Will Russians Kill Americans in Ukraine?

Meanwhile, a truly significant event took place: In addition to the United States and Ukraine, Germany voted in the UN General Assembly against a resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism. Direct support of Ukrainian Nazism allowed Berlin to finally discard the shame of Nazi crimes, it has now officially become unnecessary to fight nazism in Western countries.
Do you think it's likely the current German government will be replaced by Spring?
No idea. I'm just some schmendrick sitting in front of a computer, hoping that between the two idiots Biden and Putin, they don't blow us all to hell.

That would really screw up my schedule tomorrow. I had planned on watching Planet of the Apes.

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just one remark
Trump, Putin and Biden are satanists who obey their loge which commands to start WWIII
And I prefer our effect on democracies to the effects from totalitarian shits like Putin...
Your effect? 70 years Americans are sitting in South Korea, the effect is that all presidents and prime ministers were either overthrown as a result of military coups, or killed, or ended up in prison for crimes.
The US effect in Asian countries... well, it's inconvenient to even remember about Afghanistan, the wounds are too fresh, although the guppy fish have already been forgotten, after all, a whole year has passed since fleeing Afghanistan... The effect of US there gorgeous!
There was also an effect in Vietnam - all the governments of South Vietnam were distinguished by venality, corruption and cruelty (oddly enough, Ukraine is also famous for corruption, one of the last lackeys of the United States, on which they also have an effect).
What is the effect of the US on neighboring Haiti, where the US has intervened many times and it looks like they are going to do it again is on display to see.
I could go on and on about the "beneficial" effect of US policy on many countries of the Earth.
Only developed countries, those who occupied by the United States during the Second World War, which developed well without the United States, doing more or less O.K.
It would be much better for all mankind if the USA stayed at home. But capitalism is expansion and seizures, military and economic. The bigger and stronger capitalist state, the more it is Evil Empire.
I don’t doubt he’s right about the R Party. Problem he has is his vocal support of the D Party is ridiculous. The Ds are no different and very likely slightly worse, particularly on war. Chomsky supported dumb Joe, a well known warmonger with a long history of corruption and racism.
I think Chomsky would say he only supported Joe because of the alternative, and Noam was careful to point out the distinction between swing-state voters and those who live in a heavily Democratic precinct.
After decades of warning against voting for the "lesser evil", Ralph Nader, Noam Chomsky, and Daniel Ellsberg are all advising voters to pick Democrats in 2022 claiming Republicans have become a threat to Democracy.:eek:
I would believe that of Chomsky and Ellsberg, as they are both part of the Deep State. They are both lefty gatekeepers, and disinformation cut-outs. But Nader?

Nah, without a source, I won't believe it. Sorry pal. Nader even once stood shoulder to shoulder with Ron Paul.
This board is flooded with Russian trolls.
Will you stop already? They aren't. Many of them have been members in good standing, longer than you have been a member here. They reveal you for the silly little n00b you are.

This is a very poor way to argue and discuss things. It is an ad hom attack of the most lazy kind.

I think Chomsky would say he only supported Joe because of the alternative, and Noam was careful to point out the distinction between swing-state voters and those who live in a heavily Democratic precinct.
He should support a third party. We all know the two crime families are worthless. His support of Ds is ludicrous. He knows the Ds suck.

I’ve lost all respect for him.
Your effect? 70 years Americans are sitting in South Korea, the effect is that all presidents and prime ministers were either overthrown as a result of military coups, or killed, or ended up in prison for crimes.
The US effect in Asian countries... well, it's inconvenient to even remember about Afghanistan, the wounds are too fresh, although the guppy fish have already been forgotten, after all, a whole year has passed since fleeing Afghanistan... The effect of US there gorgeous!
There was also an effect in Vietnam - all the governments of South Vietnam were distinguished by venality, corruption and cruelty (oddly enough, Ukraine is also famous for corruption, one of the last lackeys of the United States, on which they also have an effect).
What is the effect of the US on neighboring Haiti, where the US has intervened many times and it looks like they are going to do it again is on display to see.
I could go on and on about the "beneficial" effect of US policy on many countries of the Earth.
Only developed countries, those who occupied by the United States during the Second World War, which developed well without the United States, doing more or less O.K.
It would be much better for all mankind if the USA stayed at home. But capitalism is expansion and seizures, military and economic. The bigger and stronger capitalist state, the more it is Evil Empire.
I'm not going to defend anything before Clinton. But you'll find that the Democrats are much better than the Republicans. And Bush one and two started the stupidest wars ever Iraq Iraq and Afghanistan. I was also against the Dulles brothers and their effect and all these places you mentioned. LBJ gave up on trying to help South Vietnam and Nixon was totally corrupt, he knew he couldn't win but he said he had a secret plan which didn't work and really didn't exist, it was just a bomb hell out of north Vietnam. My college and I caught the FBI agent who was the head of SDS in upstate New York who got two freshmen to blow up the ROTC building and probably did the same thing at Kent State. But Nixon and Hoover were not interested in investigating that somehow..... Terrible things continue in Venezuela and Latin America. Carter was great no casualties and human rights as the concentration. Compare that to Reagan, how did his friendship with Saddam work out... OMG. But compare that to what has happened in Ukraine or Chechnya... Democracy is always better than dictatorship, journalism is always better than propaganda,
Will you stop already? They aren't. Many of them have been members in good standing, longer than you have been a member here. They reveal you for the silly little n00b you are.

This is a very poor way to argue and discuss things. It is an ad hom attack of the most lazy kind.

On the other hand, it's pretty hard to tell the social media crap from the GOP and the social media crap from the Russians Chinese and Iranians.... The GOP base makes pretty good sense until this election fraud vaccine fraud trump BS started... Which was after it started at fox I think lol... He just listened like you other kooks
if I understand your babbling correctly, you are wrong as always... Anyway we have plenty of uranium and heavy metals for that matter and I'm all for getting them out of the ground

Uranium mining in the United States

Uranium mining in the United States produced 173,875 pounds (78.9 tonnes) of U3O8 in 2019, 88% lower than the 2018 production of 1,447,945 pounds (656.8 tonnes) of U3O8 and the lowest US annual production since 1948. The 2019 production represents 0.3% of the anticipated uranium fuel … See more
United States has the most nuclear power plants in the world and we have a zero uranium production operation going on.

Guess who does, foreign policy genius ?

Ironically the same country that could start a nuclear war with us
From the wiki that YOU QUOTED franco, it appears, that YES, uranium mining in the US HAS been falling off, and that, indeed, mike's source, is, in all probability, CORRECT.

Just use your head, you quote old stats from wiki, none any more recent than 2019. Thus? It stands to reason, as his source states, none was produced last year.

From the wiki that YOU QUOTED franco, it appears, that YES, uranium mining in the US HAS been falling off, and that, indeed, mike's source, is, in all probability, CORRECT.

Just use your head, you quote old stats from wiki, none any more recent than 2019. Thus? It stands to reason, as his source states, none was produced last year.

And nobody cared because we have plenty of uranium and all we have to do is go out and dig it up. Same with heavy metals. And we should
I think Chomsky would say he only supported Joe because of the alternative, and Noam was careful to point out the distinction between swing-state voters and those who live in a heavily Democratic precinct.
Chomsky is an intellectual, supported by the University system. He admits this.

After the government got involved in subsidizing and giving unqualified students, money to go to college, greatly increasing the cost of college, far and above the cost of everything else in the economy, and allowing Universities to become an interest group, and client of the government, anyone working for Universities, whether they were administrators, professors, researchers, etc. all those became clients of the government, IOW? Part of the Deep State.

If you look at Open Secrets, Universities are one of the top ten donors to Obama's campaigns. Universities, like the media, are heavily infiltrated by intel agencies, i.e. spooks. Much of Chomsky's work stands on his own, but, at the point where he came out and said, anyone that refused to take the toxic death cocktails known as untested mRna vaccines, needed to be banished from society and starve? His trustworthiness on any issue in the new century regarding international new world order politics? Well, that made any of his opinions on anything from that point forward become worthless.

Chomsky needs to get off the stage now, his time is now done.

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