Will someone PLEASE send Bristol Palin a box of condoms!

Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?
What's wrong with being a single mother?

Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

liberal, thank you

Ann Coulter on single motherhood.

Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?
What's wrong with being a single mother?

Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

liberal, thank you

I don't think liberals have complained about who's on food stamps, welfare, unemployment; etc. Oh yeah, the single mom's are always the mother's of thugs too. At least that's what I have picked up on USMB.

oh good grief, as if we don't have people capable of working who isn't MILKING the system. THAT is what people talk about. so give us a break
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?
What's wrong with being a single mother?

Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

Liberals. They want babies dead.

You got a link? Why you're at it, you want to explain all those liberals who have kids?
Using your train-of-thought, liberals don't have children. :disbelief:
Did you read that on Breibart? :laugh::laugh:

You claiming libs don't support abortion on demand because they might be a drain on society?
If she had aborted them these people would cheering her and putting her on their pedestal, like the paid woman who climbed a damn flag pole and looked like a whacko

Do you glug, glug, glug, every night? What the hell does flag lady have to do with abortion? Nobody cheers for people having abortions, dingbat.

What the hell did integrating society with a bunch of violent blacks and releasing men from al responsibility within the family done? Made us a a cess pool of declining standards. Half of the baby is the mans and that is something woman aint running away from.This also means that it is wrong for the male to run away. It is wrong.

We have a lot of dirt to pour into the hole that we have fucking dug our selves over the past 50 years.
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?
What's wrong with being a single mother?

Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

liberal, thank you

I don't think liberals have complained about who's on food stamps, welfare, unemployment; etc. Oh yeah, the single mom's are always the mother's of thugs too. At least that's what I have picked up on USMB.

oh good grief, as if we don't have people capable of working who isn't MILKING the system. THAT is what people talk about. so give us a break

Aren't you living off entitlements?
Ann Coulter: "Single mothers: Getting pregnant isn’t like catching the flu. There are volitional acts involved–someone else explain it to Dennis Kucinich. By this purposeful act, single mothers cause irreparable harm to other human beings–their own children–as countless studies on the subject make clear."
What's wrong with being a single mother?

Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

liberal, thank you

I don't think liberals have complained about who's on food stamps, welfare, unemployment; etc. Oh yeah, the single mom's are always the mother's of thugs too. At least that's what I have picked up on USMB.

oh good grief, as if we don't have people capable of working who isn't MILKING the system. THAT is what people talk about. so give us a break

Aren't you living off entitlements?
I don't receive anything from any of you. I just left working at the school district for four years and my guy works at Ford. but if I could get entitlements, I would tell you just to piss you off and on you. how that?
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?
What's wrong with being a single mother?

Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

Liberals. They want babies dead.

You got a link? Why you're at it, you want to explain all those liberals who have kids?
Using your train-of-thought, liberals don't have children. :disbelief:
Did you read that on Breibart? :laugh::laugh:

You claiming libs don't support abortion on demand because they might be a drain on society?

I really don't think there are too many of any ideology that support abortions on demand. To imply that, is being intellectually dishonest or extremely gullible.
There sure are quite a few left-wing nut-jobs at this site who are fixated on Bristol Palin. And I do mean nut-job. They seem like they just as obsessed as that John Hinkley guy who shot Reagan.
What's wrong with being a single mother?

Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

Liberals. They want babies dead.

You got a link? Why you're at it, you want to explain all those liberals who have kids?
Using your train-of-thought, liberals don't have children. :disbelief:
Did you read that on Breibart? :laugh::laugh:

You claiming libs don't support abortion on demand because they might be a drain on society?

I really don't think there are too many of any ideology that support abortions on demand. To imply that, is being intellectually dishonest or extremely gullible.

Then why do you libs fight for late term abortions and denying treatment to babies born alive?
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?
What's wrong with being a single mother?

Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

liberal, thank you

I don't think liberals have complained about who's on food stamps, welfare, unemployment; etc. Oh yeah, the single mom's are always the mother's of thugs too. At least that's what I have picked up on USMB.

oh good grief, as if we don't have people capable of working who isn't MILKING the system. THAT is what people talk about. so give us a break

You don't work.
There sure are quite a few left-wing nut-jobs at this site who are fixated on Bristol Palin. And I do mean nut-job. They seem like they just as obsessed as that John Hinkley guy who shot Reagan.

Yep. So much so... I hope she has a body guard. These nutters are liable to do something crazy.
Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

Liberals. They want babies dead.

You got a link? Why you're at it, you want to explain all those liberals who have kids?
Using your train-of-thought, liberals don't have children. :disbelief:
Did you read that on Breibart? :laugh::laugh:

You claiming libs don't support abortion on demand because they might be a drain on society?

I really don't think there are too many of any ideology that support abortions on demand. To imply that, is being intellectually dishonest or extremely gullible.

Then why do you libs fight for late term abortions and denying treatment to babies born alive?

I'm pro-life and I'm not a liberal. But then I am to the left of all far right folks, but then so is 80% of the population.
What's wrong with being a single mother?

Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

liberal, thank you

I don't think liberals have complained about who's on food stamps, welfare, unemployment; etc. Oh yeah, the single mom's are always the mother's of thugs too. At least that's what I have picked up on USMB.

oh good grief, as if we don't have people capable of working who isn't MILKING the system. THAT is what people talk about. so give us a break

Aren't you living off entitlements?

She said she was on disability.
There sure are quite a few left-wing nut-jobs at this site who are fixated on Bristol Palin. And I do mean nut-job. They seem like they just as obsessed as that John Hinkley guy who shot Reagan.

Yep. So much so... I hope she has a body guard. These nutters are liable to do something crazy.

it all that TOLERANCE they claim they have more of. riiiiiiight
There sure are quite a few left-wing nut-jobs at this site who are fixated on Bristol Palin. And I do mean nut-job. They seem like they just as obsessed as that John Hinkley guy who shot Reagan.

Yep. So much so... I hope she has a body guard. These nutters are liable to do something crazy.

Drama queen. No one has mentioned wanting to harm Bristol. We're just pointing out the hypocrisy on the right.
There sure are quite a few left-wing nut-jobs at this site who are fixated on Bristol Palin. And I do mean nut-job. They seem like they just as obsessed as that John Hinkley guy who shot Reagan.

Yep. So much so... I hope she has a body guard. These nutters are liable to do something crazy.

it all that TOLERANCE they claim they have more of. riiiiiiight

It all that....really? Walk away from the keyboard.
You can bet if this was Chelsea , the angel daughter of the Clintons. Of that daddy who was caught having a blow job from a woman about the same age as his daughter was. we'd be hearing a different song

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