Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?


Uh, no, that is not holding up the Senate from starting their trial. I knew you were too stupid to know. :lmao:
There is no impeachment to try until Nazi comes out of hiding and slinks over to the Senate with her clusterfuck, Stupid.:5_1_12024:

You poor dumbfuck. The impeachment is done. The Senate hasn't started their trial yet due to Senate rules. That's on the Senate, not the House.

G'head, tell me again how I lost just so I can laugh at your ignorance some more.

Senate rules can't force Nazi out of hiding, Moron.
Senate rules aren't doing that. The Senate can start the trial anytime they want. It's Senate rules that are holding them back.

The impeachment is done.
Nazi "Waldo" Pelousy is hiding impeachment somewhere. No articles delivered to the Senate, no impeachment.

Where's Waldo?:5_1_12024:
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?
/---/ The concept of a fair trial is reserved for the defendant, not the prosecutor.
Come on Pelosi, you lowlife. Hit him now while our country is on high alert. You might be able to get something bad to happen. You're an effin idiot.
Come on Pelosi, you lowlife. Hit him now while our country is on high alert. You might be able to get something bad to happen. You're an effin idiot.

Trump* is just trying to divert attention away from his impeachment. Go Nancy!
Come on Pelosi, you lowlife. Hit him now while our country is on high alert. You might be able to get something bad to happen. You're an effin idiot.

Trump* is just trying to divert attention away from his impeachment. Go Nancy!
If you think something good can possibly come out of this impeachment debacle you're either a low information Democrat or you hate your country.
Come on Pelosi, you lowlife. Hit him now while our country is on high alert. You might be able to get something bad to happen. You're an effin idiot.

Trump* is just trying to divert attention away from his impeachment. Go Nancy!
If you think something good can possibly come out of this impeachment debacle you're either a low information Democrat or you hate your country.

Something good is coming of it.

1. People are turning on the left.
2. The dems will lose the house.
3. Trump gets re-elected (was going to happen anyway)
4. Ginsburg is replaced by a John Bircher
Ok, so, let's all concede that the dems are correct. Trump is impeached. Now then, the senate has a constitutional duty to try this impeachment, and trump, according to the constitution, still has the right to due process.

These being the case, pelosi, holding these articles, she is both committing obstruction of Congress, and violating trumps right to legal due process.

The fair trial thing is bogus, because there is no way to guarantee a fair trial. Too much partisanship on both sides.

Do we need to look at bringing charges against pelosi?

Funny. What law is Speaker Pelosi violating? What part of the Constitution is she violating? Please be specific and quote credible sources.
Well, the credible source is the constitution. The laws she is violating are obstruction of congress, by preventing the senate from carrying out their duty, and by violating trumps due process rights.

Funny. The Constitution does not state a timeline for when she must deliver them to the Senate - or if ever.
It also doesnt give her permission to hold them either. What it does say is, the house impeaches, the senate does the trial. She is not allowing the senate to do the trial, thus, obstruction.
It simply doesn't say. So she can hold on to them as long as she likes. Kind of like there's no time frame in the Constitution for when the Senate has to hold confirmation hearings on Supreme Court nominations selected by the president.
I seem to remember you were rather upset about that... I guess it is different when the left does it.

FAR more important here though, the republicans managed to ensure they captured the nomination for SCOTUS with their games. What do the democrats get with this little game?

They get to stop the impeachment process? That is what the republicans want, not the democrats. The democrats get nothing from playing this game.
Ok, so, let's all concede that the dems are correct. Trump is impeached. Now then, the senate has a constitutional duty to try this impeachment, and trump, according to the constitution, still has the right to due process.

These being the case, pelosi, holding these articles, she is both committing obstruction of Congress, and violating trumps right to legal due process.

The fair trial thing is bogus, because there is no way to guarantee a fair trial. Too much partisanship on both sides.

Do we need to look at bringing charges against pelosi?

Funny. What law is Speaker Pelosi violating? What part of the Constitution is she violating? Please be specific and quote credible sources.
Well, the credible source is the constitution. The laws she is violating are obstruction of congress, by preventing the senate from carrying out their duty, and by violating trumps due process rights.

Funny. The Constitution does not state a timeline for when she must deliver them to the Senate - or if ever.
It also doesnt give her permission to hold them either. What it does say is, the house impeaches, the senate does the trial. She is not allowing the senate to do the trial, thus, obstruction.
It simply doesn't say. So she can hold on to them as long as she likes. Kind of like there's no time frame in the Constitution for when the Senate has to hold confirmation hearings on Supreme Court nominations selected by the president.
You're probably right, but again, the law states you are entitled to a speedy trial. The law states you are entitled to due process, and the constitution says the senate has a duty to try all impeachments.

Pelosi holding them is putting a block on all of that.

In the absence of clarification, you have to go with what is known. There is no statute for pelosi holding them or not, but there is clear statute, precedent, and law that says she shouldnt.
Another day, another year, another decade and Still No Impeachment
Piglousy doing lousy job of setting the witch hunt victim on fire
Absolutely correct that Trump has merely been accused. The senate decides if he’s impeached

Dumbfuck, regardless of what the Senate finds, Impeachment Trump is already impeached and will remain impeached.

View attachment 297800
Keep talking you, as it shows the plan all along. Use the house while have a majority to abuse that power in order to go after Trump in a last ditch effort. How do we know this ?? It's because the proof is in all the testimony of those who wanted to impeach Trump before he ever got started serving the American people in 2016.

The Democrats should stand trial for abusing their offices, and their power.
Impeached Trump broke the law and got himself impeached.
What law did he break?
Come on Pelosi, you lowlife. Hit him now while our country is on high alert. You might be able to get something bad to happen. You're an effin idiot.

Trump* is just trying to divert attention away from his impeachment. Go Nancy!

Nancy is holding things up, and it will rebound to her detriment. Expect the democrats to Kavanaugh the whole thing and foul it up.
Poor little pole smoker.

What law was broken? Can you show us in US code what that is?

Absolutely correct that Trump has merely been accused. The senate decides if he’s impeached

Dumbfuck, regardless of what the Senate finds, Impeachment Trump is already impeached and will remain impeached.

View attachment 297800
Keep talking you, as it shows the plan all along. Use the house while have a majority to abuse that power in order to go after Trump in a last ditch effort. How do we know this ?? It's because the proof is in all the testimony of those who wanted to impeach Trump before he ever got started serving the American people in 2016.

The Democrats should stand trial for abusing their offices, and their power.
Impeached Trump broke the law and got himself impeached.

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or​

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.​
No foreign national made any contribution to trump. Trump does not handle his businesses anymore, his kids do.

If foreign nationals stayed at trump properties, they paid for a service, not a donation.

And, as I remember reading, the trump organization returned all the money that was gained from foreign nationals staying at his properties.
No violations of US Code appears in The Mueller Report or Articles. In fact not one word of The Mueller Report appears in The Articles.

Try again son of Satan.

No violations of US Code were proven to have occurred in the House Inquiry.

In fact when they realized Joe Biden was in Deep Shit, they abandoned their strategy of crying wolf over bribery and it appears No Where in the articles.

Poor little pole smoker.

What law was broken? Can you show us in US code what that is?

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
Weird how that wasn’t part of impeachment, huh?
Not as weird as you not knowing the Hose report states they impeached him, among other reasons, for soliciting campaign aid from a foreign national, which is illegal as that law stipulates.
Read the House report, Stumpy...

Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election. He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage.
Bogus charges drummed up by the demoncrats in order to frame Trump in the 2020 elections for political purposes only.

The American people won't stand for it, and therefore they will make the demoncrats pay for their bullcrap (corruption attempted) dearly come the upcoming elections.
So, Trump* started a war to detract from his impeachment. Anyone surprised?
So, Trump* started a war to detract from his impeachment. Anyone surprised?
More conspiracy bullcrap... Y'all been dealing in conspirital bullcrap so much in the past 3 years, that a mouse could fart 100 miles away from Trump, and you would say Trump farted instead of the mouse, although you would be looking right at the mouse when he passed the gas, a light goes off as to how you can blame it on Trump immediately huh ?? It's really sad.

I look at it as Trump trying to wrestle with the foriegn policy mess or disaster that Obama left him when the disaster Obama passed the torch over to Trump.
Come on Pelosi, you lowlife. Hit him now while our country is on high alert. You might be able to get something bad to happen. You're an effin idiot.

Trump* is just trying to divert attention away from his impeachment. Go Nancy!
If you think something good can possibly come out of this impeachment debacle you're either a low information Democrat or you hate your country.

Something good is coming of it.

1. People are turning on the left.
2. The dems will lose the house.
3. Trump gets re-elected (was going to happen anyway)
4. Ginsburg is replaced by a John Bircher

A “John Bircher” lol. Wouldn’t that be sweet. :)

But seriously considering it...the Marxists will oppose any and all nominees when Ginsberg goes...doesn’t matter how qualified. As a matter of fact being a Constitutionalist *disqualifies* them in liberal eyes.
And The Turtle will approve any and all Trump sends him after that third world shit show they put on over the last two.
So Trump may as well nominate a few of the old John Birchers. There isn’t a thing they can do to stop it powerful crazy staring female crackpots notwithstanding.
Alyssa Milano gave Brett Kavanaugh an icy death stare throughout hearings, and the internet can't get enough
Come on Pelosi, you lowlife. Hit him now while our country is on high alert. You might be able to get something bad to happen. You're an effin idiot.

Trump* is just trying to divert attention away from his impeachment. Go Nancy!
If you think something good can possibly come out of this impeachment debacle you're either a low information Democrat or you hate your country.

Something good is coming of it.

1. People are turning on the left.
2. The dems will lose the house.
3. Trump gets re-elected (was going to happen anyway)
4. Ginsburg is replaced by a John Bircher

A “John Bircher” lol. Wouldn’t that be sweet. :)

But seriously considering it...the Marxists will oppose any and all nominees when Ginsberg goes...doesn’t matter how qualified. As a matter of fact being a Constitutionalist *disqualifies* them in liberal eyes.
And The Turtle will approve any and all Trump sends him after that third world shit show they put on over the last two.
So Trump may as well nominate a few of the old John Birchers. There isn’t a thing they can do to stop it powerful crazy staring female crackpots notwithstanding.
Alyssa Milano gave Brett Kavanaugh an icy death stare throughout hearings, and the internet can't get enough
So, Trump* started a war to detract from his impeachment. Anyone surprised?

May you be the next to catch a Hellfire.

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