Will the Democrats Concede defeat When Trump Wins?

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 49.0 42.2 Clinton +6.8

4-Way RCP Average 45.2 39.2 Clinton +6.0

Favorability Ratings -10.0 -26.1 Clinton +16.1
Live Betting Odds 85.0 15.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 262 170 Clinton +92
No Toss Up States 333 205
Clinton Trump Spread
Florida 46.8 43.0 Clinton +3.8
Ohio 44.0 44.6 Trump +0.6

Pennsylvania 46.4 40.2 Clinton +6.2

Wisconsin 45.3 38.3 Clinton +7.0
North Carolina 45.8 43.3 Clinton +2.5

Iowa 38.0 41.7 Trump +3.7
Nevada 45.5 41.3 Clinton +4.2
Clinton Trump Spread
Minnesota 44.3 40.0 Clinton +4.3
Colorado 44.5 37.3 Clinton +7.2
Virginia 45.0 36.3 Clinton +8.7
Georgia 40.5 46.0 Trump +5.5
New Hampshire 44.8 36.8 Clinton +8.0
Maine 42.5 36.8 Clinton +5.7
Arizona 41.8 40.5 Clinton +1.3

Electoral Map | No Toss Ups | Senate Map | Latest Polls

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It is less than 3 weeks to 8Nov16. Big odds to overcome for Trump. And, based on the final debate, I think that Clinton will pick up some more points by next week. And maybe a couple of pink states.
Trump should win easily.
If Trump wins the Democrats will say that the election was taken over by Russia and Trump was selected by Putin. That would be an act of war.
Were these talking points downloaded into your talking points app this morning? This is the 14th thread all defending Trumps swipe at democracy
Does "democracy" include paying assholes to start fights at the opponents rally's to "prove" your "talking points" about the other side?

Only the Democrats engage in this behaviour along with voter fraud.
Democrats will algore the election when they lose....
Of course we all know that. Even the Democrats, in their brief moments of honesty know that.

They are the ones who riot when they don't get their way.
Will election day just turn into one more lame right winger excuse for spreading lies and promoting hatred, regardless of the outcome?

Of course. Why treat election day any different from the rest of them?
Remember Algore? Seems obvious they won't. You LNOW they'll claim the election was stolen. They're positive the most corrupt person to ever win the Demonrat nomination will win. They won't believe it's possible We the People will choose Trump over a corrupt communist.

Trump wins????

Aren't you knuckleheads claiming that the system is rigged?

Let me guess .. it's only rigged if Trump loses.

What idiots.

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