Will the National GOP learn from Virginia?

And maybe the Republican party should adopt libertarian ideas instead of demanding we support theirs and blaming us when they don't get our votes?

It's pretty simple for Republicans, actually follow up on the fiscal conservative values they claim to espouse, keep our military out of other countries' business if they are not a threat to us and realize that small government includes government not owning our bodies.

If Republicans can't do that, their claim that our votes were really there's is utterly unpersuasive.

They should.

But sitting out the elections or voting for a shill or unelectable person is not going to make that change happen - you can put more needed candidates into the party ranks if you VOTE and PARTICIPATE not ride your high horse and wait until the rinos will level with you.
They won't. They are happy with business as usual. If you want a change to happen - make it happen YOURSELF.
Otherwise you will be let with a leftard scum forever.

Why do you get to set the standard that we vote Republican or we're not doing anything? He's the libertarian candidate, that Obama helped him doesn't make him a shill.

I don't have a strong opinion on the candidates. I have lived in Virginia multiple times, I know the State, but not since the 90s so I don't know the players as well as I did.

I always vote, but I frequently vote for third party and independents. Being actually different than the Democrats is actually pretty easy, they are left wing ideologues. Yet Republicans struggle mightily to make it happen.

I don't see why voting for the guy standing as closed to the socialist as he can while claiming he's to the right of the socialist is that much more of a great idea than saying we're sick of it and voting to let people know we want an actual difference.

I agree totally with how much you think Obama sucks. I'm just having a hard time with seeing clearly how Republicans are actually different. Particularly in ways that matter to me.

there are different republicans. and that is the main problem - as leftards are unified and behave in army style - the command came from above - they do not think - they obey.
No, I do not want the other side to behave like that but in order to be able to win with the enemy which is structured in such a way - one has to able to overstep personal dislikes. It is the question of priorities.
I think you ( and others, who think like you) still consider democrats the party as they were 23-30-40 years ago - and that is the main mistake here. They have changed. there are NO moderate, blue dog democrats anymore, or democrats, which are, mostly a social-democratic political spectrum. The only ones left are socialist or even communist ones - the marxist style.
The enemy of this caliber and potential damage has to be treated differently - and that also includes the portion of self-sacrifice of the likes-dislikes.
Because this dimocrap party is dangerous.
To everybody.

and in order to displace the statist pubs in the republican party - one has to get involved actively, not just polemically. The TP and TP candidates was a great start - look how scared they become and how much smear they put on the small but powerful faction. Powerful not because they have the money behind them - they do not. But they still have the spirit and the will.
LOL, how many votes did Nader get? how many did Perot get? not even a close comparison.

Bush won by 500 votes here in Florida.

Nader received 60,000 votes in Florida.

Nader doesn't run, Gore is President.

Was that some sort of secret? Is someone discounting Nader's impact on the election? Oh, it was Redfish...that explains it. NM

Gore also would have been President if he'd won his home State. Thanks for reminding me of that, it cracks me up. Who knew what a sell out he was better?

The brand Republican is used as an umbrella by many individuals who have socialist/statist tendencies.

They will never adopt Libertarian policies. Their goal goal is to acquire power and fame by any means necessary.


If you passively sit and wait until the body of your enemy floats down the stream - it might be YOUR body eventually :D

If you want a change to happen - you make it happen yourself not wait until somebody will change for your highness tastes.

So with the Democrats at some point my body will flow down the stream. I can vote Republican and delay my body flowing down the stream just a little bit longer.

I prefer to vote for my body to not flow down the stream even if it's futile then just use my vote to slow the process down ... slightly ...

with the dimocraps as they are today parts of your body will float down the stream. I can guarantee you that. This is not the first time in the history.

and the republicans can be changed. they still have the potential. If you make that change happen - yourself.

But if you are prepared for the float down the stream you might as well bring the ax for the enemy to lighten their task :D
I think you ( and others, who think like you) still consider democrats the party as they were 23-30-40 years ago

Wrong. I see the left moving as far as fast to the left as they can go, and the Republicans running as fast to the left behind them as they can to keep up. The Democrats consider Republicans moving to the left slower than they do the Republicans moving to the right and the Republicans think as long as they stay behind the Democrats moving to the left, they get everyone's vote who's to the right of the Democrats. They are both nuts.

The Republicans don't own our votes. I can't speak for other libertarians on this, but I suspect I'm correct that Republicans informing me that I cost them the election widens the gulf between us and does not narrow it. I don't feel respected when they spend like there is no tomorrow, I don't feel respected when they say they are for small government but want government to own our bodies, and I don't feel respected when our military is all over the world meddling in everyone's business. They don't own my vote, I do.
In a state that voted the last two elections for the Democrat and has two Democratic senators where the Democrats spent four times as much money and everyone hates the tea party and blames them for the gridlock? What is your projection based on exactly?

Hint? The TeaP candidate lost, a normal Republican would have won.

80% of America plus a majority of the GOP despise the TPM.

Repeating your claim doesn't support it. ?

Repeatedly denying it doesn't support you, bub.

Only the facts count, and my facts are right on. Enough Americans vote who will not vote for TeaPs, period, under any circumstances. They will take a dem or a libertarian if they have to in order avoid a TeaP.
That is a good policy.

Irrelevant to our discussion , but a good policy nevertheless.


no, it is not. It is a policy of a loser.
If one is dealing with the leftards.

It might work in an EVEN field. Not with the enemy which is lying, deceitful and planning to murder you the moment it gets it's claws on your neck.
The enemy like that requires a different stance - not a passive going with the wind attitude.

Let me re-direct you towards reality.

The "enemy" constitutes a majority, who are totally dependent on government largesse, they vote early and often. They also control the paramilitary domestic police. You do the math.


yeah, I get it - you have already surrendered :D

did you prepare the greeting bouquets for the executioners when they eventually come?
I think you ( and others, who think like you) still consider democrats the party as they were 23-30-40 years ago

Wrong. I see the left moving as far as fast to the left as they can go, and the Republicans running as fast to the left behind them as they can to keep up. The Democrats consider Republicans moving to the left slower than they do the Republicans moving to the right and the Republicans think as long as they stay behind the Democrats moving to the left, they get everyone's vote who's to the right of the Democrats. They are both nuts.

The Republicans don't own our votes. I can't speak for other libertarians on this, but I suspect I'm correct that Republicans informing me that I cost them the election widens the gulf between us and does not narrow it. I don't feel respected when they spend like there is no tomorrow, I don't feel respected when they say they are for small government but want government to own our bodies, and I don't feel respected when our military is all over the world meddling in everyone's business. They don't own my vote, I do.

For better or worse, evolution toward socialism became inevitable when women were granted suffrage.
If you passively sit and wait until the body of your enemy floats down the stream - it might be YOUR body eventually :D

If you want a change to happen - you make it happen yourself not wait until somebody will change for your highness tastes.

So with the Democrats at some point my body will flow down the stream. I can vote Republican and delay my body flowing down the stream just a little bit longer.

I prefer to vote for my body to not flow down the stream even if it's futile then just use my vote to slow the process down ... slightly ...

with the dimocraps as they are today parts of your body will float down the stream. I can guarantee you that. This is not the first time in the history.

and the republicans can be changed. they still have the potential. If you make that change happen - yourself.

But if you are prepared for the float down the stream you might as well bring the ax for the enemy to lighten their task :D

My standard I've stated is that I'll vote for Republicans in any particular election if they give me one clear reason to do that. Sometimes they do, not very often. Explain why if they can't clear the hurdle of the bar on the first rung and I vote for them anyway I'm going to affect any change in them.

I don't consider myself a tea partier, but I respect them. I'm a lot more likely to vote for a tea party candidate. In my youth I occasionally voted for Democrats, but it's been decades. They are actually the party that purged any moderates.
I think you ( and others, who think like you) still consider democrats the party as they were 23-30-40 years ago

Wrong. I see the left moving as far as fast to the left as they can go, and the Republicans running as fast to the left behind them as they can to keep up. The Democrats consider Republicans moving to the left slower than they do the Republicans moving to the right and the Republicans think as long as they stay behind the Democrats moving to the left, they get everyone's vote who's to the right of the Democrats. They are both nuts.

The Republicans don't own our votes. I can't speak for other libertarians on this, but I suspect I'm correct that Republicans informing me that I cost them the election widens the gulf between us and does not narrow it. I don't feel respected when they spend like there is no tomorrow, I don't feel respected when they say they are for small government but want government to own our bodies, and I don't feel respected when our military is all over the world meddling in everyone's business. They don't own my vote, I do.

whatever. sharpen the ax for the "liberators" to make their job easier.
lies (1) Democrats are Marxists: what horse shit; (2) GOP can be turned to Libertarian or TeaP: horse shit

Christie is the symbol of what is good with America, mainstream Republicanism
I think you ( and others, who think like you) still consider democrats the party as they were 23-30-40 years ago

Wrong. I see the left moving as far as fast to the left as they can go, and the Republicans running as fast to the left behind them as they can to keep up. The Democrats consider Republicans moving to the left slower than they do the Republicans moving to the right and the Republicans think as long as they stay behind the Democrats moving to the left, they get everyone's vote who's to the right of the Democrats. They are both nuts.

The Republicans don't own our votes. I can't speak for other libertarians on this, but I suspect I'm correct that Republicans informing me that I cost them the election widens the gulf between us and does not narrow it. I don't feel respected when they spend like there is no tomorrow, I don't feel respected when they say they are for small government but want government to own our bodies, and I don't feel respected when our military is all over the world meddling in everyone's business. They don't own my vote, I do.

For better or worse, evolution toward socialism became inevitable when women were granted suffrage.

there is no evolution towards socialism. it can occur only violently.

and women are the first ones to regret it bitterly.

the ones who experienced it will make sure none of their descendants ever have anything to do with this atrocity. ever.
I think you ( and others, who think like you) still consider democrats the party as they were 23-30-40 years ago

Wrong. I see the left moving as far as fast to the left as they can go, and the Republicans running as fast to the left behind them as they can to keep up. The Democrats consider Republicans moving to the left slower than they do the Republicans moving to the right and the Republicans think as long as they stay behind the Democrats moving to the left, they get everyone's vote who's to the right of the Democrats. They are both nuts.

The Republicans don't own our votes. I can't speak for other libertarians on this, but I suspect I'm correct that Republicans informing me that I cost them the election widens the gulf between us and does not narrow it. I don't feel respected when they spend like there is no tomorrow, I don't feel respected when they say they are for small government but want government to own our bodies, and I don't feel respected when our military is all over the world meddling in everyone's business. They don't own my vote, I do.

whatever. sharpen the ax for the "liberators" to make their job easier.

This still presents the assumption that my vote belongs to you. By not voting for you or the other candidate, I am assisting the other candidate. Again, my vote does not belong to you.
Wrong. I see the left moving as far as fast to the left as they can go, and the Republicans running as fast to the left behind them as they can to keep up. The Democrats consider Republicans moving to the left slower than they do the Republicans moving to the right and the Republicans think as long as they stay behind the Democrats moving to the left, they get everyone's vote who's to the right of the Democrats. They are both nuts.

The Republicans don't own our votes. I can't speak for other libertarians on this, but I suspect I'm correct that Republicans informing me that I cost them the election widens the gulf between us and does not narrow it. I don't feel respected when they spend like there is no tomorrow, I don't feel respected when they say they are for small government but want government to own our bodies, and I don't feel respected when our military is all over the world meddling in everyone's business. They don't own my vote, I do.

For better or worse, evolution toward socialism became inevitable when women were granted suffrage.

there is no evolution towards socialism. it can occur only violently.

and women are the first ones to regret it bitterly.

the ones who experienced it will make sure none of their descendants ever have anything to do with this atrocity. ever.

what do you call Social Security then, if not a step toward socialism?

and that's just one example of many.
lies (1) Democrats are Marxists: what horse shit; (2) GOP can be turned to Libertarian or TeaP: horse shit

Christie is the symbol of what is good with America, mainstream Republicanism

Well, your plan for two identical socialist parties does eliminate the worry about who wins on election night...
no, it is not. It is a policy of a loser.
If one is dealing with the leftards.

It might work in an EVEN field. Not with the enemy which is lying, deceitful and planning to murder you the moment it gets it's claws on your neck.
The enemy like that requires a different stance - not a passive going with the wind attitude.

Let me re-direct you towards reality.

The "enemy" constitutes a majority, who are totally dependent on government largesse, they vote early and often. They also control the paramilitary domestic police. You do the math.


yeah, I get it - you have already surrendered :D

did you prepare the greeting bouquets for the executioners when they eventually come?

No, I haven't.

I belong to the Laptop Militia.

I provide the intellectual ammunition.

You do your thang.

For better or worse, evolution toward socialism became inevitable when women were granted suffrage.

there is no evolution towards socialism. it can occur only violently.

and women are the first ones to regret it bitterly.

the ones who experienced it will make sure none of their descendants ever have anything to do with this atrocity. ever.

what do you call Social Security then, if not a step toward socialism?

and that's just one example of many.

Go ahead and run against social security and SSD in 2014. Watch your candidate be destroyed in the election.
there is no evolution towards socialism. it can occur only violently.

and women are the first ones to regret it bitterly.

the ones who experienced it will make sure none of their descendants ever have anything to do with this atrocity. ever.

what do you call Social Security then, if not a step toward socialism?

and that's just one example of many.

Go ahead and run against social security and SSD in 2014. Watch your candidate be destroyed in the election.


But if only men were allowed to vote, it would be a winning platform.
There is a lesson for Democrats as we'll opposition to Obamacare nearly flipped the election for the Republican if there had not been a third candidate it have this is speculation though. Unless Obamacare improves dramatically it will be a major drag on Democrats next year.
Opinion: What GOP can learn from Cuccinelli's tanking bid in Virginia - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Virginia is a cautionary tale for conservatives this year. And those Republicans who always argue that their party wins when it moves further to the right are going to have a lot of explaining to do after Election Day.

This was written before the election, but I doubt the GOP will learn a lesson. Their call now is, "But the margin wasn't as big as......"

Actually, the GOP should have kept the Governor's mansion from all historical accounts. And they could have if they had nominated Bill Bolling the moderate Lt Gov. But the TP fanatics and the untra-right out of state money pushed for Coooooch.

This is just a small lesson for the national GOP. Will they heed the warning or continue their march to the right?

Fuck the national GOP...it is the individual voter who needs to learn the lessson...get off your dead ass and vote!
Opinion: What GOP can learn from Cuccinelli's tanking bid in Virginia - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Virginia is a cautionary tale for conservatives this year. And those Republicans who always argue that their party wins when it moves further to the right are going to have a lot of explaining to do after Election Day.

This was written before the election, but I doubt the GOP will learn a lesson. Their call now is, "But the margin wasn't as big as......"

Actually, the GOP should have kept the Governor's mansion from all historical accounts. And they could have if they had nominated Bill Bolling the moderate Lt Gov. But the TP fanatics and the untra-right out of state money pushed for Coooooch.

This is just a small lesson for the national GOP. Will they heed the warning or continue their march to the right?

After winning by only 3% of the vote, while outspending his republican rival (McAuliffe's $34 million to Cuccinelli's $20 million), only shows Democrats have to work a lot harder and spend a lot more just to win by the skin of his teeth. Yet the Republicans are supposed to feel threatened? Look at the voting margin in the New Jersey election, a true solid blue state, and you'll see which party has a right to be concerned.

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