Will the National GOP learn from Virginia?

Gee, I haven't heard about any violence in Cuba, Venezuela.

The state apparatchiks can easily crush the dissenters.


oh really? you haven't heard about violence in Cuba?

where have you been for the last 50+ years?

Under the rock?

time to get to the world and learn something :rolleyes:

That happened early on. Now the opposition is either in Jail or Miami. Ever heard of the Mariel boatlift?


what, you expected the slaughter to go on and who would work for the elite? :lol: and pushed to jail for political values is pretty darn violent, I would say

they are all behind the barbed wire in the labor camp and surviving only because family from Miami are sending soap and sugar.
Opinion: What GOP can learn from Cuccinelli's tanking bid in Virginia - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Virginia is a cautionary tale for conservatives this year. And those Republicans who always argue that their party wins when it moves further to the right are going to have a lot of explaining to do after Election Day.

This was written before the election, but I doubt the GOP will learn a lesson. Their call now is, "But the margin wasn't as big as......"

Actually, the GOP should have kept the Governor's mansion from all historical accounts. And they could have if they had nominated Bill Bolling the moderate Lt Gov. But the TP fanatics and the untra-right out of state money pushed for Coooooch.

This is just a small lesson for the national GOP. Will they heed the warning or continue their march to the right?

as we all know you can't fix stupid and you can't fix the republicans ability to learn ... they're the definition of crazy ... they keep doing the same shit over and over expecting a different out come ...
Opinion: What GOP can learn from Cuccinelli's tanking bid in Virginia - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Virginia is a cautionary tale for conservatives this year. And those Republicans who always argue that their party wins when it moves further to the right are going to have a lot of explaining to do after Election Day.

This was written before the election, but I doubt the GOP will learn a lesson. Their call now is, "But the margin wasn't as big as......"

Actually, the GOP should have kept the Governor's mansion from all historical accounts. And they could have if they had nominated Bill Bolling the moderate Lt Gov. But the TP fanatics and the untra-right out of state money pushed for Coooooch.

This is just a small lesson for the national GOP. Will they heed the warning or continue their march to the right?

as we all know you can't fix stupid and you can't fix the republicans ability to learn ... they're the definition of crazy ... they keep doing the same shit over and over expecting a different out come ...

I'm not so sure. Ryan may be able to run on pricipals that can be bent to get 80% of what he wants.
lies (1) Democrats are Marxists: what horse shit; (2) GOP can be turned to Libertarian or TeaP: horse shit

Christie is the symbol of what is good with America, mainstream Republicanism

Well, your plan for two identical socialist parties does eliminate the worry about who wins on election night...

kaz can't even prove there is one socialist or socialist-type party

you TeaPs are loony
lies (1) Democrats are Marxists: what horse shit; (2) GOP can be turned to Libertarian or TeaP: horse shit

Christie is the symbol of what is good with America, mainstream Republicanism

Well, your plan for two identical socialist parties does eliminate the worry about who wins on election night...

kaz can't even prove there is one socialist or socialist-type party

you TeaPs are loony

You got me, I'm a reactionary, libertarian, neocon, Republican, far right, tea partier. They are all just words that mean "not liberal" to you, aren't they Jake? Even though neocons are actually liberals...
There is a lesson for Democrats as we'll opposition to Obamacare nearly flipped the election for the Republican if there had not been a third candidate it have this is speculation though. Unless Obamacare improves dramatically it will be a major drag on Democrats next year.

True, but there's no polling support for simply eliminating it and doing nothing, which the gop house is about. In short, it has perils for both parties.

Agreed if the GOP runs on just repeal next year and does not offer a alternative I'm not convinced the Republicans will have to do much in regards to Obamacare if it continues as it is they can sit back and let the results speak for themselves. If I were advising them I would have alternative ready just in case.
Well, your plan for two identical socialist parties does eliminate the worry about who wins on election night...

kaz can't even prove there is one socialist or socialist-type party

you TeaPs are loony

You got me, I'm a reactionary, libertarian, neocon, Republican, far right, tea partier. They are all just words that mean "not liberal" to you, aren't they Jake? Even though neocons are actually liberals...

They are all words that mean that you are a loony reactionary
There is a lesson for Democrats as we'll opposition to Obamacare nearly flipped the election for the Republican if there had not been a third candidate it have this is speculation though. Unless Obamacare improves dramatically it will be a major drag on Democrats next year.

True, but there's no polling support for simply eliminating it and doing nothing, which the gop house is about. In short, it has perils for both parties.

Agreed if the GOP runs on just repeal next year and does not offer a alternative I'm not convinced the Republicans will have to do much in regards to Obamacare if it continues as it is they can sit back and let the results speak for themselves. If I were advising them I would have alternative ready just in case.

Replace not repeal, or the American population will surely squeal
True, but there's no polling support for simply eliminating it and doing nothing, which the gop house is about. In short, it has perils for both parties.

Agreed if the GOP runs on just repeal next year and does not offer a alternative I'm not convinced the Republicans will have to do much in regards to Obamacare if it continues as it is they can sit back and let the results speak for themselves. If I were advising them I would have alternative ready just in case.

Replace not repeal, or the American population will surely squeal

I'd replace it with a single payer system like in Taiwan ;)
Opinion: What GOP can learn from tanking bid in Virginia - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Virginia is a cautionary tale for conservatives this year. And those Republicans who always argue that their party wins when it moves further to the right are going to have a lot of explaining to do after Election Day.

This was written before the election, but I doubt the GOP will learn a lesson. Their call now is, "But the margin wasn't as big as......"

Actually, the GOP should have kept the Governor's mansion from all historical accounts. And they could have if they had nominated Bill Bolling the moderate Lt Gov. But the TP fanatics and the untra-right out of state money pushed for Coooooch.

This is just a small lesson for the national GOP. Will they heed the warning or continue their march to the right?

McAuliffe spent 14+ million more than Cuccinelli .. most contributors were wealthy corporate interests from out of state. Then there's the Washington DC unions and payed off voters
Of the 32 Governors that have been elected since we slapped the shit out of dimocrap scum in Virginia during the Civil War, only Six (6) of them have been Republicans.

And that only started in 1970.

And since 1982, of the 9 Governors of Virginia to hold the Office, Six (6) of them were dimocraps.

Only three (3) were Republicans.

dimocraps act like it's a Big Deal™ that a dimocrap with nearly THREE TIMES the money, thousands of Union goons 'volunteering' as foot soldiers, the entire DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM giving him free, positive air time, the entire dimocrap Party, including the current Stuttering Clusterfuck and the last dimocrap preezy, the rapist and his lesbian OL, the Sasquatch, campaigning like crazy.....

He SQUEAKS out a victory in a fucking Purple State and dimocraps want to do a victory lap?

Wait until next November, boys and girls. You'll be back on the Meds.


Seriously, dude, it sounds like the only one who needs meds is you.

To help you out, I've bolded every time you thought an insult was an argument.

Sorry, man, this is a big deal.
Opinion: What GOP can learn from Cuccinelli's tanking bid in Virginia - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Virginia is a cautionary tale for conservatives this year. And those Republicans who always argue that their party wins when it moves further to the right are going to have a lot of explaining to do after Election Day.

This was written before the election, but I doubt the GOP will learn a lesson. Their call now is, "But the margin wasn't as big as......"

Actually, the GOP should have kept the Governor's mansion from all historical accounts. And they could have if they had nominated Bill Bolling the moderate Lt Gov. But the TP fanatics and the untra-right out of state money pushed for Coooooch.

This is just a small lesson for the national GOP. Will they heed the warning or continue their march to the right?

as we all know you can't fix stupid and you can't fix the republicans ability to learn ... they're the definition of crazy ... they keep doing the same shit over and over expecting a different out come ...

Sounds like that 2009 Presidential speech of spending money on infrastructure, police, and teachers. How many times have we seen that message recycled over the last 5 years? If the stimulus was effective we would see more impressive economic growth than 2% drop in unemployment at best. It's not the governments job to sustain an economy, as we have seen with a national debt increase of over 3 Trillion dollars later with not much to show for it.
Agreed if the GOP runs on just repeal next year and does not offer a alternative I'm not convinced the Republicans will have to do much in regards to Obamacare if it continues as it is they can sit back and let the results speak for themselves. If I were advising them I would have alternative ready just in case.

Replace not repeal, or the American population will surely squeal

I'd replace it with a single payer system like in Taiwan ;)

Taiwan copied the Canadian system.
Opinion: What GOP can learn from tanking bid in Virginia - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Virginia is a cautionary tale for conservatives this year. And those Republicans who always argue that their party wins when it moves further to the right are going to have a lot of explaining to do after Election Day.

This was written before the election, but I doubt the GOP will learn a lesson. Their call now is, "But the margin wasn't as big as......"

Actually, the GOP should have kept the Governor's mansion from all historical accounts. And they could have if they had nominated Bill Bolling the moderate Lt Gov. But the TP fanatics and the untra-right out of state money pushed for Coooooch.

This is just a small lesson for the national GOP. Will they heed the warning or continue their march to the right?

McAuliffe spent 14+ million more than Cuccinelli .. most contributors were wealthy corporate interests from out of state. Then there's the Washington DC unions and payed off voters
Corporations are people, remember?
sure. read for yourself :lol:

Of course, in the beginning, this cannot be effected except by means of despotic inroads on the rights of property, and on the conditions of bourgeois production; by means of measures, therefore, which appear economically insufficient and untenable, but which, in the course of the movement, outstrip themselves, necessitate further inroads upon the old social order, and are unavoidable as a means of entirely revolutionising the mode of production.

These measures will, of course, be different in different countries.

Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c, &c.

Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)

You must've misunderstood.

I'm looking for examples of things Obama has done. Not a summary of items from the Communist Manifesto that he didn't do. Unless of course your plan is to prove my point. And if that's the case, well done kemosabe, well done.

read for yourself. and if you do not see anything related to what obama has done - there is nothing to discuss as the leftards do not see. because they do not want to.

as I stated at the beginning - any discussion with a leftard is a waste of time.

Regardless, thanks again for proving my point kemosabe. :thup:
Opinion: What GOP can learn from tanking bid in Virginia - CNN.com

This was written before the election, but I doubt the GOP will learn a lesson. Their call now is, "But the margin wasn't as big as......"

Actually, the GOP should have kept the Governor's mansion from all historical accounts. And they could have if they had nominated Bill Bolling the moderate Lt Gov. But the TP fanatics and the untra-right out of state money pushed for Coooooch.

This is just a small lesson for the national GOP. Will they heed the warning or continue their march to the right?

McAuliffe spent 14+ million more than Cuccinelli .. most contributors were wealthy corporate interests from out of state. Then there's the Washington DC unions and payed off voters
Corporations are people, remember?

Lesson learned: Elections are determined by easily manipulated housefraus. Solution: Roll back the 19th Amendment.

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