Will the Verdict of History Be that Trump Stinks?

TDS / Trump OCD Driven Thread Number: 10,451
Avoidance is entirely understandable under the circumstances, but it will not prevent the future from assessing the performances of presidents, nor the present musing what those verdicts might be.

Don't you ever tire of biting at your POTUS, and Commander-In-Chief, Trump and humping his leg?
Trump addressed the public concern of unrestricted illegal immigration, the selling out of America to globalists, he also addressed the growing dissatisfaction of an ever increasing corrupt government that is not in tune with the voters.

Trump is not the disease, he is merely a symptom.

So by all means, continue to put a band aid on the cancer.
Thank you for your perspective.

Trump's current approval level of 42% compares quite unfavorably with his predecessor's exiting 60%, of course, but would be enhanced, in retrospect, if Biden were to prove a crass, lying, divisive, egomaniacal pifflewit who scoffs at science.

I won't presume to prejudge. One can never know for sure beforehand.
All Presidents lie, every last one.

So what is worse, telling a thousand little lies or one big lie regarding your health coverage that might involve you living or dying or being able to afford it?

We were sold a bill of goods with the Obama/Biden health care package, so much so, the same people who sold it to us now tell us we need to change it again as they lied about it being cheaper with the same coverage and same doctor, etc.?

Trump can be crass all he wants, I really don't care. What DOES effect me though are things like MY health care coverage.
Trump addressed the public concern of unrestricted illegal immigration, the selling out of America to globalists, he also addressed the growing dissatisfaction of an ever increasing corrupt government that is not in tune with the voters.

Trump is not the disease, he is merely a symptom.

So by all means, continue to put a band aid on the cancer.
Thank you for your perspective.

Trump's current approval level of 42% compares quite unfavorably with his predecessor's exiting 60%, of course, but would be enhanced, in retrospect, if Biden were to prove a crass, lying, divisive, egomaniacal pifflewit who scoffs at science.

I won't presume to prejudge. One can never know for sure beforehand.
All Presidents lie, every last one.

So what is worse, telling a thousand little lies or one big lie regarding your health coverage that might involve you living or dying or being able to afford it?

We were sold a bill of goods with the Obama/Biden health care package, so much so, the same people who sold it to us now tell us we need to change it again as they lied about it being cheaper with the same coverage and same doctor, etc.?

Trump can be crass all he wants, I really don't care. What DOES effect me though are things like MY health care coverage.
All people lie. Some are just a bigger pain in the ass about it. Some are all ass.
Trump addressed the public concern of unrestricted illegal immigration, the selling out of America to globalists, he also addressed the growing dissatisfaction of an ever increasing corrupt government that is not in tune with the voters.

Trump is not the disease, he is merely a symptom.

So by all means, continue to put a band aid on the cancer.
Thank you for your perspective.

Trump's current approval level of 42% compares quite unfavorably with his predecessor's exiting 60%, of course, but would be enhanced, in retrospect, if Biden were to prove a crass, lying, divisive, egomaniacal pifflewit who scoffs at science.

I won't presume to prejudge. One can never know for sure beforehand.
All Presidents lie, every last one.

So what is worse, telling a thousand little lies or one big lie regarding your health coverage that might involve you living or dying or being able to afford it?

We were sold a bill of goods with the Obama/Biden health care package, so much so, the same people who sold it to us now tell us we need to change it again as they lied about it being cheaper with the same coverage and same doctor, etc.?

Trump can be crass all he wants, I really don't care. What DOES effect me though are things like MY health care coverage.
All people lie. Some are just a bigger pain in the ass about it. Some are all ass.

Again, I don't care if they are an ass. Do they start wars? Do they tax us to death? Do they screw up our health care increasing costs with less coverage, etc.?
Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

Why do people leave Prog areas? Why do they leave areas that become integrated?
The verdict of history IMO will be Trump did everything he could to improve the lives of Americans. He will be remembered as the diametric opposite of Obama who did everything he could to divide America and empower our enemies.
Trump addressed the public concern of unrestricted illegal immigration, the selling out of America to globalists, he also addressed the growing dissatisfaction of an ever increasing corrupt government that is not in tune with the voters.

Trump is not the disease, he is merely a symptom.

So by all means, continue to put a band aid on the cancer.
Thank you for your perspective.

Trump's current approval level of 42% compares quite unfavorably with his predecessor's exiting 60%, of course, but would be enhanced, in retrospect, if Biden were to prove a crass, lying, divisive, egomaniacal pifflewit who scoffs at science.

I won't presume to prejudge. One can never know for sure beforehand.
All Presidents lie, every last one.

So what is worse, telling a thousand little lies or one big lie regarding your health coverage that might involve you living or dying or being able to afford it?

We were sold a bill of goods with the Obama/Biden health care package, so much so, the same people who sold it to us now tell us we need to change it again as they lied about it being cheaper with the same coverage and same doctor, etc.?

Trump can be crass all he wants, I really don't care. What DOES effect me though are things like MY health care coverage.
All people lie. Some are just a bigger pain in the ass about it. Some are all ass.

Again, I don't care if they are an ass. Do they start wars? Do they tax us to death? Do they screw up our health care increasing costs with less coverage, etc.?
I do care if they are an ass, especially nationally and internationally. Was not that worried about war, just wanting to be sure I knew why I might be going there. Now only concerned for serving troops stuck there pointlessly. Never worried about healthcare, as always covered under government and private corporate plans. Not that big a deal if always employed, as one of the perks for my labor and commitment. Good insurance ain't cheap. Taxed to death? Always paid in, even now. I like how I live and where I live. I write the checks and never look back. Life, Death and Taxes assured, but not taxed to death, only until death someday comes and then I will care even less. It is all about the choices and goals. Government was not designed to supply those. You'll have to get it together on your own. Really not that big a deal, with planning and consistency of effort.
Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

What the history lesson SHOULD be is that politics--especially Presidential Politics--is a profession best left to the professionals. For example, the reason the blob had so many different chiefs of staff is because he didn't know what a chief of staff was supposed to do; essentially be the general manager for the enterprise. The only reason he had a chief of staff was because other presidents in the past had one....much like his desire to have a large splashy red square type military parade; he saw other world leaders have one so he wanted one too.

I wish I were making this stuff up but you really can't overstate how much of an amateur this guy was.

Will the electorate learn the lesson? No. If Tom Hanks or Oprah were to run, they'd win. Why? Because they are popular. I think either Hanks or Oprah would know enough to know they don't know much and hire people to whom they would listen--unlike the blob who said he knew more about __________ than the experts.

Its like the olympics used to be. East Germany, Russia, and other soviet bloc nations were sending their "amateur" athletes who were, in point and fact, experienced international competitors. We were sending college kids. Then, one day, we decided to send our professionals to compete as well and as a result (with the exception of Ice Hockey) we pretty much dominated baseball and basketball. So much so, as if I remember correctly, they no longer even have baseball in the Olympics. My point is that when you're competing against other nations, send your best. I'm sure he framers thought that it should be just ordinary people temporarily elevating to government office for a short period of time and then moving on. Professional politicians were not conceived of. Today, it's silly to think that your dentist or brewer or divorce lawyer even would make a good congressman or senator; much less a president.

Politics should be left to the "professionals"? And by professionals Candy means career politicians who have never experienced what the real world problems are like. That is exactly why our government is filled with self-serving hacks like Joe Biden.
Right down there with Andrew Johnson and Harding.

Even his desperate, belated attempt to redeem his abysmal impotence in confronting the pandemic fizzled:

That is pathetic. No President could have achieved DELIVERED vaccines in 9 months. The "experts" were predicting 2 years minimum.
Tommy Tainant should send President Trump a thank you card for the Pfizer vaccines that Great Britain has already received.
Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

What the history lesson SHOULD be is that politics--especially Presidential Politics--is a profession best left to the professionals. For example, the reason the blob had so many different chiefs of staff is because he didn't know what a chief of staff was supposed to do; essentially be the general manager for the enterprise. The only reason he had a chief of staff was because other presidents in the past had one....much like his desire to have a large splashy red square type military parade; he saw other world leaders have one so he wanted one too.

I wish I were making this stuff up but you really can't overstate how much of an amateur this guy was.

Will the electorate learn the lesson? No. If Tom Hanks or Oprah were to run, they'd win. Why? Because they are popular. I think either Hanks or Oprah would know enough to know they don't know much and hire people to whom they would listen--unlike the blob who said he knew more about __________ than the experts.

Its like the olympics used to be. East Germany, Russia, and other soviet bloc nations were sending their "amateur" athletes who were, in point and fact, experienced international competitors. We were sending college kids. Then, one day, we decided to send our professionals to compete as well and as a result (with the exception of Ice Hockey) we pretty much dominated baseball and basketball. So much so, as if I remember correctly, they no longer even have baseball in the Olympics. My point is that when you're competing against other nations, send your best. I'm sure he framers thought that it should be just ordinary people temporarily elevating to government office for a short period of time and then moving on. Professional politicians were not conceived of. Today, it's silly to think that your dentist or brewer or divorce lawyer even would make a good congressman or senator; much less a president.

Politics should be left to the "professionals"? And by professionals Candy means career politicians who have never experienced what the real world problems are like. That is exactly why our government is filled with self-serving hacks like Joe Biden.
Right down there with Andrew Johnson and Harding.

Even his desperate, belated attempt to redeem his abysmal impotence in confronting the pandemic fizzled:

That is pathetic. No President could have achieved DELIVERED vaccines in 9 months. The "experts" were predicting 2 years minimum.
Tommy Tainant should send President Trump a thank you card for the Pfizer vaccines that Great Britain has already received.

Just out of couriosity...would you rather live anywhere else than the USA?
Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

What the history lesson SHOULD be is that politics--especially Presidential Politics--is a profession best left to the professionals. For example, the reason the blob had so many different chiefs of staff is because he didn't know what a chief of staff was supposed to do; essentially be the general manager for the enterprise. The only reason he had a chief of staff was because other presidents in the past had one....much like his desire to have a large splashy red square type military parade; he saw other world leaders have one so he wanted one too.

I wish I were making this stuff up but you really can't overstate how much of an amateur this guy was.

Will the electorate learn the lesson? No. If Tom Hanks or Oprah were to run, they'd win. Why? Because they are popular. I think either Hanks or Oprah would know enough to know they don't know much and hire people to whom they would listen--unlike the blob who said he knew more about __________ than the experts.

Its like the olympics used to be. East Germany, Russia, and other soviet bloc nations were sending their "amateur" athletes who were, in point and fact, experienced international competitors. We were sending college kids. Then, one day, we decided to send our professionals to compete as well and as a result (with the exception of Ice Hockey) we pretty much dominated baseball and basketball. So much so, as if I remember correctly, they no longer even have baseball in the Olympics. My point is that when you're competing against other nations, send your best. I'm sure he framers thought that it should be just ordinary people temporarily elevating to government office for a short period of time and then moving on. Professional politicians were not conceived of. Today, it's silly to think that your dentist or brewer or divorce lawyer even would make a good congressman or senator; much less a president.

Politics should be left to the "professionals"? And by professionals Candy means career politicians who have never experienced what the real world problems are like. That is exactly why our government is filled with self-serving hacks like Joe Biden.
Right down there with Andrew Johnson and Harding.

Even his desperate, belated attempt to redeem his abysmal impotence in confronting the pandemic fizzled:

That is pathetic. No President could have achieved DELIVERED vaccines in 9 months. The "experts" were predicting 2 years minimum.
Tommy Tainant should send President Trump a thank you card for the Pfizer vaccines that Great Britain has already received.

Just out of couriosity...would you rather live anywhere else than the USA?

Will the Verdict of History Be that Trump Stinks?
Depends on who is writing that history. I personally think an unbiased historical record will show he did many great things for the country while being doggedly vilified by a biased media and opposition party. Your opinions may differ.
Don't you ever tire of biting at your POTUS, and Commander-In-Chief, Trump and humping his leg?
Assessing presidential leadership is what conscientious Americans do, although the current incarnation's groveling cult clearly wishes they would looks elsewhere.

That's entirely understandable.
Depends on who is writing that history. I personally think an unbiased historical record will show he did many great things for the country while being doggedly vilified by a biased media and opposition party. Your opinions may differ.
With time, presidential scholars inevitably arrive at a general consensus and agree upon a lose hierarchy of merit.

An impeachee who lost the popular vote twice, maintained a relentless level of public disapprobation throughout his tenure, and was booted out at the American electorate's first opportunity has a long and winding slog to redemption and a fanatical cult will not help, even if it endures.

In fact, his more rabid worshippers like those at Daily Stormer who persist in their slavish devotion to their Glorious Leader may negatively impact his repute with patriots.
With time, presidential scholars inevitably arrive at a general consensus and agree upon a lose hierarchy of merit.

An impeachee who lost the popular vote twice, maintained a relentless level of public disapprobation throughout his tenure, and was booted out at the American electorate's first opportunity has a long and winding slog to redemption and a fanatical cult will not help, even if it endures.

In fact, his more rabid worshippers like those at Daily Stormer who persist in their slavish devotion to their Glorious Leader may negatively impact his repute with patriots.
You can focus on and exaggerate the negatives, but many people are not so dour. I think history will recognize his accomplishments in foreign policy and economics, regardless of a media-inspired frenzy of Trump hatred.
Tommy Tainant should send President Trump a thank you card for the Pfizer vaccines that Great Britain has already received.
Trump Falsely Claims Credit For Pfizer Vaccine
That would be every bit as appropriate as sending the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer a grateful acknowledgement for his inventing orange Post-it® notes.

You can focus on and exaggerate the negatives, but many people are not so dour. I think history will recognize his accomplishments in foreign policy and economics, regardless of a media-inspired frenzy of Trump hatred.
It seems that even those most frenzied in their hopes to throw their idol a gossamer lifeline as he flails about in panicky anticipation of the January 22 flush can't contrive anything that will cast a shadow on his big, beautiful wall that he made Mexico pay for. It doesn't stand as an appropriate monument to Trumpery.

His attempts to grab credit for positive things he didn't do [See Trump/Pfizer above] will not fool presidential scholars for a second.
It seems that even those most frenzied in their hopes to throw their idol a gossamer lifeline as he flails about in panicky anticipation of the January 22 flush can't contrive anything that will cast a shadow on his big, beautiful wall that he made Mexico pay for. It doesn't stand as an appropriate monument to Trumpery.

His attempts to grab credit for positive things he didn't do [See Trump/Pfizer above] will not fool presidential scholars for a second.
You wear your bias like a Sunday dress. Trump had his share of successes and failures, just like any other human being.
Trump had his share of successes and failures, just like any other human being.
Why cannot even his most devout worshippers enumerate the alleged "achievements" of their failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer?

In my initial post in this thread I had cordially enjoined Trumpies, "Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?"

Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

You do realize that you're about to saddle America with the dumbest man to sit in the US Senate for the past 40 years? Someone that wasn't bright to start with and who's now so freaking old that he's having a good day when he doesn't drool on himself! That's the guy that you think is going to make Trump look bad? (eye roll)
Trump had his share of successes and failures, just like any other human being.
Why cannot even his most devout worshippers enumerate the alleged "achievements" of their failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer?

In my initial post in this thread I had cordially enjoined Trumpies, "Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?"

Legacies are given over time, Schmidlap! Trump will be compared to other Presidents and judged accordingly. That will have zero to do with his "worshippers". His policies while in office will be examined. His choices for the Supreme Court. His decisions on foreign policy. Trump is no different in that regard then other US Presidents.
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