Will someone PLEASE send Bristol Palin a box of condoms!

Like mother like daughter, a slut is a slut and once again Bristol Paling got herself knocked up once again and will once again remain unmarried. Bristol America's harlot will be raising another bastard child and poor sap Dylan Meyer will be footing the bill for this Republican slut and her second bastard child.

Not so fast! Though Bristol Palin raised some eyebrows on Thursday, June 25, with her less-than-celebratory pregnancy announcement, the daughter of Sarah Palin took to her blog to clarify (to lie about) the details surrounding her second out of wedlock pregnancy on Sunday, June 28.


"I made a mistake, but it's not the mistake all these giddy a$$holes have loved to assume," she wrote. "This pregnancy was actually planned. Everyone knows I wanted more kids, to have a bigger family. Believing I was heading that way, I got ahead of myself. Things didn't go as planned, but life keeps going. Life moves on."

Palin, 24, was scheduled to get married over Memorial Day weekend to Dakota Meyer, but the pair called off their wedding the week before.

Now the slut is lying. It seems that the possible father has ditched this bitch the way Levi Johnson did. Dakota Meyer would be smart to get a paternity test because you can never trust a lying Republican slut

Bristol Palin Defends Herself This Pregnancy Was Actually Planned - Yahoo Celebrity

Not only is this old news,I dont give a rats ass if she has twenty kids as long as i'm not paying for em.
And I'm pretty sure fat assholio is just jealous since he's been dating his right hand since puberty.

Fat Bastardio is probably a lib female anyway.... So yeah. :)
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?
And she's fortunate enough to come from a family of money and can't afford to have as many kids as she wants unlike many lower middle class and even poor Americans. Easy to judge when you have the ability to pop out as many as you want. That's why I'm pro abortion
I would love to live in a world where poor stupid people can have as many children as they want unfortunately we don't live in that place.
Who the fuck is Herman?

This woman made big bucks by lecturing on Morality and Abstinence Only.

She was a walking, talking sandwich sign for Astinence Only.

She boasted about not having sex before marriage, a lie.

Two kids, without a marriage licence.

Hypocrite is too nice a word for her.
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?

why aren't the rightwingnuts yelling about her immorality?
Why aren't the left wing nuts yelling her body her choice and stay out of peoples private lives?

If she hadn't previously tried to limit other women's ability to make their own choices about their own body, it wouldn't even be discussed.
How so?
Haveyou figured out a way to get pregnant thru your butt yet, Herman?
Who the fuck is Herman?

This woman made big bucks by lecturing on Morality and Abstinence Only.

She was a walking, talking sandwich sign for Astinence Only.

She boasted about not having sex before marriage, a lie.

Two kids, without a marriage licence.

Hypocrite is too nice a word for her.
I thought you fags were into free love and kill the baby if it's inconvenient. Why all the whining?
Haveyou figured out a way to get pregnant thru your butt yet, Herman?
Who the fuck is Herman?

This woman made big bucks by lecturing on Morality and Abstinence Only.

She was a walking, talking sandwich sign for Astinence Only.

She boasted about not having sex before marriage, a lie.

Two kids, without a marriage licence.

Hypocrite is too nice a word for her.
I thought you fags were into free love and kill the baby if it's inconvenient. Why all the whining?

And they bawl about the "war on women", while waging war on a woman. Incredible
Well.................if Josh Duggar can have a job with a family values foundation, and conservatives are cool with that, then why shouldn't Bristol be allowed to run an abstinence only organization?

I mean...................conservatives defend them vigorously.

But................two kids out of wedlock.................isn't there something in the Bible about not committing adultery, which some conservatives on here have defined as being sex outside of the sacrament of marriage.

Good to see so many conservatives representing family values.
First it was Josh Duggar who was paid to represent family values, now, it's Bristol getting pregnant while telling others how great abstinence is.

BTW..................quick question for you conservatives....................isn't sex outside of the sacrament of marriage considered adultery, and isn't there a Bible commandment against it?
She's still in the news because she has to come up with a new grift the abstinence people hung up on her.

Oh? Well she has said the pregnancy was planned. If Bristol Palin causes you so much despair you lead a very sad life

Oh sure, the queen of abstinence has a planned pregnancy by someone yet to be named. What do they call that? an Immaculate degeneration?
She's still in the news because she has to come up with a new grift the abstinence people hung up on her.

Oh? Well she has said the pregnancy was planned. If Bristol Palin causes you so much despair you lead a very sad life

Oh sure, the queen of abstinence has a planned pregnancy by someone yet to be named. What do they call that? an Immaculate degeneration?

I don't really care what she does, it's her life. If she causes you so much grief maybe you should see a Dr over it
She wasn't living good values.....was she....that is a Bristol Palin problem not a conservative problem....

Libs expect teenagers to make perfect choices. Unless they are lib kids :)

If they are lib kids they don't care....just more poor, dependent, democrat voters......

Right. They never claimed to have morals so they get a permanent pass. I forgot. :)

they care more about Bristol Palin's consensual sex than bill clinton raping 3 women, probably more, and sexually assaulting a whole bunch of others............a real war on women...if bill clinton had raped her they would be fine with her having sex....

If Bill raped her... To libs it wouldn't be " rape/rape".
If Bill raped a 12 year old, libs would be saying "SLUT/SLUT".
But it isn't just her life, you left out the delicious hypocrisy of her getting paid while getting laid.

Dude, I don't care. Got it? It's just more deflection, there are real issues to worry about and this isn't one of them. Good gawd, you all sound like a bunch of gossiping old hags
Why are liberals meddling in someone else's bedroom ?
I think they like being in other people bedroom.
Which politician produced the Moral Majority? Wasn't that Ronald Reagan then George W Bush who wooed the religious right vote? Otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion. We would be talking about the things that matter like fair taxation labor laws and the middle class. They got us chasing our tails

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