Will Russians Kill Americans in Ukraine?

We can only hope. Many nations around the world are in the streets demonstrating, but not in the land of the free. Proving Americans are they most propagandized people.
Chomsky and Ellsberg express their views on the differences between Republicans and Democrats on DOMESTIC issues:

Rising Fascism and the Elections - Chomsky and Ellsberg

I (Daniel Ellsberg) would say that as someone who says, 'It doesn’t matter to vote or that it doesn’t matter, so you might as well vote for the Greens–people whose platform I agree with– vote for the Greens, not Democrats,' I think such people are as delusional about the options open to them and the opportunities still afforded to us by the amount of democracy we still have– which is less than it sometimes was in the past, less than we imagine, less than it should be.

"Still, it does exist.

"They are as delusional as the people who think [Donald] Trump won the last election."
The following is so true, but many Americans would call this treason.

War Breeds Empire, Death, Starvation, Genocide, and Hatred, and The U.S. Is the Most Heinous Perpetrator of War in the History of the World

By Gary D. Barnett
November 5, 2022
If I had my way, the word “patriotism” would be stricken from the language, as it has but one real meaning, and that is that the political state is God, and that individual and individual human right and responsibility have no meaning or worth. Compassion and love are abandoned in every state of war, and without compassion, only hate and indifference remains. The term “war is hell” is exactly correct, for what other evil can compare with the barbarous slaughter of every form of humanity in the name of ‘country’ or religion. It should be noted that all war is solely for the benefit of the ruling class, and therefore, it is the bane of mankind. It brings nothing but horror, maiming, torture, weeping, and murder, and is satisfying only to those deranged psychopaths and monsters who revel in killing in order to seek power and control.

It is certainly no secret that this country called America has committed untold atrocities against humanity in the name of war since before and after its founding. It has been guilty of total aggression and aggressive war for 93% of its existence, (probably more) and continues to war and threaten war against much of the world on a continuous basis. The current warmongering and threat of all-out-war by the U.S. is ever-present; more now than ever before, and this evil is ignored by most of this weak and apathetic mob of non-thinking, non-caring citizens, who continue to worship the state and wave its bloody flag in support of killing.

War Breeds Empire, Death, Starvation, Genocide, and Hatred, and The U.S. Is the Most Heinous Perpetrator of War in the History of the World - LewRockwell
We can only hope. Many nations around the world are in the streets demonstrating, but not in the land of the free. Proving Americans are they most propagandized people.


Half Americans as you well know are blind sheep who believe everything the Mockingbird media tells them,they believe the virus hoax and are so stupid they cant understand it is the vaccine that is dangerous not the virus except to the elderly,and swallow the lies of the corporate media that Putin is this generation stalin when it is zelenksy who is stalin and the western media and our government are the ones always starting wars and then create boogeyman like Putin as a murdering dictater,they swallow it over and over again.

they are trying to do to putin what they did to Libya.they killed gaddafi making him out to be Hitler and that he was a mass murderer when it was the complete opposite.Libya was not on the dollar so that is why they killed gaddafi he got them off it. Russia is off the dollar as well so they are demonizing putin and saying he is a mass murderer as well.

they wont succeed with Russia as they did with Libay though.Russia is a superpower and has the backing of other countries that are fed up with out imperialism trying to conquer the world here in the states.

they do however at LEAST even in blue states see how Biden is against them,you have thousands EVEN IN THE STREETS OF NEW YORK A MAJOR BLUE STATE CHANTING FUCK JOE BIDEN and the chants are in many NFL stadiums as well.:yes_text12:
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The following is so true, but many Americans would call this treason.

War Breeds Empire, Death, Starvation, Genocide, and Hatred, and The U.S. Is the Most Heinous Perpetrator of War in the History of the World

By Gary D. Barnett
November 5, 2022
If I had my way, the word “patriotism” would be stricken from the language, as it has but one real meaning, and that is that the political state is God, and that individual and individual human right and responsibility have no meaning or worth. Compassion and love are abandoned in every state of war, and without compassion, only hate and indifference remains. The term “war is hell” is exactly correct, for what other evil can compare with the barbarous slaughter of every form of humanity in the name of ‘country’ or religion. It should be noted that all war is solely for the benefit of the ruling class, and therefore, it is the bane of mankind. It brings nothing but horror, maiming, torture, weeping, and murder, and is satisfying only to those deranged psychopaths and monsters who revel in killing in order to seek power and control.

It is certainly no secret that this country called America has committed untold atrocities against humanity in the name of war since before and after its founding. It has been guilty of total aggression and aggressive war for 93% of its existence, (probably more) and continues to war and threaten war against much of the world on a continuous basis. The current warmongering and threat of all-out-war by the U.S. is ever-present; more now than ever before, and this evil is ignored by most of this weak and apathetic mob of non-thinking, non-caring citizens, who continue to worship the state and wave its bloody flag in support of killing.

War Breeds Empire, Death, Starvation, Genocide, and Hatred, and The U.S. Is the Most Heinous Perpetrator of War in the History of the World - LewRockwell
that would be Republicans.... Afghanistan and Iraq were the stupidest wars ever. And trump would have started a war with Iran by now just for fun with Netanyahu and would have allowed Ukraine to fall. Great job

Half Americans as you well know are blind sheep who believe everything the Mockingbird media tells them,they believe the virus hoax and are so stupid they cant understand it is the vaccine that is dangerous not the virus except to the elderly,and swallow the lies of the corporate media that Putin is this generation stalin when it is zelenksy who is stalin and the western media and our government are the ones always starting wars and then create boogeyman like Putin as a murdering dictater,they swallow it over and over again.

they are trying to do to putin what they did to Libya.they killed gaddafi making him out to be Hitler and that he was a mass murderer when it was the complete opposite.Libya was not on the dollar so that is why they killed gaddafi he got them off it. Russia is off the dollar as well so they are demonizing putin and saying he is a mass murderer as well.

they wont succeed with Russia as they did with Libay though.Russia is a superpoer and has the backing of outer countries that are fed up with out imperialism trying to conquer the world here in the states.
Agreed. You’d think Americans would catch on to the fraud perpetrated on them, but no. Every war since WWII has seen our government and media portray the enemy’s leader as another Hitler.

God Americans are dumb MFers.
that would be Republicans.... Afghanistan and Iraq were the stupidest wars ever. And trump would have started a war with Iran by now just for fun with Netanyahu and would have allowed Ukraine to fall. Great job
lol. You are so slanted you can’t think.

O took W’s two wars and continued them and added five more wars. He dropped more bombs on brown people than W. He exploded the War Department budget, while kicking millions of Americans out of their homes.

Now we have dumb Joe provoking nuclear war, but you really hate those naughty Rs.

Agreed. You’d think Americans would catch on to the fraud perpetrated on them, but no. Every war since WWII has seen our government and media portray the enemy’s leader as another Hitler.

God Americans are dumb MFers.
yeah dont it make you ashamed to be one? Its embarrassing to me to be an American the fact that the people in our country did NOTHING about it when they finally became awake back in the 90's on the JFK assassination.,they should have been in the streets as they are now for many years protesting the coverup of the media and the warren commission report as they are with chants of FUCK JOE BIDEN. :yes_text12: or as shills from langley like candyass and rightwinger want to convince us,they are really chanting LETS GO BRANDON,that everybody loves Biden.:auiqs.jpg:
that would be Republicans.... Afghanistan and Iraq were the stupidest wars ever. And trump would have started a war with Iran by now just for fun with Netanyahu and would have allowed Ukraine to fall. Great job
The following is a fundamental truth but you, rightwinger, and so many others have failed to comprehend. Of course many on the right are just as clueless.

There is a fundamental misunderstanding in this country about who the Democratic party really is. The party does not exist to serve the people. It exists to stop any real movement to the left and is the GOP’s greatest ally in preserving the capitalist oligarchy.
The following is a fundamental truth but you, rightwinger, and so many others have failed to comprehend. Of course many on the right are just as clueless.

There is a fundamental misunderstanding in this country about who the Democratic party really is. The party does not exist to serve the people. It exists to stop any real movement to the left and is the GOP’s greatest ally in preserving the capitalist oligarchy.
To an extent I believe this too. The Dems are not LEFT at all. They back global corporations who want to OWN governments...INCLUDING OURS. That's even more simply put for the simpletons who are stuck on black & white divisiveness. All politicians are usually rich and powerful, with connections. But Republicans are more of the variety which is akin to the self-made billionaire. Us little guys may not always like such people or want them as a neighbor.... But it doesn't mean that they don't give America the best shot at AMERICAN capitalism as opposed to the globalists who are extremely organized, and whose collectivism deceives uneducated or ignorant conservatives into thinking that what the Dems want is socialism. What the Dems want is global corporations running every government in the world. They are in agreeance with people just like themselves in other countries who are slowly working to silence local traditions and indigenous cultures to make way for a progressive pop-culture global capitalist empire. Which basically means that small business his slated to go the way of the dinosaur. Startups which are successful are instantly grabbed by the headhunters and incorporated into the collective. Fucking Borg Capitalism. Not the healthy kind.
Macgregor isn't talking about mercs.

Biden's plan is to use active duty US forces to confront Russia in western Ukraine.

Will Biden Gamble on a Ukraine Coalition? - The American Conservative

"Third, is Washington building a 'coalition of the willing' for political reasons or because it anticipates a resource-intensive commitment and needs regional allies to share the burden?

"Since it is unlikely that conventional U.S. military power would defeat conventional Russian military power on its own, can the U.S.-led coalition assemble the diverse military capabilities required to dominate Russian forces with enough striking power to compel a change in Russian behavior?

"Equally important, can U.S. and allied forces protect Europe’s numerous transportation networks, as well as air and naval bases, from Russian air and missile attack?"
What about the surrounding NATO countries?
NATO has neonazis and isis as fighters
in this provoking of Russia.
Poland seems to be taking the lead in NATO when it comes to confronting Russia in Ukraine. Scott Ritter has claimed there are Polish military forces fighting in Ukraine while wearing Ukrainian uniforms at this moment.

Polish government uses Ukraine war to massively expand military spending

"The ultra-right Polish government of the Law and Justice Party (PiS) is playing a central role in NATO’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. It acts as a provocative and aggressive ally of US imperialism in the region."
The following is a fundamental truth but you, rightwinger, and so many others have failed to comprehend. Of course many on the right are just as clueless.

There is a fundamental misunderstanding in this country about who the Democratic party really is. The party does not exist to serve the people. It exists to stop any real movement to the left and is the GOP’s greatest ally in preserving the capitalist oligarchy.
I am a French socialist actually and you don't know what you're talking about lol... As everyone outside the English speaking world knows, socialist means always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Unfortunately we still believe the British conflation of socialism and communism, and that's the reason we are the only modern country without a living wage health care daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich for God's sake. Other English speaking countries have socialism but they have to call it labourISM or Social Democrats or green or God knows what. They got it after World War Two but we only got the GI bill which ran out... now we're so stupid we believe what trump talks about OMG...

People who believe fox and right wing conspiracy nuts on the Internet are a danger to democracy. No NATO countries are going to send soldiers to Ukraine for God's sake this is the stupidest thread ever...
Poland seems to be taking the lead in NATO when it comes to confronting Russia in Ukraine. Scott Ritter has claimed there are Polish military forces fighting in Ukraine while wearing Ukrainian uniforms at this moment.

Polish government uses Ukraine war to massively expand military spending

"The ultra-right Polish government of the Law and Justice Party (PiS) is playing a central role in NATO’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. It acts as a provocative and aggressive ally of US imperialism in the region."
they are not stupid, they know that Putin and his Russia are a total disgrace and danger to the world, brainwashed functional moron....
I am a French socialist actually and you don't know what you're talking about lol... As everyone outside the English speaking world knows, socialist means always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Unfortunately we still believe the British conflation of socialism and communism, and that's the reason we are the only modern country without a living wage health care daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich for God's sake. Other English speaking countries have socialism but they have to call it labourISM or Social Democrats or green or God knows what. They got it after World War Two but we only got the GI bill which ran out... now we're so stupid we believe what trump talks about OMG...

People who believe fox and right wing conspiracy nuts on the Internet are a danger to democracy. No NATO countries are going to send soldiers to Ukraine for God's sake this is the stupidest thread ever...

We’re talking about the fraudulent criminal D Party. They aren't socialists in any possible way. So stop supporting them. They aren’t any different than the R Party.

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