Will someone PLEASE send Bristol Palin a box of condoms!

Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?
What's wrong with being a single mother?

Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

liberal, thank you
If she had aborted them these people would cheering her and putting her on their pedestal, like the paid woman who climbed a damn flag pole and looked like a whacko
Just a few more years and Bristol will be the perfect Democrat presidential candidate. Achieved TWO out-of-wedlock pregnancies spoiled only by her failure to abort. But she's young and there's plenty of time to correct that oversight.
I got Sarah Palin type neighbors their daughter has two sons from two different men have been living in the grandparents house with kids are now in college and high school and the daughter is a hairdresser. How many of these people are paying a lifetime for their mistakes 20 years or so give or take. Usually the grandparents end up doing most of the raising. The new America

Most sperm donors are worthless pieces of crap anyway (see woman hating assoles in this thread). If you can afford taking care of the kids... They should be kicked to the curb.
Just a few more years and Bristol will be the perfect Democrat presidential candidate. Achieved TWO out-of-wedlock pregnancies spoiled only by her failure to abort. But she's young and there's plenty of time to correct that oversight.
I got Sarah Palin type neighbors their daughter has two sons from two different men have been living in the grandparents house with kids are now in college and high school and the daughter is a hairdresser. How many of these people are paying a lifetime for their mistakes 20 years or so give or take. Usually the grandparents end up doing most of the raising. The new America

Most sperm donors are worthless pieces of crap anyway (see woman hating assoles in this thread). If you can afford taking care if the kids... They should be kicked to the curb.

lol, bravo. they are ones in here dumping all over her. worthless is it.
Just a few more years and Bristol will be the perfect Democrat presidential candidate. Achieved TWO out-of-wedlock pregnancies spoiled only by her failure to abort. But she's young and there's plenty of time to correct that oversight.
I got Sarah Palin type neighbors their daughter has two sons from two different men have been living in the grandparents house with kids are now in college and high school and the daughter is a hairdresser. How many of these people are paying a lifetime for their mistakes 20 years or so give or take. Usually the grandparents end up doing most of the raising. The new America

Most sperm donors are worthless pieces of crap anyway (see woman hating assoles in this thread). If you can afford taking care of the kids... They should be kicked to the curb.
Earlier tonight I told the story about my neighbor who has two boys with two different men let me tell you about my other neighbor across the street. She got a divorce and now has a babysitter whenever she wants not just every other weekend. She also gets child support from this man so she's got a babysitter and a guy paying her bills the best thing to be in America is a divorced woman and child support. She's got some guy banging her and she's got the ex husband running around grabbing the kids and taking him out so he doesn't have to see mommy getting banged by some stranger. Pretty dramatic this is the new normal in America and these are white people
Just a few more years and Bristol will be the perfect Democrat presidential candidate. Achieved TWO out-of-wedlock pregnancies spoiled only by her failure to abort. But she's young and there's plenty of time to correct that oversight.
I got Sarah Palin type neighbors their daughter has two sons from two different men have been living in the grandparents house with kids are now in college and high school and the daughter is a hairdresser. How many of these people are paying a lifetime for their mistakes 20 years or so give or take. Usually the grandparents end up doing most of the raising. The new America

Most sperm donors are worthless pieces of crap anyway (see woman hating assoles in this thread). If you can afford taking care of the kids... They should be kicked to the curb.
Depends if you're dating a doctor he's worth a lot if you're dating some punk kid who doesn't even have a job no he isn't worth two s****
so she said its planned. HTF do we know that?

Keep your nose out of her vagina.

That's hilarious coming from a NaziCon.


^^^ hypocrite with its nose in a vagina it has no business in says what?
Just a few more years and Bristol will be the perfect Democrat presidential candidate. Achieved TWO out-of-wedlock pregnancies spoiled only by her failure to abort. But she's young and there's plenty of time to correct that oversight.
I got Sarah Palin type neighbors their daughter has two sons from two different men have been living in the grandparents house with kids are now in college and high school and the daughter is a hairdresser. How many of these people are paying a lifetime for their mistakes 20 years or so give or take. Usually the grandparents end up doing most of the raising. The new America

Most sperm donors are worthless pieces of crap anyway (see woman hating assoles in this thread). If you can afford taking care of the kids... They should be kicked to the curb.
Earlier tonight I told the story about my neighbor who has two boys with two different men let me tell you about my other neighbor across the street. She got a divorce and now has a babysitter whenever she wants not just every other weekend. She also gets child support from this man so she's got a babysitter and a guy paying her bills the best thing to be in America is a divorced woman and child support. She's got some guy banging her and she's got the ex husband running around grabbing the kids and taking him out so he doesn't have to see mommy getting banged by some stranger. Pretty dramatic this is the new normal in America and these are white people


America was better in the 40's, 50's and 60's...People had loyality and honor. America is nothing more then a toilet these days...
I'll admit that she doesn't help the pro-family and no sex until after marriage people. Not one ounce.

oh who cares. We've all MADE MISTAKES. I have one who is now, 42.
my wonderful handsome guy/Son mistake though...
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?

why aren't the rightwingnuts yelling about her immorality?
You're just being a prude because you aren't getting any.

why do the misogynist scum always have to insult women to make themselves feel like they have genitals?

i'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of you mental midgets. that you draw any conclusion abut my sex life from that simply makes you delusional.
Actually it was you who insulted a female for having sex you misogynist scumbag.

no. :cuckoo:
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?
What's wrong with being a single mother?

Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

Liberals. They want babies dead.
Just a few more years and Bristol will be the perfect Democrat presidential candidate. Achieved TWO out-of-wedlock pregnancies spoiled only by her failure to abort. But she's young and there's plenty of time to correct that oversight.
I got Sarah Palin type neighbors their daughter has two sons from two different men have been living in the grandparents house with kids are now in college and high school and the daughter is a hairdresser. How many of these people are paying a lifetime for their mistakes 20 years or so give or take. Usually the grandparents end up doing most of the raising. The new America

Most sperm donors are worthless pieces of crap anyway (see woman hating assoles in this thread). If you can afford taking care of the kids... They should be kicked to the curb.
Earlier tonight I told the story about my neighbor who has two boys with two different men let me tell you about my other neighbor across the street. She got a divorce and now has a babysitter whenever she wants not just every other weekend. She also gets child support from this man so she's got a babysitter and a guy paying her bills the best thing to be in America is a divorced woman and child support. She's got some guy banging her and she's got the ex husband running around grabbing the kids and taking him out so he doesn't have to see mommy getting banged by some stranger. Pretty dramatic this is the new normal in America and these are white people


America was better in the 40's, 50's and 60's...People had loyality and honor. America is nothing more then a toilet these days...

and women were property and the black folk knew their segregated place....and gays lived in the closet and abusive men could beat their wives with impunity...

yeah, a hell of a world if you were a white male

sucked if you were anyone else.

this world is so far beyond better that your post is laughable.
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?
What's wrong with being a single mother?

Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

liberal, thank you

I don't think liberals have complained about who's on food stamps, welfare, unemployment; etc. Oh yeah, the single mom's are always the mother's of thugs too. At least that's what I have picked up on USMB.
Just a few more years and Bristol will be the perfect Democrat presidential candidate. Achieved TWO out-of-wedlock pregnancies spoiled only by her failure to abort. But she's young and there's plenty of time to correct that oversight.
I got Sarah Palin type neighbors their daughter has two sons from two different men have been living in the grandparents house with kids are now in college and high school and the daughter is a hairdresser. How many of these people are paying a lifetime for their mistakes 20 years or so give or take. Usually the grandparents end up doing most of the raising. The new America

Most sperm donors are worthless pieces of crap anyway (see woman hating assoles in this thread). If you can afford taking care of the kids... They should be kicked to the curb.
Depends if you're dating a doctor he's worth a lot if you're dating some punk kid who doesn't even have a job no he isn't worth two s****

Douche bags are douche bags no matter how big their bank account.
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?
What's wrong with being a single mother?

Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

liberal, thank you

I don't think liberals have complained about who's on food stamps, welfare, unemployment; etc. Oh yeah, the single mom's are always the mother's of thugs too. At least that's what I have picked up on USMB.

It is more likely as the child gets raised more by his so called friends in a single parent family set up.
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?
What's wrong with being a single mother?

Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

liberal, thank you

I don't think liberals have complained about who's on food stamps, welfare, unemployment; etc. Oh yeah, the single mom's are always the mother's of thugs too. At least that's what I have picked up on USMB.
Go to prison and see but almost every prisoner has in common. Most of them come from broken families. Fatherless young men and women not raised properly. Gay people will do a better job then you straight idiots
Just a few more years and Bristol will be the perfect Democrat presidential candidate. Achieved TWO out-of-wedlock pregnancies spoiled only by her failure to abort. But she's young and there's plenty of time to correct that oversight.
I got Sarah Palin type neighbors their daughter has two sons from two different men have been living in the grandparents house with kids are now in college and high school and the daughter is a hairdresser. How many of these people are paying a lifetime for their mistakes 20 years or so give or take. Usually the grandparents end up doing most of the raising. The new America

Most sperm donors are worthless pieces of crap anyway (see woman hating assoles in this thread). If you can afford taking care of the kids... They should be kicked to the curb.
Earlier tonight I told the story about my neighbor who has two boys with two different men let me tell you about my other neighbor across the street. She got a divorce and now has a babysitter whenever she wants not just every other weekend. She also gets child support from this man so she's got a babysitter and a guy paying her bills the best thing to be in America is a divorced woman and child support. She's got some guy banging her and she's got the ex husband running around grabbing the kids and taking him out so he doesn't have to see mommy getting banged by some stranger. Pretty dramatic this is the new normal in America and these are white people


America was better in the 40's, 50's and 60's...People had loyality and honor. America is nothing more then a toilet these days...

yep, it took the liberals all this time to take us unto the gutter. but they finally succeeded as you see with threads such as this one. a real shame America is history
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?
What's wrong with being a single mother?

Actually there is nothing wrong with single moms.
Unfortunately that demographic has been attacked, in the media by politicians and on USMB. Anyone want to guess the attackers of the single moms consistent ideology has been?

Liberals. They want babies dead.

You got a link? Why you're at it, you want to explain all those liberals who have kids?
Using your train-of-thought, liberals don't have children. :disbelief:
Did you read that on Breibart? :laugh::laugh:

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