Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

And Impeached Trump will still be impeached.


Not if your cowardly leaders (and you know cowards wing one yourself) donā€™t send it to the Senate fuckwad. Process NOT complete no matter how much you cry dipshit.:fu:

Yup, still impeached.


No, not impeached until the process is complete you uneducated dumbfuck. Next time you go to a restaurant you are to inform the waiter to serve you raw chicken. You are to eat it. It doesnā€™t matter of the process of cooking has been completed. WE say itā€™s done. So do it coward. Oh thatā€™s right, you wonā€™t even stand behind your owner shit. Poor baby. No matter how much he cries he get slapped slapped around by every poster here.

Well there's you saying that absent of proof .... and then there's the House rules confirming you're a fucking imbecile. :cuckoo:


Impeach means to charge someone with doing something wrong, specifically a high government official, such as the U.S. president, a senator, or a federal judge.

Trump has been charged and that is all at this point.

The Senate is the one to decide whether or not the President is guilty of what he has been charged with.

Apparantly lots of Democrats seem to think that just because he has been charged that means he is guilty.

This is America...where one is innocent until he has been proven guilty. Only the Senate has the power to say he is guilty.

The situation of Nancy not delivering the charges to the senate has never occurred before...thus no precedent for that and there is nothing in the constitution that supports it.

I said way back when the democrats started this that they were opening a can of worms...aka venturing into un-charted waters...which could lead to something very ominous.

It might be possible to make a criminal case against Nancy for 'obstruction' --aka --not allowing or interfering with The U.S. senate's obligation according to the constitution to conduct a trial.

Any lawyers on here who care to comment on this?

6 Reasons Pelosi's Impeachment Article Obstruction Is A Total Disaster
Nancy doesn't have the power to obstruct the Senate. They could dismiss this, ignore it, whatever they like.

No Articles of Impeachment or a Trial Are Required For The Senate to Acquit President Trump.

The United States Supreme Court ā€“ in a 9-0 holding ā€“ unequivocally ruled that no trial is required for the Senate to acquit, or convict, anyone impeached by the House of Representatives. Even liberal Justices Stevens and Souter concurred in the ironclad judgment. The case is Judge Nixon v. United States, 506 U.S. 224 (1993).

The Supreme Court ruled in the Judge Nixon case that how the Senate goes about acquitting or convicting any impeached person is non-justiciable, in that the Senateā€™s power is plenary and the Supreme Court may not even review it.

This means that if the Senate acquits Trump immediately ā€“ without a trial ā€“ the Supreme Court has no authority, whatsoever, to review the Senateā€™s acquittal, and there isnā€™t a damn thing the House can do about it.

The Nixon court held that ā€œthe word ā€˜soleā€™ indicates that this authority is reposed in the Senate and nowhere else.ā€

The Senate has no authority to determine what conduct is impeachable or what process the House uses to impeach. On the other hand, the House has no authority over the Senateā€™s sole power to acquit, or convict, or the process invoked to either end.

Therefore, no trial is necessary for the Senate to acquit immediately. This saga could be over right now.


Walter Nixon was the Chief Judge of the Federal District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi. He was convicted of making false statements before a grand jury and sentenced to prison.

XXXX -- Shortened for Copyright Fair Use... Only use a few paragraphs. Zorro!

Note that current House Representative Alcee Hastings, a former federal judge, was impeached and removed from the bench. He also argued in federal court that the Senate owed him a trial before the full Senate, after he too was convicted by a Senate committee report. The D.C. District Court initially threw out Hastingsā€™ impeachment conviction in the Senate, but after the Nixon ruling, that decision in favor of Hastings was vacated. The district court then dismissed Hastingsā€™ suit as non-justiciable according to Nixon. Hastings remains impeached and removed from the bench.
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Not if your cowardly leaders (and you know cowards wing one yourself) donā€™t send it to the Senate fuckwad. Process NOT complete no matter how much you cry dipshit.:fu:

Yup, still impeached.


No, not impeached until the process is complete you uneducated dumbfuck. Next time you go to a restaurant you are to inform the waiter to serve you raw chicken. You are to eat it. It doesnā€™t matter of the process of cooking has been completed. WE say itā€™s done. So do it coward. Oh thatā€™s right, you wonā€™t even stand behind your owner shit. Poor baby. No matter how much he cries he get slapped slapped around by every poster here.

Well there's you saying that absent of proof .... and then there's the House rules confirming you're a fucking imbecile. :cuckoo:


Impeach means to charge someone with doing something wrong, specifically a high government official, such as the U.S. president, a senator, or a federal judge.

Trump has been charged and that is all at this point.

The Senate is the one to decide whether or not the President is guilty of what he has been charged with.

Apparantly lots of Democrats seem to think that just because he has been charged that means he is guilty.

This is America...where one is innocent until he has been proven guilty. Only the Senate has the power to say he is guilty.

The situation of Nancy not delivering the charges to the senate has never occurred before...thus no precedent for that and there is nothing in the constitution that supports it.

I said way back when the democrats started this that they were opening a can of worms...aka venturing into un-charted waters...which could lead to something very ominous.

It might be possible to make a criminal case against Nancy for 'obstruction' --aka --not allowing or interfering with The U.S. senate's obligation according to the constitution to conduct a trial.

Any lawyers on here who care to comment on this?

6 Reasons Pelosi's Impeachment Article Obstruction Is A Total Disaster
Nancy doesn't have the power to obstruct the Senate. They could dismiss this, ignore it, whatever they like.

No Articles of Impeachment or a Trial Are Required For The Senate to Acquit President Trump.

The United States Supreme Court ā€“ in a 9-0 holding ā€“ unequivocally ruled that no trial is required for the Senate to acquit, or convict, anyone impeached by the House of Representatives. Even liberal Justices Stevens and Souter concurred in the ironclad judgment. The case is Judge Nixon v. United States, 506 U.S. 224 (1993).

The Supreme Court ruled in the Judge Nixon case that how the Senate goes about acquitting or convicting any impeached person is non-justiciable, in that the Senateā€™s power is plenary and the Supreme Court may not even review it.

This means that if the Senate acquits Trump immediately ā€“ without a trial ā€“ the Supreme Court has no authority, whatsoever, to review the Senateā€™s acquittal, and there isnā€™t a damn thing the House can do about it.

The Nixon court held that ā€œthe word ā€˜soleā€™ indicates that this authority is reposed in the Senate and nowhere else.ā€

The Senate has no authority to determine what conduct is impeachable or what process the House uses to impeach. On the other hand, the House has no authority over the Senateā€™s sole power to acquit, or convict, or the process invoked to either end.

Therefore, no trial is necessary for the Senate to acquit immediately. This saga could be over right now.


Walter Nixon was the Chief Judge of the Federal District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi. He was convicted of making false statements before a grand jury and sentenced to prison.

The investigation stemmed from reports that Nixon accepted a gratuity from a Mississippi businessman in exchange for asking a local district attorney to halt the prosecution of the businessmanā€™s son. Because Nixon refused to resign from his office as a United States District Judge, he continued to collect his judicial salary while serving out his prison sentence.

The House of Representatives adopted three articles of impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors. The Senate voted to use Senate Impeachment Rule XI, allowing the presiding officer to appoint a committee of Senators to ā€œreceive evidence and take testimony.ā€ The committee did its work then presented the full Senate with a transcript of the proceeding and a report on the facts.

The Senate voted by more than a two-thirds majority to convict Nixon. The presiding officer then entered judgment removing Nixon from his office as United States District Judge. Nixon thereafter commenced suit, arguing that Senate Rule XI violates the constitutional grant of authority to the Senate to ā€œtryā€ all impeachments because it prohibits the whole Senate from taking part in the evidentiary hearings.

Nixon sought a declaratory judgment that his impeachment conviction was void and that his judicial salary and privileges should be reinstated. The District Court held that his claim was non-justiciable, 744 F. Supp. 9 (D.C. 1990), and the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit agreed. 290 U. S. App. D.C. 420 (1991). The Supreme Court accepted the case, and then ruled that they had no power to review the Senateā€™s impeachment process. They affirmed that the case was non-justiciable. The Court focused its attention on the word ā€œsoleā€:

ā€œPetitioner devotes only two pages in his brief to negating the significance of the word ā€˜soleā€™ in the first sentence of Clause 6. As noted above, that sentence provides that ā€˜the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.ā€™ We think that the word ā€˜soleā€™ is of considerable significance. Indeed, the word ā€˜soleā€™ appears only one other time in the Constitutionā€“with respect to the House of Representativesā€™ ā€˜sole Power of Impeachment.ā€™ Art. I, Ā§2, cl. 5. The common sense meaning of the word ā€˜soleā€™ is that the Senate alone shall have authority to determine whether an individual should be acquitted or convicted.ā€

The Courtā€™s holding is clear: the Senate alone determines acquittal or conviction. The Senate committee prepared a report, submitted the report to the Senate, and the Senate voted to convict. Nixon demanded a full trial before the entire Senate. He did not get one. He lost and was removed. The Supreme Court held that it did not have the power to review the Senateā€™s conduct. As to the meaning of the word ā€œtryā€ in the impeachment clause, the courtā€™s majority opinion states:

ā€œThe conclusion that the use of the word ā€˜tryā€™ in the first sentence of the Impeachment Trial Clause lacks sufficient precision to afford any judicially manageable standard of review of the Senateā€™s actions is fortified by the existence of the three very specific requirements that the Constitution does impose on the Senate when trying impeachments: the members must be under oath, a two thirds vote is required to convict, and the Chief Justice presides when the President is tried. These limitations are quite precise, and their nature suggests that the Framers did not intend to impose additional limitations on the form of the Senate proceedings by the use of the word ā€˜tryā€™ in the first sentence.ā€

The Courtā€™s use of the word ā€œproceedingsā€ is telling in the extreme. Any action by the Senate is a proceeding, but not every proceeding is a trial. If the Senate proceeds with a motion to dismiss, or a motion to acquit the President, no trial is required.

The Nixon Court continued by making it absolutely clear that an impeachment trial is not required, holding that the Senate is not limited in any way by the word ā€œtryā€ in convicting or acquitting impeached persons:

ā€œIn the case before us, there is no separate provision of the Constitution which could be defeated by allowing the Senate final authority to determine the meaning of the word ā€˜tryā€™ in the Impeachment Trial Clause. We conclude that the word ā€˜tryā€™ in the Impeachment Clause does not provide an identifiable textual limit on the authority which is committed to the Senate. For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the Court of Appeals is Affirmed.ā€
Nothing in the Constitution, or in the ruling by the Supreme Court in Nixon, requires the Senate to ā€œtryā€ anyone after the House impeaches. The Senate can simply acquit the President without trying him, because the Senate alone has the power to convict or acquit. The Supreme Court held that there is no identifiable textual limit on that authority. Justice Whiteā€™s concurring opinion worried that such broad authority in the Senate could be abused, but six of the nine justices joined the majority opinion. All nine approved judgment. And the Senateā€™s plenary authority is controlling law.

If there is a tie on a motion to acquit or dismiss, the Constitution gives Vice President Pence the tie-breaking vote. If the Democrat Senators running for President have no conflict of interest, neither does Pence. Regardless, the Constitution directly gives Pence the tie-breaking vote, so the GOP can lose three votes, but the Dems would need four GOP defectors to overrule the Chair.

Not only did the Supreme Court reject the assertion that it could review the Senateā€™s conduct in acquitting or convicting any person impeached by the House, the Court held that it couldnā€™t even identify a limit upon the Senateā€™s authority to acquit or convict.

The Court also held that no separate provision of the Constitution is defeated by such a plenary construction of the Senateā€™s authority. Therefore, not even the sole power of the House to impeach is defeated by the Senateā€™s sole power to acquit or convict.

Note that current House Representative Alcee Hastings, a former federal judge, was impeached and removed from the bench. He also argued in federal court that the Senate owed him a trial before the full Senate, after he too was convicted by a Senate committee report. The D.C. District Court initially threw out Hastingsā€™ impeachment conviction in the Senate, but after the Nixon ruling, that decision in favor of Hastings was vacated. The district court then dismissed Hastingsā€™ suit as non-justiciable according to Nixon. Hastings remains impeached and removed from the bench.

Excellent post.
Yes it seems that our dealings with Ukraine is causing many terrible outcomes back here, so it's either that we are corrupting them or they are corrupting us. Time to leave Ukraine alone maybe ?
We do not want to leave them completely alone or Russia will move back in and begin reannexing the soviet union. Yet we can not give them top secret arms either as the Russians will steal them and understand our systems better
The Papa Bush Adminis
That Trump's not in it for the poll numbers.

I wasn't arguing that he's in it for the poll numbers.
Then I guess Trump will keep communicating like he has all of his life, then. And if he keeps delivering 30% Stock Market gains, continues the best employment economy of our lifetimes, and keeps us out of new wars, as far as I'm concerned he can tweet any damn thing he likes.

Of course he's going to keep communicating like has has all of his life.
We elected him because he doesn't let the Left and the Fake News intimidate him and push him around.

DONALD TRUMP NAMED Christian Of The Year, beating out Pete Buttigieg.

Donald Trump is the least Christ-like person you could have elected.

Who made you judge ?
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?

In the Constitution, and before that, all the way back to the Magna Carta signed in 1215 in Runnymede, it was always understood that the DEFENDANT who was guaranteed the fair trial. And a speedy one. It was never the Persecution that had those rights.

The libs, as usual have the whole system of American jurisprudence half assed backwards.

And no, defendants don't have to prove their innocence.

Imagine if Trump wasn't the President, and it was a black youth serving. There is no way in hell that the libs would put up for this. Blatant case of racism, and ageism.

Funny. Are you smarter than Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe, Speaker Pelosi and all her congressional attorneys?

Most anyone is "smarter" than Tribe.

Tribe has been a hack for a long long time.

You cult freaks are too funny.

View attachment 296198

Hacks write books.

So ?
We do not want to leave them completely alone or Russia will move back in and begin reannexing the soviet union. Yet we can not give them top secret arms either as the Russians will steal them and understand our systems better
The Papa Bush Adminis
I wasn't arguing that he's in it for the poll numbers.
Then I guess Trump will keep communicating like he has all of his life, then. And if he keeps delivering 30% Stock Market gains, continues the best employment economy of our lifetimes, and keeps us out of new wars, as far as I'm concerned he can tweet any damn thing he likes.

Of course he's going to keep communicating like has has all of his life.
We elected him because he doesn't let the Left and the Fake News intimidate him and push him around.

DONALD TRUMP NAMED Christian Of The Year, beating out Pete Buttigieg.

Donald Trump is the least Christ-like person you could have elected.

Who made you judge ?

If I'm wrong, then tell me why.
The Papa Bush Adminis
Then I guess Trump will keep communicating like he has all of his life, then. And if he keeps delivering 30% Stock Market gains, continues the best employment economy of our lifetimes, and keeps us out of new wars, as far as I'm concerned he can tweet any damn thing he likes.

Of course he's going to keep communicating like has has all of his life.
We elected him because he doesn't let the Left and the Fake News intimidate him and push him around.

DONALD TRUMP NAMED Christian Of The Year, beating out Pete Buttigieg.

Donald Trump is the least Christ-like person you could have elected.

Who made you judge ?

If I'm wrong, then tell me why.

I asked you who made you judge and what you use to make your judgements ?
The Papa Bush Adminis
Then I guess Trump will keep communicating like he has all of his life, then. And if he keeps delivering 30% Stock Market gains, continues the best employment economy of our lifetimes, and keeps us out of new wars, as far as I'm concerned he can tweet any damn thing he likes.

Of course he's going to keep communicating like has has all of his life.
We elected him because he doesn't let the Left and the Fake News intimidate him and push him around.

DONALD TRUMP NAMED Christian Of The Year, beating out Pete Buttigieg.

Donald Trump is the least Christ-like person you could have elected.

Who made you judge ?

If I'm wrong, then tell me why.

Donald J. Trump isn't perfect.

But he isn't an abortionist like the other candidates, believes that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden, and doesn't take it in the caboose.

Compared to the others, he's a paragon of virtue.
Pelosi has no case and she knows it.

Where in the hell does she get off thinking she can dictate to the senate terms for delivering the articles.

They can stay where they currently are.....parked in her ass (hence the stupid smile).
We canā€™t do anything so at what point do we say ā€œpoopā€ or get off of the pot? Because you had all month to call witnesses that was physically involved with this stupidity but, I donā€™t think that the speaker has any right to control it outside of her chambers and, Mitch McConnell says fair is fair and I honestly think that trump should be comply!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Of course he's going to keep communicating like has has all of his life.
We elected him because he doesn't let the Left and the Fake News intimidate him and push him around.

DONALD TRUMP NAMED Christian Of The Year, beating out Pete Buttigieg.

Donald Trump is the least Christ-like person you could have elected.

Who made you judge ?

If I'm wrong, then tell me why.

I asked you who made you judge and what you use to make your judgements ?

Common sense.
Of course he's going to keep communicating like has has all of his life.
We elected him because he doesn't let the Left and the Fake News intimidate him and push him around.

DONALD TRUMP NAMED Christian Of The Year, beating out Pete Buttigieg.

Donald Trump is the least Christ-like person you could have elected.

Who made you judge ?

If I'm wrong, then tell me why.

Donald J. Trump isn't perfect.

But he isn't an abortionist like the other candidates, believes that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden, and doesn't take it in the caboose.

Compared to the others, he's a paragon of virtue.

"Donald J. Trump isn't perfect." Yuge understatement.

Out of the 17 Republican candidates who are pro-life and believe in Jesus, you picked the one who is the least Christ-like.
We elected him because he doesn't let the Left and the Fake News intimidate him and push him around.

DONALD TRUMP NAMED Christian Of The Year, beating out Pete Buttigieg.

Donald Trump is the least Christ-like person you could have elected.

Who made you judge ?

If I'm wrong, then tell me why.

Donald J. Trump isn't perfect.

But he isn't an abortionist like the other candidates, believes that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden, and doesn't take it in the caboose.

Compared to the others, he's a paragon of virtue.

"Donald J. Trump isn't perfect." Yuge understatement.

Out of the 17 Republican candidates who are pro-life and believe in Jesus, you picked the one who is the least Christ-like.
We picked the one who could beat Hillary. Did you pick a candidate that won?
Donald Trump is the least Christ-like person you could have elected.

Who made you judge ?

If I'm wrong, then tell me why.

Donald J. Trump isn't perfect.

But he isn't an abortionist like the other candidates, believes that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden, and doesn't take it in the caboose.

Compared to the others, he's a paragon of virtue.

"Donald J. Trump isn't perfect." Yuge understatement.

Out of the 17 Republican candidates who are pro-life and believe in Jesus, you picked the one who is the least Christ-like.
We picked the one who could beat Hillary. Did you pick a candidate that won?

Both sides picked the worst possible person they could have.
Nancy has no say in what the senate does, the majority rules.
Mitch has all the cards and he knows it.
She can hold on to the Articles of Impeachment until hell freezes over, it won't matter.
We elected him because he doesn't let the Left and the Fake News intimidate him and push him around.

DONALD TRUMP NAMED Christian Of The Year, beating out Pete Buttigieg.

Donald Trump is the least Christ-like person you could have elected.

Who made you judge ?

If I'm wrong, then tell me why.

Donald J. Trump isn't perfect.

But he isn't an abortionist like the other candidates, believes that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden, and doesn't take it in the caboose.

Compared to the others, he's a paragon of virtue.

"Donald J. Trump isn't perfect." Yuge understatement.

Out of the 17 Republican candidates who are pro-life and believe in Jesus, you picked the one who is the least Christ-like.

I don't know about that at all.

Several of the candidates in the 2016 GOP field turned out to be none too gracious and Christlike after they got schlonged. Men like Jeb "Benedict Arnold" Bush and John "Iscariot" Kasich. Those fellows might as well switch parties. After all, the Trump supporters helped them and supported them when they ran for office. Yet they couldn't do the same when they lost the primary?
Donald Trump is the least Christ-like person you could have elected.

Who made you judge ?

If I'm wrong, then tell me why.

Donald J. Trump isn't perfect.

But he isn't an abortionist like the other candidates, believes that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden, and doesn't take it in the caboose.

Compared to the others, he's a paragon of virtue.

"Donald J. Trump isn't perfect." Yuge understatement.

Out of the 17 Republican candidates who are pro-life and believe in Jesus, you picked the one who is the least Christ-like.

I don't know about that at all.

Several of the candidates in the 2016 GOP field turned out to be none too gracious and Christlike after they got schlonged. Men like Jeb "Benedict Arnold" Bush and John "Iscariot" Kasich. Those fellows might as well switch parties. After all, the Trump supporters helped them and supported them when they ran for office. Yet they couldn't do the same when they lost the primary?

How does that make them less Christ-like than a narcissistic adulterer?
Who made you judge ?

If I'm wrong, then tell me why.

Donald J. Trump isn't perfect.

But he isn't an abortionist like the other candidates, believes that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden, and doesn't take it in the caboose.

Compared to the others, he's a paragon of virtue.

"Donald J. Trump isn't perfect." Yuge understatement.

Out of the 17 Republican candidates who are pro-life and believe in Jesus, you picked the one who is the least Christ-like.

I don't know about that at all.

Several of the candidates in the 2016 GOP field turned out to be none too gracious and Christlike after they got schlonged. Men like Jeb "Benedict Arnold" Bush and John "Iscariot" Kasich. Those fellows might as well switch parties. After all, the Trump supporters helped them and supported them when they ran for office. Yet they couldn't do the same when they lost the primary?

How does that make them less Christ-like than a narcissistic adulterer?

Almighty God is loyal, like President Trump but unlike these doofuses.

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