Will someone PLEASE send Bristol Palin a box of condoms!

It's obvious you don't care. You've only posted to the thread six times, LOL.

I enjoy making assholes like you look as stupid as you are
No. You only make yourself look stupid. By the way, this is your seventh post to the thread that you don't care about, LOL.

So you're going to post a number every time I post? Dumb ass? You're what, 13? Now stop bothering me "vor" LMAO

A rejection letter from MENSA wouldn't come as a particular surprise for you now, would it?

Why don't you and "vor" skype each other? You're no use on this thread

They probably already do. :)
It's obvious you don't care. You've only posted to the thread six times, LOL.

I enjoy making assholes like you look as stupid as you are
No. You only make yourself look stupid. By the way, this is your seventh post to the thread that you don't care about, LOL.

So you're going to post a number every time I post? Dumb ass? You're what, 13? Now stop bothering me "vor" LMAO

A rejection letter from MENSA wouldn't come as a particular surprise for you now, would it?

Why don't you and "vor" skype each other? You're no use on this thread

SassyIrishLass forgot to take her anti-psychotics today.
I enjoy making assholes like you look as stupid as you are
No. You only make yourself look stupid. By the way, this is your seventh post to the thread that you don't care about, LOL.

So you're going to post a number every time I post? Dumb ass? You're what, 13? Now stop bothering me "vor" LMAO

A rejection letter from MENSA wouldn't come as a particular surprise for you now, would it?

Why don't you and "vor" skype each other? You're no use on this thread

SassyIrishLass forgot to take her anti-psychotics today.
No. You only make yourself look stupid. By the way, this is your seventh post to the thread that you don't care about, LOL.

So you're going to post a number every time I post? Dumb ass? You're what, 13? Now stop bothering me "vor" LMAO

A rejection letter from MENSA wouldn't come as a particular surprise for you now, would it?

Why don't you and "vor" skype each other? You're no use on this thread

SassyIrishLass forgot to take her anti-psychotics today.

And they all repeat their statements like parrots.
So you're going to post a number every time I post? Dumb ass? You're what, 13? Now stop bothering me "vor" LMAO

A rejection letter from MENSA wouldn't come as a particular surprise for you now, would it?

Why don't you and "vor" skype each other? You're no use on this thread

SassyIrishLass forgot to take her anti-psychotics today.

And they all repeat their statements like parrots.
I am glad Bristol Palin is having another child. I wish her, the father of the child, and her future child all the blessing they deserve. I hope the future bundle of joy will be a great brother or sister for her other child, and may it have a healthy life.

I refuse to take the low road and insult a child because of the family it was born in...
If she has it and the kid grows up to live a happy life it should consider itself lucky because some women would abort.
Conservatives are the ones that like to meddle in someone else's bedroom.

Anyone remember DOMA?

And................Palin announced it, so she's fair game.

better look again Biker. The liberals are all over Bristol's sex life like the hypocrites they are. I hope they don't throw bottles of piss like they did at the Texas Capitol.
I'm still not over speaker of the house Denny hastert Republican pedophile I consider Palin a distraction. Could you imagine if the liberal media was really liberal don't you think they'd be reporting the hell out of that Dennis Hastert sorry? But they're not and if it was Al Gore would be huge if it was Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi it would be huge and you guys aren't even talking about it.
Ideally it would be said that this thread is inappropriate, unfair, and should not be a topic of political discussion.


After more than 40 years of republicans and conservatives propagating the lie that they alone have a 'monopoly' on 'morality' and 'family values,' after more than 40 years of republicans and conservatives seeking to violate the reproductive rights and privacy rights of women, and after more than 40 years of republicans and conservatives vilifying unwed mothers and children living in homes absent fathers – most recently during the debate concerning same-sex couples marrying and raising children – republicans and conservatives have only themselves to blame for being subject to such ridicule.
I enjoy making assholes like you look as stupid as you are
No. You only make yourself look stupid. By the way, this is your seventh post to the thread that you don't care about, LOL.

So you're going to post a number every time I post? Dumb ass? You're what, 13? Now stop bothering me "vor" LMAO

A rejection letter from MENSA wouldn't come as a particular surprise for you now, would it?

Why don't you and "vor" skype each other? You're no use on this thread

SassyIrishLass forgot to take her anti-psychotics today.

They don't work anyway......
Ideally it would be said that this thread is inappropriate, unfair, and should not be a topic of political discussion.


After more than 40 years of republicans and conservatives propagating the lie that they alone have a 'monopoly' on 'morality' and 'family values,' after more than 40 years of republicans and conservatives seeking to violate the reproductive rights and privacy rights of women, and after more than 40 years of republicans and conservatives vilifying unwed mothers and children living in homes absent fathers – most recently during the debate concerning same-sex couples marrying and raising children – republicans and conservatives have only themselves to blame for being subject to such ridicule.
Unwed mothers and absent fathers should be villified or at least not glamorized.
so she said its planned. HTF do we know that?

Keep your nose out of her vagina.

That's hilarious coming from a NaziCon.

Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?
What's wrong with being a single mother?

What's wrong with being a hypocrite who preaches abstinence - then gets knocked up twice out of wedlock by two different men?
Bristol does not need a box of condoms

She can screw anyone she wants now, she is already pregnant
I think people are born with either the liberal or conservative gene yes I do believe it can be taught her example by your parents growing up but I think people will eventually become what they are even if I was raised conservative I have a liberal mind I don't think it could have been stifled
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?
What's wrong with being a single mother?

Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

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