Will Trump be a war criminal like Truman?

The one biggest hurdle to really understanding history is that it is in the past. We know what the result will be. We know what the actions we are studying will lead to.

For this subject, it takes a lot more than a handful of quotes to support your theory. It takes going back to before the First World War. When science fiction writers were telling stories about huge aircraft, Dirigables, or Zepplins if you like, floated over the world and rained down death and destruction. The idea that these aircraft would rule the air, and the ground below, with impunity was fixed in the minds of the populace as World War One ground on. Especially after Paris was bombed, and England.

After the First World War, Air advocates imagined the next war, and they saw airplanes which were just getting started as the First War took off, playing a major part. They imagined the war ending in a few days, or perhaps hours, because of air power. Their plan, and remember these were the people who shaped air theory, was to bomb with high explosive, incendiary, and then poison gas. You destroyed the buildings, set them ablaze, and killed the people who were trying to respond and fight the fire and save the wounded.

It was an American who argued we should not ban aircraft from war during the various conventions to set down the international laws of war. The argument was that the future would bring more precision, and that precision would make it possible to target factories, bases, and other military targets to prevent the war from grinding on in an endless meat grinder fashion.

You always fear the boogeyman you know. For the leaders of World War II, that boogeyman was not bombs, it was trench warfare. The endless slog through the fields, where tens of thousands of lives would be spent to gain a few inches, or yards, only to have them bought back by the enemy for a similar cost. Anything was preferable to that. The war in the Trenches was so predictable that you could sit down and figure out how many men you would lose today, tomorrow, next week, next month. Like planning your bills out, you could get pretty accurate estimates about what the future held, and it was horrible.

The technology for the precision bombing that the various powers wanted to practice, just didn't exist. Half of the bombs might land within a couple miles of the target. That was with hundreds of bombers in the air. They just could not hit pinpoint targets.

But they had the bombers, and the famous Norton bomb sight. It wasn't really any better than any other bombsight, but it was our best. It was high mechanical engineering that tried to factor in the variables, and did not consider a vast majority of those variables, and the bombs being dropped were not exactly designed to be precision instruments.

It was like dropping a penny from the top of the Empire State Building and expecting to hit the awning of the building across the street from you. Eventually, if you tossed enough pennies, you would probably hit it.

One of the things they used to estimate the damage that the Atomic Bomb would create was the explosion of a munitions ship. The amount of destruction, the amount of force contained in one bomb, would be equal to the entire load of bombs in that one ship.

So the thing they want to avoid at all costs is Trench Warfare, the statement slogs of the First World War. Anything was preferable to that. The lack of precision meant that for the entire war, everyone had been bombing cities, and villages. Finally the bomb was viewed as a more powerful bomb, but another bomb for all intents.

Dan Carlin talks about much of this in his Hardcore History series, the podcast of Logical Insanity covers this in much more detail.

Now, there were no laws prohibiting it. There was no international agreement other than a vague belief that "of course you try and minimize civilian casualties" sort of thing. Of course we will, we aren't barbarians. But what is a military target?

In Vietnam, it was a road junction, or a patch of jungle that might be used to store weapons. A suspected truck park. That was more than twenty years later.

The acceptable military targets went from the factories, which they couldn't hit without saturating the entire area with bombs, to the workers houses, which were generally speaking located near the factories. The factory might be standing, but without those trained workers, the enemy can't make the war materials they need.

Then it became any line of communication. Rail lines, roads, road junctions, any place where these came together, which inevitably was cities.

So bombing cities was perfectly acceptable. Now, you are a planner for World War II. Your job is to maximize the damage of our bombings to hamper the war effort of the enemy. You have planes, but so do they. You don't really have command of the sky, they have anti aircraft guns that shoot down your bombers, they have planes that shoot down your bombers. You know your people are going to be firing and trying to avoid being shot down while dropping their own bombs. You know you can't hit a precision target, but you have to do something to stop the launch of the V-1 and V-2 weapons. Every enemy you kill is one less that can work against you.

You turn to firebombing, because the results are better. Terrible word isn't it? Better. Better for you means worse for them. But hey, they started this war, and if they didn't want to be bombed, they should not have started the war. They could end it by surrendering. They could end it tomorrow. They could end it any time they choose.

Dan Carlin describes this as Logical Insanity. The answer is logical, the question is insane, the situation is insane. That is the best way I've ever heard it described.

In the end, we had to learn. Like children who do not have any idea what "hot" is until they feel it, we had to touch the pot of boiling water, and get burned. We had to see it was't just another bomb. We had to see it wasn't just a more powerful bomb. It was far more than that. We had to get burned.

I could write about this all day, the chain of events that led us to Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. The beliefs, the ideals, the practical reality that we were in. In time, our technology caught up to our vision. In time, the sort of pinpoint accuracy that we wanted in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and a dozen other places, finally was achievable.

Yes it was horrible, but was it any more horrible than Tokyo Firebombed? It is interesting if you think about it, that none of the enemy architects of their bombing policies were prosecuted after the war for those bombings? The reason? Simple. We didn't have any rules for it yet.

We had ten thousand years of experience fighting on the ground. When armies were armed with big sticks with rocks tied to the. We had a couple thousand years of fighting at sea, where men fought ships against their enemies. We had developed rules for that kind of fighting. We had an idea of what was right, and what was wrong. We didn't have that with the bombings. We hadn't had the time to consider it, we had not had the experience yet. Hindenburg was not prosecuted for the bombing of Country, the firebombing of London, or anything like that.
War is hell.

There were 25 million soldiers killed in WWII, world-wide.
There were 45 million civilians killed in WWII, world-wide.

Now of that 45 million only app 150,000 were killed in the Hiroshima
and Nagasaki strikes. Miniscule amount compared to 6 years of what
the war wrought. Hell, that number is even miniscule compared to the
250,000 civilians that were killed in Tokyo in 3 days of firebombing
that city.

We talk about the estimated 1 million American Casualties that would
have occurred if we invaded the Home Islands. But there was another
estimate that usually doesn't get mentioned. The estimate of
10 million more Japanese casualties if we invaded.

Dropping those bombs not only prevented a million more Americans
being killed or wounded, but 10 million more Japanese as well.

After American entered the war, the Allies stated that they would accept
only unconditional surrender. Germany, Japan and Italy would only
be allowed to surrender "unconditionally." They weren't going to be
able to start the damn war, then skate free at the end.

Japan, in August of 1945 was wanting a "conditional surrender."
That's why they were negotiating with the Russians to bring that about.
That was a great group to be negotiating with. While they were
negotiating Russia was moving its troops into position.

When America dropped the 2nd bomb on 8/9/45, The Russians
attacked Japanese forces in Manchuria that same day. They
knew it was all over and they wanted the Northern Islands of Japan.

I could care less how many Japanese or Germans died during that
war...only Americans. They started it. Japan by bombing Pearl Harbor
and Germany by declaring War on America on 12/11/41.

We did what we said we would do. We brought them to their knees.

"W" taught the world the U.S. would conduct 'pre-emptive' war, and, with that, blew the possibility of doing so in a really serious situation, which Iraq was not. His illegal invasion justified and re-enforced the determination of the N.K. régime to assure its protection through nuclear weapons acquisition. In general, though, the entire American policy and attitude since the Second World War has been counter productive to any peaceful unification of the peninsula.

What about Slick Willy's preemptive attack on Bosnia? Obama's preemptive attack on Libya?

How about for a teaching moment you look at JFK's and LBJ's preemptive war in Vietnam. The Democrats can teach us a lot, can't they?
"W" taught the world the U.S. would conduct 'pre-emptive' war, and, with that, blew the possibility of doing so in a really serious situation, which Iraq was not. His illegal invasion justified and re-enforced the determination of the N.K. régime to assure its protection through nuclear weapons acquisition. In general, though, the entire American policy and attitude since the Second World War has been counter productive to any peaceful unification of the peninsula.

What about Slick Willy's preemptive attack on Bosnia? Obama's preemptive attack on Libya?

How about for a teaching moment you look at JFK's and LBJ's preemptive war in Vietnam. The Democrats can teach us a lot, can't they?
The greatest threat to world peace, is the American ruling class and this has been so for decades. Sadly the vast majority of Americans, don't know this.

JFK tried to put a stop to this and he was murdered in broad day light.
Speaking of war criminals I have a question for you Moon Bats.

Was that asshole Obama a war criminal for bombing Libya? How about Slick Willy for bombing Bosnia?

At least in the case of Truman Congress had declared war on Japan after they attacked the US. In the case of Libya or Bosnia neither one of those countries ever did a thing to the US.

Are you Moon Bats hypocritical assholes that hate Trump so much for beating that piece of shit Crooked Hillary that you have gone bat shit cray with Trump's response to North Korea's threats to nuke the US? Are you fucking idiots?

yes, they are.
"W" taught the world the U.S. would conduct 'pre-emptive' war, and, with that, blew the possibility of doing so in a really serious situation, which Iraq was not. His illegal invasion justified and re-enforced the determination of the N.K. régime to assure its protection through nuclear weapons acquisition. In general, though, the entire American policy and attitude since the Second World War has been counter productive to any peaceful unification of the peninsula.

What about Slick Willy's preemptive attack on Bosnia? Obama's preemptive attack on Libya?

How about for a teaching moment you look at JFK's and LBJ's preemptive war in Vietnam. The Democrats can teach us a lot, can't they?
The greatest threat to world peace, is the American ruling class and this has been so for decades. Sadly the vast majority of Americans, don't know this.

JFK tried to put a stop to this and he was murdered in broad day light.

Duh, JFK = bay of pigs. Are you actually as stupid as your posts indicate?

The greatest threat to world peace, is the American ruling class and this has been so for decades. Sadly the vast majority of Americans, don't know this.

JFK tried to put a stop to this and he was murdered in broad day light.

You are a confused and delusional Libtard, aren't you?

First of all JFK was the "ruling class" of America.

Second of all the sonofabitch sent troops to Sought Vietnam as an interventionist policy. He didn't try to stop jack shit and then that Democrat nitwit LBJ (JFK's VP) escalated the war. A Democrat war if there ever was one.

If you want to do some crazy ass speculation about JFK being murdered remember that he was on his way to give a speech in Dallas to recommend a further cut in income taxes. Maybe the greedy big government assholes had him whacked.

Actually the guy that killed him in broad daylight was a Communist so there goes you stupid uneducated speculation.

By the way, the ruling class has started almost every war in the history of humanity. What else is new? The ruling class of the old Soviet Union and China killed many more millions of people than America ever has.

You really are ignorant, aren't you?
The way I see it, considering that the Japanese were responsible for the slaughter of Chinese civilians to an estimated tune put between two to four times the number that Hitler killed in his concentration camps, punishment issued through Little Boy and Fat Man is tame by comparison.

I believe Trump has ample non-nuclear weapons on hand to handle North Korea.

Duh, JFK = bay of pigs. Are you actually as stupid as your posts indicate?

JFK authorized the Bay of Pigs and then was too chickenshit to follow through on it. Typical incompetent Democrat leadership. We see it in every Democrat administration, don't we?
"W" taught the world the U.S. would conduct 'pre-emptive' war, and, with that, blew the possibility of doing so in a really serious situation, which Iraq was not. His illegal invasion justified and re-enforced the determination of the N.K. régime to assure its protection through nuclear weapons acquisition. In general, though, the entire American policy and attitude since the Second World War has been counter productive to any peaceful unification of the peninsula.

What about Slick Willy's preemptive attack on Bosnia? Obama's preemptive attack on Libya?

How about for a teaching moment you look at JFK's and LBJ's preemptive war in Vietnam. The Democrats can teach us a lot, can't they?
The greatest threat to world peace, is the American ruling class and this has been so for decades. Sadly the vast majority of Americans, don't know this.

JFK tried to put a stop to this and he was murdered in broad day light.

Duh, JFK = bay of pigs. Are you actually as stupid as your posts indicate?
Clearly you are uninformed.

JFK was working covertly with both Khrushchev and Castro, to end the Cold War when he was murdered. You might want to listen to his greatest speech. Sometimes referred to as the Peace Speech, given at American University.

You should feel very bad and embarrassed for not knowing this.

The greatest threat to world peace, is the American ruling class and this has been so for decades. Sadly the vast majority of Americans, don't know this.

JFK tried to put a stop to this and he was murdered in broad day light.

You are a confused and delusional Libtard, aren't you?

First of all JFK was the "ruling class" of America.

Second of all the sonofabitch sent troops to Sought Vietnam as an interventionist policy. He didn't try to stop jack shit and then that Democrat nitwit LBJ (JFK's VP) escalated the war. A Democrat war if there ever was one.

If you want to do some crazy ass speculation about JFK being murdered remember that he was on his way to give a speech in Dallas to recommend a further cut in income taxes. Maybe the greedy big government assholes had him whacked.

Actually the guy that killed him in broad daylight was a Communist so there goes you stupid uneducated speculation.

By the way, the ruling class has started almost every war in the history of humanity. What else is new? The ruling class of the old Soviet Union and China killed many more millions of people than America ever has.

You really are ignorant, aren't you?
Good Lord...that is really dumb. I have posted here for years and there is no way anyone paying attention, would ever call me a libtard. But coming from, I take that as a badge of honor.


Please take the quote to heart:
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. Mark Twain

Duh, JFK = bay of pigs. Are you actually as stupid as your posts indicate?

JFK authorized the Bay of Pigs and then was too chickenshit to follow through on it. Typical incompetent Democrat leadership. We see it in every Democrat administration, don't we?

Your post reflects poorly on you. It means you are a dumb person. You are uninformed. Get informed before posting.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

The greatest threat to world peace, is the American ruling class and this has been so for decades. Sadly the vast majority of Americans, don't know this.

JFK tried to put a stop to this and he was murdered in broad day light.

You are a confused and delusional Libtard, aren't you?

First of all JFK was the "ruling class" of America.

Second of all the sonofabitch sent troops to Sought Vietnam as an interventionist policy. He didn't try to stop jack shit and then that Democrat nitwit LBJ (JFK's VP) escalated the war. A Democrat war if there ever was one.

If you want to do some crazy ass speculation about JFK being murdered remember that he was on his way to give a speech in Dallas to recommend a further cut in income taxes. Maybe the greedy big government assholes had him whacked.

Actually the guy that killed him in broad daylight was a Communist so there goes you stupid uneducated speculation.

By the way, the ruling class has started almost every war in the history of humanity. What else is new? The ruling class of the old Soviet Union and China killed many more millions of people than America ever has.

You really are ignorant, aren't you?
Good Lord...that is really dumb. I have posted here for years and there is no way anyone paying attention, would ever call me a libtard. But coming from, I take that as a badge of honor.


Please take the quote to heart:
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. Mark Twain

If you don't want to be called a Liberal then stop posting Liberal bullshit.

Duh, JFK = bay of pigs. Are you actually as stupid as your posts indicate?

JFK authorized the Bay of Pigs and then was too chickenshit to follow through on it. Typical incompetent Democrat leadership. We see it in every Democrat administration, don't we?

Your post reflects poorly on you. It means you are a dumb person. You are uninformed. Get informed before posting.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

For you not to understand that JFK was the Commander in Chief that authorized US military and intelligence assets for the Bay of Pigs invasion and then not to provide the necessary air support or other support shows tremendous ignorance on your part.

JFK was a first rate chickenshit asshole in many ways. Not having the courage to follow through with support for the Cuban effort to liberate Cuba from the Castro regime is almost as bad as his interventionism in Vietnam.

Duh, JFK = bay of pigs. Are you actually as stupid as your posts indicate?

JFK authorized the Bay of Pigs and then was too chickenshit to follow through on it. Typical incompetent Democrat leadership. We see it in every Democrat administration, don't we?

Let's say I promise to fix your porch for $1,000. You question the low estimate, but I promise, I give you my solemn promise that it will happen for that price. You approve the work, but tell me that there won't be any more money if I got over. We agree to the work, and the terms.

I put in braces and remove the posts holding up the roof. Then I tell you that there is no way that I can finish the job for $1,000 after all, you'll have to come up with another $2,000. What do you say?

That's what happened. The CIA and Pentagorn hoped to trick JFK into approving something that he told them flatly no when they came to him asking to carry out this effort that had begun under Eisenhower. JFK told them flatly he wasn't sure they could pull it off, and they alluded to additional support, JFK said no. The people in charge promised him they could make it work.

They got the braces in, and cut the posts, and then said they needed more, a lot more, a direct military intervention that would possibly trigger World War III. The question about this was posed, what will the Russians do if we invade Cuba? The answer the the Generals and CIA was, we don't think they are that stupid. The Generals were perfectly happy to gamble with World War III, and because of the Bay of Pigs debacle, triggered the Cuban Missile Crisis.

There again, if the Military had their way, then most of the South Eastern Seaboard would not be here. At least not in a habitable state. That is if the Soviets didn't respond by massive nuclear attack in retaliation. I personally think they might have been just that stupid.

Did you know the Submarines we were chasing all over the Atlantic were supposed to fire their nuclear tipped torpedoes at the Americans if they were forced to the surface during the Cuban Missile Crisis. What would we do if a Nuclear warhead was used ot incinerate a couple of our ships? What could we do?

Thank whatever deity you want that the Bay of Pigs failed. Thank whatever you believe in that Kennedy was smart enough to avoid an invasion of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis, because local commanders had access to short range nuclear weapons intended to be used to oppose forced entry beach assaults. In other words the Marines would have died in a tiny little sun that burst over the beach.

All it cost Kennedy to avoid this disaster was two things. 1) His promise that we would never again attempt to invade Cuba. 2) Removal of the intermediate range nuclear weapons from Turkey, the ones we were going to remove anyway. So we avoid Nuclear war by leaving the government in place that a vast majority of the people who live under it support, and we remove missiles that were obsolete, and we were moving anyway.

Tell me again how he was wrong? Because I just don't see it.
Whoever was responsible, the Bay of Pigs was a ridiculously stupid move.

Bosnia was not an illegal invasion.

Vietnam was also not an invasion, nor even a declared war; South Vietnam welcomed American aid.

Iraq was illegal, immoral, unnecessary and totally foolhardy. It ruined American diplomatique capital, needlessly destabilized the region, wasted vast amounts of life and treasure, and hardened the already insidieuse polarization of America. Worse, it limited U.S. military options worldwide. America was sorely weakened by the malfaisance of that watch.

The only thing remotely constructive that can be done in Korea is to get the Chinese to do it. Whatever it takes, that is what it has to be. Anything else invites horrific disaster.
...and Truman was most certainly a war criminal and a liar.

He most certainly was not. His actions, while horrific, ended a war that would have certainly resulted in even thousands more dying than did by dropping the bomb.

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