Will these parties EVER learn?

As you already know, I wouldn't try to convince you of anything. The effort is pointless.

Play with someone else. You're boring.
Hahaha…I’m “boring” because I call you out on all your ambiguous bullshit, misconceptions and lies…Rather than debating the subject matter you cry “BORING” or “RACIST” because you know you can’t defend your OP.
Come on man!
When the ignorant and uninformed takers outnumber the Constitutionalist AMERICANS, we are done.
My old man was saying that when I was in my teens…He always said that if multiculturalism and Liberalism went unimpeded and isn’t voted down it will eventually destroy America.
He always said Conservatives were too “accepting” and that someday it would bite them in the ass…boy was he right.
I don't disagree.

My point is that both parties remain completely myopic (or "hyperfocused", as you said) on their approach to issues, and the current condition of our politics only reinforces that. Collaboration and innovation are discouraged, so when they lose, they will not give an inch in retrospect.

And regarding the Dems and their focus on marginalized groups -- the same rule applies. Only their approach is allowed, and they will attack anyone with a different idea.

Neither party seems to understand (in my estimation) that their goal on an issue is NOT the problem. The goals as the parties express them are fine. The problem is the behaviors and tactics both parties deploy in ACHIEVING the goal. They are perverted by politics and largely counterproductive.
Won’t argue with that. Unfortunately too much momentum is gained from demonizing others.

Will these parties EVER learn?​

Pretty amazing to watch how badly the GQP screwed this up.
Pretty amazing to watch you start another thread about "these parties," like you were some super-non-partisan, then turn immediately back to your usual mode of leftist trashing of all things GOP! And over what? Over the fact that the election turned out as most had it figured, with the GOP taking back the House and maybe the Senate, but only be a narrow margin if at all, yet you continually avoid both the cheating that blatantly goes on all over right out in the open, while trying to blame it on a guy in Florida while again totally missing that its the guy who controls the funding for the GOP, good ol' Mitch and his merry band of RINOS, who pulled funding for several key players! :auiqs.jpg:

Yet everytime while showing that you still understand nothing, you famously present yourself always like you think you are some super-special person above it all who alone sees clearly! :lmao:

We want you to work together. We want you to communicate, collaborate, innovate. Maybe get over yourselves, shut up, and listen for a change. Create some NEW ideas together. Not holding my breath, of course.
And like always, never EVER pointing the finger at the DNC where most of the blame belongs.
You expect the unemployed to fund a huge Thanksgiving when they need to save up money for rent,utilities,car,gas etc for when the 3 mo severance is up?

Turkey is less expensive than Hamburger
Stop being such a Drama Queen

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