Will there be civil unrest/riots if Trump is found guilty?

Will there be civil unrest?

  • Yes, cities torched, violence galore!

  • Maybe some loud protests, but nothing really violent

  • Just a social media meltdown, but nothing more

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Well, what's your thoughts. Will a guilty verdict in this Stalinist trial, lead to some disturbing days in places across the country?
Just speaking for myself I have not followed any of the political show trials much at all. Given the hate Trump at any cost jury pool there is not much doubt about the outcome. Guilty in spite of little or no evidence. Which is why we have appeals. Clinton or Biden would not a fair jury trail in rural Idaho or Wyoming either.

WEB EXTRA: Donald Trump Acknowledges New Administration​

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That should have been the day after the election was called, NOT the day after his attempted coup failed miserably and his own staff was threatening him with the 25th Amendment.
Yeah, a peaceful protest that democrat fifth columnists turned into a riot. No insurrection, and the overwhelming majority of the violence was antifa scum.

Wow, really? You are a crazy person living in his own reality.

Come on, man, that wasn't a "peaceful" demonstration, you guys stormed the capitol threatening to kill Mike Pence because he found his backbone after four years.
That should have been the day after the election was called, NOT the day after his attempted coup failed miserably and his own staff was threatening him with the 25th Amendment.
I'm sure a lot of republicans thought the same of Al Gore.
Nope....just an appeal

There certainly will be grounds for an appeal. Problem is who will hear it? If it stays in New York, Trump has little chance since we all know that an anvil has been dropped on one side of the scale of justice. If it goes to a federal court, probably not a lot of hope there as well.
The Democrats lapdogs in the fake news have already written the headlines if Trump is convicted, bank on it. The fake news will SPEW it 24/7. All part of the Dems plan to RIG the election.
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If Trump is acquitted the fake news have already written those headlines claiming an historic injustice, that Trump is still guilty even though a jury acquitted him. BOOKMARK THIS
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Well, what's your thoughts. Will a guilty verdict in this Stalinist trial, lead to some disturbing days in places across the country?
I think Trump supporters are too much of pussies to actually do anything. Sure, there might be an incident of at least one who might have the balls for it, but after 1/6, republicans know how useless they are by and large. They were too incompetent to even find any government officials and the election was certified hours later lol
If Trump is acquitted the fake news have already written those headlines claiming an historic injustice, that Trump is still guilty even though a jury acquitted him. BOOKMARK THIS
Outside of opinion pieces, this won’t be happening. That I can assure you. You’ll pretend otherwise, but that is how it will be.
Outside of opinion pieces, this won’t be happening. That I can assure you. You’ll pretend otherwise, but that is how it will be.
You don't know scum Democrats. Dem leaders in congress will also run to the cameras to proclaim Trump is guilty. I'm just telling you what's going to happen.

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