and get rid of the cia and thst he did not start any wars and the millions of sheep in America have fallen fir it hook,line and sinker,fucking idiots.
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they are not stupid, they know that Putin and his Russia are a total disgrace and danger to the world, brainwashed functional moron....
Who's the biggest threat to world peace, Putin or Biden? Here's a clue...which one is meddling in the internal politics of foreign states on the opposite side of the planet from his homeland?
Thanks to the US legislative system, President Joe Biden can send American troops to Ukraine without the consent of Congress. This was stated by the former adviser to the head of the Pentagon, Douglas McGregor, in an interview with the Judging Freedom YouTube channel.
Meanwhile, a truly significant event took place: In addition to the United States and Ukraine, Germany voted in the UN General Assembly against a resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism. Direct support of Ukrainian Nazism allowed Berlin to finally discard the shame of Nazi crimes, it has now officially become unnecessary to fight nazism in Western countries.

Finally, they can not hide and be themselves.
Do you understand now who Russia is fighting with?
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I was surprised that Nader said this. The other two not so much. Chomsky who is often right about things, is really off his rocker in support of the Ds.

There is no doubt Trump is screwy, but thinking the Ds and dumb Joe are better is foolish. They should be advocating for a third party.
Chomsky believes today's Republican Party has lost all interest in honestly participating in normal political activities.

Chomsky: Republicans Are Willing to Destroy Democracy to Retake Power

"More fitting, I think, is the judgment of American Enterprise Institute political analysts Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein that the modern Republican Party has transformed to a 'radical insurgency' with disdain for democratic participation.

"That was before the Trump-McConnell hammer blows of the past few years, which drove the conclusion home more forcefully..."

"The commitment to the most brutal form of neoliberalism is apparent in the legislative record, crucially the subordination of the party to private capital, the inverse of classic fascism.

"But the fascist symptoms are there, including extreme racism, violence, worship of the leader (sent by God, according to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo), immersion in a world of 'alternative facts' and a frenzy of irrationality.

"Also in other ways, such as the extraordinary efforts in Republican-run states to suppress teaching in schools that doesn’t conform to their white supremacist doctrines."
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Chomsky believes today's Republican Party has lost all interest in honestly participating in normal political activities.

Chomsky: Republicans Are Willing to Destroy Democracy to Retake Power

"More fitting, I think, is the judgment of American Enterprise Institute political analysts Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein that the modern Republican Party has transformed to a 'radical insurgency' with disdain for democratic participation.

"That was before the Trump-McConnell hammer blows of the past few years, which drove the conclusion home more forcefully..."

"The commitment to the most brutal form of neoliberalism is apparent in the legislative record, crucially the subordination of the party to private capital, the inverse of classic fascism.

"But the fascist symptoms are there, including extreme racism, violence, worship of the leader (sent by God, according to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo), immersion in a world of 'alternative facts' and a frenzy of irrationality.

"Also in other ways, such as the extraordinary efforts in Republican-run states to suppress teaching in schools that doesn’t conform to their white supremacist doctrines."
I don’t doubt he’s right about the R Party. Problem he has is his vocal support of the D Party is ridiculous. The Ds are no different and very likely slightly worse, particularly on war. Chomsky supported dumb Joe, a well known warmonger with a long history of corruption and racism.
Noam Chomsky is a good example of how the left went crazy after Trump won the presidential election. I knew they were a little off the hook before but this iced it
Do you believe Chomsky's correct when he says Trump owns the Republican Party's voting base?

Chomsky: Republicans Are Willing to Destroy Democracy to Retake Power

"We should distinguish the voting base, now pretty much owned by Trump, from the political echelon (Congress) — and distinguish both from a more shadowy elite that really runs the Party, McConnell and associates.

"Attitudes among the voting base are truly ominous.

"Put aside the fact that a large majority of Trump voters believe that the elections were stolen.

"A majority also believe that 'The traditional American way of life is disappearing so fast that we may have to use force to save it' and 40 percent take a stronger stand: 'if elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves, even if it requires violent actions.'

"Not surprising, perhaps, when a quarter of Republicans are reported to believe that 'the government, media, and financial worlds in the US are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child sex trafficking operation.'"
Do you believe Chomsky's correct when he says Trump owns the Republican Party's voting base?

Chomsky: Republicans Are Willing to Destroy Democracy to Retake Power

"We should distinguish the voting base, now pretty much owned by Trump, from the political echelon (Congress) — and distinguish both from a more shadowy elite that really runs the Party, McConnell and associates.

"Attitudes among the voting base are truly ominous.

"Put aside the fact that a large majority of Trump voters believe that the elections were stolen.

"A majority also believe that 'The traditional American way of life is disappearing so fast that we may have to use force to save it' and 40 percent take a stronger stand: 'if elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves, even if it requires violent actions.'

"Not surprising, perhaps, when a quarter of Republicans are reported to believe that 'the government, media, and financial worlds in the US are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child sex trafficking operation.'"
Democrats are the ones desperately clinging to power.

American people are learning the truth more and more from the bottom up.

The media failed us and Americans are very aware .
It’s so obvious he is a paid shill for the Demonrats.so true on FDR,half the brainwashed sheep in America worship thst murderous traiter same as The other murderous traiter they worship Reagan,the millions of sheep in America have been taken in by the narrative of Hollywood and the msm media how great he was and the fairy tale thst he was a president for the people.America was so far much better off with carter than they ever were with Reagan,I wouldn’t call Carter a president for the people either as jfk and Calvin coolidge were,remember how the 20 ‘s were always referred to as the roaring 20’s? Calvin coolidge looked out fir the people, America prospered very much under his direction hense why it’s called the roaring 20’s.

Back to carter,while carter wasn’t so great either the debt was not anywhere close to whst it was under Reagan whom Americans ignore created the worst debt ever worse than all previous presidents combined.carter as well cleaned up the evil cia firing the evil George bush and replacing him with stansfield Turner whom fired all cia covert operators.there were no wars under carter. Had carter remained president all these decades our government would be 100 times far less corrupt these last decades than it is now and no wars started by the United States,he was the last president who Represented the democrats well.back then the democrat party did not deserve the title Demonrats as they do now.

All these fucking morons who call carter the worst president ever always run off with their tail between their legs when I ask them did Carter start World War One and two or the Korean War or the Vietnam war and invade Afghanistan and Iraq,places we had no business being in? It’s the corporate controlled media that have demonized him as the worst president ever because of his actions to try and get rid of the cia and thst he did not start any wars and the millions of sheep in America have fallen fir it hook,line and sinker,fucking idiots.
There's a lot of gray area that never is mentioned, but generally speaking, Carter wasn't as bad as he's remembered being but on the other hand Reagan was nowhere near being as great as they say either.

Reagan's corporate and financial deregulation was great for investors .......not so much all the rest of us.
It's the MSM and big tech - in bed with the Pentagon- keeping us in the dark.

A lot of Americans can't grasp that such a large conspiracy could exist.........and they fall for the lies.
Absolutely, they are called the GOP base and they can only listen to Fox News and Internet conspiracy nuts. The whole world is horrified by you idiots who believe in election fraud vaccine hoax the rich pay too much in taxes garbage propaganda.... but election fraud is the real kicker. That is fascist Nazi garbage. And fascists and Nazis are right wing authoritarians, idiots.
There's a lot of gray area that never is mentioned, but generally speaking, Carter wasn't as bad as he's remembered being but on the other hand Reagan was nowhere near being as great as they say either.

Reagan's corporate and financial deregulation was great for investors .......not so much all the rest of us.
Wow you guys actually make sense talking about stuff before this total garbage about election fraud and vaccine hoax and the other real garbage propaganda and policy we have from the GOP the last 35 years. Or just Trump...

Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70 to 50% and had success but screwed everybody going out the door with 28%, not enough to invest in America and Americans. Carter I like a lot he wanted to cut taxes like Reagan did but teddy Kennedy screwed Carter. Reagan gave us Fox and garbage propaganda and politics obsession... The silent majority is now the loudmouth brainwashed majority...
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There's a lot of gray area that never is mentioned, but generally speaking, Carter wasn't as bad as he's remembered being but on the other hand Reagan was nowhere near being as great as they say either.

Reagan's corporate and financial deregulation was great for investors .......not so much all the rest of us.
Let's face it, the people who really Revere Reagan are Republicans. The greedy and the brainwashed...

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