Will there be civil unrest/riots if Trump is found guilty?

Will there be civil unrest?

  • Yes, cities torched, violence galore!

  • Maybe some loud protests, but nothing really violent

  • Just a social media meltdown, but nothing more

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Well, what's your thoughts. Will a guilty verdict in this Stalinist trial, lead to some disturbing days in places across the country?

Didn't vote...dunno.
But I'd guess social media meltdown and maybe a lone wolf acting up someplace.

reps dems wolf.jpg

Why? Do you get joy out of civil unrest? You are intolerant and hate your fellow Americans that much? What exactly does that make you?
You all stopped being my fellow Americans when you stormed the Capitol and tried to overthrow an election you lost.

That day should have been the end of Donald Trump's political career. But you Mitlaufers are so afraid of him that you just can't stand up for what is right.
You all stopped being my fellow Americans when you stormed the Capitol and tried to overthrow an election you lost.

That day should have been the end of Donald Trump's political career. But you Mitlaufers are so afraid of him that you just can't stand up for what is right.

WEB EXTRA: Donald Trump Acknowledges New Administration​


it is a democrat jury
they will vote guilty

I agree, but I think it goes beyond the political aspect of this.

For starters, we have an anti-Trump prosecutor, and an anti-Trump judge who is making a point of guiding the jury to what he wants the outcome to be. These people are HIGHLY motivated to go down in history as the ones who were part of taking down Trump

But here's the caveat. We are living in an America, or even world, where the quest to be a 'social media' star or influencer, now surpasses all other employment goals.

These jurors have had a lot of time to think to themselves, that if Trump is found guilty, it could lead to a gateway of stardom on social media. They will not only be pursued by existing social media personalities, but they may have goals of making their own stardom.

Frequently on Twitter, I will see individuals, mostly women, who are ordinary folks, but because of the luck of the draw, they were born 'pretty'. They'll have hundreds of thousands of followers, and they can do nothing more than fart out an opinion of Trump, and there will be hundreds of thousands of replies.

In the case of these jurors, they don't need to be 'pretty', they just need to be anti-Trump, and be involved in taking Trump down, and they will be stars!!!
You all stopped being my fellow Americans when you stormed the Capitol and tried to overthrow an election you lost.

That day should have been the end of Donald Trump's political career. But you Mitlaufers are so afraid of him that you just can't stand up for what is right.
It was promoted as that. Let scorched earth happen. And ironically it is you who have done it.

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