Will This Latest Disney Story Hurt Ron DeSantis??

What sort of "sex eductation" were they pushing to Florida kids ?
When I have seen this before it amounted to telling the kids to be kind and that some kids had two Dads or Mams.
That is right and appropriate. there will be kids in those classes in that situation and they should not feel marginalised by religious freaks.
All the upper elites of Disney had to do is keep quiet. They were pushing all of the Progressive Socialist agendas. Florida turns rural quickly not far from Disney World. Employees knew for decades what was going on and also knew there was a difference than when Walt Disney's influence ruled it. And Bidne with his war against Mickey Mouse snippet. It stopped being that a long time ago. Now it is Lemmiwinks.
What sort of "sex eductation" were they pushing to Florida kids ?
When I have seen this before it amounted to telling the kids to be kind and that some kids had two Dads or Mams.
That is right and appropriate. there will be kids in those classes in that situation and they should not feel marginalised by religious freaks.
Then why all the uproar from democrats? The liberal agenda sexualizing kids has been stopped.
The Florida State Legislature dispenses those tax breaks and other incentives that Disney has enjoyed since the late 1960's.

Anger that self-same legislature and don't be surprised if it takes away the goodies.

I'm not religious, and I 100% agree with the bill.

Parental Rights in Education; Requires district school boards to adopt procedures that comport with certain provisions of law for notifying student's parent of specified information; requires such procedures to reinforce fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding upbringing & control of their children; prohibits school district from adopting procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from notifying parent about specified information or that encourage student to withhold from parent such information; prohibits school district personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification & involvement in critical decisions affecting student's mental, emotional, or physical well-being; prohibits classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels; requires school districts to notify parents of healthcare services; authorizes parent to bring action against school district to obtain declaratory judgment; provides for additional award of injunctive relief, damages, & reasonable attorney fees & court costs to certain parents.

Sorry if I interpreted sexual orientation as sexual education. Same difference.
I thought that this might be the case. The way its pitched it sounds like kids are being taught the Kama Sutra.
I dont see a problem with schools acknowledging what is an actual fact of life. There are gay families. If it stops one kid from being bullied that might be one less school shooting a bit further down the line.

What next ? You cant mntion clmate change ?
Think back a few months.
Say, October 2021.
Check the news and opinions.
"saying gay" in the classroom wasn't even on the horizon.
Yes, the hate was there. The anger was there. But ...

Then some hater in the Florida House decides to pursue his personal hate through legislating that hate into law.
Desantis, always the opportunist, always the King of Pander, decided this was a great opportunity to gin up the "base" ahead of the elections.
So, in his pandering ways, he not only decided to support the bill...
But to criminalize those who oppose it by calling them "groomers"
Of course, the haters, and you know who you are, found this a great line to use against those who recognize this bill for what it is.

Then Disney saw the light.
Disney, whose employee based includes thousands of LGBTQ+ people decided to speak out against the bill.
So now, in the minds of the haters, Disney is the home to all perversion.
Disney must be destroyed for speaking its mind.
I thought you types said corporations are "people" and have their free speech rights.
Apparently in MAGA land the only "free speech" is their own.

Obviously, the MAGA Hater Crowd will never admit to being played by Desantis.
Obviously, the MAGA Hater Crowd loves this because it institutionalizes their hate much as the laws preventing interracial marriage, White's only, and opposing same sex marriage institutionalized their hate.

But, why are you, the MAGA crowd, not angry over being played this way?
This law will be tossed by the courts.
And you will accuse the courts of being "groomers."
Desantis plans on repealing this Reedy Creek dissolution in the next session but, what if Disney says "No thanks!"
WE (disney) just dumped a billion in debt and 300 non-revenue creating employees over an issue that will be tossed by the courts.
Enjoy the doubling of property tax rates in Orange/Osceeola counties.
Enjoy the collapse of the real estate market in Florida when the property taxes go from $2500/yr to $5k-$6k-10k to cover those costs.

Oh, and if Disney decides to move?
Enjoy that 15% unemployment rate and your brand spanking new income tax.

Perhaps if the MAGA crowd could think 2 inches beyond their hate they'd see all this for what is is.

Enough, the bill doesn't say "don't say gay"

Think back a few months.
Say, October 2021.
Check the news and opinions.
"saying gay" in the classroom wasn't even on the horizon.
Yes, the hate was there. The anger was there. But ...

Then some hater in the Florida House decides to pursue his personal hate through legislating that hate into law.
Desantis, always the opportunist, always the King of Pander, decided this was a great opportunity to gin up the "base" ahead of the elections.
So, in his pandering ways, he not only decided to support the bill...
But to criminalize those who oppose it by calling them "groomers"
Of course, the haters, and you know who you are, found this a great line to use against those who recognize this bill for what it is.

Then Disney saw the light.
Disney, whose employee based includes thousands of LGBTQ+ people decided to speak out against the bill.
So now, in the minds of the haters, Disney is the home to all perversion.
Disney must be destroyed for speaking its mind.
I thought you types said corporations are "people" and have their free speech rights.
Apparently in MAGA land the only "free speech" is their own.

Obviously, the MAGA Hater Crowd will never admit to being played by Desantis.
Obviously, the MAGA Hater Crowd loves this because it institutionalizes their hate much as the laws preventing interracial marriage, White's only, and opposing same sex marriage institutionalized their hate.

But, why are you, the MAGA crowd, not angry over being played this way?
This law will be tossed by the courts.
And you will accuse the courts of being "groomers."
Desantis plans on repealing this Reedy Creek dissolution in the next session but, what if Disney says "No thanks!"
WE (disney) just dumped a billion in debt and 300 non-revenue creating employees over an issue that will be tossed by the courts.
Enjoy the doubling of property tax rates in Orange/Osceeola counties.
Enjoy the collapse of the real estate market in Florida when the property taxes go from $2500/yr to $5k-$6k-10k to cover those costs.

Oh, and if Disney decides to move?
Enjoy that 15% unemployment rate and your brand spanking new income tax.

Perhaps if the MAGA crowd could think 2 inches beyond their hate they'd see all this for what is is.
Disney being put on the same grounds as far as tax policy and regulation as the rest of the state is something that should have been done long ago.

If they want to use their corporate might as a political bulldozer for the far left they can be treated like every other individual and business entity in the state.
The bill has nothing to do with anything about gay, or saying gay.

It is to keep sexual education out of school for first through third graders. It's not a big deal, and I don't see why anyone would make it into a big deal.

It's an anti-grooming bill.

If democrats can't groom children at 4, they won't convert at 14 and become soldiers in the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ1+ army to overthrow Western Civilization.
It's an anti-grooming bill.

If democrats can't groom children at 4, they won't convert at 14 and become soldiers in the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ1+ army to overthrow Western Civilization.

The word "grooming" is quickly becoming an overused buzzword. I don't believe it is accurate.

I just believe it is "normalizing" them to stuff that is, I'm sorry, not normal.
The word "grooming" is quickly becoming an overused buzzword. I don't believe it is accurate.

I just believe it is "normalizing" them to stuff that is, I'm sorry, not normal.
It's 100% accurate.

Grooming is precisely what democrats are doing to young children.

{Often, the first violations are boundary issues but not physical violations. The abusive activity might consist in describing a fantasy, or telling a story supposedly about what someone else has done. If there is a negative reaction, the primary aggressor can shift gears and deny he has the same interest or even feign disapproval. In the same vein, pornography may be introduced.}

It's 100% accurate.

Grooming is precisely what democrats are doing to young children.

{Often, the first violations are boundary issues but not physical violations. The abusive activity might consist in describing a fantasy, or telling a story supposedly about what someone else has done. If there is a negative reaction, the primary aggressor can shift gears and deny he has the same interest or even feign disapproval. In the same vein, pornography may be introduced.}

It is only grooming is abuse is the planned end goal.
But is that every teachers aim? No, I don't believe that. Not every teacher teaching that stuff is a podophile. It is ridiculous to say so. It is normalization of things that those adults think are "normal", but actually are not.

It's irrelevant if every teacher is a groomer. The public schools are incestuous nests of sexual grooming of pre-school age children. The Anti-Grooming bill prohibits the agenda of the Teachers Union to groom very young children using sexually explicit materials.

Less than 1% of Germans were involved in the Holocaust, it doesn't mean the holocaust was okay.

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