Will the truth matter to you in the 2012 election's?


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
BHO has already began a campaign that got the Dems so much power in 2008. One based on fiction as well as blaming GWB on everything that in reality occurred after the 06 election cycle

Can this type of a campaign win him re-election? will the non stop ABC-CBS-NBC-CNN-HBO-Comedy spin cycle prevent the simple truth mattering to where we go as a country after the Nov election?

I firmly believe based on the people I have talked to its not going to be close. Every person I know but 2 that voted for BHO in 2008 not only are not going to vote for BHO, they have lost complete faith in the Democratic party

I truly believe that BHO carries 16-18 states, Romney carries the rest
I am not sure about the 18 states either, depending how many in the N.E. will vote for BHO again (GWB carried 30 in 00)

We have millions fewer working today than we did in 08, that is 5-7 million vote there alone
WE have about that many again under employed

Obama used the one year event of the seals taking out OBL to state Romney would not have done the same. Do you think 5 trillion in debt along with millions of people without jobs from 08 really care?

We will see

ABC radio made the 4 cents a gallon of gas drop sound like it was a game changer, mentioned the speculation was now in control, and that oh yea BTW it was the 1 year anniversary of OBL being killed

3.96 to 3.92, and now speculation is under control

We will see
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BHO has already began a campaign that got the Dems so much power in 2008. One based on fiction as well as blaming GWB on everything that in reality occurred after the 06 election cycle

Can this type of a campaign win him re-election? will the non stop ABC-CBS-NBC-CNN-HBO-Comedy spin cycle prevent the simple truth mattering to where we go as a country after the Nov election?

I firmly believe based on the people I have talked to its not going to be close. Every person I know but 2 that voted for BHO in 2008 not only are not going to vote for BHO, they have lost complete faith in the Democratic party

I truly believe that BHO carries 16-18 states, Romney carries the rest
I am not sure about the 18 states either, depending how many in the N.E. will vote for BHO again (GWB carried 30 in 00)

We have millions fewer working today than we did in 08, that is 5-7 million vote there alone
WE have about that many again under employed

Obama used the one year event of the seals taking out OBL to state Romney would not have done the same. Do you think 5 trillion in debt along with millions of people without jobs from 08 really care?

We will see

ABC radio made the 4 cents a gallon of gas drop sound like it was a game changer, mentioned the speculation was now in control, and that oh yea BTW it was the 1 year anniversary of OBL being killed

3.96 to 3.92, and now speculation is under control

We will see

Thought I would try and give this new life this morning
I honestly believe Barry knows he's toast and doesn't really care. After all, what's the big deal? Bush 41 and Carter didn't make it to a second term in recent times, so it's not like there's no precedent. But look at the up side. No more hassles of the toughest job in the world for which he knows deep down inside he came to woefully unprepared. So he spends the rest of his life following Slick Willie around on the speech circuit banking millions and playing golf or shooting hoops whenever he feels like it.

Who wouldn't want that job?
I honestly believe Barry knows he's toast and doesn't really care. After all, what's the big deal? Bush 41 and Carter didn't make it to a second term in recent times, so it's not like there's no precedent. But look at the up side. No more hassles of the toughest job in the world for which he knows deep down inside he came to woefully unprepared. So he spends the rest of his life following Slick Willie around on the speech circuit banking millions and playing golf or shooting hoops whenever he feels like it.

Who wouldn't want that job?

He made a joke at the big party they have in Washington the other night, kind of like a roast
"Whats the difference in a soccer mom and a bulldog? Bulldog tastes good"


That is fu---d up
The truth matters quite a bit. That's why I'm voting for Obama.

Our President may exaggerate and even bullshit a bit. But Romney is a total and complete liar. He has no shame. He'll be confronted with his lies and pretend he didn't say it, and blame the media for using his own words. Romney has no moral compass. He's in this game for power and personal enrichment.
The truth matters quite a bit. That's why I'm voting for Obama.

Our President may exaggerate and even bullshit a bit. But Romney is a total and complete liar. He has no shame. He'll be confronted with his lies and pretend he didn't say it, and blame the media for using his own words. Romney has no moral compass. He's in this game for power and personal enrichment.

You got some examples with Romney?
Here is one for Obama I just used on another thread

Obama’s whopper of a claim on tax cuts - The Washington Post
John F. Kennedy seems to win the prize for biggest tax cut, at least in the last half century. By the same measure, the income tax provisions of George W. Bush tax cuts are more than twice as large as Obama’s tax cut over the same three-year time span. (Yes, a large portion of Bush’s tax cut went to the wealthy, but it also benefited the working poor. We still don’t know what Obama means by “middle class,” since his definition also seems to include the working poor.)

When will you Liberals realize you elected the wrong one?
The truth matters quite a bit. That's why I'm voting for Obama.

Our President may exaggerate and even bullshit a bit. But Romney is a total and complete liar. He has no shame. He'll be confronted with his lies and pretend he didn't say it, and blame the media for using his own words. Romney has no moral compass. He's in this game for power and personal enrichment.

You got some examples with Romney?

His most disgusting, recent lie is his claim that he would have given the go ahead on attacking Bin Laden. He said, “it wasn’t worth moving heaven and earth… just trying to catch one person.” Yet Obama was willing to put his Presidency on the line in what was thought a 60/40 chance of getting the scumbag.

Then we can get into what Romney advised Obama regarding the health care mandate.

Go ahead and nickel and dime. Mitt is a complete liar.
There is no way that I would vote for the GOP candidate at this time. The GOP has pledged to do all the idiocy that it did during the Bush admin again if elected. And that would, again, have the same results. However, we no longer have the means to pull us out of the Second Great Republican Depression as with did in 2009.

Maybe by 2016, with some leadership from men of sanity, like Jon Huntsman, the GOP will have be a viable choice once more. Or, perhaps, they will move even further to the right, and a new political party will replace them more towards the center.
The truth matters quite a bit. That's why I'm voting for Obama.

Our President may exaggerate and even bullshit a bit. But Romney is a total and complete liar. He has no shame. He'll be confronted with his lies and pretend he didn't say it, and blame the media for using his own words. Romney has no moral compass. He's in this game for power and personal enrichment.

When has Obama shown any shame?

You don't think Obama will be confronted with his lies and broken promises and say "I didn't say that"? You don't think he'll blame Bush for everything that went wrong from the time he entered office until the day he leaves?

Do you really believe Obama has a "moral compass"? I suspect he does. Problem is it's broken.

Do you really believe Obama is not in this for power and personal enrichment?

When are you going to crawl out from under the rock you have been hiding under?

The truth matters quite a bit. That's why I'm voting for Obama.

Our President may exaggerate and even bullshit a bit. But Romney is a total and complete liar. He has no shame. He'll be confronted with his lies and pretend he didn't say it, and blame the media for using his own words. Romney has no moral compass. He's in this game for power and personal enrichment.

You got some examples with Romney?

His most disgusting, recent lie is his claim that he would have given the go ahead on attacking Bin Laden. He said, “it wasn’t worth moving heaven and earth… just trying to catch one person.” Yet Obama was willing to put his Presidency on the line in what was thought a 60/40 chance of getting the scumbag.

Then we can get into what Romney advised Obama regarding the health care mandate.

Go ahead and nickel and dime. Mitt is a complete liar.

Moving heaven and earth to catch OBL occurred during the GWB admin
All BHO did was nod and the seals took him out
Why do you think BHO put his presidency on line?
GWB was re-elected after 16 months of Iraq and the only WMDs found were old weapons from the 90s
Weapons that were not suppose to exist, Part of the very weapons Saddam had lied about, Part of the weapons Saddam was suppose to have destroyed, And the very reason we went in
He was re elected. Do you think if we go in there and nothing is found we ever hear about it?
There are sorties every day

Any way OBL has nothing to do with BHO getting re-elected. If we had 5% UE or even 6, yea
Its all about the jobs
There is no way that I would vote for the GOP candidate at this time. The GOP has pledged to do all the idiocy that it did during the Bush admin again if elected. And that would, again, have the same results. However, we no longer have the means to pull us out of the Second Great Republican Depression as with did in 2009.

Maybe by 2016, with some leadership from men of sanity, like Jon Huntsman, the GOP will have be a viable choice once more. Or, perhaps, they will move even further to the right, and a new political party will replace them more towards the center.

You take away Obama care and all BHO has done has used GWB exacting policies and doubled them
All Romney will do is in double them

The GOP was in power until the election cycle of 2006, until then we were fine so why is this all ways a GOP recession?
2006 thru 2010 election cycles Pelosi run the house and Reid run the Senate. Exactly when did the GOP cause this?
the last GOP budget was in 2007 and we had a deficit of 163 billion, UE was 5%

The credit bubble had little to do with any politician, If it did then the changes made to Gramm Leech in the late 90s did more than anything
100% Bi Partisan
There is no way that I would vote for the GOP candidate at this time. The GOP has pledged to do all the idiocy that it did during the Bush admin again if elected. And that would, again, have the same results. However, we no longer have the means to pull us out of the Second Great Republican Depression as with did in 2009.

Maybe by 2016, with some leadership from men of sanity, like Jon Huntsman, the GOP will have be a viable choice once more. Or, perhaps, they will move even further to the right, and a new political party will replace them more towards the center.

You take away Obama care and all BHO has done has used GWB exacting policies and doubled them
All Romney will do is in double them

Wow, I have a new found respect for you JRK thanks to the above quote. Every other post I've read of yours is just a GOP-apologist post and here you're saying Obama is doing exactly what Bush did just on a larger scale and to expect the same from Romney.

Couldn't agree more.
There is no way that I would vote for the GOP candidate at this time. The GOP has pledged to do all the idiocy that it did during the Bush admin again if elected. And that would, again, have the same results. However, we no longer have the means to pull us out of the Second Great Republican Depression as with did in 2009.

Maybe by 2016, with some leadership from men of sanity, like Jon Huntsman, the GOP will have be a viable choice once more. Or, perhaps, they will move even further to the right, and a new political party will replace them more towards the center.

You take away Obama care and all BHO has done has used GWB exacting policies and doubled them
All Romney will do is in double them

Wow, I have a new found respect for you JRK thanks to the above quote. Every other post I've read of yours is just a GOP-apologist post and here you're saying Obama is doing exactly what Bush did just on a larger scale and to expect the same from Romney.

Couldn't agree more.

The only problem with what JRK said was that a significant portion of Obamacare was GOP language adopted by the left. Both sides are working different angles to get to the same place.

You take away Obama care and all BHO has done has used GWB exacting policies and doubled them
All Romney will do is in double them

Wow, I have a new found respect for you JRK thanks to the above quote. Every other post I've read of yours is just a GOP-apologist post and here you're saying Obama is doing exactly what Bush did just on a larger scale and to expect the same from Romney.

Couldn't agree more.

The only problem with what JRK said was that a significant portion of Obamacare was GOP language adopted by the left. Both sides are working different angles to get to the same place.


Very true, both sides have done everything they can to increase gov't influence in healthcare.

But in our political spectrum the way to turn people against each other instead of against politicians is to pretend that the GOP wants gov't out of healthcare and the Dems want gov't in healthcare. It's a lie pushed by the parties and the media, and just about everyone buys in.
The truth matters quite a bit. That's why I'm voting for Obama.

Our President may exaggerate and even bullshit a bit. But Romney is a total and complete liar. He has no shame. He'll be confronted with his lies and pretend he didn't say it, and blame the media for using his own words. Romney has no moral compass. He's in this game for power and personal enrichment.

You got some examples with Romney?

His most disgusting, recent lie is his claim that he would have given the go ahead on attacking Bin Laden. He said, “it wasn’t worth moving heaven and earth… just trying to catch one person.”

Why is that a lie? Special ops is not 'moving heaven and earth,' is it?

Perhaps you are just full of shit?
You take away Obama care and all BHO has done has used GWB exacting policies and doubled them
All Romney will do is in double them

Wow, I have a new found respect for you JRK thanks to the above quote. Every other post I've read of yours is just a GOP-apologist post and here you're saying Obama is doing exactly what Bush did just on a larger scale and to expect the same from Romney.

Couldn't agree more.

The only problem with what JRK said was that a significant portion of Obamacare was GOP language adopted by the left. Both sides are working different angles to get to the same place.


What does the left expect Obama to do?
GWB had very good policies in place
He has a very good tax policy, for the tax policy we use
The GOP budgets from 1995 worked, alll Obama did was add about 1 trillion dollars to them
Some we needed, most we did not

Extending UE benefits is nothing more than another stimulus.

Supplementing state and local municipalities to extend union workers did give them time to try and recover that lost tax revenue due to mass job loss

But it was not 1 trillion dollars worth and most of those union issues are coming from legacy and Benefit over spending that as the UAW needed to just blow up to be fixed

Obama has failed on the job creation front
He failed in explaining exactly what his stimulus was suppose to do
He failed in creating confidence in those who invest
His class war-fare attacks have left those who work there butts off and paying 1000s in income taxes up-set and by that refuse to help until he is gone

People know in there heart wealth comes from wealth, and stealing wealth from one and giving to another only lasts until that time when there is no wealth left
Obama-care was an act of desperation in a time in which desperation was the last thing we needed

Its all about jobs and getting control of the deficit, then the debt
Damn, I knew he'd retreat back to the GOP mouthpiece lol.

What did I say different?
Obama has taken GWB policies and added over 60% in spending from 2007, the last GOP budget
He is fighting the war on terror the same and WINNING

Romney and GWB are blue dog Dems
GWB had some very conservative ideals when it came to religious matters
No child left behind is not conservative
Medicare part D same
But we were so close to whipping this deficit issue in 2007
Damn, I knew he'd retreat back to the GOP mouthpiece lol.

What did I say different?
Obama has taken GWB policies and added over 60% in spending from 2007, the last GOP budget
He is fighting the war on terror the same and WINNING

Romney and GWB are blue dog Dems
GWB had some very conservative ideals when it came to religious matters
No child left behind is not conservative
Medicare part D same
But we were so close to whipping this deficit issue in 2007

This is what's weird when talking to republicans, most of them tell me Paul is a conservative but they don't like him, and that Romney is a liberal and they'll vote for him.

Then they tell me they're conservatives, but they won't vote for a conservative.

I don't get it.
Wow, I have a new found respect for you JRK thanks to the above quote. Every other post I've read of yours is just a GOP-apologist post and here you're saying Obama is doing exactly what Bush did just on a larger scale and to expect the same from Romney.

Couldn't agree more.

The only problem with what JRK said was that a significant portion of Obamacare was GOP language adopted by the left. Both sides are working different angles to get to the same place.


What does the left expect Obama to do?
GWB had very good policies in place
He has a very good tax policy, for the tax policy we use
The GOP budgets from 1995 worked, alll Obama did was add about 1 trillion dollars to them
Some we needed, most we did not

Extending UE benefits is nothing more than another stimulus.

Supplementing state and local municipalities to extend union workers did give them time to try and recover that lost tax revenue due to mass job loss

But it was not 1 trillion dollars worth and most of those union issues are coming from legacy and Benefit over spending that as the UAW needed to just blow up to be fixed

Obama has failed on the job creation front
He failed in explaining exactly what his stimulus was suppose to do
He failed in creating confidence in those who invest
His class war-fare attacks have left those who work there butts off and paying 1000s in income taxes up-set and by that refuse to help until he is gone

People know in there heart wealth comes from wealth, and stealing wealth from one and giving to another only lasts until that time when there is no wealth left
Obama-care was an act of desperation in a time in which desperation was the last thing we needed

Its all about jobs and getting control of the deficit, then the debt

I hope you are not expecting an argument from me.

Although, there does appear to be a bit of a difference between you and I. I blame both parties whereas you give more credit to the GOP.

In regards to your point about redistributing wealth, the major part of that problem as I see it is that the government taketh a large amount then taketh its cut, then distributes more of that wealth in the form of paybacks and allows a miniscule amount to trickle down to those who actually need it.

You are absolutely correct. It is jobs that are needed. Do you honestly think the GOP is more "jobs friendly" than the DNC?


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