Will the National GOP learn from Virginia?

There is a lesson for Democrats as we'll opposition to Obamacare nearly flipped the election for the Republican if there had not been a third candidate it have this is speculation though. Unless Obamacare improves dramatically it will be a major drag on Democrats next year.

True, but there's no polling support for simply eliminating it and doing nothing, which the gop house is about. In short, it has perils for both parties.
what do you call Social Security then, if not a step toward socialism?

and that's just one example of many.

a ponzi scheme. has nothing to do with real socialism.

learn what socialism is, first, as you clearly have social-democratism in mind, when naming it socialism.
Nowadays dimocrap party is not social-democratic anymore. It is infested with pure marxist socialists and commies.
what do you call Social Security then, if not a step toward socialism?

and that's just one example of many.

Go ahead and run against social security and SSD in 2014. Watch your candidate be destroyed in the election.


But if only men were allowed to vote, it would be a winning platform.

and you want to be considered serious debater when you demonstrate such a dumb leftardist brainwashed syndrome :rolleyes:
what do you call Social Security then, if not a step toward socialism?

and that's just one example of many.

a ponzi scheme.

learn what socialism is, first, as you clearly have social-democratism in mind, when naming it socialism.
Nowadays dimocrap party is not social-democratic anymore. It is infested with pure marxist socialists and commies.

ok, communication snafu.

You're right, when I say 'socialism' i'm not actually talking about state ownership of the means of production and the complete elimination of capitalism. But then again neither is anyone else when they call democrat politicians 'socialists', except for a tiny minority of idiots that is.
Go ahead and run against social security and SSD in 2014. Watch your candidate be destroyed in the election.


But if only men were allowed to vote, it would be a winning platform.

and you want to be considered serious debater when you demonstrate such a dumb leftardist brainwashed syndrome :rolleyes:

I don't lose any sleep either way.

You have my sincerest condolences if this is a source of personal validation for you.
savis got 7% of liberals to 3% of conservatives. To top this off the democrat got 22% more of the moderates with 56% to 34%. Guess who got 10% of the moderates? Savis...

Not to go into the fact that he got over twice as many 18-29 year olds THEN any other age range...= slightly more likely to vote liberal ideas anyways
Virginia Governor Exit Polls - 2013 Election Results - NYTimes.com

Savis wasn't there = 5% win for the democrat.
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there is no evolution towards socialism. it can occur only violently.



But Karl Marx suggested a peaceful transition period - fascism - in the Communist Manifesto:

"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"

savis got 7% of liberals to 3% of conservatives. To top this off the democrat got 22% more of the moderates with 56% to 34% Republican. Guess who got 10% of the moderates? Savis...

Not to go into the fact that he got over twice as many 18-29 year olds THEN any other age range...= slightly more likely to vote liberal ideas anyways
Virginia Governor Exit Polls - 2013 Election Results - NYTimes.com

Savis wasn't there = 5% win for the democrat.

I don't care enough to dig into this and challenge your assertion, but at face value it sure smells like a steaming pile of horseshit. No offense.
savis got 7% of liberals to 3% of conservatives. To top this off the democrat got 22% more of the moderates with 56% to 34% Republican. Guess who got 10% of the moderates? Savis...

Not to go into the fact that he got over twice as many 18-29 year olds THEN any other age range...= slightly more likely to vote liberal ideas anyways
Virginia Governor Exit Polls - 2013 Election Results - NYTimes.com

Savis wasn't there = 5% win for the democrat.

I don't care enough to dig into this and challenge your assertion, but at face value it sure smells like a steaming pile of horseshit. No offense.

It's based on the exit polls. It is what it is.
savis got 7% of liberals to 3% of conservatives. To top this off the democrat got 22% more of the moderates with 56% to 34% Republican. Guess who got 10% of the moderates? Savis...

Not to go into the fact that he got over twice as many 18-29 year olds THEN any other age range...= slightly more likely to vote liberal ideas anyways
Virginia Governor Exit Polls - 2013 Election Results - NYTimes.com

Savis wasn't there = 5% win for the democrat.

I don't care enough to dig into this and challenge your assertion, but at face value it sure smells like a steaming pile of horseshit. No offense.

It's based on the exit polls. It is what it is.

I have a hard time believing a third party Libertarian candidate hurt the Democratic candidate. Seems more likely to me that the exit polls were statistically flawed (or fabricated).

But whatever.
what do you call Social Security then, if not a step toward socialism?

and that's just one example of many.

a ponzi scheme.

learn what socialism is, first, as you clearly have social-democratism in mind, when naming it socialism.
Nowadays dimocrap party is not social-democratic anymore. It is infested with pure marxist socialists and commies.

ok, communication snafu.

You're right, when I say 'socialism' i'm not actually talking about state ownership of the means of production and the complete elimination of capitalism. But then again neither is anyone else when they call democrat politicians 'socialists', except for a tiny minority of idiots that is.

yes they are. and that is the danger.
they are not social-democrats anymore.
Will the National GOP learn from Virginia?


They're blaming everything but their own Front Men and Marketing Skills for their recent disasters.


I can't stand the idea of voting Democrat again in 2016, like I did in 2008 and 2012.

But if they run another McSame or Mittens, I may just have to.

The guys like you amaze me the most. I respect you and mostly agree with you.

But for the life of me I can't understand the logic - "if the GOP candidate is not conservative enough I will vote for the extreme leftard instead" - to punish exactly WHO? :rolleyes:
For me, 2008 was about the GOP needlessly taking us to war in Iraq and taking our eye off the ball in Afghanistan, by bungling the management of both wars, presiding over The Crash, and the prospect of a 3rd Bush term with the advent of McSame.

For me, 2012 was about the GOP foolishly using Mittens as their front-man and his 47% comments and my perception of him as disingenuous and incapable of leading the nation.

I held my nose and voted for Obumble both times; the first time, because the nation was desperate for change; the second time, because the Alternative was entirely uninspiring; so, better the lame-ass you know than the lame-ass you don't.

I also concede quite happily and willingly that I may have been wrong both times; or not.

For me, both general elections were not so much about party ideology as they were the Past Sins of the Parties and the (perceived) relative Leadership Qualities of the job-candidates.

The field of choices in 2008 and 2012 with any chance whatsoever of winning, were awful.

So, I gave it a think-over, threw a dart at the wall, held my nose, and pulled the lever.

I'm soooooo ashamed...

My one consolation is that I've voted ever-so-slightly more Republican in my lifetime than I have Democrat, but it's a fairly close call...
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a ponzi scheme.

learn what socialism is, first, as you clearly have social-democratism in mind, when naming it socialism.
Nowadays dimocrap party is not social-democratic anymore. It is infested with pure marxist socialists and commies.

ok, communication snafu.

You're right, when I say 'socialism' i'm not actually talking about state ownership of the means of production and the complete elimination of capitalism. But then again neither is anyone else when they call democrat politicians 'socialists', except for a tiny minority of idiots that is.

yes they are. and that is the danger.
they are not social-democrats anymore.

Dude, that's just silly.
there is no evolution towards socialism. it can occur only violently.



But Karl Marx suggested a peaceful transition period - fascism - in the Communist Manifesto:

"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"


Karl Marx did not live to the time when it actually was put into life. Yes, the fascist variation of socialism was elected, but it took less than three months after the election to the monster to start showing it's real face.
and violence is needed mostly not to install the socialist state but to maintain it.
And that what all types of socialism proved - violence and blood and death.

and it still didn't work :lol:
ok, communication snafu.

You're right, when I say 'socialism' i'm not actually talking about state ownership of the means of production and the complete elimination of capitalism. But then again neither is anyone else when they call democrat politicians 'socialists', except for a tiny minority of idiots that is.

yes they are. and that is the danger.
they are not social-democrats anymore.

Dude, that's just silly.

I am not a dude :D

And it is not silly. It is scary.
I don't care enough to dig into this and challenge your assertion, but at face value it sure smells like a steaming pile of horseshit. No offense.

It's based on the exit polls. It is what it is.

I have a hard time believing a third party Libertarian candidate hurt the Democratic candidate. Seems more likely to me that the exit polls were statistically flawed (or fabricated).

But whatever.

I'm with you. While I'm arguing that the Republicans don't own our votes, that a majority of libertarians came from the left doesn't pass the smell test.
Dude, that's just silly.

I am not a dude :D

And it is not silly. It is scary.

No, it's silly.

Obama is not a marxist, he's a corporatist, bought and paid for in full. And the last thing those he's beholden to want is to cede their wealth to the state.

he is a marxist. he is a corporatist bought and paid for on the road to his goal.

that is what you guys seem not to understand, even knowing that the guy is a lie, only lie and nothing but lie :D

look at what he is doing in fundamentals of transforming the country.
He is actually extremely consistent.
Or his puppeteers.
It's based on the exit polls. It is what it is.

I have a hard time believing a third party Libertarian candidate hurt the Democratic candidate. Seems more likely to me that the exit polls were statistically flawed (or fabricated).

But whatever.

I'm with you. While I'm arguing that the Republicans don't own our votes, that a majority of libertarians came from the left doesn't pass the smell test.

I'm not so sure. Cuc doesn't like gays, thinks discriminating against them is ok, and he thinks priv businesses should be sued for employing illegal aliens. He also pretty much conducted a one man witch hunt against a professor supporting climate change, and in the end there was nothing there beyone a scientist with an honest opinion. Cuc is cool with govt overreach when the overreach is aimed at stuff he doesn't like.

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