Will there be a civil war....

Do you believe signifigant civil violence will occur

  • Yes, if a Democrat is elected in 2020

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The majority of violence has been by liberals whose minds have been blown by reality. That and by design from Clinton's campaign. If there is any violence following the election, it will be the left if Hillary loses.
Hillary can only win by cheating, so we won't accept her "victory"

If Trump wins, the Elites will crash the US economy and turn the USA into TWD

Boo hoo. Now only if you could find someone to care about your not accepting ms Clintons historic victory. Tee hee

Historic? The usual partisan hack Democrat is a woman this time. The only thing historic about that is in your head. Being a woman is irrelevant either way to the equation

The only irrelevancy here is your opinion.

LOL, you're wearing a padded bra, aren't you?
It is obvious and common knowledge that anonymous posters are also posers, those who talk the talk but won't walk the walk. There may be a few who arm themselves and march around, but only the suicidal hang around long enough to actually put themselves in harms way.

I disagree.

They are just a bunch of followers without a leader. There is already some serious infrastructure in place. All they need to do is sign on, go through extremist militia training camp, and then they are easily committed.
There is no need to go through extremist military training. I went through real bootcamp back during the Cold War, and if I see a HRC bumbsticker, then I might mistake it for an ISIS sympathizer. 550% more radical Muslims will be allowed into the country, why do you liberals have such a death wish, oh yeah, because you miserable fucks have nothing to live for.

I would say we are about 20 years away from something big happening. With our debt skyrocketing and SS running out of funds in the next decade or 2 we are in for some major change or shift and it could create another revolution at that time.
The majority of violence has been by liberals whose minds have been blown by reality. That and by design from Clinton's campaign. If there is any violence following the election, it will be the left if Hillary loses.
Not "IF" but when she loses, you can bet on the violence, and the inner cities will burn...
It is obvious and common knowledge that anonymous posters are also posers, those who talk the talk but won't walk the walk. There may be a few who arm themselves and march around, but only the suicidal hang around long enough to actually put themselves in harms way.

I disagree.

They are just a bunch of followers without a leader. There is already some serious infrastructure in place. All they need to do is sign on, go through extremist militia training camp, and then they are easily committed.

They might be easily committed if seen by a psychiatrist, but when in harms way one can never predict what another, or even they, might do. What evidence do you have to prove "some serious infrastructure (is) in place"?

For the record, if what you say you know is true, that may make you culpable for any act committed by a member of a militia, legally recognized or not, who committed treason or an act of sedition.
They might be easily committed if seen by a psychiatrist, but when in harms way one can never predict what another, or even they, might do. What evidence do you have to prove "some serious infrastructure (is) in place"?

I know some of them have some really serious training camps, especially where I live. The FBI finds them noteworthy enough that they commonly infiltrate and investigate these groups. On several occasions these groups have been caught with illegal military grade weapons, which demonstrates that have connections to the black market or have insider access.

For the record, if what you say you know is true, that may make you culpable for any act committed by a member of a militia, legally recognized or not, who committed treason or an act of sedition.

What the fuck?

Why would I be legally culpable for what right wing extremists do with their time?
No question the radical fringe of the Republican Party is batshit crazy

But they are fat and lazy and are unwilling to make the sacrifices that a Civil War requires
Funny how you liberals describe yourselves but never take responsibility for your actions. Deny, Deny, Deny, as typical of any criminal of thuggery. Must piss you off knowing how we expose you fuckers for what you are.

Civil War takes strong personal sacrifice. A willingness to give it all up for the cause. Last time I saw that was during the Civil Rights era and with anti-Vietnam protests

Republicans will wear silly hats and call Rush Limbaugh to claim they are oppressed But they will not risk a thing for their "cause"

Some of US had sacrificed to keep this country from shitheads like you who wanted to take your rights away since before you were born. Now we see the left wing radicals who have been voted in by shitheads like you, fundamentally transforming the US into a new Venezuela. I will have no problem when the time is right, to have your removed to Cuba, or Venezuela as most of your spineless fucktards don't like guns. We do, and have been buying them making Obama the gun salesman of the year for 8 straight years.
It was pointed out that 9 out of 10 Adult US citizens have a gun, that means there is roughly 180 million people who can make the liberals very unhappy.

Gun ownership has dropped to below 30 percent

If you try to use them in a revolt it will drop to
15 percent

Gun ownership has dropped to below 30 percent
just because you say it doesn't make it true. Put up a link showing your bullshit point.
Gun ownership is up in America. So why isn't the media telling you about it?
A CNN poll from January showed 40% of Americans living in a household that owns a gun. Nine percent of respondents were unwilling to state an opinion, implying that the true ownership rate is greater than 40%
Why you liberals are so stupid, is that you can have your political hacks pull the wool over your eyes and you actually believe them(I did not have sexual relations with that woman). We on the other hand constantly question who political hacks (R) and (D) tell US and what we find wrong, we challenge. Liberals are the dumbest people in the universe.

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I haven't heard these Civil War threats since a black man was elected President in 2008
No revolution, no,civil war. Life will go on as normal and that goes no matter who wins.

Now anyone who thinks there is going to be a revolution based on what they see on this board is an idiot.

No, and let my explain why. I have seen about 7 people promote it to some degree on this board.

That serves as a sample size. If 7 people are advocating civil violence on a site with a couple hundred active members, then we likely have several million people that believe in civil violence within this country of over 300 million people.

Then it just comes down to how many of those several million people will actually be militarized by the already noteworthy underground militant infrastructure in this country. Even if it were 100,000 people, and I am guessing it would be far more than that, then you have a real resistance on your hands.

Run through the math. This is just common sense.

Pfft...like Trump saying he'll spend a Billion, you boys are all talk.

100,000 armed men lacking command and control is a mob, and easily picked off by modern military means.

What military would that be? UN troops?
No revolution, no,civil war. Life will go on as normal and that goes no matter who wins.

Now anyone who thinks there is going to be a revolution based on what they see on this board is an idiot.

No, and let my explain why. I have seen about 7 people promote it to some degree on this board.

That serves as a sample size. If 7 people are advocating civil violence on a site with a couple hundred active members, then we likely have several million people that believe in civil violence within this country of over 300 million people.

Then it just comes down to how many of those several million people will actually be militarized by the already noteworthy underground militant infrastructure in this country. Even if it were 100,000 people, and I am guessing it would be far more than that, then you have a real resistance on your hands.

Run through the math. This is just common sense.

Pfft...like Trump saying he'll spend a Billion, you boys are all talk.

100,000 armed men lacking command and control is a mob, and easily picked off by modern military means.

What military would that be? UN troops?
Ah...you think the military will stage a coup? :lol: :lol: :lol:
So some of the people that have told me they supported civil violence in the past, have curiously opted out of voting in the poll I put up.

Okay, so answer the poll questions.

An unusually high number on this site have threatened violence or secession if Clinton wins on November 8th, which leads me to believe that the sentiment is shared by a larger demographic of the population.
What do you mean when? I guess you haven't noticed but inner cities are burning. Illegal aliens are blocking streets to prevent US citizens from working to provide for their families. We have African Americans keeping White students from going to class at Berkley California. Liberal thugs attacking Trump supporters at rallies, and a complacent lickspittle media lying that it is Trump people starting the fights. Police being executed by a racist group, Blacks Lives Matter, and because the police have been castrated by the Obama admin, more people of color are killing other people of color in the inner cities. Maybe if you pulled your head out of Uranus, you could see what is going on in Obama's America, for it looks just like Venezuela, fundamentally transformed with NO HOPE and NO CHANGE.

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You pseudocons whine and whine and whine and whine. You should join the Democratic Party. You sound just like them.
No revolution, no,civil war. Life will go on as normal and that goes no matter who wins.

Now anyone who thinks there is going to be a revolution based on what they see on this board is an idiot.

No, and let my explain why. I have seen about 7 people promote it to some degree on this board.

That serves as a sample size. If 7 people are advocating civil violence on a site with a couple hundred active members, then we likely have several million people that believe in civil violence within this country of over 300 million people.

Then it just comes down to how many of those several million people will actually be militarized by the already noteworthy underground militant infrastructure in this country. Even if it were 100,000 people, and I am guessing it would be far more than that, then you have a real resistance on your hands.

Run through the math. This is just common sense.

Pfft...like Trump saying he'll spend a Billion, you boys are all talk.

100,000 armed men lacking command and control is a mob, and easily picked off by modern military means.

What military would that be? UN troops?
Ah...you think the military will stage a coup? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hate to bust your bubble but the vast majority of the military will be on our side,along with cops and all of us who support the Constitution.
Contrary to your wishes the military is not made up of dykes and homos as hard as barry is trying to make it happen.
Obviously hateful moocher Democrat supporters are more apt to commit violent acts. So if Trump wins, there will definitely be violence. If Clinton wins, there will be a lot of angry Americans, but they won't likely become violent.
It is obvious and common knowledge that anonymous posters are also posers, those who talk the talk but won't walk the walk. There may be a few who arm themselves and march around, but only the suicidal hang around long enough to actually put themselves in harms way.

I disagree.

They are just a bunch of followers without a leader. There is already some serious infrastructure in place. All they need to do is sign on, go through extremist militia training camp, and then they are easily committed.
There is no need to go through extremist military training. I went through real bootcamp back during the Cold War, and if I see a HRC bumbsticker, then I might mistake it for an ISIS sympathizer. 550% more radical Muslims will be allowed into the country, why do you liberals have such a death wish, oh yeah, because you miserable fucks have nothing to live for.

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Another internet tough guy
No, and let my explain why. I have seen about 7 people promote it to some degree on this board.

That serves as a sample size. If 7 people are advocating civil violence on a site with a couple hundred active members, then we likely have several million people that believe in civil violence within this country of over 300 million people.

Then it just comes down to how many of those several million people will actually be militarized by the already noteworthy underground militant infrastructure in this country. Even if it were 100,000 people, and I am guessing it would be far more than that, then you have a real resistance on your hands.

Run through the math. This is just common sense.

Pfft...like Trump saying he'll spend a Billion, you boys are all talk.

100,000 armed men lacking command and control is a mob, and easily picked off by modern military means.

What military would that be? UN troops?
Ah...you think the military will stage a coup? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hate to bust your bubble but the vast majority of the military will be on our side,along with cops and all of us who support the Constitution.
Contrary to your wishes the military is not made up of dykes and homos as hard as barry is trying to make it happen.

The Military will not be on your side from the minute one of you assholes shoots one of their fellow soldiers
Any who take up arms against the present system would only be doing it the favor of identifying whom it needs to eradicate while simultaneously giving it the excuse to do so.

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