Will someone PLEASE send Bristol Palin a box of condoms!

It's still funny to see the hypocritical way that some of those on the right behave.

Maybe Palin should marry Duggar..............they both seem to have the same amount of hubris and bullshit.
Conservatives are the ones that like to meddle in someone else's bedroom.

Anyone remember DOMA?

And................Palin announced it, so she's fair game.
Liberals war on women continues.

Why are liberals wanting to talk about what two consenting adults do?

Liberals, hateful hypocrites.
Just a few more years and Bristol will be the perfect Democrat presidential candidate. Achieved TWO out-of-wedlock pregnancies spoiled only by her failure to abort. But she's young and there's plenty of time to correct that oversight.
Just a few more years and Bristol will be the perfect Democrat presidential candidate. Achieved TWO out-of-wedlock pregnancies spoiled only by her failure to abort. But she's young and there's plenty of time to correct that oversight.
I got Sarah Palin type neighbors their daughter has two sons from two different men have been living in the grandparents house with kids are now in college and high school and the daughter is a hairdresser. How many of these people are paying a lifetime for their mistakes 20 years or so give or take. Usually the grandparents end up doing most of the raising. The new America
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?

why aren't the rightwingnuts yelling about her immorality?
Why aren't the left wing nuts yelling her body her choice and stay out of peoples private lives?

If she hadn't previously tried to limit other women's ability to make their own choices about their own body, it wouldn't even be discussed.
When/How did she do this?
Got to admit, it's scary.

Imagine, someone giving lectures on something she has first hand experience on.

Obviously, she'll never politician.
There's still time for her to abort and become a contender against that poor old lady with the failed memory. Yes, there should be an age issue; she's constitutionally too young. But that would only matter if we still HAD a constitution.
I say the girl would have been better off getting two abortions and waiting for Mr Right because no one wanted to be with a woman who has 2 kids from 2 men. The last 20 years could have been so different for her.
There's still time for her to abort and become a contender against that poor old lady with the failed memory. Yes, there should be an age issue; she's constitutionally too young. But that would only matter if we still HAD a constitution.

The old lady with the failed memory? Her mother? I thought her career failed too.
"Imagine, someone giving lectures on something she has first hand experience on."

Oh you just know that she had both hands and both feet on that.

No, I don't know that.

Do you?
Who the fuck is Herman?

This woman made big bucks by lecturing on Morality and Abstinence Only.

She was a walking, talking sandwich sign for Astinence Only.

She boasted about not having sex before marriage, a lie.

Two kids, without a marriage licence.

Hypocrite is too nice a word for her.
It's all about the Benjamins with this clan, and they plan on milking it until it runs completely dry.
Who the fuck is Herman?

This woman made big bucks by lecturing on Morality and Abstinence Only.

She was a walking, talking sandwich sign for Astinence Only.

She boasted about not having sex before marriage, a lie.

Two kids, without a marriage licence.

Hypocrite is too nice a word for her.
It's all about the Benjamins with this clan, and they plan on milking it until it runs completely dry.

And as long as you loons keep feeding the bennies they'll be fine
Who the fuck is Herman?

This woman made big bucks by lecturing on Morality and Abstinence Only.

She was a walking, talking sandwich sign for Astinence Only.

She boasted about not having sex before marriage, a lie.

Two kids, without a marriage licence.

Hypocrite is too nice a word for her.
It's all about the Benjamins with this clan, and they plan on milking it until it runs completely dry.

Does that mean they're related to the Kennedys, or the Clintons?

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