Will the Democrats allow Trump to win?

Make no mistake, TDS is fueled by more than emotional disturbance. If Trump is reelected, the Democrats will lose control over the billions of dollars that flow to the special interests that control them. Are there any limits on what they might do to prevent this?

It is almost a given that Trump will receive a majority of votes on Election Day. The real question is whether the Democrats will allow him to be reelected. This may take the form of official interference by the DOJ and/or the delivery of enough unverified ballots to change the outcome of the election. The former may be accompanied by some declaration of a national emergency, whereas the latter may be more difficult this time (without a pandemic excuse for suspending verification rules).

Two months to go: Strap on your seat belts.
It's 2016 all over again. Whatever the left can do to stop Trump they will and they have a good shot of taking back the House and then it will be impeachment after impeachment after impeachment, prosecution after prosecution after prosecution, probably immediately stating that a convicted criminal isn't allowed to be president.
I admit my take on this is a bit pollyanish.

But I truly believe that Kamala is a sacrificial lamb.

Say what you want about the Dems, but they do play the long game.

With such a horrible, cackling catastrophe of a candidate that Biden endorsed as revenge for his shivving?

They're going to take a mulligan til '28.

Til then, it's unified MAGA control of DC.

Enjoy, dumb Leftists. ;)

The problem is you are assuming they control their little Anti-fa/BLM/free Gaza Red guards enough to stop them from rioting if Trump manages the W.
It's 2016 all over again. Whatever the left can do to stop Trump they will and they have a good shot of taking back the House and then it will be impeachment after impeachment after impeachment, prosecution after prosecution after prosecution, probably immediately stating that a convicted criminal isn't allowed to be president.
There Is Always the Option Yeltsin Used

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