Will Russians Kill Americans in Ukraine?

fter the government got involved in subsidizing and giving unqualified students, money to go to college, greatly increasing the cost of college, far and above the cost of everything else in the economy, a
How did governmental support for students denied equal opportunities for generations contribute to the rising cost of college?
Much of Chomsky's work stands on his own, but, at the point where he came out and said, anyone that refused to take the toxic death cocktails known as untested mRna vaccines, needed to be banished from society and starve? His trustworthiness on any issue in the new century regarding international new world order politics? Well, that made any of his opinions on anything from that point forward become worthless.
Nobody's perfect.
Chomsky's been the most important public intellectual in the last hundred years.
When he says Republicans pose a threat to US Democracy unlike any other we've ever seen, we should consider the likelihood he's correct (again.)

Noam Chomsky - Wikipedia

"Chomsky has been a prominent critic of American imperialism[198] and believes that World War II is the only justified war the U.S. has fought in his lifetime.[37]

"He believes that the basic principle of the foreign policy of the United States is the establishment of 'open societies' that are economically and politically controlled by the United States and where U.S.-based businesses can prosper.[199]

"He argues that the U.S. seeks to suppress any movements within these countries that are not compliant with U.S. interests and to ensure that U.S.-friendly governments are placed in power.[193].
And Daniel Ellsberg? He was trained at, and well shit, that is straight out of the RAND corp. which is part of the military industrial complex.

Ellsberg was training as a labor lawyer when Taft-Hartley convinced him that was a lost cause; he was willing to spend the rest of his life in prison to inform his fellow citizens about the lies that dragged this country into a civil war in Vietnam.

Daniel Ellsberg - Wikipedia

"Daniel Ellsberg (born April 7, 1931) is an American political activist, and former United States military analyst. While employed by the RAND Corporation, Ellsberg precipitated a national political controversy in 1971 when he released the Pentagon Papers, a top-secret Pentagon study of the U.S. government decision-making in relation to the Vietnam War, to The New York Times, The Washington Post and other newspapers."
Chomsky is an intellectual, supported by the University system. He admits this.

After the government got involved in subsidizing and giving unqualified students, money to go to college, greatly increasing the cost of college, far and above the cost of everything else in the economy, and allowing Universities to become an interest group, and client of the government, anyone working for Universities, whether they were administrators, professors, researchers, etc. all those became clients of the government, IOW? Part of the Deep State.

If you look at Open Secrets, Universities are one of the top ten donors to Obama's campaigns. Universities, like the media, are heavily infiltrated by intel agencies, i.e. spooks. Much of Chomsky's work stands on his own, but, at the point where he came out and said, anyone that refused to take the toxic death cocktails known as untested mRna vaccines, needed to be banished from society and starve? His trustworthiness on any issue in the new century regarding international new world order politics? Well, that made any of his opinions on anything from that point forward become worthless.

Chomsky needs to get off the stage now, his time is now done.
Except nobody cares about your paranoid fantasies.
The whole reason he was authorized to tell the truth about the Pentagon Papers is because the truth about the Gemstone files, "supposedly," was starting to snowball, and the nation needed A BIG distraction. . . that and Watergate did that trick, or so the rumor goes. Ellesberg is probably just a private spook for hire. Sorta like Snowden.

Don't trust that guy.
Gemstone broke in 1975 four years after the Pentagon Papers.
If you can't trust Ellsberg and Snowden, you can't trust anyone.

Gemstone File - Wikipedia
Fuque Putin, fuckue dictators, fuque invaders and fuque your BS....
Why do you pretend the US is a "good guy" instead of the greatest purveyor of violence in the world; are you rich?:stir:

Ukraine: The CIA’s 75-year-old Proxy | MR Online

"Looking back, the U.S. under Truman began the policy of turning enemies (Germany, Japan) into friends and friends (the important war-time alliance with the USSR) into enemies.

"The CIA, established in 1947, was the main clandestine instrument of this policy, working closely with the neo-Nazi Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) to carry out acts to sabotage, divide and destabilize the Soviet state."
yes Clinton signed NAFTA, a republican law period from George Bush. He was, Clinton that is, way too easy going along with Republicans and hoping they would go along with some of his stuff, which they never did. Glass seagull (sic)was also a republican bill he signed. So now of course the dupes believe they were his idea in the first place- wrong....
Yeah Bubba signed all that shit into law, but he’s such a pussy he had to.

Damn you crazy!
Why do you pretend the US is a "good guy" instead of the greatest purveyor of violence in the world; are you rich?:stir:

Ukraine: The CIA’s 75-year-old Proxy | MR Online

"Looking back, the U.S. under Truman began the policy of turning enemies (Germany, Japan) into friends and friends (the important war-time alliance with the USSR) into enemies.

"The CIA, established in 1947, was the main clandestine instrument of this policy, working closely with the neo-Nazi Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) to carry out acts to sabotage, divide and destabilize the Soviet state."
whatever that's the Cold War for you. Ask people if they would rather have had the Soviet Union winning. Screw you and your Putin/USSR history of Ukraine.

It's all about democracy since the fall of the Soviet Union and the problem with the USA has been Republicans as I keep telling you. George W Bush was the biggest catastrophe ever. Until trump lol. Everyone prefers the United states now to Russia or Iran or China. Because Democrats. And democracy.
Ask people if they would rather have had the Soviet Union winning. .
It's all about democracy since the fall of the Soviet Union
if the regime is beneficial to the United States, then there is democracy there.
If it is not profitable, there is totalitarianism.
If there is a choice in the elections among Hitler, Goebbels and Goering, this is real democracy, and those who do not think so are totalitarian totalitarists!.
Fascist Latvia, where russians who were born and lived there all their lives are not citizens under fascist law, is a democracy. Because it is beneficial to the USA.
Nazi Ukraine, where any opposition has been destroyed and the destruction is often physical death, is also a true democracy, beneficial to the United States, or rather to the financial capital of the United States and the military-industrial complex serving it.
But compared to all of the above, the soft liberal Putin is a bloody dictator, yeah.

P.S. And yes, it would be better for humanity if the USSR had won the Cold War. At least the threat of a nuclear holocaust and the destruction of the civilization of mankind would be destroyed, because it is unprofitable and unnecessary for socialists to produce weapons of mass destruction. Their goal is not profit at any cost, but the well-being of all mankind.
he was a disappointment but then again he was totally obstructed by the GOP and only had 60 votes for like 30 days in session. Still passed Obamacare, the best thing for regular folks since the 60s...
Obama covered up the crimes of his Wall Street handlers in the immediate aftermath of the biggest economic fraud since the Great Depression.
It's all about democracy since the fall of the Soviet Union and the problem with the USA has been Republicans as I keep telling you. George W Bush was the biggest catastrophe ever. Until trump lol. Everyone prefers the United states now to Russia or Iran or China. Because Democrats. And democracy
America has been an oligarchy since the time of Ol' Hickory:

Investment theory of party competition - Wikipedia.
America has been an oligarchy since the time of Ol' Hickory:

Investment theory of party competition - Wikipedia.
Republicans! Choice always a bad choice. The ignoramus silent majority is now the ignoramus loud mouth brainwashed with BS majority, a disgrace... Deregulation is how they always have a corrupt bubble and bust and depression or recession every damn time they get eight years. How do you think trump was going to do it? I believe Wall Street was gonna have a bust....

Because of Republicans all this was screwed up: the versaille treaty the League of Nations 1929 depression isolationism military industrial complex Republicans covert action in Latin America and Iran and everywhere.... Even WORSE BS ever since and just more economic baloney for the rich....

Republicans! Choice always a bad choice. The ignoramus silent majority is now the ignoramus loud mouth brainwashed with BS majority, a disgrace... Deregulation is how they always have a corrupt bubble and bust and depression or recession every damn time they get eight years. How do you think trump was going to do it? I believe Wall Street was gonna have a bust....

Sorry damn computer....

Because of Republicans all this was screwed up: the versaille treaty the League of Nations 1929 depression isolationism military industrial complex Republicans covert action in Latin America and Iran and everywhere.... Even WORSE BS ever since and just more economic baloney for the rich

The problems you have with America are problems with the god damn big oil big money big pharma GOP. If you can't tell the difference between the two parties you are a total misinformed Fool ....... Funny how the BBC France 24 and all the media in the modern world except fox agrees with the Democrats isn't it, comrade?
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Obama covered up the crimes of his Wall Street handlers in the immediate aftermath of the biggest economic fraud since the Great Depression.
Like I said, as the first black president he didn't want to be uppity or pushy. At any rate it was better at the time to move forward, but I agree with you that our oligarchy should be cleaned up and guess what it is the Democrats who will do it if they ever get power with regulation and better oversight. Anybody who votes for Republicans is out of their minds

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