Will the Supreme Court end affirmative action in colleges?

It will be ended. And the results will be predictable.

A loss for the good guys.
Does anyone have any doubt what the TRUMPCourt will do?
It's known as the "boomerang effect"..."whats good for the goose"..."how ya like them apples"..."a taste of your own medicine"..."your turn in the barrel"...et al
..."the TRUMPCourt" is a look in the mirror and not liking what you see you blame the image
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It probably should be ended. It is racist. It treats different races differently. Does society in general still do that?

not since about 1968 or thereabouts..

Then there's the fact that Blacks make things harder for their race than they naturally are when they treat Whitey differently than their own people.. But still, affirmative action is discriminatory

Well, you and I don't see eye to eye on the death penalty but perhaps we do on this issue.

Affirmative action is indeed racist.

If blacks want to be treated equal and fairly then they shouldn't want affirmative action because it is the exact opposite. It treats them special and gives them advantages purely for their skin color.

If you give someone a advantage because of their skin color, even if you think it's for good, you're still putting other skin colors at a disadvantage.

It's time blacks had to make their way through life based on their knowledge, intelligence, ambition, and experience. They don't deserve special attention or treatment.
No one stole a seat from Obama.

His proposed choice, Merrick Garland, is just a complete failure and his actions since show that he wasn't worthy of confirmation.
Amen, Bro

Every now and then Congress does something right, often accidentally. Why can't McConnell do other things the People want?

But I will always be thankful for THAT decision :)
Well, you and I don't see eye to eye on the death penalty but perhaps we do on this issue.

Affirmative action is indeed racist.

If blacks want to be treated equal and fairly then they shouldn't want affirmative action because it is the exact opposite. It treats them special and gives them advantages purely for their skin color.

If you give someone a advantage because of their skin color, even if you think it's for good, you're still putting other skin colors at a disadvantage.

It's time blacks had to make their way through life based on their knowledge, intelligence, ambition, and experience. They don't deserve special attention or treatment.
you might have added to (highlighted)

ability to get along with Whitey (and forget the 160 year old past more or less)
The Supremes wouldn't have taken the case if they wanted to AA to continue as usual.
Equal protection requires that we quit discriminating based upon the way people were born!
Maybe for a time Affirmative A was called for

But it was never meant to be a permanent thing except to some people who do not really get it that AA is racist or if they do get it, do not care bc it benefits THEIR race or color.

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