Will the USA be eventually destroyed if Trump is elected...by "White Privilege?"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Uncharacteristically of me I'm not putting up observations of others,i.e. not sourcing or linking.
This is my opinion based on observations.
If Trump is elected by the vast majority of people like me, i.e. the people that pay the bills, i.e. taxes, food on the table roof over our heads, that will make the USA better in the short run.
The economy will really boom from a current 3qtr 2015 of a puny 1.5%.
Our country's security will improve in the short run...Trump will bring a new age of minimizing political correctness. Trump will re-install the agenda of promoting America as one of the best beacon's of freedom...unlike Obama who constantly tears down America. As Obama did just last week...They've been playing on fear in order to try to score political points or to advance their campaigns." This from a person who told the world our military "air-raiding villages, killing civilians"...Americans doing that!
Trump will never make derogatory remarks about our military and our country.

BUT in the long run those small minority of Americans who can't stand people like me and Trump, i.e. the people that pay the bills, they will become anarchists. They will become internal terrorists. They will become ISIS-West!
For what purpose though?
One reason. They are destructive people. People who would rather destroy then build.
This destructiveness starts in our schools. It won't change. The mantra has always been Americans are to blame. "White privilege" will be the meme. With those of us that voted for Trump that pay the bills, that provide the food...we will be attacked again for "White privilege"!
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So as a result, continual protesting, continual sit-ins, work stoppages, and all for what?
People that are against those of us that pay the bills, provide the food, roofs over these people's heads and stomachs will attack us and for what purpose? Anarchy.
So as a result, continual protesting, continual sit-ins, work stoppages, and all for what?

For the 1st amendment and right to assemble

I'm now resorting to quoting sources:
The progressive ideas behind the lack of free speech on campus

Is an academic discussion of free speech potentially traumatic?
A recent panel for Smith College alumnae aimed at “challenging the ideological echo chamber” elicited this ominous “trigger/content warning” when a transcript appeared in the campus newspaper:
“Racism/racial slurs, ableist slurs, antisemitic language, anti-Muslim/Islamophobic language, anti-immigrant language, sexist/misogynistic slurs, references to race-based violence, references to antisemitic violence.”

The point of my thread was with people like you and the below so willing to attack free speech i.e. "politically incorrect" speech specifically the 1st amendment WILL be the victim.
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Liberals and their minority field troops might just be pushed over the edge.
So as a result, continual protesting, continual sit-ins, work stoppages, and all for what?

For the 1st amendment and right to assemble

I'm now resorting to quoting sources:
The progressive ideas behind the lack of free speech on campus

Is an academic discussion of free speech potentially traumatic?
A recent panel for Smith College alumnae aimed at “challenging the ideological echo chamber” elicited this ominous “trigger/content warning” when a transcript appeared in the campus newspaper:
“Racism/racial slurs, ableist slurs, antisemitic language, anti-Muslim/Islamophobic language, anti-immigrant language, sexist/misogynistic slurs, references to race-based violence, references to antisemitic violence.”

The point of my thread was with people like you and the below so willing to attack free speech i.e. "politically incorrect" speech specifically the 1st amendment WILL be the victim.
View attachment 55397

What does that have to do with what I said? Nothing.

You asked what was the protesting for. I told you. Your problem is what now?
healthmyths wants to say whatever he wants without being answered in the same harsh terms.

sonny gets as sonny gives.
Trump would be a disaster for American values.

If trump becomes president ----he will mellow to the job-----he will become
"diplomatic" ----and he will NOT grab the entitlements that put food in the
mouths of poor children. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN
Trump would be a disaster for American values.

If trump becomes president ----he will mellow to the job-----he will become
"diplomatic" ----and he will NOT grab the entitlements that put food in the
mouths of poor children. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN
No, he will not mellow. Meglomaniacs do not mellow, they bellow and grab for even more.

Trump is strident----but I see no reason to call him a megalomaniac

Trump platform.

toast, Trump end result.
Liberals and their minority field troops might just be pushed over the edge.

That is my long term concern. Those few (Like ISIS a fraction of % of all Muslims) can do internal terrorism.
Here for example is a person that later on in whose home Obama announced his Illinois senate campaign..

  1. Bernardine Rae Dohrn (née Ohrnstein; born January 12, 1942) was a leader of the Weather Underground, a group that was responsible for the bombing of the United States Capitol, the Pentagon, and several police stations in New York, as well as the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion that killed three members
    Bernardine Dohrn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1993, Ayers worked closely with ACORN on school reform while Obama was ACORN's lawyer. They served on two foundation boards together in the mid-1990s. In 1995 Ayers and Dohrn hosted the famous party at their house for Obama when he announced his candidacy for the Illinois state senate.

They're All in This Together

So these people's offspring including Obama will not rest....

Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 11.10.27 AM.png
"We're doing better now than the day Obama took over the office."

Tell it to these people:

--- At a time when 8.5 million Americans still don't have jobs, some 40 percent have given up even looking.
The revelation, contained in a new survey Wednesday showing how much work needs to be done yet in the U.S. labor market, comes as the labor force participation rate remains mired near 37-year lows. The unemployed are dropping out like flies
--- The number of Americans receiving food stamps peaked in December 2012, when a record 47.78 million people got benefits ranging from $194 a month for one person to $1,169 for a household of eight.

--- More businesses are closing than starting. Can Congress help turn that around?
Dearie cited research in his testimony showing that new firms — rather than, as is so often argued, small businesses in general — historically account for virtually all net new jobs generated each year in the United States. However, their annual hiring contributions have dropped about 40 percent since 2000, accelerating a downward trend that has been going on for the past three decades.

In part, that’s because the number of new businesses has steadily declined. Data from 2011 showed that only 8 percent of companies are less than one year old, down from 15 percent of all firms back in the late 1970s, with a particularly sharp decline taking place during and in the years immediately following the Great Recession.

More businesses are closing than starting. Can Congress help turn that around?
"We're doing better now than the day Obama took over the office."

Tell it to these people:

--- At a time when 8.5 million Americans still don't have jobs, some 40 percent have given up even looking.
The revelation, contained in a new survey Wednesday showing how much work needs to be done yet in the U.S. labor market, comes as the labor force participation rate remains mired near 37-year lows. The unemployed are dropping out like flies
--- The number of Americans receiving food stamps peaked in December 2012, when a record 47.78 million people got benefits ranging from $194 a month for one person to $1,169 for a household of eight.

--- More businesses are closing than starting. Can Congress help turn that around?
Dearie cited research in his testimony showing that new firms — rather than, as is so often argued, small businesses in general — historically account for virtually all net new jobs generated each year in the United States. However, their annual hiring contributions have dropped about 40 percent since 2000, accelerating a downward trend that has been going on for the past three decades.

In part, that’s because the number of new businesses has steadily declined. Data from 2011 showed that only 8 percent of companies are less than one year old, down from 15 percent of all firms back in the late 1970s, with a particularly sharp decline taking place during and in the years immediately following the Great Recession.

More businesses are closing than starting. Can Congress help turn that around?

And despite all of that, we're still better off now than we were when he took office. Doesn't say much for the state that we were in before, now does it?

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