Will the Verdict of History Be that Trump Stinks?

Your childish paranoia is on full display. Grow up.
Your admonition is properly aimed at the Cry Baby Loser. His "Boo hoo! Everybody's against me!" tantrum now has him lashing out at all branches of the U.S. government and both political parties as he increasingly embellishes his bona fides as a bad joke.
Like the drunken tantrum that Hillary went through when she lost to Trump.
The bitch actually threw chairs at her volunteers.
But we won't see you mentioning that, will we?

Did you see any of that? Was there video or tweets of this happening? Or is this just another right wing fantasy that you've posted?

What did Clinton do in public? Did she deny the loss, or sue to change the outcome of the election? Did she refuse to acknowledge Trump won? Did she speak and act as if the election was "stolen from her", and continue to prepare for her inauguration?

Every time Trump does something dispicable, and you lot try to pretend that what Trump is doing is no different than what Democrats have or would do, even as the overwhelming evidence is that he is doing things that no one in the history of the nation has EVER done.

Or that it isn't odious, offensive, and an affront to the Constitution of the United States of America.
Your childish paranoia is on full display. Grow up.
Your admonition is properly aimed at the Cry Baby Loser. His "Boo hoo! Everybody's against me!" tantrum now has him lashing out at all branches of the U.S. government and both political parties as he increasingly embellishes his bona fides as a bad joke.
Like the drunken tantrum that Hillary went through when she lost to Trump.
The bitch actually threw chairs at her volunteers.
But we won't see you mentioning that, will we?

Did you see any of that? Was there video or tweets of this happening? Or is this just another right wing fantasy that you've posted?

What did Clinton do in public? Did she deny the loss, or sue to change the outcome of the election? Did she refuse to acknowledge Trump won? Did she speak and act as if the election was "stolen from her", and continue to prepare for her inauguration?

Every time Trump does something dispicable, and you lot try to pretend that what Trump is doing is no different than what Democrats have or would do, even as the overwhelming evidence is that he is doing things that no one in the history of the nation has EVER done.

Or that it isn't odious, offensive, and an affront to the Constitution of the United States of America.
Yes, I saw the video.
It didn't matter to me as I always knew she was an egotistical piece of shit.

Elaborate on Trump's despicable behavior.
I don't give a damn about what a non-US citizen has to say.
I don't dislike Canada but their citizens really shouldn't be criticizing anyone else's political leaders.
They have a dense Sears catalog underwear model and former black face wearing party boy for a Prime Minister who invites the Chinese Red Army to come to Canada and carry out cold weather military training with his troops.

He says we should "re-think" our concepts of space and time and says the Chinese are running their nation
the right way because their “basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say ‘we need to go green fastest.’ ”

Doesn't that sound like British apologists for Nazism in the '30s who all thought Hitler was marvelous because
he made Germany's "trains run on time". Presumably their trains stuffed with Jews going into their death
camps and filled with corpses leaving them too.

Trudeau is a dreadful naive dunce who shouldn't be running a fruit juice bar on a college campus let alone a nation like Canada.
And we're supposed to care what they think of Trump? Canuck...please!
This should probably be in flame zone or taunting area.

Biden cannot be President if the law and Constitution are followed so moot point.
Trump NEVER said that all immigrants were rapists and drug dealers, but rapists and drug dealers do come across the border. So do we want to continue to let them in?
I never said that Trump's evoking his rapists and drug dealers was an exhaustive, inclusive description of migrants. To the contrary, it was extremely selective.

I doubt if even he would try to claim the children he had snatched from their parents were rapists and drug dealers.

Do you consider the 70,000 illegal crossings in November a confirmation of his success?
Tell me this, who joined Trump in agreeing to secure the border? He can't do it alone. Neither party wanted to help.

The border was already secure. Illegal border crossing were at their lowest levels in 50 years when Trump took office. Trump created the problem on the border, by threatening to close the border, frightening people to try to cross before he did.

Trump deported far fewer people in his first term in office than Obama did in his first term. Obama deported 1.18 million people in his first 3 years in office, while Trump deported 800,000. Trump talks about doing things, but doesn't actually do them.

Furthermore, when Trump took office, there were fewer than 10,000 people in ICE detention. Before the pandemic, Trump had 40,000 people in ICE custody, in cramped overcrowded conditions, in "for-profit" prison camps at a cost to the American taxpayer of $700 per day. You can stay in a 4 star hotel for $400 a day, but Trump was keeping 40,000 non-criminal people locked up - some for more than 2 years, at taxpayer expense, and paying $700 a day per prisoner, to keep them in squalor.

When you consider that Trump stopped all prosecution of corporations hiring illegals, and his locking people up to the benefit of the for-profit prison industry without deporting them, it makes me think that Trump's policies on the southern border around immigration were more about rewarding his donors in the for-profit prison, and inflicting cruelty on refugees.

In Trumpland, the cruelty is a feature, not a bug.
As a promotional scam, Trump's big, beautiful wall that he made Mexico pay for was highly effective, given the targets at whom it was directed.

Trump had two full years with Republicans in control of both House and Senate to fund and build his wall, just as he could have made good on his promise to repeal 'ObamaCare' and replace it with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!"

Instead, Trump skulks away with an estimated 40-45 million Americans without health insurance, and headlines like this:

Top border official warns of 'full-blown crisis overnight' as illegal crossings hit 70,000 in November
| December 14, 2020​

Why would the verdict that he stinks significantly change over time? Are his promised tax returns going to be finally shared, and show him to be a closet selfless, philanthropic humanitarian?

It very well could have been a scam. Did Trump wait for the democrats to take the House before addressing the wall, or did he know he did not have the proper GOP support.

Either way, my point was made that Trump knew what Americans were thinking and what elites ignore.
Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

With the historic economy that he built and lowest unemployment ever? Nah, people in the future wont have TDS. They will only be looking at the facts.
2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him
Actually it was 10.5 million. you forgot to include the 3rd party votes against him.
View attachment 434600

Do you have a fact check on the number of registered voters? There are 330 million people in the USA, of which 204 million are eligible to vote. Where is your fact check that says there really are only 133 million registered voters. The 155 million Americans who voted is still only 60% of Americans who are eligible to vote. and it's the highest level of voter turnout in decades.

200,000 more votes in Pennsylvania than registered voters. Your party cheated and this cannot be allowed.
Trump's most lasting impact on the country will be the reshaping of the federal judiciary.

So far, Trump has installed three Supreme Court justices and 220 judges overall to the federal bench — all for lifetime appointments. Amy Coney Barrett became Trump's third Supreme Court justice on October 26, barely a week before Election Day.

By December 2019, Trump nominees made up roughly 25% of all US circuit court judges, according to an analysis by The Washington Post.

He's appointed 53 judges on the 13 US circuit courts. To put this into perspective, former President Barack Obama appointed 55 circuit judges in his two terms in the White House.

The courts get the final say in US politics, setting precedents that can shape the country for years to come.

Even though Trump was not reelected in 2020, his presidency will continue to have an influence on the direction of the US because of the sheer number of conservative federal judges ...

If you`re a Talibangelical I`m sure you`re pleased with the crackpots he put on the SC. If I wanted a religious government I would move to Iran or Saudi Arabia.

So, because Obama dropped the ball in filling those seats, and left them to Trump who filled them with conservative judges, that makes it a religious government? As for the USSC, he had openings and filled them as well...As he should have...Being an orignalist doesn't mean that you are overly religious...
Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

My guess is that history will look at this period as a majority of the country does: A stain on our history.

Hell, I've already seen a few posts HERE of formerly obedient Trumpsters softening their goofy stands on him.

All I care about at this point is (a) he gets the fuck out, and (b) we turn this circus into a positive learning experience.
With the historic economy that he built and lowest unemployment ever? Nah, people in the future wont have TDS. They will only be looking at the facts.
I doubt the propaganda will displace the empirical reality.

The economy grew just shy of 1 percent in Obama’s first term when the Great Recession took its toll. Growth improved to 2.3 percent in Obama’s second term. Under Trump, the economy is on track to average slightly above zero...
Excluding 2020, growth in Trump’s initial three years in office was 2.5 percent — barely above Obama and well below the growth under the Clinton, Reagan and Johnson administrations.
"Trump's economic record ranks near or at the bottom compared with other presidents," concludes Moody's chief economist Mark Zandi, who compared the economic results of all presidents from the last 70 years. "The economy under his watch has performed very poorly."
Of course, under Trump, the national debt skyrocketed.
Pretty simple... All of the attached examples of Obama's Anti-American statements and policies were refuted by Trump's efforts.
Obama wanted companies to go bankrupt per his below statements:
-coal plants.. wanted them bankrupt
-1,400 health insurance companies he wanted to see go out of businesses...companies that employ/pay taxes provide coverage... he wanted them gone!
- wanted electric utility rates to in his words "skyrocket"!
- Wanted the USA to become even more energy dependent on foreign countries... see below regarding Brazil
- Preferred higher gas prices!
- Wanted the oceans polluted by favoring 1 million barrel oil tankers on open ocean vs Keystone ...again see below.

All of the below were overturned and improved our economy... Gas today is under $2.00 in my state!
View attachment 434661
Profusely citing diversionary, ideologically-dogmatic sources in no way confronts Trump's historical status.

His legacy is not looking good...

... and there is little prospect of a massive turn-around in which he is ever going to be venerated at a big, beautiful wailing wall along the Southern border that Mexico pays for.

It shall be posterity's determination, but I descry nothing to suggest Cry Baby Loser's resurrection.
Gallup: Trump Is America’s ‘Most Admired Man’ For 2020
Overall, 18 percent of Americans named President Trump, 15 percent named former President Barrack Obama,
six percent named Joe Biden, and
three percent named Dr. Anthony Fauci as their most admired man in the December 29th poll.
President Trump’s eclipse of Obama by three percentage points marks the end of a 12-year run as the most admired man for the former president

With the historic economy that he built and lowest unemployment ever? Nah, people in the future wont have TDS. They will only be looking at the facts.
I doubt the propaganda will displace the empirical reality.

The economy grew just shy of 1 percent in Obama’s first term when the Great Recession took its toll. Growth improved to 2.3 percent in Obama’s second term. Under Trump, the economy is on track to average slightly above zero...
Excluding 2020, growth in Trump’s initial three years in office was 2.5 percent — barely above Obama and well below the growth under the Clinton, Reagan and Johnson administrations.
"Trump's economic record ranks near or at the bottom compared with other presidents," concludes Moody's chief economist Mark Zandi, who compared the economic results of all presidents from the last 70 years. "The economy under his watch has performed very poorly."
Of course, under Trump, the national debt skyrocketed.
Right.... concludes Moody's chief economist Mark Zandi, who compared the economic results of all presidents from the last 70 years
Anti-Trump Media Darling Mark Zandi Disgraces Moody’s Analytics For Fourth Straight Year
“Moody’s Chief Economist,” who has never analyzed an economic scenario that didn’t lead him to believe that the world will be a much better place if the left were in charge and “that’s exactly what the markets are betting will happen very soon.”

He is to the stock market what Scott Gottlieb is to healthcare: a shameless media shill who dishonestly claims to be impartial and exploits his expert credentials so he can go on TV and become a pundit who does nothing but spin facts to fit the media’s anti-Trump narrative.

Saw Zandi on several shows and he loved Obama/ loves Biden basically anything that promotes Socialism!
My guess is that history will look at this period as a majority of the country does: A stain on our history.

Hell, I've already seen a few posts HERE of formerly obedient Trumpsters softening their goofy stands on him.

All I care about at this point is (a) he gets the fuck out, and (b) we turn this circus into a positive learning experience.
Your guess is supported by Trump's fanatical followers operating on emotion, not reason.

Time will, ineluctably, strip away the ephemeral irrelevancies and expose the stark empirical realities.

The National Pulse Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as affiliation with a known questionable group, and a few failed fact checks.

There will always be such rightwing claptrap to appease the alienated.

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