Will Russians Kill Americans in Ukraine?

How about some peace talks?
A cease fire would save thousands of lives (and maybe the US dollar):)
Russia-Ukraine war: At the front line of Ukraine's struggle for Kherson

"The world’s turning away from the dollar.

"The deals that are being done now for oil that used to be done with the petrodollar are being done in national currencies.

"The United States lost the trust of the world.

"How can you have the United States dollar as the global reserve currency when on a whim, the United States will seize the sovereign wealth fund of nations that are held in banks around the world.

"They seized 600 to 700 billion dollars of the Russia’s sovereign wealth fund.

"How could anybody in the world trust the United States again?

"They can’t."

Scott Ritter: We're in a Moment When One Mistake Could Start a Nuclear War - scheerpost.com
Polish, Romanian, American.....etc...yes mercenaries are going to be destroyed!

These are dangerous times to be a mercenary.

Better not to be one.:dunno:

The 101st is there. They aren't mercenaries.
Ritter has also written about Ukraine ending the American Empire.
Is that too cool?

Scott Ritter: We're in a Moment When One Mistake Could Start a Nuclear War - scheerpost.com

"Look, if you’re an American, wake up, guys.

"You’re living in a moment of history.

"This is literally, the decade we’re in right now, is going to be studied by historians if we survive and be looked at as one of the critical points of modern history.

"We’re seeing the end of the American Empire.

"The rules-based order that has governed this globe since the end of the Second World War has run its course.

"It’s being replaced by something else and we’re living through that transition period. It’s going to be a tough period for Americans.

"But every once in a while, just take a pause and understand what’s happening because you are literally living in one of the most important moments of modern history."
Your link:

"'We're ready to defend every inch of NATO soil,' Lubas told CBS News. 'We bring a unique capability, from our air assault capability… We're a light infantry force, but again, we bring that mobility with us, for our aircraft and air assaults.'"

What can a light infantry force accomplish against a heavily armored opponent with hundreds of thousands of troops except escalate the conflict beyond Ukrainian borders?
More escalation. Pretty soon really bad shit is likely to happen.

Do western leaders really think Russia will continue to accept western attacks? Pipeline, bridge, assassinations, weapons, mercenaries, etc.

It may be western elites want a nuclear holocaust. It would fit the WEF’s desire for world depopulation. Maybe THIS is the Great Reset they love to talk about.
The West has weaponized finance to the point that much of the world is ready to ditch the dollar as the primary global reserve currency. Since the end of WWII much of US exploitation was confined to small countries unable to hit back at their attacker; that all changed last February, imho:

What Does the Weaponization of Global Finance Mean for U.S. Dollar Dominance? - War on the Rocks

"$300 billion is a big number, even for a country the size of Russia.

"The United States and its allies froze roughly that amount belonging to Russia’s central bank’s foreign currency reserves (equivalent to about 35 percent of Russian GDP), froze assets of a wide range of individuals and Russian banks, and severely limited Russia’s access to the SWIFT payment system.

"We have seen such measures selectively applied to countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, and Venezuela in the past, but this sanctions package is unprecedented, not only due to its scope and magnitude but also because it targets a major world power."
The West has weaponized finance to the point that much of the world is ready to ditch the dollar as the primary global reserve currency. Since the end of WWII much of US exploitation was confined to small countries unable to hit back at their attacker; that all changed last February, imho:

What Does the Weaponization of Global Finance Mean for U.S. Dollar Dominance? - War on the Rocks

"$300 billion is a big number, even for a country the size of Russia.

"The United States and its allies froze roughly that amount belonging to Russia’s central bank’s foreign currency reserves (equivalent to about 35 percent of Russian GDP), froze assets of a wide range of individuals and Russian banks, and severely limited Russia’s access to the SWIFT payment system.

"We have seen such measures selectively applied to countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, and Venezuela in the past, but this sanctions package is unprecedented, not only due to its scope and magnitude but also because it targets a major world power."
Yet more escalation. As has been stated, we’re not dealing with a small defenseless nation in Russia. This war could easily spiral out of control causing enormous death and destruction.
It's hard for someone my age (75) to believe Republicans will ever say no to the Pentagon. I'm NOT saying Democrats aren't warmongers, but Republicans have always been the party of "patriots."
My Christmas wish is for Americans to vote out of office all in Congress who voted for billions in weapons sent to Ukraine, paid for by American taxpayers. That would leave a handful of Rs keeping their job. Then impeach and remove dumb Joe.
OK I am an American patriot. And a proud Catholic. So we invaded Iraq. The whole point of being a responsible Christian responsible American is when other countries launch an invasion is to consider things from many perspectives… the foreign perspective knowing that we have invaded other countries. That’s a serious thing that’s what liberals in England and other countries are Let’s not forget that America and a coalition invaded Iraq in 2003. There were other wars too and there’s currently a number of wars being fought right now like the civil war in Ethiopia and the war between Saudi Arabia and Yemen. So Let’s not forget that America and a coalition invaded Iraq in 2003.

I believe that most Americans can recognize that there are good people in the Ukraine and Russian military. My question For people here who are Americans and who might support Ukraine ….do you see something controversial with what I’m saying don’t you guys remember the men and women of the Soviet union who fought the Nazis don’t you guys realize that their ancestors are the one serving the Russian military today? What are your thoughts tell me if I’m wrong tell me if I’m right?

Let me also say that I cannot forget the heroes of the Soviet union of World War II I think it’s only normal and liberal and Catholic to feel positive toward those people who fought the third Reich.

Democrats and Republicans we can keep in mind the whole world is watching. They were the ones reacting to our invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan not too long ago. Now we are reacting to another country‘s invasion of Ukraine. From a global perspective one can argue that there is a difference between the Warren Iraq and the Russian invasion about Ukraine and there is. But there are some similarities and you can hear it from masses of Iraqi Muslims and Christians who supported their army supported their government and oppose the Americans. But their voices are not heard or were not heard like the Ukrainians voices are in anyway we look at that there’s something wrong more about that. So I do oppose Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but I know that just as with the American military there are people in the Russian military building Ukrainian schools and doing good things. Just like there were Americans building schools in Iraq.

And yes I would even say when we invaded Iraq there were good people in the Iraqi military fighting us. We on.I believe that most Americans can recognize that there are good people in the Ukraine and Russian military. And yes I would even say when we invaded Iraq they were good people in the Iraqi military fighting under Saddam. We don’t need to view these wars in a polarized manner. Remember in history society talked differently about war like the ones betyEngland and France were involved in very violent very bloody but their seemed to be less hatred.
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Anyone who bears arms in Ukraine and stands up for their corrupt and illegal government should be fired upon
The US has used the same ploy for decades.
First it helps instigate a civil war.
This happened in 2014 in Ukraine.
14,000 Ukrainians died before Putin's invasion last February.
By that time the death toll on both side created millions of blood feuds that aren't amenable to compromise.
All this is being done to promote regime change in Moscow.
Colonel Douglas Macgregor has stated he knows high-ranking individuals in the Biden Administration who honestly believe Russians would not fire on active duty American troops fighting in Ukraine.

Given that Biden appears to be considering a multinational force aimed at Russia inside Ukrainian borders, does this alleged "coalition of the willing" rely heavily on a false premise... namely Russians will not fire on Americans?

Will Biden Gamble on a Ukraine Coalition? - The American Conservative

"But as signaled recently by David Petraeus, the president and his generals are evaluating their own 'coalition of the willing.'

"The coalition would allegedly consist of primarily, but not exclusively, Polish and Romanian forces, with the U.S. Army at its core, for employment in Ukraine..."

Macgregor questions this coalition's purpose, method, and end state.

"First, what is the aim of the coalition?

"Is the aim to expel Russian forces from Ukrainian territory?

"Is the aim to reinforce Ukrainian defense lines and achieve a ceasefire for negotiations?

"Or is the coalition merely a device to drag the rest of the NATO alliance into a war with Russia that very few Europeans will support?

"Second, what will U.S. air and ground forces do if they are decisively engaged from the moment they cross the Polish and Romanian Borders into western Ukraine?

"The Russian High Command will no doubt identify the U.S. military component as the coalition’s center of gravity.

"It follows that Russian military power will focus first and foremost on the destruction of the U.S. warfighting structure together with its space-based command, control, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities."

Biden told 82nd they would be in Ukraine. If it keeps dems from losing badly in the midterms, it's worth it!
That's childish and stupid. Next.
In what way?

In the 90's the Bloods and Maxine Waters gang - the Crips, had a war. They were killing people for wearing red or blue.

So which side did I support?

Neither side, I wanted both sides to lose - scumbags.

No different with the Russians and Ukrainians - there are no "good guys" involved.
I agree with that statement, in a combat zone everybody is a target.

Not really, in Bosnia in the 1990s the UN troops were not targets. They sat around watching genocide happening, and the Serbs (Russia's best friend, how ironic) let them watch and didn't threaten them.

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