Will the Verdict of History Be that Trump Stinks?

Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

You do realize that you're about to saddle America with the dumbest man to sit in the US Senate for the past 40 years? Someone that wasn't bright to start with and who's now so freaking old that he's having a good day when he doesn't drool on himself! That's the guy that you think is going to make Trump look bad? (eye roll)

All that matters is the D.

What's going to matter over the next four years is how bad of a President Joe Biden turns out to be. The American people are smart enough to grasp when things were good and when they turn to shit. Joe Biden's policies...what he ran on...will turn the US economy to shit.

Liberals thrive on misery.

Yes, that's why the top 10 happiest nations on earth are all liberal countries.

They're all high and have zero responsibilities.

Really? Then how do we earn the money that provides us with this quality of living? Government revenues aren't manufactured out of thin air. Best country in the world to live in. Top 3 education systems. Fastest growing middle class. This is what happens when governments invest in people, not wars and military, and tax cuts for the wealthy.

Our populations are healthier, happier, and we live longer, more productive, independent lives. We control our governments, not the other way around.

Large land mass occupied by relatively small Honky population.
Seems like a recipe for success.
The 250K+ Observant Jews in Toronto are not Liberals so stating that a country is Liberal is rather foolish.

Toronto is an NDP/Liberal bastion surrounded by the Tory Blue 905. Conservatives don't even run real candidates in Toronto. It's hopeless.
Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

You do realize that you're about to saddle America with the dumbest man to sit in the US Senate for the past 40 years? Someone that wasn't bright to start with and who's now so freaking old that he's having a good day when he doesn't drool on himself! That's the guy that you think is going to make Trump look bad? (eye roll)

All that matters is the D.

What's going to matter over the next four years is how bad of a President Joe Biden turns out to be. The American people are smart enough to grasp when things were good and when they turn to shit. Joe Biden's policies...what he ran on...will turn the US economy to shit.

Liberals thrive on misery.

Yes, that's why the top 10 happiest nations on earth are all liberal countries.

  1. Finland
  2. Denmark
  3. Switzerland
  4. Iceland
  5. Norway
  6. Netherlands
  7. Sweden
  8. New Zealand
  9. Austria
  10. Luxembourg
  11. Canada
  12. Australia
  13. United Kingdom
  14. Israel
  15. Costa Rica
  16. Ireland
  17. Germany
  18. United States
  19. Czech Republic
  20. Belgium

What do you think are the 10 most unhappy States in the US, Dragonlady?
You do realize that you're about to saddle America with the dumbest man to sit in the US Senate for the past 40 years? Someone that wasn't bright to start with and who's now so freaking old that he's having a good day when he doesn't drool on himself! That's the guy that you think is going to make Trump look bad? (eye roll)
Lashing out in advance to malign the individual who is preferred by seven million voters only demeans the Loser to that extent.

"Wow! The Cry Baby failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer was so bad, the American people chose him as the superior option?"
I guess we'll see...won't we? Joe Biden was actually a worse candidate than Hillary Clinton...a man who's only chance at being elected was if the Main Stream Media protected him vigilantly throughout the entire campaign! That's what happened. They allowed him to stay in his basement for six months...not answer questions about Burisma...his son Hunter and the Chinese...and hide how bad his dementia really was. OK...so now he's President. Now he has to do the job...a job that it's pretty obvious he doesn't have the mental or physical capability to do! A job that ages much younger men at a startling rate. I'm not "lashing out" at Joe Biden...I'm simply shaking my head at the people who put him in office!

I'm shaking my head at your charactization of Joe Biden, which has no basis in reality at all. It's simply a recitation of all of the lies Donald Trump told about Joe Biden throughout the campaign. If you're stupid enough to believe the lies Trump told you, your criticial thinkin abilities are highly suspect.

Trump is the worst candidate I've ever seen. His addled and frankly dangerous ramblings at the daily Task Force press conferences were frightening. The look on Deborah Birx' face when Trump asked her if they could look into injecting disinfectants as a cure for covid. Then the scientists had to try to walk back everything he said.

Trump sickened and killed his voters with his maskless rallies, and leaving his supporters out in the middle of nowhere to freeze. Trump travelled throughout the country sickening his staff, over 200 Secret Service workers, while hosting super spreader events at the White House. Trump conducted his election campaign like there was no corona virus, and left a trail of outbreaks and deaths behind in every country where he held his rallies.

Donald Trump is 3 years younger than Joe Biden, and he's in much worse physical shape than Biden. Unlike Biden, Trump shows multiple signs of dementia, including his deteriorating ability to speak in sentences or hold a train of thought. Trump's hand shakes when he drinks water, and he needs support to go up and down stairs or ramps. Last but not least, Fred Trump died of Alzheimers and dementia is hereditary.

Joe Biden is just left of center and is very tough on crime.
My issue is that he doesn't remember any of his positions intra-day.
All that matters is the D.
That is generous of you, but assigning Trump a grade will be the task of presidential historians after he has absconded and for some time to come.
Tell me why I should regard your opinion when I know nothing about you.
Tell me why I should regard your opinion when I know nothing about you.
If you have no interest in the perspectives of others about whom you know nothing, you are in the wrong place.
Perspectives should be based on facts.
I have many Conservative friends and we don't always wind up with the same point of view on different subjects, but we base our point of view on facts.
All you do is rail Orange Man Bad!
2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him
Actually it was 10.5 million. you forgot to include the 3rd party votes against him.
View attachment 434600

Do you have a fact check on the number of registered voters? There are 330 million people in the USA, of which 204 million are eligible to vote. Where is your fact check that says there really are only 133 million registered voters. The 155 million Americans who voted is still only 60% of Americans who are eligible to vote. and it's the highest level of voter turnout in decades.

Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

You do realize that you're about to saddle America with the dumbest man to sit in the US Senate for the past 40 years? Someone that wasn't bright to start with and who's now so freaking old that he's having a good day when he doesn't drool on himself! That's the guy that you think is going to make Trump look bad? (eye roll)

All that matters is the D.

What's going to matter over the next four years is how bad of a President Joe Biden turns out to be. The American people are smart enough to grasp when things were good and when they turn to shit. Joe Biden's policies...what he ran on...will turn the US economy to shit.

Liberals thrive on misery.

Yes, that's why the top 10 happiest nations on earth are all liberal countries.

They're all high and have zero responsibilities.

Really? Then how do we earn the money that provides us with this quality of living? Government revenues aren't manufactured out of thin air. Best country in the world to live in. Top 3 education systems. Fastest growing middle class. This is what happens when governments invest in people, not wars and military, and tax cuts for the wealthy.

Our populations are healthier, happier, and we live longer, more productive, independent lives. We control our governments, not the other way around.

Large land mass occupied by relatively small Honky population.
Seems like a recipe for success.
The 250K+ Observant Jews in Toronto are not Liberals so stating that a country is Liberal is rather foolish.

Toronto is an NDP/Liberal bastion surrounded by the Tory Blue 905. Conservatives don't even run real candidates in Toronto. It's hopeless.
Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

You do realize that you're about to saddle America with the dumbest man to sit in the US Senate for the past 40 years? Someone that wasn't bright to start with and who's now so freaking old that he's having a good day when he doesn't drool on himself! That's the guy that you think is going to make Trump look bad? (eye roll)

All that matters is the D.

What's going to matter over the next four years is how bad of a President Joe Biden turns out to be. The American people are smart enough to grasp when things were good and when they turn to shit. Joe Biden's policies...what he ran on...will turn the US economy to shit.

Liberals thrive on misery.

Yes, that's why the top 10 happiest nations on earth are all liberal countries.

  1. Finland
  2. Denmark
  3. Switzerland
  4. Iceland
  5. Norway
  6. Netherlands
  7. Sweden
  8. New Zealand
  9. Austria
  10. Luxembourg
  11. Canada
  12. Australia
  13. United Kingdom
  14. Israel
  15. Costa Rica
  16. Ireland
  17. Germany
  18. United States
  19. Czech Republic
  20. Belgium

What do you think are the 10 most unhappy States in the US, Dragonlady?
You do realize that you're about to saddle America with the dumbest man to sit in the US Senate for the past 40 years? Someone that wasn't bright to start with and who's now so freaking old that he's having a good day when he doesn't drool on himself! That's the guy that you think is going to make Trump look bad? (eye roll)
Lashing out in advance to malign the individual who is preferred by seven million voters only demeans the Loser to that extent.

"Wow! The Cry Baby failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer was so bad, the American people chose him as the superior option?"
I guess we'll see...won't we? Joe Biden was actually a worse candidate than Hillary Clinton...a man who's only chance at being elected was if the Main Stream Media protected him vigilantly throughout the entire campaign! That's what happened. They allowed him to stay in his basement for six months...not answer questions about Burisma...his son Hunter and the Chinese...and hide how bad his dementia really was. OK...so now he's President. Now he has to do the job...a job that it's pretty obvious he doesn't have the mental or physical capability to do! A job that ages much younger men at a startling rate. I'm not "lashing out" at Joe Biden...I'm simply shaking my head at the people who put him in office!

I'm shaking my head at your charactization of Joe Biden, which has no basis in reality at all. It's simply a recitation of all of the lies Donald Trump told about Joe Biden throughout the campaign. If you're stupid enough to believe the lies Trump told you, your criticial thinkin abilities are highly suspect.

Trump is the worst candidate I've ever seen. His addled and frankly dangerous ramblings at the daily Task Force press conferences were frightening. The look on Deborah Birx' face when Trump asked her if they could look into injecting disinfectants as a cure for covid. Then the scientists had to try to walk back everything he said.

Trump sickened and killed his voters with his maskless rallies, and leaving his supporters out in the middle of nowhere to freeze. Trump travelled throughout the country sickening his staff, over 200 Secret Service workers, while hosting super spreader events at the White House. Trump conducted his election campaign like there was no corona virus, and left a trail of outbreaks and deaths behind in every country where he held his rallies.

Donald Trump is 3 years younger than Joe Biden, and he's in much worse physical shape than Biden. Unlike Biden, Trump shows multiple signs of dementia, including his deteriorating ability to speak in sentences or hold a train of thought. Trump's hand shakes when he drinks water, and he needs support to go up and down stairs or ramps. Last but not least, Fred Trump died of Alzheimers and dementia is hereditary.

Joe Biden is just left of center and is very tough on crime.
My issue is that he doesn't remember any of his positions intra-day.
All that matters is the D.
That is generous of you, but assigning Trump a grade will be the task of presidential historians after he has absconded and for some time to come.
Tell me why I should regard your opinion when I know nothing about you.

Why should anyone regard your opinion at all? You believe all of Trump's lies and distortions, whole hog, and fact check nothing.
Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

You do realize that you're about to saddle America with the dumbest man to sit in the US Senate for the past 40 years? Someone that wasn't bright to start with and who's now so freaking old that he's having a good day when he doesn't drool on himself! That's the guy that you think is going to make Trump look bad? (eye roll)

All that matters is the D.

What's going to matter over the next four years is how bad of a President Joe Biden turns out to be. The American people are smart enough to grasp when things were good and when they turn to shit. Joe Biden's policies...what he ran on...will turn the US economy to shit.

Liberals thrive on misery.

Yes, that's why the top 10 happiest nations on earth are all liberal countries.

They're all high and have zero responsibilities.

Really? Then how do we earn the money that provides us with this quality of living? Government revenues aren't manufactured out of thin air. Best country in the world to live in. Top 3 education systems. Fastest growing middle class. This is what happens when governments invest in people, not wars and military, and tax cuts for the wealthy.

Our populations are healthier, happier, and we live longer, more productive, independent lives. We control our governments, not the other way around.

Large land mass occupied by relatively small Honky population.
Seems like a recipe for success.
The 250K+ Observant Jews in Toronto are not Liberals so stating that a country is Liberal is rather foolish.

Toronto is an NDP/Liberal bastion surrounded by the Tory Blue 905. Conservatives don't even run real candidates in Toronto. It's hopeless.
Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

You do realize that you're about to saddle America with the dumbest man to sit in the US Senate for the past 40 years? Someone that wasn't bright to start with and who's now so freaking old that he's having a good day when he doesn't drool on himself! That's the guy that you think is going to make Trump look bad? (eye roll)

All that matters is the D.

What's going to matter over the next four years is how bad of a President Joe Biden turns out to be. The American people are smart enough to grasp when things were good and when they turn to shit. Joe Biden's policies...what he ran on...will turn the US economy to shit.

Liberals thrive on misery.

Yes, that's why the top 10 happiest nations on earth are all liberal countries.

  1. Finland
  2. Denmark
  3. Switzerland
  4. Iceland
  5. Norway
  6. Netherlands
  7. Sweden
  8. New Zealand
  9. Austria
  10. Luxembourg
  11. Canada
  12. Australia
  13. United Kingdom
  14. Israel
  15. Costa Rica
  16. Ireland
  17. Germany
  18. United States
  19. Czech Republic
  20. Belgium

What do you think are the 10 most unhappy States in the US, Dragonlady?
You do realize that you're about to saddle America with the dumbest man to sit in the US Senate for the past 40 years? Someone that wasn't bright to start with and who's now so freaking old that he's having a good day when he doesn't drool on himself! That's the guy that you think is going to make Trump look bad? (eye roll)
Lashing out in advance to malign the individual who is preferred by seven million voters only demeans the Loser to that extent.

"Wow! The Cry Baby failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer was so bad, the American people chose him as the superior option?"
I guess we'll see...won't we? Joe Biden was actually a worse candidate than Hillary Clinton...a man who's only chance at being elected was if the Main Stream Media protected him vigilantly throughout the entire campaign! That's what happened. They allowed him to stay in his basement for six months...not answer questions about Burisma...his son Hunter and the Chinese...and hide how bad his dementia really was. OK...so now he's President. Now he has to do the job...a job that it's pretty obvious he doesn't have the mental or physical capability to do! A job that ages much younger men at a startling rate. I'm not "lashing out" at Joe Biden...I'm simply shaking my head at the people who put him in office!

I'm shaking my head at your charactization of Joe Biden, which has no basis in reality at all. It's simply a recitation of all of the lies Donald Trump told about Joe Biden throughout the campaign. If you're stupid enough to believe the lies Trump told you, your criticial thinkin abilities are highly suspect.

Trump is the worst candidate I've ever seen. His addled and frankly dangerous ramblings at the daily Task Force press conferences were frightening. The look on Deborah Birx' face when Trump asked her if they could look into injecting disinfectants as a cure for covid. Then the scientists had to try to walk back everything he said.

Trump sickened and killed his voters with his maskless rallies, and leaving his supporters out in the middle of nowhere to freeze. Trump travelled throughout the country sickening his staff, over 200 Secret Service workers, while hosting super spreader events at the White House. Trump conducted his election campaign like there was no corona virus, and left a trail of outbreaks and deaths behind in every country where he held his rallies.

Donald Trump is 3 years younger than Joe Biden, and he's in much worse physical shape than Biden. Unlike Biden, Trump shows multiple signs of dementia, including his deteriorating ability to speak in sentences or hold a train of thought. Trump's hand shakes when he drinks water, and he needs support to go up and down stairs or ramps. Last but not least, Fred Trump died of Alzheimers and dementia is hereditary.

Joe Biden is just left of center and is very tough on crime.
My issue is that he doesn't remember any of his positions intra-day.
All that matters is the D.
That is generous of you, but assigning Trump a grade will be the task of presidential historians after he has absconded and for some time to come.
Tell me why I should regard your opinion when I know nothing about you.

Why should anyone regard your opinion at all? You believe all of Trump's lies and distortions, whole hog, and fact check nothing.

Once again, Canadian, without using any ad hominems, I voted for the MAGA platform.
Since Reagan, I have seen US citizens lose their jobs and careers by opening our borders and sending our jobs to other nations.
Under Trump, I have seen people who have lost their careers for anywhere betwee 5-10 years being hired at their highest salary levels.
Polite politicians who have ruined peoples lives can go to hell.

I don't give a damn about what a non-US citizen has to say.
Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?
Not starting a war with Iran when he was being pressured by Bolton and the rest of the war hawks.
The First Step act, aimed at reducing Black incarceration for minor offenses.
Demanding that our freeloading "allies" pay their NATO dues.
Challenging China's decades of cheating on world trade agreements.
Getting COVID vaccines delivered in months when all the experts said it would take YEARS

That's a few off the top of my head. I could come up with dozens more. So could you if you weren't so blinded with your personal hatred.
Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

Why ask when your brain cells can't handle facts?
Before his inveterate apologists flail the pom poms and proclaim the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer the greatest thing since sliced atoms, consider the historical record:

2.9 million more Americans voted against him in 2016 than for him, most consistently and relentlessly disapproved of him throughout his four years in survey after survey, and nearly 7 million more Americans opted to dispose of the impeached POTUS at their first opportunity to do so in 2020 .

His principle campaign promises - to build a "big, beautiful wall" that he would force Mexico to pay for, a replacement of 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!", his vows to resurrect coal mining, re-establish the steel industry, and rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure cannot use a deadly pandemic as an excuse for none being realized, His dismissing the coronavirus as being "under control!" with "very few people with it!" who were "all getting better! They're all getting better!" did not enter the equation until his terminal year, as he lead the nation to the most infections and deaths attributed to covid-19 on earth.

Addison "Magoo" McConnell might celebrate stuffing our courts with right-wing jurists, but these are the same Trump appointees he has been savaging as of late, for scoffing at his crackpot attacks upon democracy and the will of the People.

If the U.S., in the wake of Trumpery, can defeat the raging pandemic, restore the nation's international trust and respect, recover global leadership in the existential mission to mitigate climate change (severing the Trump allegiance with pariahs Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea in abstention) and, in addition, revive the spirit of the nation by refraining from surrendering to the federal government the power to confiscate the children of migrants, as well as safeguard the hopes of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are here through no fault of their own and have shown themselves to be law-abiding and have much to contribute to the nation, the retrospective view of Trumpery will be further eroded.

On the other hand, Trump has bloated the national debt, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.

RINOs of Trumpery must now undertake a relentless witch hunt for shreds of any reputed silver linings if posterity's judgement is not to be a definitive

Seriously, what do Trump's defenders celebrate as his legacy?

Herbert hoover will no longer be the most incompetent president, nor Nixon the most corrupt.
Trump NEVER said that all immigrants were rapists and drug dealers, but rapists and drug dealers do come across the border. So do we want to continue to let them in?
I never said that Trump's evoking his rapists and drug dealers was an exhaustive, inclusive description of migrants. To the contrary, it was extremely selective.

I doubt if even he would try to claim the children he had snatched from their parents were rapists and drug dealers.

Do you consider the 70,000 illegal crossings in November a confirmation of his success?
Tell me this, who joined Trump in agreeing to secure the border? He can't do it alone. Neither party wanted to help.

The border was already secure. Illegal border crossing were at their lowest levels in 50 years when Trump took office. Trump created the problem on the border, by threatening to close the border, frightening people to try to cross before he did.

Trump deported far fewer people in his first term in office than Obama did in his first term. Obama deported 1.18 million people in his first 3 years in office, while Trump deported 800,000. Trump talks about doing things, but doesn't actually do them.

Furthermore, when Trump took office, there were fewer than 10,000 people in ICE detention. Before the pandemic, Trump had 40,000 people in ICE custody, in cramped overcrowded conditions, in "for-profit" prison camps at a cost to the American taxpayer of $700 per day. You can stay in a 4 star hotel for $400 a day, but Trump was keeping 40,000 non-criminal people locked up - some for more than 2 years, at taxpayer expense, and paying $700 a day per prisoner, to keep them in squalor.

When you consider that Trump stopped all prosecution of corporations hiring illegals, and his locking people up to the benefit of the for-profit prison industry without deporting them, it makes me think that Trump's policies on the southern border around immigration were more about rewarding his donors in the for-profit prison, and inflicting cruelty on refugees.

In Trumpland, the cruelty is a feature, not a bug.
As a promotional scam, Trump's big, beautiful wall that he made Mexico pay for was highly effective, given the targets at whom it was directed.

Trump had two full years with Republicans in control of both House and Senate to fund and build his wall, just as he could have made good on his promise to repeal 'ObamaCare' and replace it with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!"

Instead, Trump skulks away with an estimated 40-45 million Americans without health insurance, and headlines like this:

Top border official warns of 'full-blown crisis overnight' as illegal crossings hit 70,000 in November
| December 14, 2020​

Why would the verdict that he stinks significantly change over time? Are his promised tax returns going to be finally shared, and show him to be a closet selfless, philanthropic humanitarian?

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Why ask when your brain cells can't handle facts?
If any of the scrupulous empirical data I cite is contradicted by legitimate sources that you can cite, I am always willing to entertain them, of course.
Why ask when your brain cells can't handle facts?
If any of the scrupulous empirical data I cite is contradicted by legitimate sources that you can cite, I am always willing to entertain them, of course.
empirical data
You know who I hate who uses empirical data?
Rush Limbaugh.
You can do anything with empirical data to make a case, even if the case is patently false.
Herbert hoover will no longer be the most incompetent president, nor Nixon the most corrupt.
The failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer's selfless performance may give every one of his predecessors a step up in posterity's estimation. He may be able to claim that he singlehandedly made all of them better POTUSs.
Indeed. Absurd as it is, the narcissist who claims his celebrity licenses him to sexually assault women, and who had a fixer to pay off bimbos with whom he rutted behind the backs of trophy wives has attracted a fanatical following who regard him spiritually transcendent.

The failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer has been acclaimed as agent sent by God:

... while white supremacists hail him as their "God Emperor":
Your childish paranoia is on full display. Grow up.
Tell me why I should regard your opinion when I know nothing about you.
If you have no interest in the perspectives of others about whom you know nothing, you are in the wrong place.
Perspectives should be based on facts.
I have many Conservative friends and we don't always wind up with the same point of view on different subjects, but we base our point of view on facts.
All you do is rail Orange Man Bad!

How can you and your friends be basing your discussions on facts, when you don't base any of your posts on facts? Have you considered the possibility that you are your friends are basing your discussions on the same set of lies and disinformation? You really should.

The left doesn't say "orange man bad". Not once ever. They point out the folly of Trump's policies, and how they have failed utterly. The billionaire owned right wing media never points any of this stuff out because tax cuts for billionaires. They praise the "greatest economy ever" even as growth, jobs and GDP lagged well behind Obama's "worst recovery ever" growth even though Obama's numbers for jobs, growth and GDP were much higher than Trump's.

Did you think separating infant children from their parents was a sound policy? Do you think that Tyson Farms and Koch Industries should be prosecuted after ICE arrested more than 600 illegals working at two meat processing plants, one owned by each of these corporations? Did you know that Trump has stopped the prosecution of all corporations hiring illegals since he took office?

The tax cuts were supposed to spur business investment, job growth, and give every worker in America a $4000 raise. Instead, you got record share buybacks to further concentrated wealth at the top, a boost in stock market values due to increased equity of fewer shares issued, and 1% of workers got a small one-time bonus. No big raises. And the tax cuts for the middle class are expiring just as covid has kicked the crap out of middle class income and plunged 8 million people into poverty.

Because of the tax cuts and extreme deficit spending, when covid hit, the government had fewer financial resources or options to deal with the economic fallout of the pandemic. Instead of keeping money flowing to working class Americans to keep the economy afloat, what resources that were spent went to big corporations and failing industries which will be hard pressed to come back after this is over.

Do you think a lot of people will be getting on airplanes after this is over, or travelling far from home, given how broke they are and how deeply in debt people are going to keep themselves fed and housed through the shutdowns? Or travelling to expensive resorts?

Do you think that 330,000 dead Americans and 7 million sick Americans is a successful covid19 response?

How about the 8 million Americans who have fallen INTO poverty as the pandemic rages, unchecked.

Exactly what "reality" is it that you and your friends are discussing? Because what the medicial system is telling us is that when Trump supporters come to hospital they refuse to believe that covid19 is killing them or their relatives. They believe it's a hoax, and they demand to be allowed to visit.

I'm not an American, but all of my American friends have either had the crud, or lost family/coworkers to it. Many have lost parents, some have lost spouses or siblings. In Canada, none of my friends or family members have been sick, and none have died. You have more people testing positive in 2 days than we've had since this thing started.

But again, how can you and your friends be basing your discussions on facts, when you don't base any of your posts on facts? Have you considered the possibility that you are your friends are basing your discussions on the same set of lies and disinformation? You really should.
Tell me why I should regard your opinion when I know nothing about you.
If you have no interest in the perspectives of others about whom you know nothing, you are in the wrong place.
Perspectives should be based on facts.
I have many Conservative friends and we don't always wind up with the same point of view on different subjects, but we base our point of view on facts.
All you do is rail Orange Man Bad!

How can you and your friends be basing your discussions on facts, when you don't base any of your posts on facts? Have you considered the possibility that you are your friends are basing your discussions on the same set of lies and disinformation? You really should.

The left doesn't say "orange man bad". Not once ever. They point out the folly of Trump's policies, and how they have failed utterly. The billionaire owned right wing media never points any of this stuff out because tax cuts for billionaires. They praise the "greatest economy ever" even as growth, jobs and GDP lagged well behind Obama's "worst recovery ever" growth even though Obama's numbers for jobs, growth and GDP were much higher than Trump's.

Did you think separating infant children from their parents was a sound policy? Do you think that Tyson Farms and Koch Industries should be prosecuted after ICE arrested more than 600 illegals working at two meat processing plants, one owned by each of these corporations? Did you know that Trump has stopped the prosecution of all corporations hiring illegals since he took office?

The tax cuts were supposed to spur business investment, job growth, and give every worker in America a $4000 raise. Instead, you got record share buybacks to further concentrated wealth at the top, a boost in stock market values due to increased equity of fewer shares issued, and 1% of workers got a small one-time bonus. No big raises. And the tax cuts for the middle class are expiring just as covid has kicked the crap out of middle class income and plunged 8 million people into poverty.

Because of the tax cuts and extreme deficit spending, when covid hit, the government had fewer financial resources or options to deal with the economic fallout of the pandemic. Instead of keeping money flowing to working class Americans to keep the economy afloat, what resources that were spent went to big corporations and failing industries which will be hard pressed to come back after this is over.

Do you think a lot of people will be getting on airplanes after this is over, or travelling far from home, given how broke they are and how deeply in debt people are going to keep themselves fed and housed through the shutdowns? Or travelling to expensive resorts?

Do you think that 330,000 dead Americans and 7 million sick Americans is a successful covid19 response?

How about the 8 million Americans who have fallen INTO poverty as the pandemic rages, unchecked.

Exactly what "reality" is it that you and your friends are discussing? Because what the medicial system is telling us is that when Trump supporters come to hospital they refuse to believe that covid19 is killing them or their relatives. They believe it's a hoax, and they demand to be allowed to visit.

I'm not an American, but all of my American friends have either had the crud, or lost family/coworkers to it. Many have lost parents, some have lost spouses or siblings. In Canada, none of my friends or family members have been sick, and none have died. You have more people testing positive in 2 days than we've had since this thing started.

But again, how can you and your friends be basing your discussions on facts, when you don't base any of your posts on facts? Have you considered the possibility that you are your friends are basing your discussions on the same set of lies and disinformation? You really should.
I post facts and you habitually ignore them.
Your childish paranoia is on full display. Grow up.
Your admonition is properly aimed at the Cry Baby Loser. His "Boo hoo! Everybody's against me!" tantrum now has him lashing out at all branches of the U.S. government and both political parties as he increasingly embellishes his bona fides as a bad joke.
I post facts and you habitually ignore them.
Put aside these "facts" that you are unable to cite.

What do you regard as the most promising aspects of Trumpy that could ever change the view that he stinks?
Your childish paranoia is on full display. Grow up.
Your admonition is properly aimed at the Cry Baby Loser. His "Boo hoo! Everybody's against me!" tantrum now has him lashing out at all branches of the U.S. government and both political parties as he increasingly embellishes his bona fides as a bad joke.
Like the drunken tantrum that Hillary went through when she lost to Trump.
The bitch actually threw chairs at her volunteers.
But we won't see you mentioning that, will we?

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