Will the National GOP learn from Virginia?

Will the National GOP learn from Virginia?


They're blaming everything but their own Front Men and Marketing Skills for their recent disasters.

They've slipped into Clueless Mode and I'm not sure they're comin' out of that coma anytime soon.


I can't stand the idea of voting Democrat again in 2016, like I did in 2008 and 2012.

But if they run another McSame or Mittens, I may just have to.
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macacca lost running for BOTh seats, but Va's gop is mainstream. You betcha.

Romney and McCain both lost Virginia too. They are no conservatives.

they actually lost VA BECAUSE they are NOT conservatives. That is my conclusion based on the previous 2 elections and yesterday's results ( watched live)
Will the National GOP learn from Virginia?


They're blaming everything but their own Front Men and Marketing Skills for their recent disasters.


I can't stand the idea of voting Democrat again in 2016, like I did in 2008 and 2012.

But if they run another McSame or Mittens, I may just have to.

The guys like you amaze me the most. I respect you and mostly agree with you.

But for the life of me I can't understand the logic - "if the GOP candidate is not conservative enough I will vote for the extreme leftard instead" - to punish exactly WHO? :rolleyes:
Will the National GOP learn from Virginia?


They're blaming everything but their own Front Men and Marketing Skills for their recent disasters.

They've slipped into Clueless Mode and I'm not sure they're comin' out of that coma anytime soon.


I can't stand the idea of voting Democrat again in 2016, like I did in 2008 and 2012.

But if they run another McSame or Mittens, I may just have to.

What they're going to attempt to run in 2016 is going to make McCain or Romney look good. :eusa_shhh: Any party that doesn't support maintaining their nation doesn't deserve power.
It is the ones fooled by a "libertarian" ideas which caused this particular race to go the way it did.

And maybe the Republican party should adopt libertarian ideas instead of demanding we support theirs and blaming us when they don't get our votes?

It's pretty simple for Republicans, actually follow up on the fiscal conservative values they claim to espouse, keep our military out of other countries' business if they are not a threat to us and realize that small government includes government not owning our bodies.

If Republicans can't do that, their claim that our votes were really there's is utterly unpersuasive.
Had Obama not helped out the faux libertarian in the race Ross Perot style then things would be different not that I care too much about it.
It is the ones fooled by a "libertarian" ideas which caused this particular race to go the way it did.

And maybe the Republican party should adopt libertarian ideas instead of demanding we support theirs and blaming us when they don't get our votes?

It's pretty simple for Republicans, actually follow up on the fiscal conservative values they claim to espouse, keep our military out of other countries' business if they are not a threat to us and realize that small government includes government not owning our bodies.

If Republicans can't do that, their claim that our votes were really there's is utterly unpersuasive.

They should.

But sitting out the elections or voting for a shill or unelectable person is not going to make that change happen - you can put more needed candidates into the party ranks if you VOTE and PARTICIPATE not ride your high horse and wait until the rinos will level with you.
They won't. They are happy with business as usual. If you want a change to happen - make it happen YOURSELF.
Otherwise you will be let with a leftard scum forever.
And maybe the Republican party should adopt libertarian ideas instead of demanding we support theirs and blaming us when they don't get our votes?


The brand Republican is used as an umbrella by many individuals who have socialist/statist tendencies.

They will never adopt Libertarian policies. Their goal goal is to acquire power and fame by any means necessary.

And maybe the Republican party should adopt libertarian ideas instead of demanding we support theirs and blaming us when they don't get our votes?


The brand Republican is used as an umbrella by many individuals who have socialist/statist tendencies.

They will never adopt Libertarian policies. Their goal goal is to acquire power and fame by any means necessary.


If you passively sit and wait until the body of your enemy floats down the stream - it might be YOUR body eventually :D

If you want a change to happen - you make it happen yourself not wait until somebody will change for your highness tastes.
It is the ones fooled by a "libertarian" ideas which caused this particular race to go the way it did.

And maybe the Republican party should adopt libertarian ideas instead of demanding we support theirs and blaming us when they don't get our votes?

It's pretty simple for Republicans, actually follow up on the fiscal conservative values they claim to espouse, keep our military out of other countries' business if they are not a threat to us and realize that small government includes government not owning our bodies.

If Republicans can't do that, their claim that our votes were really there's is utterly unpersuasive.

They should.

But sitting out the elections or voting for a shill or unelectable person is not going to make that change happen - you can put more needed candidates into the party ranks if you VOTE and PARTICIPATE not ride your high horse and wait until the rinos will level with you.
They won't. They are happy with business as usual. If you want a change to happen - make it happen YOURSELF.
Otherwise you will be let with a leftard scum forever.

Why do you get to set the standard that we vote Republican or we're not doing anything? He's the libertarian candidate, that Obama helped him doesn't make him a shill.

I don't have a strong opinion on the candidates. I have lived in Virginia multiple times, I know the State, but not since the 90s so I don't know the players as well as I did.

I always vote, but I frequently vote for third party and independents. Being actually different than the Democrats is actually pretty easy, they are left wing ideologues. Yet Republicans struggle mightily to make it happen.

I don't see why voting for the guy standing as closed to the socialist as he can while claiming he's to the right of the socialist is that much more of a great idea than saying we're sick of it and voting to let people know we want an actual difference.

I agree totally with how much you think Obama sucks. I'm just having a hard time with seeing clearly how Republicans are actually different. Particularly in ways that matter to me.
And maybe the Republican party should adopt libertarian ideas instead of demanding we support theirs and blaming us when they don't get our votes?


The brand Republican is used as an umbrella by many individuals who have socialist/statist tendencies.

They will never adopt Libertarian policies. Their goal goal is to acquire power and fame by any means necessary.


If you passively sit and wait until the body of your enemy floats down the stream - it might be YOUR body eventually :D

If you want a change to happen - you make it happen yourself not wait until somebody will change for your highness tastes.

That is a good policy.

Irrelevant to our discussion , but a good policy nevertheless.

The brand Republican is used as an umbrella by many individuals who have socialist/statist tendencies.

They will never adopt Libertarian policies. Their goal goal is to acquire power and fame by any means necessary.


If you passively sit and wait until the body of your enemy floats down the stream - it might be YOUR body eventually :D

If you want a change to happen - you make it happen yourself not wait until somebody will change for your highness tastes.

That is a good policy.

Irrelevant to our discussion , but a good policy nevertheless.


no, it is not. It is a policy of a loser.
If one is dealing with the leftards.

It might work in an EVEN field. Not with the enemy which is lying, deceitful and planning to murder you the moment it gets it's claws on your neck.
The enemy like that requires a different stance - not a passive going with the wind attitude.
that may apply to McCain, but Romney is not a nut job, he would have been a great president. But we will never know because you fools gave Barry another 4 years to continue his destruction of our economy and our culture.

President Obama was, is, and always will be the superior choice to Mitt Romney; otherwise Romney would have won. The voters got it correct.

lol, he's so superior his approvals are in the toilet
now you need to kiss his picture or bow to the shine you have of him

What's the old saying? The most popular guy in town is the back up quarterback? Romney isn't even that...he's not qualified.

If Romney were superior, he would have won. He didn't. He got beat. Badly.

Now you need to fire up your excuse machine (if it hasn't overheated from constant use) and start the blame game. It's your only move.
If you passively sit and wait until the body of your enemy floats down the stream - it might be YOUR body eventually :D

If you want a change to happen - you make it happen yourself not wait until somebody will change for your highness tastes.

That is a good policy.

Irrelevant to our discussion , but a good policy nevertheless.


no, it is not. It is a policy of a loser.
If one is dealing with the leftards.

It might work in an EVEN field. Not with the enemy which is lying, deceitful and planning to murder you the moment it gets it's claws on your neck.
The enemy like that requires a different stance - not a passive going with the wind attitude.

Let me re-direct you towards reality.

The "enemy" constitutes a majority, who are totally dependent on government largesse, they vote early and often. They also control the paramilitary domestic police. You do the math.

And maybe the Republican party should adopt libertarian ideas instead of demanding we support theirs and blaming us when they don't get our votes?


The brand Republican is used as an umbrella by many individuals who have socialist/statist tendencies.

They will never adopt Libertarian policies. Their goal goal is to acquire power and fame by any means necessary.


If you passively sit and wait until the body of your enemy floats down the stream - it might be YOUR body eventually :D

If you want a change to happen - you make it happen yourself not wait until somebody will change for your highness tastes.

So with the Democrats at some point my body will flow down the stream. I can vote Republican and delay my body flowing down the stream just a little bit longer.

I prefer to vote for my body to not flow down the stream even if it's futile then just use my vote to slow the process down ... slightly ...
President Obama was, is, and always will be the superior choice to Mitt Romney; otherwise Romney would have won. The voters got it correct.

lol, he's so superior his approvals are in the toilet
now you need to kiss his picture or bow to the shine you have of him

What's the old saying? The most popular guy in town is the back up quarterback? Romney isn't even that...he's not qualified.

If Romney were superior, he would have won. He didn't. He got beat. Badly.

Now you need to fire up your excuse machine (if it hasn't overheated from constant use) and start the blame game. It's your only move.

Obama ran a superior campaign Whether he's a better potus than Mitt would have been, that's debatable. Mitt ran so far right he couldn't even thnk about getting to the middle. But, he had no choice if he wanted the gop nomination
Yup, just like when Ralph Nader cost Gore the presidency.

LOL, how many votes did Nader get? how many did Perot get? not even a close comparison.

Bush won by 500 votes here in Florida.

Nader received 60,000 votes in Florida.

Nader doesn't run, Gore is President.

Was that some sort of secret? Is someone discounting Nader's impact on the election? Oh, it was Redfish...that explains it. NM

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