Will these parties EVER learn?

Look at you, excusing unemployment caused by leftist politicians pandering to the freaks

I am discussing the misinformation campaign that Americans can’t afford Thanksgiving because of Democratic policies

Unemployment is at 3.7 percent
Looks like a lot of Americans will be eating Turkey
I am discussing the misinformation campaign that Americans can’t afford Thanksgiving because of Democratic policies

Unemployment is at 3.7 percent
Looks like a lot of Americans will be eating Turkey
I hope the residents of Michigans UP can heat their home with the reelection of Whitless
Even the food drives are getting slim.
Well gas prices have been going down, So what now? Move on to people cant buy a turkey because of Dems? Far back as I can tell things have been and will continue to get tighter for regular work a day Americans. The billionaire count & the corporations profits will continue to climb upward. Thinking that all that maters is what political party you chose? Get real.
I don’t quite see it that way.

Republicans ran on the same old platform of social grievances and economic complaints with misdiagnosed causes and no solutions. Their platform (which doesn’t exist) was to blame the democrats and libbies for everything. Then layer on the nuts who live in conspiracy world and you get a disaster of an election.

Democrats really ran on a platform and a 2 year record of moderately successful legislation. They lack a dynamic leader and organization but the message was right. There is nothing they can do but weather the world wide economic malaise that is overblown by the media, exploited by the republicans, and lacks an easy solution other than time.

Democrats get in their own way by being hyperfocused on tiny marginalized groups but there are worse traits from parties.
I don't disagree.

My point is that both parties remain completely myopic (or "hyperfocused", as you said) on their approach to issues, and the current condition of our politics only reinforces that. Collaboration and innovation are discouraged, so when they lose, they will not give an inch in retrospect.

And regarding the Dems and their focus on marginalized groups -- the same rule applies. Only their approach is allowed, and they will attack anyone with a different idea.

Neither party seems to understand (in my estimation) that their goal on an issue is NOT the problem. The goals as the parties express them are fine. The problem is the behaviors and tactics both parties deploy in ACHIEVING the goal. They are perverted by politics and largely counterproductive.

Pretty amazing to watch how badly the GQP screwed this up. They went too far, and now they just had their asses handed to them. With inflation at damn near 8%. Holy crap. Pretty incredible to watch.

We can be sure of one thing: They'll learn nothing from this. They will not look in the mirror. And how do we know this? Because these parties never learn anything.

Both whacked-out parties think they have all the answers. They know what's best for the rest of us. Everything should be done their way. It's not about what's best for the country for them. It's about beating the other tribe. They have all the answers.

The American electorate has been trying to tell you something for a long time. You don't. We want you to work together. We want you to communicate, collaborate, innovate. Maybe get over yourselves, shut up, and listen for a change. Create some NEW ideas together.

Not holding my breath, of course.

Why do you think the "GOP screwed up" at all? Maybe the electorate is just satisfied with the status quo and think that Sleepy Joe is doing a tremendous job?
The American electorate has been trying to tell you something for a long time. You don't. We want you to work together. We want you to communicate, collaborate, innovate. Maybe get over yourselves, shut up, and listen for a change. Create some NEW ideas together.
PLEASE do not act like the “American electorate” knows what’s good for our nation…Today’s American electorate is the most foreign, the most constitutionally unaware, the most programmed and the most ignorant in our nations history.
The filthy dumbfucks just voted for
baby killing, for free shit, for an economy on the brink of disaster, they voted for 8% inflation, for $5 fuel, for Gov forced vaccinations, for 5 million illegal beaners, for fucked foreign relations, for nuclear disaster.
This nation is comprised of two factions…..Change America / Hate America ignorant filth and Save America / Protect America patriots….our schools, media and social media are part of the Change America / Hate America faction and they are winning as they’ve been able to harvest and manufacture far more ignorant filth in America.
My old man always said….”one day the United States will have far too many ignorant people residing within and they will vote the nation to it’s demise.”
He appears to have been spot on.
Why do you think the "GOP screwed up" at all? Maybe the electorate is just satisfied with the status quo and think that Sleepy Joe is doing a tremendous job?
Or maybe the party is overcome with a distorted ideology and is unable to accurately (a) look in the mirror or (b) understand the perspectives of those who dare to disagree with them.

If you think your party is on the right course, great. I wouldn't try to change your mind.
PLEASE do not act like the “American electorate” knows what’s good for our nation…Today’s American electorate is the most foreign, the most constitutionally unaware, the most programmed and the most ignorant in our nations history.
The filthy dumbfucks just voted for
baby killing, for free shit, for an economy on the brink of disaster, they voted for 8% inflation, for $5 fuel, for Gov forced vaccinations, for 5 million illegal beaners, for fucked foreign relations, for nuclear disaster.
This nation is comprised of two factions…..Change America / Hate America ignorant filth and Save America / Protect America patriots….our schools, media and social media are part of the Change America / Hate America faction and they are winning as they’ve been able to harvest and manufacture far more ignorant filth in America.
My old man always said….”one day the United States will have far too many ignorant people residing within and they will vote the nation to it’s demise.”
He appears to have been spot on.
I know. You and the other Trumpsters know what's best for America.
PLEASE do not act like the “American electorate” knows what’s good for our nation…Today’s American electorate is the most foreign, the most constitutionally unaware, the most programmed and the most ignorant in our nations history.
The filthy dumbfucks just voted for
baby killing, for free shit, for an economy on the brink of disaster, they voted for 8% inflation, for $5 fuel, for Gov forced vaccinations, for 5 million illegal beaners, for fucked foreign relations, for nuclear disaster.
This nation is comprised of two factions…..Change America / Hate America ignorant filth and Save America / Protect America patriots….our schools, media and social media are part of the Change America / Hate America faction and they are winning as they’ve been able to harvest and manufacture far more ignorant filth in America.
My old man always said….”one day the United States will have far too many ignorant people residing within and they will vote the nation to it’s demise.”
He appears to have been spot on.
When the ignorant and uninformed takers outnumber the Constitutionalist AMERICANS, we are done.
I know. You and the other Trumpsters know what's best for America.
Does that mean you can’t refute the ignorance of todays electorate?
The electorate is exactly what the Democrats have brilliantly manufactured….with their pet blacks they have successfully shackled foreigners, Asians, Mexicans, faggots, chicks with dicks, feminazis, drug users, criminals, degenerates and woke white guilt filth…..they have them all on the Plantation voting on free shit and social issues exclusively.
You think you’re being clever by talking shit about the ”GQP” candidates but what you really want to say is…. “Republicans are stupid for not moving the Party Left so they can compete for todays filthy fucked in the head America Hating voters”….The Plantation Dwellers……right…isn’t that what you really meant to say?
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The electorate is exactly what the Democrats have brilliantly manufactured….with their pet blacks they have successfully shackled foreigners, Asians, Mexicans, faggots, chicks with dicks, feminazis, drug users, criminals, degenerates and woke white guilt filth…..they have them all on the Plantation voting on free shit and social issues exclusively.

Why voters do not vote Republican
Does that mean you can’t refute the ignorance of todays electorate?
The electorate is exactly what the Democrats have brilliantly manufactured….with their pet blacks they have successfully shackled foreigners, Asians, Mexicans, faggots, chicks with dicks, feminazis, drug users, criminals, degenerates and woke white guilt filth…..they have them all on the Plantation voting on free shit and social issues exclusively.
You think you’re being clever by talking shit about the ”GQP” candidates but what you really want to say is…. “Republicans are stupid for not moving the Party Left so they can compete for todays filthy fucked in the head America Hating voters….The Plantation Dwellers……right…isn’t that what you really meant to say?
Wow, look at all those tedious assumptions, straw men and extrapolations.


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