Will there be civil unrest/riots if Trump is found guilty?

Will there be civil unrest?

  • Yes, cities torched, violence galore!

  • Maybe some loud protests, but nothing really violent

  • Just a social media meltdown, but nothing more

Results are only viewable after voting.
Yes, however every death and mutilation of your own from your own would-be satisfaction. You must infect the suburbs and resort areas with violence. Make sure low-income housing is built in these areas. Stop the privileged. What is most important is the resiliency of Progs also who believe in what you do. They must take a hit for the team. And frankly they doit from afar. Pure equality cannot be achieved without this. Let your patriots prove it also. And the richer Progs are not doing it. Use Marthas Vineyard as an example. Thousands of low-income homes there would be proof of your resolve. Do it.

It seems I touched a nerve. I’m curious as to why? Is it because you saw yourself reflected in that statement? Someone who will threaten harmlessly from a safe place?
Al Gore had a legitimate complaint.
To partisans that are democrats, of course held the view that Gore had a, "legitimate complaint." To partisans that are members of the MAGA persuasion, of course felt Trump had, in their view, "legitimate complaint." You don't get to determine their opinions, nor do they dictate yours.

He got more votes nationally, and the margin in Florida was so thin that any recount might have overturned it.

The absolute number of votes, is not important nationallly. That is not how we run elections. The number of votes per/ States to get electors is what counts. The margin of votes was so slim in the battle ground states, and the laws that were changed in the weeks and months just previous due to "pandemic," and the controversies over mail in ballots, vote harvesting, etc., gave, in the view of many, Trumpers, "legitimate complaint."

But at the end of the day, he accepted the election results.

. . and the video I posted proves the same of Trump in this instance.

Now take a hike hater.
To partisans that are democrats, of course held the view that Gore had a, "legitimate complaint." To partisans that are members of the MAGA persuasion, of course felt Trump had, in their view, "legitimate complaint." You don't get to determine their opinions, nor do they dictate yours.

Except Trump's own people told him that he had lost the election, and there was no fraud.

The absolute number of votes, is not important nationallly. That is not how we run elections. The number of votes per/ States to get electors is what counts. The margin of votes was so slim in the battle ground states, and the laws that were changed in the weeks and months just previous due to "pandemic," and the controversies over mail in ballots, vote harvesting, etc., gave, in the view of many, Trumpers, "legitimate complaint."

NOt really. Mail in ballots are allowed.

. . and the video I posted proves the same of Trump in this instance.
After his own people threatened him to call off the damned riot.
What about the other 73,999,000 of us Trump supporters? Are we still your fellow Americans?
So many of you are garbage. Not all, but many. 100% of you are painfully stupid. And no it’s not matter of you liking Biden instead. You can hate him all you want. I don’t care. You’re just a moron for voting for Trump.
After his own people threatened him to call off the damned riot.

We aren't going to agree on most of the crap you posted. . . but I would like to see proof of this statement please.
We aren't going to agree on most of the crap you posted. . . but I would like to see proof of this statement please.
I don't do links for crazy conspiracy theorists.


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