Will Russians Kill Americans in Ukraine?

Not really, in Bosnia in the 1990s the UN troops were not targets. They sat around watching genocide happening, and the Serbs (Russia's best friend, how ironic) let them watch and didn't threaten them.
Blue Helmets rape people, men, women, goats - its all they do.

The Al Qaeda take over of Kosovo for a greater Albania IS a good example though. On one side you had Milosevic - a fucking Stalinist pile of shit. On the other side you had Muzzie Beast terrorists.

The Muzzie Beasts kept doing what Muslims do - blowing up schools, killing women, that kind of shit. Then the Stalinst - being a Stalinist thought _ "let's just kill them all, wipe out the whole lot of them."

Good guys? Nope - not on either side. BUT Bill Clinton LOVED him some Al Qaeda, so he rode to the rescue of the terrorists.

It was none of our fucking business, and one where we should keep out of it and let the bad guys kill each other.
Yet more escalation. As has been stated, we’re not dealing with a small defenseless nation in Russia. This war could easily spiral out of control causing enormous death and destruction.

There's very little Joe Biden can't make worse:

Biden Dares Putin: U.S military inspectors land in Ukraine amid Russia’s war

"Joe Biden has poked Vladimir Putin as Russia's aggression in Ukraine continues.​

"As per NBC News report, U.S has sent its military inspectors to Ukraine.​

"The report adds that the inspection that have begun already are being led by Brig Gen Garrick Harmon, the U.S defense attaché to Ukraine.​

"This with the help of the Office of Defense Cooperation personnel, who have returned to the U.S Embassy in Ukraine.​

"Reportedly, American military personnel will help keep track of weapons and equipment the U.S has sent ,since the start of the Russian invasion. Watch this video for more details."​

My Christmas wish is for Americans to vote out of office all in Congress who voted for billions in weapons sent to Ukraine, paid for by American taxpayers. That would leave a handful of Rs keeping their job. Then impeach and remove dumb Joe.
After decades of warning against voting for the "lesser evil", Ralph Nader, Noam Chomsky, and Daniel Ellsberg are all advising voters to pick Democrats in 2022 claiming Republicans have become a threat to Democracy.:eek:

There's very little Joe Biden can't make worse:

Biden Dares Putin: U.S military inspectors land in Ukraine amid Russia’s war

"Joe Biden has poked Vladimir Putin as Russia's aggression in Ukraine continues.​

"As per NBC News report, U.S has sent its military inspectors to Ukraine.​

"The report adds that the inspection that have begun already are being led by Brig Gen Garrick Harmon, the U.S defense attaché to Ukraine.​

"This with the help of the Office of Defense Cooperation personnel, who have returned to the U.S Embassy in Ukraine.​

"Reportedly, American military personnel will help keep track of weapons and equipment the U.S has sent ,since the start of the Russian invasion. Watch this video for more details."​

Joe has only a few more days to start WWIII
Colonel Douglas Macgregor has stated he knows high-ranking individuals in the Biden Administration who honestly believe Russians would not fire on active duty American troops fighting in Ukraine.

Given that Biden appears to be considering a multinational force aimed at Russia inside Ukrainian borders, does this alleged "coalition of the willing" rely heavily on a false premise... namely Russians will not fire on Americans?

Will Biden Gamble on a Ukraine Coalition? - The American Conservative

"But as signaled recently by David Petraeus, the president and his generals are evaluating their own 'coalition of the willing.'

"The coalition would allegedly consist of primarily, but not exclusively, Polish and Romanian forces, with the U.S. Army at its core, for employment in Ukraine..."

Macgregor questions this coalition's purpose, method, and end state.

"First, what is the aim of the coalition?

"Is the aim to expel Russian forces from Ukrainian territory?

"Is the aim to reinforce Ukrainian defense lines and achieve a ceasefire for negotiations?

"Or is the coalition merely a device to drag the rest of the NATO alliance into a war with Russia that very few Europeans will support?

"Second, what will U.S. air and ground forces do if they are decisively engaged from the moment they cross the Polish and Romanian Borders into western Ukraine?

"The Russian High Command will no doubt identify the U.S. military component as the coalition’s center of gravity.

"It follows that Russian military power will focus first and foremost on the destruction of the U.S. warfighting structure together with its space-based command, control, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities."
Why haven't they killed Edward Snowden yet ?
NATO created this .
R (3).jpeg
Biden told 82nd they would be in Ukraine. If it keeps dems from losing badly in the midterms, it's worth it!
Is WWIII worth it?

Biden tells US troops they’ll be in Ukraine in war gaffe

"President Biden told US troops in Poland Friday that they will witness the bravery of Ukrainians fighting off Russia’s invasion 'when you’re there' — making a significant gaffe after he previously said the US must stay out of the European conflict to avoid triggering 'World War III.'"
Is WWIII worth it?

Biden tells US troops they’ll be in Ukraine in war gaffe

"President Biden told US troops in Poland Friday that they will witness the bravery of Ukrainians fighting off Russia’s invasion 'when you’re there' — making a significant gaffe after he previously said the US must stay out of the European conflict to avoid triggering 'World War III.'"
WWIII is a small price to pay to keep some seats going to Republicans, er, or something. Come on, Man! You know, the thing!!
In what way?

In the 90's the Bloods and Maxine Waters gang - the Crips, had a war. They were killing people for wearing red or blue.

So which side did I support?

Neither side, I wanted both sides to lose - scumbags.

No different with the Russians and Ukrainians - there are no "good guys" involved.
Bullshit. If another superpower suddenly meddled with...say....Mexico's government, installing people who were against us and for the other superpower we would likely do something. Very similar to what Russia is doing. And that IS what happened. The Obama administration used the CIA to install pro Western operatives in their government in order to turn them against Russia. THAT is an act of war and that's what they got. After they imposters are either conquered or evicted everything will basically go back to normal
After decades of warning against voting for the "lesser evil", Ralph Nader, Noam Chomsky, and Daniel Ellsberg are all advising voters to pick Democrats in 2022 claiming Republicans have become a threat to Democracy.:eek:
The thing is both crime families are a threat to democracy. Voting D isn’t any better than voting R.
Joe has only a few more days to start WWIII
Slightly less than the likely demise of Don the Con's political career:

GOP bracing for Trump indictment soon after Election Day

"Republican aides and strategists privately expect Attorney General Merrick Garland to pursue an indictment of former President Trump within 60 to 90 days after Election Day, predicting the window for prosecuting Trump will close once the 2024 presidential campaign gains momentum."
If this is true it's very dangerous.
Chomsky and Ellsberg express their views on the differences between Republicans and Democrats on DOMESTIC issues:

Rising Fascism and the Elections - Chomsky and Ellsberg

I (Daniel Ellsberg) would say that as someone who says, 'It doesn’t matter to vote or that it doesn’t matter, so you might as well vote for the Greens–people whose platform I agree with– vote for the Greens, not Democrats,' I think such people are as delusional about the options open to them and the opportunities still afforded to us by the amount of democracy we still have– which is less than it sometimes was in the past, less than we imagine, less than it should be.

"Still, it does exist.

"They are as delusional as the people who think [Donald] Trump won the last election."
Bullshit. If another superpower suddenly meddled with...say....Mexico's government, installing people who were against us and for the other superpower we would likely do something. Very similar to what Russia is doing. And that IS what happened. The Obama administration used the CIA to install pro Western operatives in their government in order to turn them against Russia. THAT is an act of war and that's what they got. After they imposters are either conquered or evicted everything will basically go back to normal
As you know, many Americans are blind to reality. They see their government as above criticism and always having good intentions.

It’s really fucked up and just might be a factor resulting in nuclear war.

If Americans were in the street demanding peace and nonintervention, our corrupt political class might stop provoking war.

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