Will these parties EVER learn?

Well, they don't think the views are extreme. They're fighting Satan, and their views are mainstream when you're fighting Satan. Or something like that.
The founders were much closer to the views of the Republican Party. Democrats reflect Marx.

The country must decide where we go
I really, REALLY hope people get to shop for the Thanksgiving they can't afford and the Christmas gifts they can't buy, and they have only Democrats to blame going forward and back.

I mean it.

Inflation is a global issue, we are no different

Explain what Republicans would have done differently while you eat your Thanksgiving Turkey
Pretty amazing to watch how badly the GQP screwed this up. They went too far, and now they just had their asses handed to them. With inflation at damn near 8%. Holy crap. Pretty incredible to watch.

We can be sure of one thing: They'll learn nothing from this. They will not look in the mirror. And how do we know this? Because these parties never learn anything.

Both whacked-out parties think they have all the answers. They know what's best for the rest of us. Everything should be done their way. It's not about what's best for the country for them. It's about beating the other tribe. They have all the answers.

The American electorate has been trying to tell you something for a long time. You don't. We want you to work together. We want you to communicate, collaborate, innovate. Maybe get over yourselves, shut up, and listen for a change. Create some NEW ideas together.

Not holding my breath, of course.

Guy, quit projecting. The American Electorate didn't really say much of anything this week. In fact, VERY FEW politicians lost their jobs.

So far, the electorate flipped 1 Senate Seat (Vacant), four governorships (three of which were vacant, and I'm calling AZ for the Democrat), and maybe a dozen house seats, but most of those were due to Gerrymandering.

If you live in a red state or a red district, you were happy with your guy. If you live in a blue state or a blue district, you were happy with your guy. What the voters told us on Tuesday is they are willing to be patient and let things play out.

Oh, how did the "Backward" party do? Did they even run any candidates?
Killing your own child and calling it a 'Fundamental right' is demonic. It is Satanic.

This is a big reason the Democrats won. Because their people really, REALLY want to be able to kill their own babies.

I don't know what else can be said.

Actually, quite a lot. Mostly that people don't accept that fetuses are children, and that they don't want the state telling them what they can do with their bodies.

I am not sure how much of an impact Dobbs had. I think the real reckoning will be in 2024, when women find they can't get abortions in certain Red States.
Yes, they certainly went too far by thinking the state did not own people's children so is free to turn them into trannies,

Except the state doesn't turn anyone into 'Trannies". One is either cis-gender or trans-gender. The problem is you think that gender identity is a fad.

that people should be allowed to earn a living without the state telling them who could and who couldn't

Uh, businesses are regulated, and we should all be grateful for that. I kind of want to know if I go out to dinner, I'm not going to get food poisoning.

or that the state considers race and identity as being all that matters in the world rather than skills or quality of character.

I know you miss your white privilege, buddy... but here's the thing, if you are born white in this country, you have it pretty good.
Your behaviors. Your actions. Your egos. Your cult.

And I love the way you ask for my opinion, and then insult my opinion.

DAMN I'm good.

Nobody asked your opinion. We know damned well that if the GOP had done as well as expected, you'd have been all over this board telling us that they were paying a price for embracing political correctness and identity politics.

You were probably disappointed they didn't do badly.
Ol' Mac, August 13, 2016:

I guess it will depend on the fallout from Trump. What these people don't see (because talk radio never mentions this) is that their behavior is making it easier for the Dems to move the country Left. They're so proud of the smoking rubble they can't see the big picture.

A self-inflicted wound for the GQP.
I really, REALLY hope people get to shop for the Thanksgiving they can't afford and the Christmas gifts they can't buy, and they have only Democrats to blame going forward and back.

I mean it.

I sense a common whine coming from Republicans butt hurt over losing…
Because Democrats won, Americans can’t afford their Thanksgiving Dinner! :206:

I bought a 21 lb Turkey on Thursday for $25

Add in stuffing, potatoes, vegetables, cranberry sauce and I have a dinner for six for under $50 with plenty of leftovers.

About $8 a person
I sense a common whine coming from Republicans butt hurt over losing…
Because Democrats won, Americans can’t afford their Thanksgiving Dinner! :206:

I bought a 21 lb Turkey on Thursday for $25

Add in stuffing, potatoes, vegetables, cranberry sauce and I have a dinner for six for under $50 with plenty of leftovers.

About $8 a person

That's right.

Even better if you win both the Senate AND the House.

I didn't say that. Unlike you, RW, maybe I care about people worse off than myself.

Whoa--just a lot of "liberal" masks coming off here huh?

OK Sue

You keep claiming Americans can’t afford a Thanksgiving Dinner because of Democrats

Show where you got that information
OK Sue

You keep claiming Americans can’t afford a Thanksgiving Dinner because of Democrats

Show where you got that information

This is not difficult.

Inflation. Made much, MUCH worse by the influx of money into the system by the profligate spending of Democrats.

Now laugh some more at people who can't afford things. We know how "liberals" are
This is not difficult.

Inflation. Made much, MUCH worse by the influx of money into the system by the profligate spending of Democrats.

Now laugh some more at people who can't afford things. We know how "liberals" are

We probably aren't spending enough, compared to other western democracies.

Inflation has two primary causes. Worker shortages and increase costs of commodities.
This is not difficult.

Inflation. Made much, MUCH worse by the influx of money into the system by the profligate spending of Democrats.

Now laugh some more at people who can't afford things. We know how "liberals" are

Didn’t answer the question did you?
You claim Americans can’t afford a Thanksgiving Dinner

But you can’t prove it can you?
Show how many Americans can’t afford $25 for a 20 lb Turkey
What's even more amazing is that dems controlled the house, senate, and executive for the past two years, did absolutely nothing and the voters voted for them again for another two years. Lol.

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