Will Trump get.......

Trump will get the Bernies, too. Too many young people with college diplomas and no jobs. Hitlery talks about being nice and luvy-duvy. Trump is talking about bringing companies back home and and fixing the trade deficit. Trump wins - HUGE.

If they are smart enough to have a diploma, they are smart enough to see that T-rump is full of shit.

Who do you think would be better?

Kasich, but he's too sane to get the republican nomination unless he's the one appointed in the contested convention.

Thing about him.........and I do NOT hate him......he is establishment GOP. They are terrified that they might lose something that is going in their pockets. Hence the hysteria.
Trump will get the Bernies, too. Too many young people with college diplomas and no jobs. Hitlery talks about being nice and luvy-duvy. Trump is talking about bringing companies back home and and fixing the trade deficit. Trump wins - HUGE.

If they are smart enough to have a diploma, they are smart enough to see that T-rump is full of shit.

Who do you think would be better?

Kasich, but he's too sane to get the republican nomination unless he's the one appointed in the contested convention.

Thing about him.........and I do NOT hate him......he is establishment GOP. They are terrified that they might lose something that is going in their pockets. Hence the hysteria.

Hysteria is all they have.
Trump will get the Bernies, too. Too many young people with college diplomas and no jobs. Hitlery talks about being nice and luvy-duvy. Trump is talking about bringing companies back home and and fixing the trade deficit. Trump wins - HUGE.

If they are smart enough to have a diploma, they are smart enough to see that T-rump is full of shit.

Who do you think would be better?

Kasich, but he's too sane to get the republican nomination unless he's the one appointed in the contested convention.

Thing about him.........and I do NOT hate him......he is establishment GOP. They are terrified that they might lose something that is going in their pockets. Hence the hysteria.

Hysteria is all they have.

For now I agree.
No hysteria.

Kasich will drop out within three weeks.

He too will run out of money, and decide the effort is not worth it.

Plus the media will forget about him in the coming days, and he will not be favored in any polls.

People don't vote for those loosing, and any support Kasich did have will fall to either Trump or Cruz.

If Kasich was going to make a mark , he should have done it early in the election. Voting this late in the game is like betting, and why would anyone want to bet on a looser ?

He could pull out of the slump he is in..... It is possible. But I doubt it.

Conservative moderates will have to make a choice. Trump or Cruz .

Shadow 355
Trump will get the Bernies, too. Too many young people with college diplomas and no jobs. Hitlery talks about being nice and luvy-duvy. Trump is talking about bringing companies back home and and fixing the trade deficit. Trump wins - HUGE.

When they support Bernie, they are lazy bums looking for free shit. If they support Trump, they will suddenly turn into bold, job seeking patriots.

Awesome. Go Trump!!
Rubio supporters?

Rubio supporters were apparently holocaust survivors who like short gay guys.

I think the upper middle class and upper class Rubio folks will back Donald Trump.

Who knows or cares.

It won't be long before Kasich falls, then it will be between Cruz and Trump .

Kasich is total fail, except for ZOG folks who are trying to stop The Donald.

IDid Rubio drop out because he is low in campaign funding? Hmmmm?

Winning only racist non white demographics and losing his home state in a landslide might have something to do with it.

If Rubio was serious about Trump not becoming President , he could have stayed in the race to steal votes.

Little Marco did what his zionist masters told him to do. The American people did not buy the bullshit.

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